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随着互联网发展,容器技术的使用已经越来越普遍,Docker是一个开源的应用容器引擎。使用Docker容器可以帮助企业快速的完成水平扩展服务,从而到达弹性部署业务的能力。Redis是一款高性能key-value存储系统,在现代服务架构中扮演着十分重要的角色。Redis单机模式下运行已经无法满足企业的需要。本文介绍了如何将Docker容器技术与Redis相结合,实现高可用、可扩展的缓存服务集群。  相似文献   

文章介绍网络存储技术,描述SAN的拓扑结构,针对某企业数据中心的实际需求,设计一个高可用集群的SAN存储结构,并详细描述通过软硬件结合实现冗余数据路径和基于策略的应用故障切换方法。  相似文献   

探讨了各种IT设备高可用的相关技术,并就信息系统的特点提出了两种高可用的设计方案。首先对信息系统的分层架构进行描述,并指出系统各分层常见的高可用保障方法;其次,针对系统关键的主机和存储设备,介绍了当前流行的各种高可用技术;最后对信息系统进行分类,并针对两类系统提出不同的高可用设计方案。文章所提的高可用方案已成功应用于多数的通信行业支撑系统设计。  相似文献   

保证在软硬件出现故障后系统还能不间断地提供服务,是电信系统高可用性研究的重点.为了增强系统的可用性,在服务可用论坛提出的中间件规范基础之上设计了一个中间件系统基本框架,对集群通信服务、集群平台服务、可用性管理服务、通用服务进行了高可用设计,该中间件提供了兼容服务可用论坛的接口,采用该中间件系统构建电信应用软件时,开发者只需要集中精力到具体业务开发方面,而不需要过多关注集群可用性、性能等特性.最后,对该系统的可用性进行了测评,实验数据表明该中间件完全满足电信高可用性的要求.  相似文献   

文章对云计算及Openstack进行了简要的介绍,提出了基于Openstack的多节点部署构建云平台的方案,并详细对其工作原理及关键组件的安装部署进行了说明,最后对平台的各个组件的服务进行了测试,各组件均可正常运行。  相似文献   

朱益佳 《电子测试》2020,(23):69-71
IP承载网是中国移动以IP技术构建的一张专网,用于承载对传输质量要求较高的业务(如软交换语音、视讯、重点客户VPN等),随着业务规模的不断扩大以及网络本身的不断发展,对网络本身的可靠性提出了更高的要求,尤其是对于IP承载网面向业务接入的CE路由器的高可用面临越来越大的挑战,现有IP承载网CE路由器拥有自身构造的电信级高可用之外,虽然已经实现成对CE互为主备容灾的方式承载业务,当出现单台CE路由器故障情况下业务一般能通过另一台CE绕转承载,从而实现业务不受影响。但是通过深入分析IP承载网的组网结构特点及风险,发现比如:当发生CE路由器的互联端口异常/设备单板故障/传输通道故障/传输尾纤故障等场景时,CE路由器仍然存在单节点失效甚至成对CE路由器同时退服的风险,另外,现有CE的带外应急手段缺失、备件管理无序等也同样制约了CE的高可用性。本文从IP承载网的组网架构、应急手段、备件储备等方面提出针对性的高可用网络的建设方案,显著提升了网络承载的高可用性。  相似文献   

随着现代科技的不断进步,数据库技术在各种计算机和信息应用系统中发挥着越来越重要的基础性作用。然而随时都有可能发生的各种突发事件,使数据库的高可用性面临着巨大挑战。针对上述情况,本文从操作系统和数据库两个层面出发,重点介绍了三种保障数据库高可用性方面的技术:操作系统集群技术、Oracle数据库的RAC技术和Dataguard技术,并对其各自的优缺点进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

一、概述国内某银行的核心业务系统部署在2台IBM AS400服务器上,2007年上线,采用Vision OMS构建基于数据库日志复制技术的业务连续性方案。2011年启动灾备项目建设,把核心拓扑结构扩展为3个节点。在本地生产机房部署两个节点,在生产机发生异常的情况下切换到本地备机;在远程灾备机房部署灾备机,在生产机房发生停电、火灾等异常的情况下,外围服务器连接到灾备机房保持银行核心基本业务的顺畅、持续运行。本文以该银行的灾备项目为背景,对基于IBM AS400+Vision OMS的业务连续性方案的设计、实施、验证等环  相似文献   

现有的MDB程序高可用机制主要采用内存数据镜像文件和Redo(重做)日志恢复的方式进行异常情况的恢复处理,此方式存在处理耗时长和可能导致部分数据丢失的问题,无法满足电信级业务运营的要求。通过基于网络的MDB主备双机高可用解决方案,在现有系统基础上增加MDB监视进程和MDB守护进程,可实现MDB双机的交易事务的实时同步处理和异常情况下的主备切换。实际测试和应用证明,MDB双机高可用方案可实现在主用MDB异常情况下无缝切换到备用MDB,且数据完整无丢失,主备MDB交互对业务处理效率无明显影响,在提高MDB高可用和业务连续性上取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

李军  王泽芳 《电子测试》2016,(10):68-69
本文研究了如何利用openstack免费开源软件来搭建一个低成本又高效率的教育资源云平台,重点介绍了keystone组件、glance组件、nova组件、dashboad组件的部署。  相似文献   

Risk-disjoint routing is an efficient way to improve network survivability.In this article, a partial risk-disjoint routing algorithm based on link availability (PRDRA-LA) is proposed based on the complete risk-disjoint routing algorithm (CRDRA).While calculating the protection path with PRDRA-LA, the links that share risks with the links in the working path are filtered by link availability.In addition, the risk disjoint degree between the protection path and the working path can be adjusted freely.Simulation results showed that when compared with CRDRA, routing connections with PRDRA-LA can achieve improved survivability while the number of connections that can be successfully routed over the current network is kept from serious decline.  相似文献   

以采用国产软硬件进行电子政务建设研究及示范应用“863计划”课题为背景,分析了烟台电子政务平台建设中国产服务器操作系统高可用性集成方案:数据库的高可用性、WEB的高可用性以及电子邮件的高可用性,说明了集群技术、心跳技术以及RAID技术在电子政务平台中的实际应用,提出了本系统采用的备份策略和电源管理高可用性的可行方案。  相似文献   

How to optimally allocate redundant routers for high availability (HA) networks is a crucial task. In this paper, a 5‐tuple availability function A (N, M, λ, µ, δ) is proposed to determine the minimum required number of standby routers to meet the desired availability (ρ) of an HA router, where N and M are the numbers of active routers and standby routers, respectively, and λ, µ, and δ are a single router's failure rate, repair rate, and failure detection and recovery rate, respectively. We have derived the availability function, and analytical results show that the failure detection and recovery rate (δ) is a key parameter for reducing the minimum required number of standby routers of an HA router. Thus, we also propose a High Availability Management (HAM) middleware, which was designed based on an open architecture specification, called OpenAIS, to achieve the goal of reducing takeover delay (1/δ) by stateful backup. We have implemented an HA Open Shortest Path First (HA‐OSPF) router, which consists of two active routers and one standby router, to illustrate the proposed HA router. Experimental results show that the takeover delays of the proposed HA‐OSPF router were reduced by 6, 37.3, and 98.6% compared with those of the industry standard approaches, the Cisco‐ASR 1000 series router, the Juniper MX series router, and the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) router, respectively. In addition, in contract to the industry routers, the proposed HA router, which was designed based on an open architecture specification, is more cost‐effective, and its redundancy model can be more flexibly adjusted. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

High availability and reliability have been considered promising requirements for the support of seamless network services such as real‐time video streaming, gaming, and virtual and augmented reality. Increased availability can be achieved within a local area network with the use of the virtual router redundancy protocol that utilizes backup routers to provide a backup path in the case of a master router failure. However, the network may still lose a large number of packets during a failover owing to a late failure detections and lazy responses. To achieve an efficient failover, we propose the implementation of fast detection with virtual router redundancy protocol (FDVRRP) in which the backup router quickly detects a link failure and immediately serves as the master router. We implemented the FDVRRP using open neutralized network operating system (OpenN2OS), which is an open‐source‐based network operating system. Based on the failover performance test of OpenN2OS, we verified that the FDVRRP exhibits a very fast failure detection and a failover with low‐overhead packets.  相似文献   

基于组合拍卖的动态分配机制使得云拍卖商能够根据市场需求高效地配置云资源,为拍卖商带来更高的收益。现有方法是贪婪法分配虚拟机资源,优先为投标密度高的用户分配资源,然而这种局部最优选择并不总能带来整体最优解。提出一种基于动态规划的虚拟机分配方法 DP-VMPA,它以最大社会福利作为目标函数,使用CA-DP分配算法求出获得资源的用户集,最后采用VCG机制为用户定价。应用实例表明,DP-VMPA机制能够更有效地分配虚拟机资源,同时为拍卖商带来更高的收益。  相似文献   

Burst is a common pattern in the user's requirements, which suddenly increases the workload of virtual machines (VMs) and reduces the performance and energy efficiency of cloud computing systems (CCS). Virtualization technology with the ability to migrate VMs attempts to solve this problem. By migration, VMs can be dynamically consolidated to the users' requests. Burst temporarily increases the workload. Ignoring this issue will lead to incorrect decisions regarding the migration of VMs. It increases the number of migrations and Service Level Agreement Violations (SLAVs) due to overload. This may cause waste of resources, increase in energy consumption, and misplaced VMs. Therefore, a burst‐aware method for these issues is proposed in this paper. The method consists of two algorithms: one for determining the migration time and the other for the placement of VMs. We use the PlanetLab real dataset and CloudSim simulator to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. The results confirm the advantages of the method regarding performance compared to benchmark methods.  相似文献   

分布式拒绝服务攻击(DDoS)对网络具有极大的破坏性,严重影响现网的正常运营。虽然现网已经部署针对DDoS的流量清洗系统,然而小流量的攻击较洪水型攻击更难以被感知,进而不能得到有效的清洗。本文分析了网络中小流量DDoS攻击的原理和防御现状,并提出一种基于资源感知的小流量DDoS攻击防御方法。  相似文献   

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