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The paper extends the notion of postdetection switched combining introduced by the authors to M-ary orthogonal modulation (Alouini and Simon, ibid., p.1591-1602, 2003) and proceeds to analyze and evaluate its average bit-error rate performance for the dual-branch case. The particular variation chosen for the switching strategy uses a different model than that previously used for the binary case and although it results in a slightly poorer performance, it nevertheless outperforms conventional (predetection) switched combining for all values of M. Results are obtained for a variety of popular channel models including Rayleigh, Rician, and Nakagami-m fading. Because of its relative simplicity of implementation, the proposed scheme once again offers a very attractive low-complexity solution for mitigating the deleterious effects of multipath fading. 相似文献
It is shown that reverberation noise for primary acoustic scattering in the ocean has an integral representation and that a canonical model for its analysis can be found. Exact values of error rates for M-ary noncoherent FSK for correlation receivers in such noise are given. Comparison with the well known Gaussian case is also made. 相似文献
M-ary FSK transmission with square law combining over frequency non-selective m-distributed Nakagami fading with arbitrary m is studied. A closed form of the symbol error probability is derived and is verified by simulation to be accurate 相似文献
Yeon Kyoon Jeong Kwang Bok Lee 《Communications, IEEE Transactions on》2000,48(12):1983-1986
Performance analysis schemes for wide-band M-ary frequency-shift keying systems with a limiter-discriminator-integrator receiver are presented along with analysis and simulation results for 4-ary and 8-ary systems. The probability distribution of clicks is required for performance analysis and is determined for Rayleigh fading channels 相似文献
The exact expression of symbol error rate (SER) is derived for coherent square M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (M-QAM) using Lth order maximal-ratio combining (MRC) diversity in Rician fading channels with an arbitrary fading parameter. The accuracy of the SER estimates evaluated by this expression is verified through comparison with the results evaluated by numerical integration. 相似文献
Postdetection combining is a popular means to improve the bit error performance of DPSK and noncoherent FSK (NFSK) systems over fading channels. Nevertheless, the error performance of such systems in an arbitrarily correlated Nakagami environment is not available in the literature. The difficulty arises from inherent nonlinearity in noncoherent detection and from attempts to determine explicitly the probability density function of the total signal-to-noise ratio at the combiner output. We directly determine the error probability from the characteristic function of decision variables, resulting in closed-form solutions involving matrix differentiation. The performance calculation is further simplified by developing a recursive technique. The theory is illustrated by analyzing two feasible antenna arrays used in base stations for diversity reception, ending up with some findings of interest to system design 相似文献
The performance of a DS/CDMA system using M-ary orthogonal modulation with noncoherent demodulation is evaluated. The system operates in a multipath fading channel. A RAKE receiver structure with equal gain combining is used for demodulation. An approximation to the bit error probability is given which depends only on the first- and second-order moments of the multipath energies. The analysis results are compared with the results from computer simulations. It is seen that the approximation is accurate for multipath energies with realistic coefficient of variation. The system performance is also evaluated in terms of the capacity, which is defined as the number of users that can be supported at a given bit error probability. The approximation is used to evaluate the capacity reductions due to power variations caused by multipath fading 相似文献
A new expression for the symbol error probability (SER) of M-ary DPSK in fast Rician fading, lognormal shadowing and Gaussian noise is derived. New SER curves are computed and the effects of K factor, fading bandwidth and shadowing spread on the error probability are analysed and discussed 相似文献
We derive an expression for the error probability of M-ary differential phase shift keying with differential phase detection and of M-ary frequency shift keying with limiter discriminator integrator detection which is valid for Rician. Rayleigh and Gaussian channels. 相似文献
M-ary frequency shift keying (MFSK) is a power-efficient modulation method that is useful for low power and low data rate applications. The power efficiency of this modulation method increases as the signal alphabet increases at the expense of increased complexity and reduced bandwidth efficiency. We present an analysis of its uncoded and coded performance in Rician-fading channels using noncoherent demodulation with Reed-Solomon (RS) codes and hard decision decoding. Previous numerical difficulties encountered in determining the performance of large alphabet sizes are circumvented by the analysis presented, and the results obtained are used to quantify performance gains that can be realized by expanding the modulation's alphabet size. Optimum RS codes for hard decision decoding are determined using bit error probability as performance measure for a wide range of Rician channel parameters. The results of this paper should be useful as benchmarks of obtainable performance and as a reference for validating the results of simulation studies 相似文献
This letter presents an analytical model for evaluating the bit error rate (BER) of a direct sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) system, with M-ary orthogonal modulation and noncoherent detection, employing an array antenna operating in a Nakagami fading environment. An expression of the signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) at the output of the receiver is derived, which allows the BER to be evaluated using a closed form expression. The analytical model is validated by comparing the obtained results with simulation results. 相似文献
Noncoherent diversity reception of M-ary frequency-shift keying (MFSK) signals becomes increasingly important due to its widespread use in wireless communications. Its error performance analysis, however, is not available in the literature except for the simple case using binary modulation. We address the problem directly based on the decision variables, ending up with closed-form solutions to both conditional and average error probabilities for a general noncoherent MFSK diversity system operating on Rayleigh, Rician, and Nakagami fading channels. The solutions involve some higher order derivatives, and efficient recursive algorithms have been derived for their calculation. The solutions are very general permitting arbitrary diversity order, symbol size, channel parameters, and antenna-array covariance matrix. Numerical examples are also presented for illustration 相似文献
A noncoherent, bandwidth-efficient modulation scheme is proposed for frequency-hopping multiple-access (FH-MA) networks. The proposed scheme is a combination of noncoherent M-ary amplitude-shift keying (NMASK) and orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM). Using this scheme minimizes the required data bandwidth. The number of frequency slots available to the users increases significantly for a fixed spread-spectrum bandwidth (BW/sub SS/). The effect of the multiple-access interference is reduced. Simple and accurate bit error rate expressions have been derived for FH-OFDM-MASK in additive white Gaussian noise channels and for FH-OFDM-ASK in Rayleigh fading channels. 相似文献
Average symbol error rate (ASER) of an equal gain combining (EGC) receiver with an arbitrary number of branches in exponentially correlated, Nakagami-m fading channels has been derived for binary, differential phase-shift keying (DPSK) and noncoherent frequency-shift keying (NCFSK) modulations. A Parseval's theorem based approach has been used. Numerical and simulation results have been found to be in close agreement. Results show that for a given ASER, as expected, exponentially correlated fading requires a higher SNR with respect to independent fading. For a given number of branches L, increase in SNR required (SNR penalty) with respect to independent fading is less for higher values of fading parameter m while for a given m, SNR penalty is more for higher L 相似文献
Linearly time-varying fading models are used to investigate noncoherent detection of frequency shift keying (FSK) signals transmitted over frequency-flat fading channels. The structure of the optimal noncoherent FSK detector is derived and a novel analytical technique is proposed to compute the error performance of noncoherent FSK detectors in fast fading. Error performance results obtained by computer simulation are in excellent agreement with the analytical predictions 相似文献
We derive an equation for the error probability ofM -ary frequency shift keying with a limiter-discriminator-integrator detector in the presence of narrow-band filters in the transmitter and receiver. We present numerical results for the case of quaternary symbols, wide-band transmitter filter, and Butterworth filter in the receiver with 2, 3, and 4 poles. We optimize the sampling time and threshold setting for various values of filter bandwidth. We show the sensitivity of the error probability to errors in sampling time and threshold setting. 相似文献
Exact integral expressions are derived for calculating the symbol-error rate (SER) of multilevel quadrature amplitude modulation (MQAM) in conjunction with L-fold antenna diversity on arbitrary Nakagami fading channel. Both maximal-ratio combining (MRC) (in independent and correlated fading) and equal-gain combining (EGC) predetection (in independent fading) diversity techniques have been considered. Exact closed-form SER expressions for two restricted Nakagami fading cases (MRC reception) are also derived. An exact analysis of EGC for MQAM has not been reported previously, despite its practical interest. Remarkably, the exact SER integrals can also be replaced by a finite-series approximation formula. A useful procedure for computing the confluent hypergeometric series is also presented 相似文献
This paper presents the performance analysis and simulation of a multicode direct-sequence code-division multiple-access system with noncoherent M-ary modulation, in a multipath fading environment. This type of transceiver is specified for the reverse link of the IS-95B and cdma2000 (radio configurations 1 and 2) systems and is intended to serve high-rate applications such as data transfer and video communications. While previous studies considered the analytical error performance of coherent multicode systems, little attention has been devoted in the literature to the noncoherent case. We provide concise and useful expressions for the interference terms as a function of the commonly used aperiodic cross correlation functions. After a statistical characterization of these terms, we make use of the Gaussian approximation (GA) in order to obtain the bit-error rate (BER). However, unlike some other analyses (for coherent detection) relying on the GA, in our derivation, we take into account the fact that all the codes transmitted by a mobile user fade in unison. As demonstrated via computer simulations, this fact is crucial to obtain a reliable estimate of the BER, especially when equal-gain combining (EGC) is used at the receiver. The analysis is also extended to include a simple closed-loop power control algorithm and hard handoff between multiple cells. In particular, we verify-for the multicode case-previous observations that the use of EGC allows improvement only for a certain range of values of the total interference seen at the receiver: When either the number of interfering users is too large, or too many codes are assigned to the high-rate user, the noncoherent combining loss becomes such that the use of many diversity branches can decrease the performance as compared to a system with little or no diversity. 相似文献
A formula for the symbol error probability is derived which applies to differential detection ofM -ary phase-shift keying (MDPSK) in fast Rician fading and white Gaussiau noise. This formula is an extension of a result already known for MDPSK in Gaussian noise interference. 相似文献
The error probability performance ofM -ary noncoherent frequency-shift-keying (NCFSK) digital systems when under the influence of continuous wave (CW) interference is determined. Exact expressions are derived in terms of the signal-to-noise and the signal-to-interference ratios. Numerical results are given for quarternary and octonary NCFSK with the signal-signal-to-interference ratio as a parameter. 相似文献