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Proton beam micromachining (PBM) is a direct write lithographic technique that uses a focused beam of MeV protons to pattern a resist material. The most common resist material used in the PBM process is SU-8 which is usually spin coated onto various substrates. The method used to ensure that the correct dose is delivered to the sample during irradiation is Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS). There are however limitations to using the RBS signal for normalizing the dose in highly sensitive resist materials such as SU-8. The limited number of backscatter events means that normalizing the dose for every pixel is not possible. The secondary electron yield for SU-8 is at least an order of magnitude higher than that for backscattered ions. With an appropriate detector these signals can be essentially used for ion detection and thus used to accurately monitor ion dose. In this paper we investigate the secondary electron yield from SU-8 polymer resist layers of varying thickness on silicon. It is shown that the signals produced during MeV ion irradiation can be directly related to the ion dose and used for dose normalization during PBM.  相似文献   

基于Evanescent Wave吸收的光纤传感器灵敏度计算分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于Evanescent Wave 吸收的U形光纤传感器是比较便于实用推广,可被用于化学传感的新型传感器.对于U形光纤传感器的渐逝波穿透深度和灵敏度进行了计算与分析,并与普通直线传感器做了比较,具体讨论了影响U形传感器灵敏度的几何参数因素和灵敏度优化公式.  相似文献   

中性束质子比的高低对其注入等离子体后的加热效果具有重要的影响。实验中,强流离子源的灯丝电压、弧压、进气量等宏观运行参数决定了中性束质子比的大小。以东方超环中性束注入测试台束引出实验为基础,利用多元线性回归模型对引出中性束质子比进行分析,建立了影响中性束质子比的预测方程,并对该模型的正确性进行了检验。结果表明,中性束质子比可利用以灯丝电压和弧压为自变量的多元线性回归模型进行分析,灯丝电压是影响质子比的关键参数,弧压次之。  相似文献   

Many synthetic crystals used for chemical and industrial applications have special internal structures, e.g. nano-pores, which allow separating different gases and fluids. Ion beam analytical methods can be used to study the gas diffusion and absorption in these materials in situ and to visualize their inner surfaces which affect these processes. For this purpose, a small target chamber was constructed in PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate) using proton beam writing (PBW). This micro-fluidic structure enables the establishment of a defined atmosphere around a crystal and allows the simultaneous ion beam analysis. In order to confine the gas from the high vacuum in the measurement chamber Si3N4-windows of 200 nm thickness were thermally bonded to the structured PMMA block yielding a closed target chamber with the possibility to accomplish PIXE and RBS measurements. In addition, two capillaries were connected to the chamber for gas inlet and evacuation. First tests showed that the construction is leak-proof and allows to establish a defined atmosphere. After that, the Argon gas diffusion into Zn(tbip)-crystals was studied. These measurements have shown unexpectedly high nickel concentrations in the host crystal which reduces the Argon density in these areas after absorption, because the Ni atoms decrease the pore size by replacing Zn-atoms in the Zn(tbip)-lattice. It could be demonstrated that gas diffusion and absorption in organic crystals can be studied in situ with high lateral resolution using ion beam analysis in a dedicated target chamber machined by PBW.  相似文献   

质子单粒子效应实验研究和质子加速器研究中,质子束流强测量关系着实验结果的可靠性和准确性。法拉第筒、金硅面垒探测器、金刚石探测器等传统探测方法均为拦截式测量,无法实现束流的在线测量。本文用闪烁体薄膜在线监测质子束流强。质子束流穿过薄膜闪烁体,沉积部分能量使其发光,用光电倍增管收集光信号,从而得到束流的强度信息。通过质子与闪烁体材料相互作用的理论计算得到闪烁体材料对质子束流的响应关系。在北大2×6 MeV串列加速器上对3–10 MeV的质子束流进行了实验测量,验证了其响应关系。  相似文献   

Induced radionuclides generated from the probe which is bombarded by proton beam will turn the detector into a typical external irradiation radiation source. Thus, it is beneficial for developing radiation protection to calculate the types and the activities of radionuclides. Here we applied both a theoretical analysis and a Monte-Carlo method to compute the induced radioactivity in a copper probe irradiated by proton beam. Various kinds of radionuclides saturation activity obtained by these two different methods were compared. The comparisons of the results cast by the two methods show the similar saturation activities for 63Zn and 65Zn. However, the Monte-Carlo method conducted by the software FLUKA is able to provide a more complete consideration on nuclear reaction, and to calculate both the direct and indirect radioactivity under different irradiation time. Furthermore, by employing the FLUKA Monte-Carlo program, the induced radioactivity of three types of probe materials (Cu, Ta and W) under low-energy (below 20 MeV) proton beam irradiated were also separately simulated and tantalum is considered as the best material for low-energy proton interceptive diagnostics probe due to the higher energy threshold of nuclear reaction and the lower radioactivity.  相似文献   

This work gives a brief review of proton beam writing and electrochemical etching process for the fabrication of smooth optical devices in bulk silicon. Various types of structures such as silicon-on-oxidized porous silicon waveguides, waveguide grating and disk resonators have been produced. Optical characterization has been carried out on the waveguides for both TE and TM polarization using free space coupling at 1.55 μm. Various fabrication and processing parameters have been optimized in order to reduce the propagation loss to approximately 1 dB/cm. A surface smoothening technique based on controlled oxidation has also been used to achieve an RMS roughness better than 3 nm.  相似文献   

The graded energy deposition of heavy ion beam irradiation to polymeric materials was utilized to synthesize a novel proton exchange membrane (PEM) with the graded density of sulfonic acid groups toward the thickness direction. Stacked Poly(tetrafluoroethylene-co-hexafluoropropylene) (FEP) films were irradiated by Xe54+ ion beam with the energy of 6 MeV/u under a vacuum condition. The induced trapped radicals by the irradiation were measured by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. Irradiated films were grafted with styrene monomer and then sulfonated. X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy (XPS) spectra showed that the densities of sulfonic acid groups were controlled for injection “Surface” and transmit “Back” sides of the fabricated PEM. The membrane electrode assembly (MEA) fabricated by the function-graded PEM showed improved fuel cell performance in terms of voltage stability. It was expected that the function-graded PEM could control the graded concentration of sulfonic acid groups in PEM.  相似文献   

强脉冲离子束在金属中引起的应力波效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金属在强脉冲离子束辐照及其后的快速冷却过程中所经历的应力过程是强脉冲离子束金属材料改性的最重要的机制之一。对应于这种过程,金属材料的微观结构和微硬度发生了改变。本文以45#钢和纯铝为样品,将实验中测量到的不同强度的强脉冲辐照后样品微硬度和微观结构的变化与热力学计算所描述的热力学过程相对照,解释了出现微硬度双峰是由于应力波的形成和传播使然,并预言了由于应力波的在样品背面的反射,在较强能通量的强脉冲离子束辐照下样品背表面一定深度处也会出现微硬度增加的现象,该现象已被实验所证实。  相似文献   

In this study,we present a new method for the indirect integration of beam charges in external beam proton-induced X-ray emission and proton-induced c-ray emission(PIXE–PIGE) analysis.We recorded proton spectra backscattered by a Kapton film extraction window in different sample situations and under different beam currents.We also simulated backscattering spectra using the simulation of backscattering spectra program(SIMNRA).We determined that in a specific geometrical arrangement,different sample situations did not significantly affect factor C_Q(the ratio between integral backscattering proton counts and integral beam charges).We also studied the reproducibility and beam current dependence of factor C_Q.The statistic factor of C_Q was28.95 ± 0.6 kilo counts/l C,with a relative standard deviation of 2.0 %.Significantly,in external beam PIXE–PIGE analysis,we were able to calculate beam charge integration from the integral backscattering proton counts in an energy region.  相似文献   

The semiconductor characteristics of a non-conducting polyaniline pellet can be modified by implantation of low-energy protons, that is, the resistivity became less than 50 Ω cm by proton doping at the fluence rate and fluence of 4 × 1011 ions/cm2/s and 1 × 1015 ions/cm2, respectively. The resistivity increased with the increasing fluence rate of the protons. FT/IR spectra have shown that a new band resulted from the appearance of N+-H due to the proton implantation.  相似文献   

The coaxial surface wave linear plasma with preeminent axial uniformity is developed with the 2.45 GHz microwave generator. By optical emission spectroscopy, parameters of the argon linear plasma with a length over 600 mm are diagnosed under gas pressure of 30 and 50 Pa and different microwave powers. The spectral lines of argon and Hβ (486.1 nm) atoms in excited state are observed for estimating electron excitation temperature and electron density. Spectrum bands in 305–310 nm of diatomic OH (${{\rm{A}}}^{2}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}^{+}-{{\rm{X}}}^{2}{{\rm{\Pi }}}_{{\rm{i}}}$) radicals are used to determine the molecule rotational temperature. Finally, the axial uniformity of electron density and electron excitation temperature are analyzed emphatically under various conditions. The results prove the distinct optimization of compensation from dual powers input, which can narrow the uniform coefficient of electron density and electron excitation temperature by around 40% and 22% respectively. With the microwave power increasing, the axial uniformity of both electron density and electron excitation temperature performs better. Nevertheless, the fluctuation of electron density along the axial direction appeared with higher gas pressure. The axial uniformity of coaxial surface wave linear plasma could be controlled by pressure and power for a better utilization in material processing.  相似文献   

含氟磺酸型质子交换膜是一类具有高热稳定性、化学稳定性及良好机械性能的离子交换膜,具有极其广阔的应用前景。采用辐射法制备了一种含氟磺酸型质子交换膜,分别测试了该膜的抗拉强度、面电阻、吸碱率等物理化学性能,通过扫描电镜观察了其表面形貌并对其在质子交换膜燃料电池中的应用进行了初步研究。  相似文献   

In recent years the technique of proton beam writing has established itself as a versatile method for the creation of microstructures in resist materials. While these structures can be almost arbitrary in two dimensions, the creation of genuine 3D structures remains a challenge.At the LIPSION accelerator facility a new approach has been developed which combines aspects of ion beam tomography, so far solely an analysis method, with proton beam writing. Key element is the targeted irradiation from multiple angles in order to obtain a much broader range of 3D microstructures than has hitherto been possible.PMMA columns with a diameter of ∼90 μm were used as raw material and placed in an upright position on top of a rotational axis. Using 2.25 MeV protons patterns corresponding to the silhouettes of the desired structures were written from two or more directions. In a subsequent step of chemical etching irradiated portions were dissolved, leaving behind the finished 3D sculpture.Various objects have been created. For the demonstration of the method a 70 μm high model of the Eiffel tower has been sculpted by irradiation from two angles. Using irradiation from three angles a 40 μm wide screw with right-handed thread could be crafted which might find applications in micromachining. Also, a cage structure with a pore size of ca. 20 μm was written with the intention to use it as a scaffold for the growth of biological cells.  相似文献   

The absorbed dose to water is the reference physical quantity for the energy absorbed in tissue when exposed to beams of ionizing radiation in radiotherapy. The SI unit of absorbed dose to water is the gray (Gy = 1 J/kg). Ionization chambers are used as the dosimeters of choice in the clinical environment because they show a high reproducibility and are easy to use. However, ionization chambers have to be calibrated in order to convert the measured electrical charge into absorbed dose to water. In addition, protocols require these conversion factors to be SI traceable to a primary standard of absorbed dose to water. We present experimental results where the ionization chamber used for the dosimetry for the scanned proton beam facility at PSI is compared with the direct determination of absorbed dose to water from the METAS primary standard water calorimeter. The agreement of 3.2% of the dose values measured by the two techniques are within their respective statistical uncertainties.  相似文献   

The combination of PIXE, RBS and PIGE proves ideal for non-destructive overall analysis of reverse paintings on glass. Simultaneous PIXE–RBS studies assist to clarify the thin-layered pigment arrangements of details painted on the reverse of the glass pane. In a second measurement, the spectra of both PIGE–PIXE taken from the pure glass front side inform on the individual glass type. This complete perception of corresponding unique objects is important and valuable regarding the knowledge of special painting techniques and the necessity of preventive conservation.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the distribution pattern of mineral elements in lichen tissues, thin sections (15 μm) of the foliose, vagrant soil lichen Xanthoparmelia chlorochroa were examined using proton microprobe Particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE). This technique was used to make two-dimensional scans, with 5 μm resolution, across tissue cross sections of the test species. Element maps for Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, and As have been prepared. Several elements are strongly localized in the element maps. PIXE data are complimented with STIM, light micrographs, and SEM images. Preliminary data suggest that nuclear microprobe techniques may be useful in elucidating element absorption and transport mechanisms in lichens.  相似文献   

Microreactors are innovative and promising tools in technology nowadays because of their advantages compared to the conventional-scale reactors. These advantages include vast improvements in surface to volume ratio, energy efficiency, reaction speed and yield and increased control of reaction conditions, to name a few examples.The high resolution capability of the micromachining technique utilizing accelerated ion beams in the fabrication technology of microreactors has not yet been taken advantage of. In this work we present the design of a prototype micro-electrochemical cell of 1.5 μL volume (2.5 × 2.5 × 0.240 mm) created with a 3 MeV proton microbeam. The cell can be separated into two half-cells with a suitable membrane applicable to galvanic or fuel cells as well. We deposited gold electrodes on both of the half-cells.The operability of the device was demonstrated by electric current flow between the two electrodes in this micro-electrochemical cell containing a simple electrolyte solution. We used a polycapillary film to separate the two half-cells, hindering the mixing of the anolyte and catholyte solutions. As a result of the minimal mixing caused by the polycapillary film, this cell design can be suitable for electro-synthesis. Due to the high resolution of proton beam writing, it is planned to reduce the dimensions of this kind of microreactor.  相似文献   

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