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BACKGROUND: The effect of selective bile duct obstruction (SBDO) on hepatic reserve function of the bile duct obstructed (BDO) and nonobstructed freely draining (FD) lobes of the liver is obscure. METHODS: The bile duct branches draining from the left lateral and median lobes of the liver were ligated for 4 and 10 days in rats, and hepatic reserve functions in BDO and FD lobes were assessed by microsomal cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase activities and by hepatic adenine nucleotides and energy charge levels. The values were compared with those in the sham-operated control liver. Cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase activities were determined by gas-liquid chromatography--mass spectrometry, and hepatic adenosine triphosphate (ATP), adenosine diphosphate (ADP), and adenosine monophosphate (AMP) levels with high-pressure liquid chromatography. RESULTS: The histological examination of the BDO lobes showed proliferation and formation of new bile ductules and fibrous connective tissues linking portal areas. Microsomal cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase activities, hepatic energy charge and each adenine nucleotide level did not differ between FD and BDO lobes, and the values were similar to those in the sham-operated liver. CONCLUSIONS: Selective bile duct obstruction shows no adverse effects on microsomal and mitochondrial functions in both the BDO and FD lobes of the liver.  相似文献   

Although dietary cholesterol raises plasma total and low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol concentrations, the response to a given intake of cholesterol varies enormously among different species and even among individuals of the same species. The mechanisms responsible for differing sensitivity to dietary cholesterol were examined by comparing the rat, which is able to adapt to large fluctuations in sterol intake or loss with little change in plasma LDL levels, with the hamster, where changes in sterol balance strongly influence plasma LDL concentrations. When fed the same cholesterol-free diet, hepatic 7 alpha-hydroxylase activity was 16-fold higher in the rat than in the hamster. As a consequence, rates of hepatic cholesterol synthesis were 20-fold higher in the rat than in the hamster. In both species, hepatic cholesterol synthesis was suppressed > 90% in response to increasing loads of dietary cholesterol. However, the quantitative importance of this adaptive mechanism was much greater in the rat since the absolute reduction in hepatic cholesterol synthesis in the rat (2,110 nmol/h/g) was much larger than in the hamster (103 nmol/h/g). In the rat, the high basal level of 7 alpha-hydroxylase expression was further induced by substrate (cholesterol) allowing these animals to convert excess dietary cholesterol to bile acids efficiently. In contrast, the low basal level of enzyme expression in the hamster was not induced by dietary cholesterol. Thus, the low basal rates of bile acid and cholesterol synthesis coupled with a lack of 7 alpha-hydroxylase induction by cholesterol render the hamster much more sensitive than the rat to the cholesterolemic effects of dietary cholesterol.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare formula intake, the time of weaning, and growth in preterm infants (< or = 1750-g birth weight, < or = 34-wk gestation) fed a standard term or preterm infant formula after initial hospital discharge. Infants were randomized at hospital discharge to be fed a preterm infant formula from discharge to 6 mo corrected age (group A), a term formula from discharge to 6 mo (group B), or the preterm formula (discharge to term) and the term formula (term to 6 mo (group C). Infants were seen biweekly (discharge to term) and monthly (term to 6 mo), when intake was measured and anthropometry and blood sampling were performed. The results were analyzed using ANOVA. Although nutrient intake was similar, at 6 mo girls were lighter (6829 versus 7280 g) and shorter (64.4 versus 66.0 cm) than boys (p < 0.05). Patient characteristics were similar between the treatment groups. Although the volume of intake differed (B > C > A; p < 0.001), energy intake was similar in the groups. Because of differences in formula composition, protein, calcium, and phosphorus intakes differed (B < C < A; p < 0.001). Lower protein intakes were related to lower blood urea nitrogen levels (B < C < A; p < 0.001). At 6 mo, infant boys in B and C were lighter (6933, 6660 < 7949 g), shorter (65.3, 64.9 < 67.1 cm), and had a smaller head circumference (43.7, 43.7 < 44.8 cm; p < 0.05) than infants in group A. Preterm infants were found to increase their volume of intake to compensate for differences in energy density between formulas. After hospital discharge, infant boys fed a preterm formula grew faster than infant girls fed a preterm formula or infant boys fed a term formula.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences of a 7997-base pair SacI fragment spanning 3643 base pairs of the upstream promoter region to exon 4 of the rat cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase gene (CYP7) have been determined. DNase I footprinting and electrophoretic mobility shift assay of the proximal promoter from nucleotides -346 to +36 revealed two protected regions which specifically shifted proteins in rat liver nuclear extracts. Footprint A (nucleotides -81 to -35) contained a cluster of overlapping sequence motifs of TGT3, steroid/thyroid hormone response elements (7 alpha TRE), hepatocyte nuclear factors 1 and 4, and CAAT/enhancer-binding protein alpha and has been shown to confer bile acid repression of the CYP7 gene promoter activity. Footprint B (nucleotides -148 to -129) contained a sequence motif HNF4. When footprint A (-101 to -49) or 7 alpha TRE (-73 to -55) sequence was linked upstream to a heterologous SV40 promoter/luciferase plasmid and transiently transfected into HepG2 cells, taurodeoxycholate suppressed the SV40 promoter activity. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays revealed that one or two bands shifted by the 7 alpha TRE or by a direct repeat sequence in 7 alpha TRE were absent when liver nuclear extracts of deoxycholic acid-treated rats were used. Similar gel shift patterns were also observed when human 7 alpha TRE or human liver nuclear extracts were used. The rat direct repeat sequence interacted with two polypeptides (M(r) = 57,000 and 116,000) in both rat and human liver nuclear extracts. These results suggest that hydrophobic bile acids may suppress the CYP7 gene expression by binding to a bile acid receptor which interacts with and prevents the binding of liver nuclear protein(s) to a bile acid-responsive element and that the core of bile acid-responsive element is a direct repeat.  相似文献   

Content of cholesterol in various tissues of experimental animals /blood plasma, thoracal department of aorta, liver microsomes/ was increased during atherogenesis depending on the level of aorta impairment. In atherogenesis content of both primary and secondary products of lipid peroxidation was also increased in microsomal membranes of rabbit and mini-pig liver tissue; the increase in the rate of microsomal lipid oxidation was accompanied by a decrease in the activity of membrane-bound microsomal 7 alpha-hydroxylase of cholesterol.  相似文献   

Mice deficient in cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase, the rate-limiting enzyme of bile acid biosynthesis, were constructed by targeted disruption of the Cyp7 gene. The introduced mutation removed exons 3-5 of the gene and gave rise to a null allele that encoded no immunoreactive or enzymatically active protein. Heterozygous carriers of the disrupted gene (Cyp7+/-) were phenotypically normal. Homozygous animals (Cyp7-/-) appeared normal at birth, but died within the first 18 days of life. Approximately 40% of the animals died between postnatal days 1 and 4 and 45% between days 11 and 18. The addition of vitamins to the water of nursing mothers prevented deaths in the early period, whereas the addition of cholic acid to chow prevented deaths in the later period. Newborn Cyp7-/- mice whose mothers were maintained on unsupplemented chow failed to gain weight at a normal rate and developed oily coats, hyperkeratosis, and apparent vision defects. These symptoms waned at 3 weeks of life, and their disappearance was accompanied by a marked increase in survival. In the accompanying study, the induction of an alternate pathway of bile acid biosynthesis is shown to underlie this unusual time course (Schwarz, M., Lund, E. G., Setchell, K. D. R., Kayden, H. J., Zerwekh, J. E., Bj?rkhem, I., Herz, J., and Russell, D. W. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271, 18024-18031). We conclude that cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase is an essential enzyme for normal postnatal development.  相似文献   

Chronic action of different xenobiotics which form a part of condensed hydrogen sulphide-containing gas causes substantial changes in the activity of xenobiotic metabolic enzymes, which is suggestive of the damaged hepatic microsomal monooxygenase system. As the rate of biotransformation becomes higher, there are increases in the activity of microsomal monooxygenases and in the generation of active oxygen forms and hydrogen peroxide, by impairing antiradical and antiperoxide mechanisms. The experimentally used concentration of substances as constituents of condensed gas corresponds to the maximum acceptable air concentration of in the working area of gas-refining plants, but the functional features of the body's detoxifying system--the hepatic monooxygenase system should be taken into account while developing preventive measures of occupational diseases.  相似文献   

The synthesis of essential 7alpha-hydroxylated bile acids in the liver is mediated by two pathways that involve distinct 7alpha-hydroxylases. One pathway is initiated in the endoplasmic reticulum by cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase, a well studied cytochrome P450 enzyme. A second pathway is initiated by a less well defined oxysterol 7alpha-hydroxylase. Here, we show that a mouse hepatic oxysterol 7alpha-hydroxylase is encoded by Cyp7b1, a cytochrome P450 cDNA originally isolated from the hippocampus. Expression of a Cyp7b1 cDNA in cultured cells produces an enzyme with the same biochemical and pharmacological properties as those of the hepatic oxysterol 7alpha-hydroxylase. Cyp7b1 mRNA and protein are induced in the third week of life commensurate with an increase in hepatic oxysterol 7alpha-hydroxylase activity. In the adult mouse, dietary cholesterol or colestipol induce cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase mRNA levels but do not affect oxysterol 7alpha-hydroxylase enzyme activity, mRNA, or protein levels. Cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase mRNA is reduced to undetectable levels in response to bile acids, whereas expression of oxysterol 7alpha-hydroxylase is modestly decreased. The liver thus maintains the capacity to synthesize 7alpha-hydroxylated bile acids regardless of dietary composition, underscoring the central role of 7alpha-hydroxylated bile acids in lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

Idescribe an assay for total cholesterol in serum, with use of the AutoAnalyzer ii (Technicon), in which cholesterol esters are saponified by alkali, cholesterol is held in aqueous micellar solution with a surfactant (Triton X-100) and oxidized by cholesterol oxidase, and the hydrogen peroxide produced is measured by chelation with Ti4+ and xylenol orange. An assay for free cholesterol in serum, based on similar principles, is also described, and the two can be run simultaneously on a dual-channel AutoAnalyzer II. Standard solutions of cholesterol in isopropanol have poorer carryover characteristics than sera, and therefore do not reach the same continuous-flow steady state as sera of equivalent concentrations. Consequent potential calibration errors are avoided by using micellar solutions of cholesterol containing albumin for standardization. The formation of cholesterol peroxide in solutions of cholesterol in isopropanol is demonstrated, and this constitutes another potential source of error in the calibration of enzymic cholesterol assays. In analyzing patients' sera, results of the total cholesterol assay correlate well with those of a mechanized method in which cholesterol esterase and cholesterol oxidase are used; an automated Abell method, calibrated with solutions of cholesterol in isopropanol, gave slightly higher values. Determinations of the ratio of free cholesterol to total cholesterol by our automated cholesterol exidase assays given values that agree well with published results in which digitonin precipitation is used.  相似文献   

In the assay for total cholesterol in lipid extracts by enzymatic methods, it was found necessary to redissolve the lipid prior to the reagent addition. Isopropyl alcohol was found to be best at promoting the colorimetric reaction. As little as 1.45 micrograms free cholesterol and 1.8 micrograms esterified cholesterol could be determined after 15 min incubation with the isopropyl alcohol-reagent. Using a formula for the correction of pigment absorbance, it was also possible to apply the enzymatic kit method to red blood cell lipid extracts.  相似文献   

A radio thin-layer chromatographic method is described for in vitro measurement of tolbutamide methylhydroxylation as an alternative to the commonly used HPLC assay. After the incubation experiments of [14C]tolbutamide with human liver microsomes, the supernatants were directly spotted onto standard silica gel TLC plates and developed in a horizontal chamber using a solvent system consisting of toluene-acetone-formic acid (60:39:1, v/v). Dried TLC plates were exposed to a phosphor imager plate and quantificated by use of a phosphor imager. Reaction rates were calculated from the ratio of labelled metabolite to the total radioactivity. The correlation coefficient between HPLC and the TLC method was 0.978 (n=14). The described method provides a valuable tool for the determination of tolbutamide hydroxylation activity in human liver microsomes.  相似文献   

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