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Cities and towns all have close connec-tions with areas around them.The coordination between cities andtowns forms a city-town network orcity-town system.Therefore,when studyingthe development of any city,we can not con-fine ourselves in the study of the city itself,  相似文献   

1 Background of the Project Tieling is emerging as part of the Bohai Sea business circle ring of Northeastern Asia. The city will be become the secondary business center in the Shenyang Economic Zone as well as a city famous for its culture and ecological landscape in  相似文献   

On the premise of meeting the basic demand for the diversity of activities,the planning of Fuxi park emphasizes that humanities are integrated with the nature and design are derived from living.With some skillful techniques,the design also integrates forest,water and other natural elements in the base,which focuses efforts on creating a new urban landscape of harmonious symbiosis between the nature and human.  相似文献   

In 1980, Giancarlo de Carlo wrote in the Perspecta: Yale Journal, "An Architecture of the Participation". Carlo, proposed a sequence of procedures: the problem definition, the solution and the results evaluation, in all the three steps, the social communities should be integrated in as part of a share and dynamic process. This text corresponds to a new way of understanding the importance of the social communities in the architecture definition. From de Carlo's text, the main goal of this paper is to present the results of an intervention in public space renewal of the Lagarteiro neighborhood (in Oporto city) and the relation of this process with the participation of the resident population. The urban context of Lagarteiro's neighborhood presented before the intervention the typical and classic signs of disqualification of environmental and urban peripheral areas of resettlement. The term "disadvantaged areas" is associated with these areas in urban or peri-urban case, was framed in a specific Portuguese policy, called Initiative Critical Neighborhoods. Being a recent intervention, the renewal of the public space in Lagarteiro is a complete case study that allows comprehending the participation phenomenon in nowadays, at the same time that seduces a reflexion about technical and architectural solutions for "critical" neighborhood.  相似文献   

Ecology and sustainability have produced new challenges to traditional argumentation in urban planning. In addition to the rhetorical approach informed by Perelman's ‘new rhetoric’, the recent changes can be analysed by using more traditional philosophical argumentation critique, which is also in line with recent developments in argumentation theory. The state of the art in planning is analysed in this article through a case study of an architectural competition for ‘ecological housing’ held in Helsinki in 1995. The analysis illustrates the way that environmentalism produces new discursive means of justification, but not necessarily new types of urban planning.  相似文献   

Facing the Qiongzhou Strait, Haikou is a coastaI city of the tropi-cal island with its unique features. Being the capital of the Iargest speciaIeconomic ione in China and the gateway to the outside worId, Haikouhave its unique image and environmental characteristics. The coastlineaIong the Qiongzhou Strait has gained good opportunity and geograPhi-cal advantages, incorporating oaturc with humanity, and thc past withthe future; which may best reflect the tropical coastal sceoery and thefeatures of opcning modern city. It is the starting point fOr buildiDg up agood city image of Haikou and aIso the leading role Played iD theenvironmental system of Haikou's tropical scenery. We thus suggestthat consideration be given tO both sccDery--making and scenery--view-ing while designing, the landscape fOr the littoral areas, where caD consti-tute an image to be euloyed,tropical, coastal and opening modern city;coastal green belt be established fOr tlle public recreation and the expres-sioD of tropical, coastaI feat  相似文献   

文章采用SD法评价了合肥市内的4所居住区景观,并将SD法所得的的相应数据进行综合性比对。  相似文献   

Discussion of public participation has lacked a comprehensive framework. This paper presents a multidimensional model of public participation with an institutional perspective, designed to facilitate case analysis and enable systematic comparison. The model has three main dimensions: structure, process and actions. Participation structures and processes include organisation, representation, consultation and legal-administrative channels; actions include information exchange and alternative planning. A pilot application of this model framed a case study of public participation in Israel, where objections and appeals are the main channel for public involvement, giving participation an adversarial connotation. Based on the case study, proposals are made for changes to Israeli legislation, practices, and public awareness. The conclusion discusses the model's methodological, policy and practice implications.  相似文献   

Debates on the urban form have become strongly polarized between the advocates and opponents of the compact and of the dispersed or “sprawled” city. In this paper we argue that this may be the result of an excessive concentration on the study of the American experience and the neglect of other urban contexts, and examine the recent process of urban growth against the background of urban compactness and extreme densification represented by the Barcelona Metropolitan Region (BMR). The comparison of two detailed land-cover maps of 1993 and 2000 shows a progressive transformation in the traditional urban character of the region. Lower urban densities, high losses of non-urban land covers, depopulation of the metropolitan inner core, an increasing importance of single housing or the expansion of transportation infrastructures confirm the generalization of the dispersed urban model. However, the presence of numerous medium sized towns has also proved to be a deterrent of excessive dispersion. In conclusion, polycentric metropolitan areas such as the BMR may be more adjusted to absorb the negative effects of dispersion than monocentric areas.  相似文献   

The current study aimed to investigate the quality of the interior architecture of the religious spaces regarding inducing the sense of spirituality with an emphasis on light. Thus, the authors introduced the best option by simulating the light intensity of the interior environment of the Nasir Al-Mulk Mosque, Shiraz, in software and developing a visual standard questionnaire with a statistical population including the experts. This research was a field, and survey study and computational software were used to simulate the light intensity of the interior environment of the mosque in the first part. Then, the researcher-made visual questionnaire was developed. Also, this questionnaire was sent to the experts online due to the current situations due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The statistical population was selected using the purposive sampling method from the universities of Iran, Malaysia, India, and Turkey, whose expertise was architecture, environmental psychology, and sacred arts.  相似文献   

Since 1980,sociologists and otherscentists have carried out a large amount ofresearch work on the issue of peasants whohave left their land.Most of them believethat the only way for China to realizemodernization is to allow its peasants to  相似文献   

This article discusses the "double environment" of the old city districts from the angleof settlement consciousness by analysing the survey conducted in Wang Jia Ma Tou sec-tion of Nanshi old district in Shanghai, and provides the basis for the planning and designfor the large-scaled renewal projects in old city.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to test the evidence for spatial assimilation and straight-line assimilation in the transition of leaving home in Denmark. Based on data from the extensive Danish registers, the paper analyses the home-leaving patterns of Danes, Turkish immigrants, Turkish descendants and Somali immigrants. Two main findings emerged. First, while spatial segregation patterns of home-leavers were clear, inter-generational mobility did take place, supporting the notion of straight-line assimilation. Second, inter-generational effects were identified. While there was no indication that parental socio-economic situation affected the spatial segregation of home-leavers, substantial effects were found for the share of ethnic minorities in the parental neighbourhood: the higher the share of ethnic minorities, the higher the hazard for moving to an ethnic neighbourhood and the lower the hazard for moving to a non-ethnic neighbourhood. Similarity in the patterns of natives and the ethnic minority groups indicates that the processes taking place might be about more than assimilation between generations.  相似文献   

According to ecological theory, the socioeconomic status of a minority group is inversely related to the group's level of residential segregation from the majority group. This article determines whether the level of black socioeconomic status is related to the level of black residential segregation in the city of Detroit and Detroit's suburbs. Data were obtained from the U.S. Bureau of Census, 1990 Summary Tape Files 4‐A. The methods employed to measure residential segregation were the indexes of dissimilarity D and isolation P*. Indexes were computed by census tract to measure segregation and isolation between blacks and whites at the same level of occupation, income, or education. The results revealed that residential segregation between blacks and whites remained high (i.e., above 50%) in both the city and the suburbs despite comparable socioeconomic status. Blacks in the suburbs were more segregated and isolated than blacks in the city at each socioeconomic level.  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which Chicago's Gautreaux residential mobility program affected children's residential attainment. Low-income black families voluntarily relocated into mostly white or mostly black city and suburban neighborhoods. The paper integrates quantitative and qualitative data collected eight to 22 years after participants' initial move into their placement neighborhoods. The primary programmatic goal of desegregation was accomplished; now-adult children's origin, placement and current neighborhoods average 85.6, 29.9 and 44.5 per cent black residents respectively. Now-adult children's residential mobility decisions have located them, on average, in ethnically integrated, low-poverty neighborhoods; children placed in mostly black, high-poverty neighborhoods and those placed in mostly white, low-poverty neighborhoods have relocated to ethnically balanced low- to moderate-poverty neighborhoods. Suburban placement was key in determining the level of children's initial relocation and current neighborhood quality. Now-adult children currently residing in suburban cities live in higher quality neighborhoods compared to those currently residing in Chicago.  相似文献   

The open space in Flanders is subjected to different transformation processes. These processes are related to dynamic interactions within an urbanizing society and to competition for space by an increasing number of functions. Despite the acknowledgement of dynamic land use demands, the current categorizations of land use and land cover are not always able to catch transformations related to e.g. newcomers in land use, ecosystem services and multifunctionality in mixed urban–rural areas. Remote sensing tools and census data are insufficient when studying a complex and intensively used space. This research therefore aims to identify underrated transformations in the study area Flanders (the northern part of Belgium) using two main sources: (i) open expert interviews and (ii) three case studies. The interviews serve to formulate a renewed framework that can be used to describe transformations in the open space. The transformation processes that emerge from the interviews and case studies are compared to those defined and recognized in the current spatial planning policy and in existing monitoring data, in order to identify bottlenecks and options for future spatial planning policy. The major conclusions of this paper are (i) a critical view on the analysis and categorization of functions and open space as it is currently practiced in land use monitoring and land use planning programs, (ii) additional data needs to encompass transformation processes in the open space and (iii) the need for a more integral vision for open space.  相似文献   

Since the Central Government approved GuangdongProvince to impIement special economic poIicies in l979, pro-moted by the refOrm and opening to the outside world,Guangzhou as an oPen city and Shenzhen and Zhuhai as spe-ciaI economic zones have undergone great changes and scoredsignificant achievements in their economic development andsocial life, which has attracted world--wide attention.Shenzhen, a fOrmer deserted town in the border and Zhuhai,a fOrmer poor fishing village and Guangzhou whose econo-my was staganating befOre the refOrm and opening up, sawvigorous economic development in the l980s. Now thegrowth rate of industry and of the GNP, and the export vol-ume and economic returns of these three cities have all reac-heh the advanced level of the hig cities in the country, andtheir economic power expanded tremendously. Having play-ed an important role as a" w'indow" both to home andabroad, they have now become lcading industrial bases inSouth China and serve as a bridge and important pivot tolink wi  相似文献   

From the PersPective of the systemsaPProaeh,the urban eeonomie functions re-fer to the role Played by the eeonomy of theeity in its surrounding areas.Beeause of different geograPhieal loeations,historiealeonditions,the various roles and funetionsof the eities in the national economy,theeeonomie funetions of a eity may be of sin-gle  相似文献   

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