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首先简要介绍了一种典型的分布式视频编码-Wyner-Ziv视频编码.然后对Wyner-Ziv视频编码中边信息进行理论分析,随后给出了基于加权MAD准则的边信息估计算法和基于先验概率约束的联合解码算法.实验仿真结果表明,采用本文解码优化策略,在编码端相同输出码率情况下,重建解码图像的PSNR比原始算法平均提高1.5dB.  相似文献   

一种空间域Wyner-Ziv视频编码系统的性能改进算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
干宗良  齐丽娜  朱秀昌 《电子学报》2007,35(10):2014-2018
分布式视频编码是建立在Slepian-Wolf和Wyner-Ziv信息编码理论基础上的全新视频编码框架,具有编码复杂度低,编码效率较高,抗误码性能好的特点.本文首先简单介绍了一种典型的分布式视频编码实现方案——空间域Wyner-Ziv视频编码,随后提出一种空间域Wyner-Ziv视频编码系统的性能改进算法,该算法在不增加编码复杂度的基础上,在解码端利用双向运动估计预测获取更高质量的边信息,同时采用基于Huber-Markov随机场约束的联合迭代解码算法重建图像.实验结果表明,在相同的输出码流情况下,本文改进算法在解码端重建图像的峰值信噪比与空间域Wyner-Ziv视频编码算法相比平均提高2dB,并且主观效果有所改善.  相似文献   

阐述了分布式视频编码中边信息的产生原理,介绍了几种主要的边信息产生方法,提出了一种新的算法,即基于对称运动矢量和hash码字的运动补偿内插法.最后,对不同的边信息产生方法进行了计算机仿真,仿真结果表明,提出的方法可明显提高边信息的精度.  相似文献   

在无反馈分布式视频编码系统中,提出了一种Wyner-Ziv帧的顽健重构算法。针对比特面解码错误带来的视频质量下降问题,对DC系数和AC系数使用不同重构方法,特别是对于解码失败的DC系数量化值,利用编码端原始图像的相关信息自适应地调整边信息量化值和解码失败量化值对重构的贡献,从而完成重构。实验结果表明,与最小均方误差重构算法相比,该算法可以有效提高解码视频的平均PSNR(peak signal-to-noise ratio),且解码视频图像的主观质量有明显改善。  相似文献   

张晓星 《光电子.激光》2010,(10):1536-1541
针对分布式视频编码(DVC)系统中固定周期关键帧选取(PKFS)方法忽视了帧间相关性的缺陷,提出了一种自适应关键帧选取(AKFS)算法。利用图像特征点检测与匹配的方法,将相邻图像的非匹配点作为帧间相关性的近似,把累积或平均非匹配点数超过阈值的帧判定为关键帧。在此基础上,提出改进的帧内插方案,以适应不同长度序列组的边信息生成;将零运动强度的关联帧合并为一帧图像参与编解码,进一步提高了系统的压缩效率。实验结果表明,对于不同运动特性的序列,本文提出的算法可以明显提升边信息帧的重建质量,使系统的率失真性能提高0.9~2.0 dB,并有效降低了编码传输码率。  相似文献   

为了减少分布式视频编码系统重建值与真实值之间误差,提出了基于变换域Wyner-Ziv视频编码最小均方误差(MMSE)重建的一种有效重建算法.该算法充分利用视频帧间相关性,对MMSE重建算法积分区间做出调整,当边信处于解码值对应量化区间之内时,在量化区闻内利用MMSE重建;当边信息处于解码值对应量化区间之外时,对量化区间做出调整,在改进后的区间利用MMSE重建.实验结果表明,与最佳重建最小均方误差重建算法相比,该算法可以有效提高解码视频的平均PSNR.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于块匹配模型和光流模型的混合式边信息生成方法.该方法对块匹配效果较差的区域采用光流法重新估计其运动矢量,得到了更为精确的运动场.实验表明,该算法生成的边信息质量明显高于传统的基于块匹配的运动估计内插法.  相似文献   

为了减少分布式视频编码系统解码后重建值与真实值之间误差,提出了基于变换域Wyner-Ziv视频编码最小均方误差(MMSE)重建的一种新的有效重建算法。该算法充分利用视频帧间相关性,对MMSE重建算法积分区间做出调整,当边信处于解码值对应量化区间之内时,在量化区间内利用MMSE重建;当边信息处于解码值对应量化区间之外时,对量化区间做出调整,在改进后的区间利用MMSE重建。实验结果表明,与最佳重建最小均方误差重建算法相比,该算法可以有效提高解码视频的平均PSNR。  相似文献   

高质量的边信息生成技术是分布式视频编码系统实现高压缩效率的关键所在.提出一种边信息的改进方法,对部分译码的Wyner-Ziv(WZ)帧中运动剧烈的区域进行空域修正,使用相邻关键帧对应块的空间预测值与实际值之间的差值来补偿当前部分译码WZ帧中空间预测的误差.仿真结果表明该方法提升了边信息的质量,进而提高了DVC系统的率失真性能.  相似文献   

史萍 《电视技术》2007,31(12):13-16
阐述了分布式视频编码的理论基础,即Slepian—Wolf无损源编码理论和Wyner-Ziv有损源编码理论,介绍了分布式视频编码技术在视频压缩中的应用,并对其中关键技术的最新研究进展进行了综述,最后给出了结论及今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

Side information has a significant influence on the rate-distortion(RD) performance of distributed video coding(DVC). In the conventional motion compensated frame interpolation scheme, all blocks adopt the same side-information generation method regardless of the motion intensity inequality at different regions. In this paper, an improved method is proposed. The image blocks are classified into two modes, fast motion and slow motion, by simply computing the discrete cosine transformation(DCT) coefficients at the encoder. On the decoder, it chooses the direct interpolation and refined motion compensated interpolation correspondingly to generate side information. Experimental results show that the proposed method, without increasing the encoder complexity, can increase the average peak signal-to-noise ratio(PSNR) by up to 1~ 2 dB compared with the existing algorithm. Meanwhile, the proposed algorithm significantly improves the subjective quality of the side information.  相似文献   

Layered Wyner-Ziv video coding.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Following recent theoretical works on successive Wyner-Ziv coding (WZC), we propose a practical layered Wyner-Ziv video coder using the DCT, nested scalar quantization, and irregular LDPC code based Slepian-Wolf coding (or lossless source coding with side information at the decoder). Our main novelty is to use the base layer of a standard scalable video coder (e.g., MPEG-4/H.26L FGS or H.263+) as the decoder side information and perform layered WZC for quality enhancement. Similar to FGS coding, there is no performance difference between layered and monolithic WZC when the enhancement bitstream is generated in our proposed coder. Using an H.26L coded version as the base layer, experiments indicate that WZC gives slightly worse performance than FGS coding when the channel (for both the base and enhancement layers) is noiseless. However, when the channel is noisy, extensive simulations of video transmission over wireless networks conforming to the CDMA2000 1X standard show that H.26L base layer coding plus Wyner-Ziv enhancement layer coding are more robust against channel errors than H.26L FGS coding. These results demonstrate that layered Wyner-Ziv video coding is a promising new technique for video streaming over wireless networks.  相似文献   

Wyner-Ziv video coding (WZVC) has gained considerable interests in the research community. In this paper, we present a model to examine the WZVC performance and compare it with conventional motion-compensated prediction (MCP) based video coding. Theoretical results show that although WZVC can achieve as much as 6-dB gain over conventional video coding without motion search, it still falls 6 dB or more behind current best MCP-based INTER-frame video coding. We further study the use of subpixel and multireference motion search methods to improve WZVC efficiency. The analytical results are confirmed by simulations and experiments.  相似文献   

Multiple side information streams for distributed video coding   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An improved Wyner-Ziv decoder for distributed video coding (DVC) is proposed, which uses multiple side information streams obtained by using multiple reference frames. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can achieve a significant PSNR gain of up to 2.4 dB over the best available DVC codec at the same bit rate  相似文献   

To minimize the errors of the reconstructed values and improve the quality of decoded image,an efficient reconstruction scheme for transform domain Wyner-Ziv (WZ) video coding is proposed.The reconstruction scheme exploits temporal correlation of the coefficient bands,the WZ decoded bits stream and the side information efficiently.When side information is outside the decoded quantization bin,the reconstructed value is derived using expectation of the WZ decoded bit stream and the side information.When side information is within the decoded quantization bin,the reconstructed value is derived using the biased predictor.Simulation results show that the proposed reconstruction scheme gains up to 1.32 dB compared with the commonly used boundary reconstruction scheme at the same bit rates and similar computation cost.  相似文献   

Proposed is a novel side information refinement technique for Wyner-Ziv video frames in distributed video coding using sequential motion compensation with luminance and chrominance information for a given bit plane to update the side information for the next bit plane. Simulation results show that over 3 dB PSNR gain can be obtained with the proposed algorithm over the best available pixel domain Wyner Ziv codec from the literature [Natario et al.] at the same bit rate.  相似文献   

Distributed Video Coding (DVC) is a new video coding paradigm, which mainly exploits the source statistics at the decoder based on the availability of decoder side information. One approach to DVC is feedback channel based Transform Domain Wyner-Ziv (TDWZ) video coding. The efficiency of current TDWZ video coding trails that of conventional video coding solutions, mainly due to the quality of side information, inaccurate noise modeling and loss in the final coding step. The major goal of this paper is to enhance the accuracy of the noise modeling, which is one of the most important aspects influencing the coding performance of DVC. A TDWZ video decoder with a novel cross-band based adaptive noise model is proposed, and a noise residue refinement scheme is introduced to successively update the estimated noise residue for noise modeling after each bit-plane. Experimental results show that the proposed noise model and noise residue refinement scheme can improve the rate-distortion (RD) performance of TDWZ video coding significantly. The quality of the side information modeling is also evaluated by a measure of the ideal code length.  相似文献   

谢正光 《光电子.激光》2009,(12):1646-1650
针对现有降噪采用时空域滤波、去块效应采用环路滤波/后处理这种分而治之方案的缺点,通过分析降噪的基本技术、低码率视频应用中块效应产生的原因和去块效应的常用方法,从滤除不需要或相对不重要的高频离散余弦变换(DCT,discrete cosine transform)系数角度提出了降噪和去块效应可同时处理的设想。新提出的预处理算法是根据图像纹理特性、运动情况和码率约束等,在图像的不同区域采用不同强度的自适应双边滤波,这样不仅去噪,滤除不重要的细节以便于高效压缩,避免块效应的产生,同时也可起到一定程度的码率控制效果。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an auto regressive (AR) model to generate the high quality side information (SI) for Wyner-Ziv (WZ) frames in low-delay distributed video coding, where the future frames are not used for generating SI. In the proposed AR model, the SI of each pixel within the current WZ frame t is generated as a linear weighted summation of the pixels within a window in the previous reconstructed WZ/Key frame t − 1 along the motion trajectory. To obtain accurate SI, the AR model is used in both temporal directions in the reconstructed WZ/Key frames t − 1 and t − 2, and then the regression results are fused with traditional extrapolation result based on a probability model. In each temporal direction, a weighting coefficient set is computed by the least mean square method for each block in the current WZ frame t. In particular, due to the unavailability of future frames in low-delay distributed video coding, a centrosymmetric rearrangement is proposed for pixel generation in the backward direction. Various experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model is able to achieve a higher performance compared to the existing SI generation methods.  相似文献   

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