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Thrombin-activable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) is a recently described plasma zymogen that can be activated by thrombin to an enzyme with carboxypeptidase B-like activity. The enzyme, TAFIa, potently attentuates fibrinolysis. TAFI activation, like protein C activation, is augmented about 1250-fold by thrombomodulin (TM). In this work, the effects of both soluble and cellular forms of TM on TAFI activation-dependent suppression of fibrinolysis were investigated. Soluble TM included in clots formed from purified components, barium citrate-adsorbed plasma, or normal human plasma maximally increased the tissue plasminogen activator-induced lysis time 2-3-fold, with saturation occurring at 5, 10, and 1 nM TM in the three respective systems. Soluble TM did not effect lysis in the system of purified components lacking TAFI or in plasmas immunodepleted of TAFI. In addition, the antifibrinolytic effect of TM was negated by monoclonal antibodies against either TAFI or TM. The inhibition of fibrinolysis by cellular TM was assessed by forming clots in dialyzed, barium citrate-adsorbed, or normal plasma over cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Tissue plasminogen activator-induced lysis time was increased 2-fold, with both plasmas, in the presence of HUVECs. The antifibrinolytic effect of HUVECs was abolished 66% by specific anti-TAFI or anti-TM monoclonal antibodies. A newly developed functional assay demonstrated that HUVECs potentiate the thrombin-catalyzed, TM-dependent formation of activated TAFI. Thus, endothelial cell TM, in vitro at least, appears to participate in the regulation of not only coagulation but also fibrinolysis.  相似文献   

TAFI (thrombin-activable fibrinolysis inhibitor) is a recently described plasma zymogen that, when exposed to the thrombin-thrombomodulin complex, is converted by proteolysis at Arg92 to a basic carboxypeptidase that inhibits fibrinolysis (TAFIa). The studies described here were undertaken to elucidate the molecular basis for the inhibition of fibrinolysis. When TAFIa is included in a clot undergoing fibrinolysis induced by tissue plasminogen activator and plasminogen, the time to achieve lysis is prolonged, and free arginine and lysine are released over time. In addition, TAFIa prevents a 2.5-fold increase in the rate constant for plasminogen activation which occurs when fibrin is modified by plasmin in the early course of fibrin degradation. The effect is specific for the Glu- form of plasminogen. TAFIa prevents or at least attenuates positive feedback expressed through Lys-plasminogen formation during the process of fibrinolysis initiated by tissue plasminogen activator and plasminogen. TAFIa also inhibits plasmin activity in a clot and prolongs fibrinolysis initiated with plasmin. We conclude that TAFIa suppresses fibrinolysis by removing COOH-terminal lysine and arginine residues from fibrin, thereby reducing its cofactor functions in both plasminogen activation and the positive feedback conversion of Glu-plasminogen to Lys-plasminogen. At relatively elevated concentrations, it also directly inhibits plasmin.  相似文献   

Versican is a highly expressed proteoglycan in zones of developing tissues. To investigate whether versican plays a role in cell differentiation, we studied its role in mesenchymal condensation and chondrogenesis. Here we report that a mini-versican gene product inhibits mesenchymal chondrogenesis but not condensation. The mini-versican-treated mesenchymal cultures form fewer, smaller cartilaginous nodules and produced lower levels of link protein and type II collagen. The versican G3 domain alone, but not G1, was sufficient to inhibit mesenchymal chondrogenesis. Deletion of two epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like motifs in the G3 domain abolished the effect of versican. The G3 domain of aggrecan, which does not contain an EGF-like motif, did not inhibit mesenchymal chondrogenesis. We also generated a chimera construct containing the two EGF-like motifs of versican and the G3 domain of aggrecan, and we observed that this chimera construct inhibited chondrogenesis to a lesser extent than did the full-length versican G3 construct. Direct transfection of mesenchymal cells with different constructs produced similar results. Furthermore, treatment with versican antisense oligonucleotides and transfection with a versican antisense construct promoted chondrogenesis. Taken together, our results strongly suggest that versican inhibits mesenchymal chondrogenesis via its EGF-like motifs.  相似文献   

We investigated the mechanisms responsible for severe factor VII (FVII) deficiency in homozygous Italian patients with either Gly97Cys or Gln100Arg mutations in the second epidermal growth factor domain of FVII. Transient expression of complementary DNA coding for the mutations in COS-1 cells showed impaired secretion of the mutant molecules. Using stably transfected Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, we performed pulse-chase labeling studies, immunohistochemistry, and experiments with inhibitors of protein degradation, showing that FVII-Cys97 did not accumulate intracellularly but was degraded in a pre-Golgi, nonlysosomal compartment by a cysteine protease. In stably transfected CHO cells expressing FVII-Arg100, the level of intracellular FVII was not increased by several inhibitors of protein degradation, but FVII-Arg100 was retained in the endoplasmic reticulum for a longer period of time than wild-type FVII. FVII-Arg100 had a lower apparent molecular weight than did wild-type FVII under nondenaturing conditions, which is attributable to misfolding due to abnormal disulfide bond formation.  相似文献   

Heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor (HB-EGF) is a recently described member of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) family. It binds to heparan sulfate proteoglycans via a cationic domain and is a potent mitogen for epithelial cells, fibroblasts and vascular smooth muscle cells. In the present study we have attempted to identify changes in quantity and distribution of HB-EGF in two models of acute glomerular epithelial cell injury, using Western blotting, immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. Prior to disease induction, Western blots showed some expression of HB-EGF protein within glomeruli. Within the first three days in the acute puromycin aminonucleoside (PAN) and passive Heymann nephritis (PHN) models, immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization demonstrated an up-regulation of HB-EGF mRNA and protein in glomerular epithelial cells (GEC). In both cases, increased protein and mRNA was found prior to the onset of proteinuria and continued until day 21 post-induction, the last time point studied. Early in the course of the models, HB-EGF was localized to the cytoplasm of glomerular epithelial cells. At day 21, however, HB-EGF protein was distributed in a nodular pattern within GEC and along the glomerular basement membrane (GBM) in both models, suggesting that the secreted form might bind to the membrane. The increase in HB-EGF protein within glomeruli was confirmed by Western blots of glomerular membrane protein which, however, demonstrated a single 29 kDa species, consistent with the transmembrane form. These data are not consistent with binding of the secreted form of HB-EGF to the GBM. The transmembrane form of HB-EGF is able to signal in a juxtracrine fashion, so increased expression of HB-EGF mRNA and protein by GEC might contribute to the genesis of proteinuria through the initiation of abortive GEC mitogenesis.  相似文献   

Heparin-binding epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like growth factor is a 22-kDa glycoprotein that was originally identified as a secreted product of cultured human macrophages. Although the growth factor mRNA has been identified in various cells and tissues, the tissue distribution of the protein itself has rarely been demonstrated. In this study, the EGF-like growth factor was detected immunohistochemically in a variety of human skin samples by indirect immunofluorescence using a polyclonal rabbit antiserum raised against residues 26-41 of mature heparin-binding EGF. The keratinocytes of a variety of epithelium-derived structures demonstrated reproducible, specific staining for the EGF. In normal tissues, this staining was prominent in the basal cells of the epidermis and in the epithelial cells lining epidermal appendages such as hair follicles, sebaceous sweat glands and eccrine sweat glands. In addition, specific staining was detected in skin cancers derived from the basal epithelial cell layer, including basal and squamous cell carcinomas of the skin, with no staining detected in melanoma specimens. Immunoreactive heparin-binding EGF was characteristically associated with the surface of cells. With minor exceptions, the immunoreactive sites are identical to the known EGF receptor distribution in the skin, and suggest that keratinocyte-derived heparin-binding EGF may act in concert with other EGF family members in processes such as skin morphogenesis and wound repair, as well as in the development of skin cancers.  相似文献   

Mutation of the p53 tumor suppressor gene is the most common genetic alteration in human cancer, and tumors that express mutant p53 may be more aggressive and have a worse prognosis than p53-null cancers. Mutant p53 enhances tumorigenicity in the absence of a transdominant negative mechanism, and this tumor-promoting activity correlates with its ability to transactivate reporter genes in transient transfection assays. However, the mechanism by which mutant p53 functions in transactivation and its endogenous cellular targets that promote tumorigenicity are unknown. Here we report that (i) mutant p53 can regulate the expression of the endogenous c-myc gene and is a potent activator of the c-myc promoter; (ii) the region of mutant p53 responsiveness in the c-myc gene has been mapped to the 3' end of exon 1; (iii) the mutant p53 response region is position and orientation dependent and therefore does not function as an enhancer; and (iv) transactivation by mutant p53 requires the C terminus, which is not essential for wild-type p53 transactivation. These data suggest that it may be possible to selectively inhibit mutant p53 gain of function and consequently reduce the tumorigenic potential of cancer cells. A possible mechanism for transactivation of the c-myc gene by mutant p53 is proposed.  相似文献   

Human protein S (PS) potentiates the anticoagulant activity of human but not bovine activated protein C (APC), whereas bovine PS is a cofactor to APC from both species. The structural requirements for the specificity of the APC cofactor function of human PS are located in its thrombin-sensitive region (TSR) and the first epidermal growth factor (EGF1)-like module. To elucidate which residues in these two modules determine the specificity of the APC cofactor activity, 41 human PS mutants were expressed. All mutants were cofactors to human APC and some also to bovine APC. Residues in TSR (positions 49 and 52) and EGF1 (residues 97 and 106) together determined the specificity of the APC cofactor function, whereas substitution of individual residues did not change specificity. Bovine PS, and mutants expressing cofactor activity to bovine APC, stimulated phospholipid binding of bovine APC. In contrast, human PS and mutants lacking cofactor activity to bovine APC failed to support binding of bovine APC to phospholipids. These data indicate that residues in TSR and EGF1 cause the specificity of the APC cofactor activity and support the concept that key residues in these two modules interact with APC on the phospholipid surface.  相似文献   

MA Helmrath  CE Shin  CR Erwin  BW Warner 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,33(7):980-4; discussion 984-5
BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: Intestinal adaptation after massive small bowel resection (SBR) is augmented by epidermal growth factor (EGF) via an unknown mechanism. We recently have observed that EGF increases the expression of EGF receptor mRNA and protein content in the remnant ileum after SBR. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the magnitude of EGF-induced receptor expression correlates with intestinal adaptation. METHODS: A 50% proximal SBR or sham operation (bowel transection with reanastomosis) was performed on male ICR mice. Animals from each group were then selected randomly to receive either human recombinant EGF (150 microg/kg/d) or saline by twice daily intraperitoneal injections. The remnant ileum was harvested at 1 week, and parameters of adaptation measured as changes in protein content. Ileal EGF receptor mRNA was quantitated using a ribonuclease protection assay. Changes in the expression ileal EGF receptor protein were determined by Western blot after immunoprecipitation. Comparisons of mean values between groups was performed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and a P value of less than .05 was considered significant. Values are presented as mean +/- SEM. RESULTS: EGF was mitogenic to the ileum after sham operation as monitored by increases in ileal protein content (2.21 +/- 0.002 mg/cm Sham v 2.97 +/- 0.25 mg/cm Sham +/- EGF; P < .05). After SBR, adaptation resulted in increased ileal protein content (4.45 +/- 0.27 mg/cm), which was substantially boosted by EGF (5.98 +/- 0.39 mg/cm; P < .05). No differences were detected in ileal EGF receptor mRNA or protein expression between Sham or SBR groups that did not receive EGF. However, EGF significantly enhanced the expression of ileal EGF receptor mRNA to an equal extent after both sham and SBR (approximately threefold). The magnitude of this increase in EGF receptor protein (four- to sixfold) was similar in both EGF groups as shown by Western blotting. CONCLUSIONS: Changes in ileal EGF receptor expression are not mandatory for adaptation to occur. EGF upregulates the expression of mRNA and protein for its own intestinal receptor in vivo. Because EGF-induced receptor expression was comparable after both SBR and Sham operation, the beneficial effect of EGF during adaptation is likely caused by other factors in addition to increased receptor expression.  相似文献   

Agouti-related protein (AGRP) is a homologue of the agouti gene product and, when overexpressed, promotes obesity. Like neuropeptide Y (NPY) messenger RNA (mRNA), AGRP mRNA is produced in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus and is elevated in leptin-deficient ob/ob and leptin-resistant db/db mice. These data suggest that AGRP mRNA might be affected by leptin and nutritional status in parallel with NPY mRNA. To test this hypothesis, we examined if AGRP mRNA would be, like NPY mRNA, inhibited by leptin injections and stimulated by fasting. AGRP mRNA was elevated in ob/ob mice about 5-fold compared with wild-type controls and was significantly inhibited by leptin treatment, as assessed by Northern blot analysis. In wild-type mice, AGRP mRNA was increased at least 13-fold by a 2-day fast, as assessed both by Northern blot analysis and in situ hybridization. In ad lib fed db/db mice, AGRP mRNA was elevated about 8-fold compared with ad lib fed wild-type controls, and was further increased by fasting in db/db mice. These data suggest that AGRP mRNA and NPY mRNA respond similarly to leptin and fasting.  相似文献   

A close relationship exists between adipocyte differentiation of stromal cells and their capacity to support hematopoiesis. The molecular basis for this is unknown. We have studied whether dlk, an epidermal growth factor-like molecule that intervenes in adipogenesis and fetal liver hematopoiesis, affects both stromal cell adipogenesis and B-cell lymphopoiesis in an established pre-B-cell culture system. Pre-B-cell cultures require both soluble interleukin-7 (IL-7) and interactions with stromal cells to promote cell growth and prevent B-cell maturation or apoptosis. We found that BALB/c 3T3 fibroblasts express dlk and function as stromal cells. Transfection of these cells with antisense dlk decreased dlk expression and increased insulin-induced adipocytic differentiation. When antisense transfectants were used as stroma, IL-7 was no longer required to support the growth of pre-B cells and prevent maturation or apoptosis. Antisense dlk transfectants of S10 stromal cells also promoted pre-B-cell growth in the absence of IL-7. These results show that modulation of dlk on stromal cells can influence their adipogenesis and the IL-7 requirements of the pre-B cells growing in contact with them. These results indicate that dlk influences differentiation signals directed both to the stromal cells and to the lymphocyte precursors, suggesting that dlk may play an important role in the bone marrow hematopoietic environment.  相似文献   

Phosphoinositides that are phosphorylated at the D3 position have been reported to activate an atypical, Ca2-independent protein kinase C (PKC) isoform designated PKC-zeta, and overexpression of this enzyme leads to monocytic differentiation. In this study, we cultured human HL-60 promyeloid cells with vitamin D3 and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), a 70-amino-acid peptide that activates phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase (PI 3-kinase) in murine promyeloid cells. Two days later, the proportion of cells differentiating into macrophages in serum-free medium, as assessed by expression of the alpha-subunit of the beta2 integrin CD11b, increased from 5 +/- 1% to 25 +/- 3%. Addition of IGF-I increased the proportion of cells differentiating into CD11b-positive macrophages to 78 +/- 5%. In the absence of vitamin D3, IGF-I did not induce expression of CD11b (6 +/- 1%). The IGF-I-promoted macrophage differentiation was blocked specifically by preincubation of HL-60 cells with a mAb (alphaIR3) directed against the IGF type I receptor. Similarly, pretreatment of cells with either alphaIR3 or an IGF-binding protein, IGFBP-3, led to a 75% inhibition of CD11b expression when cells were cultured with vitamin D3 in serum-containing medium. IGF-I, but not vitamin D3, caused a sevenfold increase in the enzymatic activity of both PI 3-kinase and atypical PKC-zeta. Inhibition of IGF-I-inducible PI 3-kinase with either wortmannin or LY294002 abrogated the IGF-I-induced activation of PKC-zeta and totally blocked the enhancement in macrophage differentiation caused by IGF-I. These data establish that PKC-zeta is a putative downstream target of PI 3-kinase that is activated during IGF-I-promoted macrophage differentiation.  相似文献   

Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) has been shown to be oncogenic in transfected NIH/3T3 cells overexpressing the enzyme from a heterologous promoter. These cells, designated as NODC-2 cells, acquire proliferative properties associated with tumorigenic transformation such as loss of contact inhibition, decreased population doubling time, anchorage-independent growth, and tumor production in nude mice. At least one of these parameters, loss of contact inhibition, remains dependent on elevated ODC levels. We have used these cells to investigate the molecular mechanisms by which ODC overexpression drives cell transformation and to examine the involvement of other proto-oncogene products in this process. An interaction between ODC overexpression and the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R) was suggested initially by the elevation of both basal (300%) and ligand-induced (457%) EGF-R tyrosine kinase activities in NODC-2 cells compared to similarly treated control NLK cells. Disruption of EGF-R mediated signal transduction in NODC-2 cells both by treatment with tyrphostin-25 or by transfection with a vector expressing a dominant negative EGF-R mutant resulted in reacquisition of contact-inhibited growth and suppression of anchorage-independent, clonogenic growth in soft agar. We conclude that ODC-induced transformation of NIH/3T3 cells is mediated, at least partly, by alterations in EGF-R signal transduction activity.  相似文献   

The Src family protein-tyrosine kinases are required for mitogenic signaling from the platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), colony stimulating factor-1, and epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor protein-tyrosine kinases (RPTK) (Twamley-Stein, G. M., Pepperkok, R., Ansorge, W., and Courtneidge, S. A. (1993) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 90, 7696-7700; Roche, S., Koegl, M., Barone, M. V., Roussel, M. F., and Courtneidge, S. A.(1995) Mol. Cell. Biol. 15, 1102-1109). In NIH3T3 fibroblasts, c-Src, Fyn, and c-Yes associate with the activated PDGF receptor, are substrates for receptor phosphorylation, and are themselves activated. Src family catalytic function is required for RPTK mitogenic signaling as evidenced by the SH2-dependent dominant negative phenotype exhibited by kinase-inactive Src and Fyn mutants (Twamley-Stein, G. M., Pepperkok, R., Ansorge, W., and Courtneidge, S. A.(1993) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 90, 7696-7700). Here, we have generated clonal Src- murine fibroblast cell lines overexpressing various murine c-Src mutants and studied the effect of these mutant Src proteins on PDGF- and EGF-induced mitogenesis. Two c-Src SH3 domain mutants, Y133F and Y138F, each inhibited PDGF BB- and EGF-induced DNA synthesis in quiescent cells. This demonstrates an involvement of the Src SH3 domain in PDGFbeta and EGF receptor mitogenic signaling. Since both Tyr-133 and Tyr-138 are located on the ligand binding surface of the SH3 domain, these results suggest that the c-Src SH3 domain is required for PDGF and EGF mitogenic signaling. The dominant negative effect of either single mutant on PDGF receptor signaling was reversed by a second SH2-inactivating mutation. We conclude that the c-Src SH3 domain function requires the SH2 domain in the case of the PDGF receptor, presumably because binding of c-Src to the receptor via its SH2 domain is a prerequisite for the SH3 domain function. In contrast, SH2 function is apparently not essential for the SH3 function in EGF receptor signaling.  相似文献   

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