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周亚森 《中国能源》2020,(4):34-36,20
尼泊尔水电蕴藏量丰富,具有较大的开发潜力,在“一带一路”背景下,中国能源企业面临着投资尼泊尔等南亚地区电力市场的机遇和挑战.本文分析尼泊尔电力系统现状与负荷预测,进行尼泊尔电力电量平衡,结合尼泊尔与印度电力贸易等情况,评估尼泊尔电力市场空间,分析尼泊尔电力投资环境,提出在投资开发尼泊尔电力市场方面的建议,可为中国企业进行尼泊尔水电项目投资决策及确定南亚水电市场开发的战略定位提供依据和借鉴.  相似文献   

中电国际新能源控股有限公司(简称“中电新能源”)于2006年12月在上海成立,上级单位为中国电力投资集团公司(国家五大发电集团之一)的旗舰企业中国电力国际有限公司,是在中国电力投资集团公司“三步走”发展战略和中国电力国际有限公司新能源发展战略框架下、按照李小琳董事长“又好又快发展新能源产业”要求成立的新能源发电投资管理企业,主要从事风力发电、中小水电、生物质发电、太阳能发电等可再生能源领域的开发、投资、建设和运营。  相似文献   

发展可再生能源,实现能源结构变革,是古巴电力领域未来发展的重点方向,为此还制定了到2030年可再生能源发电占比从目前的4%提高到24%的发展目标。中古两国电力行业合作多年,中国已成为古巴电力市场参与程度最深、最重要的国际合作伙伴。但双方合作中遇到的问题也逐渐显现。古巴实行高度集中的计划经济体制,政策稳定性、连续性有限,企业缺乏自主权;缺乏明确的电力投资政策,外国投资者的投资缺乏合理的保障;目前古巴所实行的货币双轨制,严重阻碍了其经济发展;加之在环境保护、技术指标等方面的规范和要求愈加严苛,电源和电网等基础设施老化严重等,使得中国企业面临一定的投资风险。但机遇总是大于挑战。建议中古双方要建立起企业及政府间多层次、常态化的交流合作机制,推动合作主体和合作方式多元化。中国企业要注重环境保护,项目实施中要考虑当地民生和社会责任;国内金融机构要加大扶持力度,降低投资成本。同时,古方应尽快出台明确的电力投资政策、法规,明确外资权益,并加强配套基础设施建设,提高管理服务水平,改善投资环境。  相似文献   

"一带一路"战略的重点是基础设施建设,而能源行业正是基础设施领域的一个重要方面。东盟作为世界上较有影响力的发展中国家组织,在多种合作框架下与中国开展了广泛的合作,并积极响应中国提出的"一带一路"战略。东盟各成员国之间经济发展不平衡,除新加坡、文莱和马来西亚经济发展水平较高以外,其他国家相对较为落后。东盟国家的常规化石能源资源较丰富,但国别分布上不均衡。东盟10国中除新加坡外,其他成员国都拥有丰富的水能资源,但开发率很低。东盟还拥有丰富的可再生能源资源。为了应对能源短缺和气候变化,东盟各国都制定了本国的能源政策和中长期发展目标,为了达到相应的能源政策目标,预计2016~2040年东盟能源行业累计投资将高达2.36万亿美元。中国和东盟在能源资源储量分布、能源设备制造和能源技术、能源投资和建设等方面存在着较强的互补性,双方在电力互联互通、能源投资、能源建设和设备出口等方面开展了广泛的合作,但合作中也存在一些问题。建议应继续宣传中国以和平共处五项原则为基础的独立自主外交政策,对于"南海争端",在坚持中国领土不可侵犯的原则下,"搁置争议、共同开发";努力提高中国能源企业参与东盟能源建设的能力;中国企业在投资东盟能源行业时,一定要考虑到项目所在国政局的稳定性,并建立相应的风险管理体系;投资东盟各国能源领域时,可以采用多种形式,并通过实施混合所有制改革,改变东盟国家对中国能源企业的印象。  相似文献   

张睿宁  李慧 《中国能源》2022,(11):77-86
能源作为中国与东盟合作的重要领域,双方在电力、油气、新能源技术开发与应用等方面,建立了广泛的合作关系。本文全面阐述东盟能源发展现状并指出发展中的新变化,体现在注重能效提升、大力发展可再生能源以及广泛开展能源合作;从电力、油气、可再生能源三个领域,深入分析东盟能源发展需求以及与中国开展能源合作的机遇;针对现阶段中国-东盟能源合作中面临的大国竞争激烈、政策波动大、基础设施建设不完善、可再生能源投资成本高等挑战,进行深入分析。最后从提高能源企业核心竞争力、加快基础设施建设、建立信息共享平台及风控体系、深化绿色金融合作等方面,提出中国-东盟能源合作建议。  相似文献   

3月27日,中国电力企业联合会(以下简称“中电联”)在“2010年经济形势与电力发展分析预测会”上发布年度报告:预计2010年电力投资将继续保持较大规模,全年电源和电网投资预计都将在3300亿元左右,全年全国电力投资完成额6600亿元左右。  相似文献   

国家电投集团云南国际电力投资有限公司(简称“云南国际”)于2008年12月15日在云南省昆明市注册成立,为国家电投全资子公司,主要从事南亚东南亚及中国西南地区电力项目和其它能源项目的投资建设与经营管理,承担着装机2160万kW的缅甸伊江水电项目开发建设任务。截至2019年末,注册资本金31.4亿元人民币,员工1057人,电力总装机容量332万kW(其中风电、光伏装机171万kW,受托管理装机44万kW,全部为清洁能源装机),资产总额303亿元人民币。资产主要分布在缅甸及云南、贵州两省10余个市州县,涵盖水电,风电、光伏。在构建人类命运共同体理念和国家电投集团“2035-流战略”指引下,云南国际积极投身“一带一路”建设,为实现“2030点亮缅甸”目标贡献中国方案。  相似文献   

2004年4月28~29日,“燃气机组适应电力市场发展策略暨9E燃机联合循环系统国产化经验研讨会”在深圳召开。会议由中国国家电力监管委员会主办。来自全国有关省市电力行业的主管领导、行业协会、专家、国内外电力投资企业、燃机发电企业的代表共100余人出席了会议。杭州锅炉集团有限公司董事长杨建生等出席了会议。  相似文献   

进一步深化我国与澜湄国家电力合作,是服务双循环新发展格局的重要途径。但传统的能源电力“硬联通”也逐渐暴露出一些问题,有必要同步强化“软联通”体制机制。澜湄国家能源电力发展水平、发展诉求差异较大,开展能源电力合作,机遇与挑战并存。澜湄五国(不含中国)可再生能源资源较为丰富,且绿色低碳发展理念已取得澜湄国家普遍共识。澜湄国家具有大湄公河次区域经济合作(GMS)、澜湄合作机制等多层次合作机制和平台,以及电力需求旺盛、供需互补、电网互联互通等合作基础。要立足国内国际双循环,以构建清洁能源为主体的区域能源电力合作体系为目标,建立“硬联通”和“软联通”双轮驱动的电力互联互通发展模式,差异化施策,建立“一国一策”的合作模式和路径。软联通是硬联通和长期合作的基石,在新发展阶段下,澜湄国家需要共同推进深化能源电力领域的软联通。搭建高效交流平台,推进组建区域能源电力研究咨询机构,畅通分享共享渠道;深化能源转型和技术合作,服务互联互通建设;深化电力产业链/供应链合作,形成企业间优势互补;深化区域清洁能源技术和产业标准的统一与互认,形成广泛的标准联盟、产业联盟;开展“绿色电力+”合作,推动产业融合发展。  相似文献   

国外电力规划理论的新发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田卫东 《中国能源》1993,(1):6-9,25
<正> 一、前言电力是二次能源,水力、煤炭、石油、天然气、核能和各种可再生能源都可以转化为电力。它是有效利用各种一次能源的最好方式。一个国家一次能源转换为电力的比重成为这个国家现代化电气化程度高低的重要标志,也是衡量这个国家能源综合利用效率的重要指标。随着国家的现代化,电能在最终能源消费中的比重越来越大,呈现长期增长的趋势。可以说,电力是现代和未来社会的基础。电力在国民经济中的地位越来越重要,电力工业成了最大的固定资产投资部门。在许多国家,电力投资占社会固定资产投资的15%以上。由于电力建设投资大,周期长,技术复杂,在外部要协调国民经济的长期发展,在  相似文献   

印度尼西亚是东盟最大的经济体,对外贸易是印度尼西亚国民经济的重要组成部分,印度尼西亚也是中国电力企业海外投资的重点投资国家之一。文章对其电力市场投资环境作了全面分析,首先介绍了国家宏观投资环境,然后从现状、环境和需求三方面评价其电力行业环境,最后用量化的方法对其做整体评价。文章对印度尼西亚电力市场投资环境分析结果可为中国电力行业海外投资提供较好的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

In recent years, the ten member countries in the Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN) have experienced high economic growth and, in tandem, a substantial increment in energy usage and demand. Consequently, they are now under intense pressure to secure reliable energy supplies to keep up with their growth rate. Fossil fuels remain the primary source of energy for the ASEAN countries, due to economic and physical considerations. This situation has led to unrestrained emissions of greenhouse gases to the environment and thus effectively contributes to global climate change. The abundant supply of biomass from their tropical environmental conditions offers great potential for ASEAN countries to achieve self-reliance in energy supplies. This fact can simultaneously transform into the main driving force behind combating global climate change, which is associated with the usage of fossil fuels. This research article explores the potential and advantages for ASEAN investment in biomass-based bio-energy supply, processing and distribution network with an emphasis on regional collaborations. It also investigates the implementation and operational challenges in terms of political, economic and technical factors for the cross-border energy scheme. Reliance of ASEAN countries on the clean development mechanism (CDM) to address most of the impediments in developing the project is also under scrutiny. Unified co-operation among ASEAN countries in integrating biomass-based bio-energy systems and utilising the clean development mechanism (CDM) as the common effort could serve as the prime example for regional partnerships in achieving sustainable development for the energy and environmental sector in the future.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on energy system development of the three largest Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries: Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam. The energy infrastructures in these counties are in the process of rapid development and, therefore, technology choices are critical. Applying the energy system model MARKAL and scenario analysis, this paper examines and quantifies the role of clean and advanced energy technologies for efficient local resource exploitation and improving energy security and environmental conditions. The main focus is on the power sector and the paper also addresses the potential ASEAN markets for European energy technologies.  相似文献   

The current energy supply trajectory in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region is not sustainable. Factors such as rising standards of living and demographic patterns, including population growth, lead to continuous increase in power demand, which is difficult to meet using limited fossil fuel resources. Thus, a transition toward clean energy sources is needed in the region. While ASEAN member countries are rich in clean energy resources, such resources are located far from demand centers; thus, allocation of clean energy is necessary to increase its utilization. In this study, power demand is forecasted using a combination of prediction methods. A model to evaluate the installed capacity and power exchange potential is proposed to deal with mismatch between the location of the clean energy base and the load center. Furthermore, the concept of cross-regional allocation of clean energy between the ASEAN region, China, and South Asia is presented. A power interconnection scheme among the ASEAN member countries as well as neighboring countries is proposed based on the power exchange potential. The proposed grid interconnection scheme contributes to the utilization of clean energy in the ASEAN region, increasing the proportion of clean energy in the generation mix, which ensures that the region becomes a sustainable and resilient society with a clean and low carbon development route. Furthermore, the proposed power interconnection scheme will generate valuable economic, social, environmental, and resource allocation benefits.  相似文献   

Abdul Kadir 《Energy》1985,10(12):1277-1282
After the oil shocks of 1973 and 1979, the ASEAN countries took measures to lessen their dependence on oil. Their concern is reflected in the electric power sector, the largest single end-user of primary energy in most countries. This article describes how the ASEAN countries are shifting the pattern of their fuel mix for electric power generation from oil to other sources of energy, with a preference for domestic energy resources. Singapore, which has no indigenous energy resources, is the single exception. Data from Brunei are not yet available.  相似文献   

Cooperation between Europe and Asia in renewable energy took a step forward with the confirmation, mid-May, of European Union (EU) investment in 24 cogeneration projects in some of the countries belonging to the Association of South East Asian (ASEAN) community. The grants for the advanced technology Full-Scale Demonstration Project (FSDP) selection are being made under the joint ASEAN-EU “Cogen3” programme, which began in January 2002. Specialist European firms are supplying cogeneration systems and equipment. Malaysia scored the highest with the selection of eight projects, while six were selected in Indonesia, five in Thailand, two in Singapore. Vietnam, the Philippines and Cambodia received EU approval for one project each (see table). All must be in operation by 31 December 2004. Dr Ludovic Lacrosse, Cogen3’s chief coordinator, is confident that several will be commissioned before the end of this year. The EC is funding the scheme to the tune of Euro 25 (US$30) million. The EC is awarding Euro 6.8 million, while their total available budget amounts to over Euro10 million. Combined installed capacity — power as well as steam — is 174MW, with an average of 7.5MW per project. Those with over 5MW installed capacity will be grid-connected.This is a short news story only. Visit www.re-focus.net for the latest renewable energy news.  相似文献   

[目的]在电力市场的新环境下,电力系统规划所包含的变量、制约因素、规划目标更多,复杂性更高,需考虑可靠性、经济性等多维因素,可以反映为负荷、电源、潮流、设备投退、政策、社会经济、商业模式、投资收益等多方面的不确定性因素,需要充分考虑这些不确定因素,建立更恰当的规划模型,整个电力规划的研究方法和手段都需要进一步优化.[方...  相似文献   

The world population has passed six billion people and the pressure on basic daily needs is particularly dominant in the developing countries, such as the ASEAN. As most of the natural resources, particularly that of fossil fuel is depleting rapidly, more efficient ways to produce daily necessity are becoming important issues. In addition, both the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol require, that efforts should be directed to improve efficiency of energy conversion devices, effective use of the clean and environmentally friendly renewable source of energy, beside providing sink for the green house gas (GHG) emissions. INFORSE report to the UN Secretary General indicated that the total energy sources in the industrialized countries will diminish drastically, but by providing enough funding for R/D in renewable energy conversion, about 50% of the world energy could be supplied by the developing countries by the year 2050.Despite the above limiting conditions, current data indicated growing energy demand in most of the developing countries, particularly in the ASEAN region. Consequently, these countries, should find out the best strategy in utilizing the available energy sources to maintain sustainable development. One of the reasonable option is to make use of the potential renewable energy resources within the countries and develop industries that complies with the unique characteristics of the energy, which is usually disperse, low density and mostly is still not yet competitive with power generation system using subsidized fuel price. Although some basic R/D on renewable energy technology is also being conducted in ASEAN, more effort, however, is directed to its immediate applications in providing basic energy need for rural house-hold, creating productive uses to process agricultural commodities, and to support general rural electrification programs. Such activity has been supported by relevant and operational government policies, international assistances, and gradual involvement of the private sectors.  相似文献   

《Renewable Energy》2007,32(9):1441-1452
This paper reports the outcome of the project on “Capacity building in formulating harmonized policy instruments for the promotion of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the ASEAN member countries”. With the growing concerns about green house gas (GHG) emission and consequent climate change, renewable energy sources have become more attractive option for electricity generation around the world. Studies have been made on the status of renewable energy potential and utilization, major barriers in promoting renewable energy in ASEAN countries, major energy policies to overcome barriers, and existing renewable energy and energy efficiency policies in ASEAN countries. Paper concludes that ASEAN has not utilized its renewable energy resources anywhere near to the potential. Analysis found that the key factor that has to be amended is “policies and regulations in renewable energy and energy efficiency” at both country level and regional level. But, ASEAN is not yet ready for the full harmonization of the policies. However, it recommends that, with the project outputs it is possible to focus on the specific policy instruments common to most of the member countries, such that it could use to augment ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) initiatives.  相似文献   

The main focus of this paper is to estimate the effects of foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows, income and energy consumption on CO2 emissions using panel data of five ASEAN countries over 1981–2010. The results based on the pooled mean group (PMG) estimator of dynamic panels show that FDI tends to increase CO2 emissions, supporting evidence of the pollution haven hypothesis. We also find that income and energy consumption have a detrimental impact on reducing CO2 emissions.  相似文献   

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