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一种基于蒸汽加热一次风的锅炉启动及低负荷稳燃新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种基于汽/气换热器用蒸汽加热一次风改善锅炉启动及低负荷工况煤粉气流着火与燃烧稳定性的新方法,拟定了一次风的蒸汽加热方案,并对1台1025t/h煤粉炉进行了一次风换热计算。结果表明:冷炉启动时,从邻炉抽取1.52%~2.0%的再热蒸汽可将25℃的冷空气加热至350℃~450℃;在预热空气温度为200℃的低负荷工况,从本炉抽取1.11%~1.87%的再热蒸汽可将一次风由200℃加热到350℃~450℃。这表明锅炉在冷态启动或低负荷工况下,只需极少量的再热蒸汽就可将一次风温维持在稳定燃烧所需的高温水平。  相似文献   

田集发电厂二期工程3、4号机组在锅炉冷态启动过程中,采用了静压上水方式,并利用邻炉加热系统在锅炉不点火的情况下完成热态清洗,节省了大量的辅机电耗,同时改善了锅炉等离子点火环境。通过实践分析,取得了较好的节能效果。  相似文献   

主要通过大容量高参数汽包锅炉邻炉加热装置的投入,对邻炉加热的作用及其在锅炉冷态启动中对汽包影响和对过热器、再热器的保护进行讨论,可为锅炉的整体设计思路提供参考。  相似文献   

汉川三期的临机加热系统工程采用前置泵进行锅炉冷态清洗,比采用静压上水进行冷态清洗经济性更好.采用临机加热系统,可以在锅炉不点火的情况下进行热态清洗.临机加热系统的设计简单,初始投资不高,运行中能获得较好的经济效益.  相似文献   

文中对国华九江电厂一期(2×1 000 MW)工程采用邻炉热二次风技术实施应用情况进行了探讨和论证。在锅炉冷态启动阶段通过邻炉热二次风对锅炉的受热面进行整体加热,实现改善燃烧条件,提高等离子点火初期时的煤粉燃烧的稳定性和燃烬率,缩短锅炉启动时间、减少受热面启动过程中的热应力及降低氧化皮集中脱落风险等目的。  相似文献   

根据锅炉启动系统的设置和运行,介绍邻机蒸汽加热系统的设计特点,该系统包括除氧器辅助蒸汽加热系统和2~#高压加热器冷再蒸汽加热系统,并分别对除氧器和2~#高加各自需要的蒸汽量进行计算,同时详细分析采用邻机蒸汽加热系统启动的节能效益。  相似文献   

于龙 《锅炉制造》2021,(4):6-7,15
国内引进控制循环锅炉时,未设计邻炉底部蒸汽加热.如何在控制循环锅炉增加临炉蒸汽加热装置,是摆在当前的现实课题.本文通过在汽包内部增加加热蒸汽管道,实现机组启动前炉水加热,提高启动阶段安全性和经济性.  相似文献   

舞钢煤气公司办公楼区于1992年底完成了室内采暖工程,为机关、车队等100余个房间冬季采暖之用.设计为蒸汽采暖系统.由于舞钢公司冬季蒸汽供应紧张,一直未能投用.后来曾考虑安装一台蒸汽锅炉,也因建设资金缺乏,运行不经济、污染环境等问题未果.冬季只好用传统的煤炉取暖,造成室内环境差、污染严重.随着人们生活质量的不断提高,早日用上暖汽成了职工的一致愿望.1998年公司把解决采暖问题列为一个攻关课题,决定利用煤气发生炉煤气生产过程中的废热作为采暖热源.我公司拥有10台煤气发生炉,有多处废热可以利用,其中发生炉水夹套循环软水作为热媒最理想.经过认真计算,定出了设计方案,对现有蒸汽系统稍作改造,11月初完成随即投入使用.经过一个冬季的使用,证明运行安全可靠,效果令人满意.具体工程情况介绍如下:1 热源可利用能力分析(1)发生炉水夹套循环软水被炉子加热后经冷却塔流入3个储水罐,再经泵前软水箱和补充新水混合后打入每台发生炉.(图1)根据炉子生产台数不同,软水回水量约为12~15m~3/h,温度85~95℃.  相似文献   

1 前言 导热油锅炉具有低压高温的工作特性。采用导热油供热比蒸汽供热可节省投资并节约能源,因此在石油化工、纺织印染、木材加工、建材生产、筑路养路、油漆、塑料、橡胶、食品加工、制药等众多行业得到广泛的使用。 1995年9月,某橡胶制品厂决定对硫化工艺采用导热油供热新工艺,以求节能降耗,降低成本,提高质量。但是该企业在生产中既有间接加热要求,又需少量直接加热用汽,所以要求专门试制一台带有蒸汽发生器的小型燃煤导热油锅炉,成为导热油锅炉技术发展中的一个新课题,也是一个新机遇。通过实地考察核算,确定了带0.15t/h蒸汽发生器的热功率为250kW的燃煤导热油锅炉设计方案,现将有关情况介绍如下。  相似文献   

导热油炉是以煤、油、可燃气为燃料,以导热油为热载体。利用循环油泵强制闭路液相循环,将热能输送给用热设备后,继续返回炉管内再加热的直流式特种工业炉。导热油炉的工艺特点是:1)热稳定性好、毒性低、对设备无腐蚀性、导热效果好;2)在较低运行压力下获得较高的工作温度;3)在各个等级的负荷下,热效率均能保持最佳水平;4)液相输送热能,经换热后的热油仍返回炉内连续不断受热,而无废热排出,比蒸汽供热系统更节能、环保;5)加热过程中无相变,液相蓄热量大,可在低压下获得较高的温度。因此能大大降低锅炉钢材耗量。  相似文献   

介绍了一种循环流化床锅炉热风系统的设计,该系统的热源为一燃用玉米芯的循环流化床热水锅炉,燃料燃烧产生的热首先产生热水,热水在换热器内与空气换热,然后产生43℃热风.这套系统设计关键为锅炉的燃烧温度选择、灰渣质量平衡以及如何保证热风风温稳定等.为进行这套系统的设计,通过试验研究了玉米芯在流化床内的燃烧特性、灰渣结焦特性以及循环床回料器的回料特性.在试验基础上,设计了这套热风系统,这套热风系统由锅炉、换热器、调节系统、除尘器等组成.首台采用该技术的热风系统已在山东登海先锋种业公司投产.这套系统可作为设计燃用稻壳、秸秆等其他生物质燃料锅炉的参考.  相似文献   

在调峰锅炉起动前,提高炉内各设备部件金属的温度,对点火初期煤粉的迅速稳定着火燃烧具有非常特殊的作用。加装邻炉高温风现循环管,完善了邻炉高温风加热系统,从而保证了在起动过程中能连续使用邻炉高温风,使加燃系统更完善合理。  相似文献   

热水采暖和蒸汽采暖相比有许多优点,而热水锅炉是热水供暖系统中的重要设备。文中对承压锅炉供暖系统与常压锅炉供暖系统的特点进行了分析比较,以期为供暖系统的工程设计提供参考。  相似文献   

130 t/h高温、高压煤泥水煤浆锅炉的设计和调试   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了山东枣庄矿业集团新建的1台130 t/h煤泥水煤浆电站锅炉,这是国际上第一台全烧低热值15000 kJ/kg煤泥水煤浆的高温高压悬浮燃烧锅炉,采用浙江大学开发的锅炉整体设计方案、专用燃烧器和喷嘴.锅炉运行实践表明:热效率达到90.3%~91.6%,燃烧效率达到99.5%,为洗煤泥资源化利用开辟了一条新的途径.  相似文献   

《Applied Thermal Engineering》2007,27(2-3):646-657
Seventy to ninety percent of the electric energy used by dishwashers and washing machines heats the water, the crockery, the laundry and the machine and could just as well be replaced by heating energy from solar collectors, district heating or a boiler. A dishwasher and a washing machine equipped with a heat exchanger and heated by a hot water circulation circuit instead of electricity (heat-fed machines) have been simulated together with solar heating systems for single-family houses in two different climates (Stockholm, Sweden and Miami, USA). The simulations show that a major part of the increased heat load due to heat-fed machines can be covered by solar heat both in hot and cold climates if the collector area is compensated for the larger heat load to give the same marginal contribution. Using ordinary machines connected to the hot water pipe (hot water-fed machines) and using only cold water for the rinses in the washing machine gives almost the same solar contribution; however considerably lower electrical energy savings are achieved. The simulations also indicate that improvements in the system design of a combisystem (increased stratification in the store) are more advantageous if heat-fed machines are connected to the store. Thus, using heat-fed machines also encourages the use of more advanced solar combisystems.  相似文献   

To speed up the boiler start-up, especially from the cold state, the boiler evaporator may be flooded with hot water at the beginning of the process. The temperature of water supplied to the boiler evaporator through lower chambers of the boiler furnace chamber waterwalls will be found from the condition of equality between allowable stresses and circumferential thermal stresses on the edge of the opening for the downcomer. A mathematical model of the evaporator hot-water heating with distributed parameters is presented. The hot water needed to fill the boiler evaporator may be supplied from the feed water tank of another operating boiler or a separate hot water tank.  相似文献   

In this paper a comparison study was carried out in order to understand how two different systems, classical and fuzzy logic control of central heating affect the economy and comfort of private homes or offices. Also a literature review was done to help decide which one of these systems is more effective. The objective of the fuzzy controller heating system is to estimate the actual heat requirement of the house. It uses a total of five inputs, four of which are derived from energy consumption curve, using conventional digital filtering techniques; the fifth is the average outdoor temperature, whereas, the classical control system burns diesel type fuel in its furnace to heat the water supply (boiler). From the boiler, the hot water is distributed by a pipe system to the individual radiators in the house. Thereby, it is shown that the fuzzy controlled heating system is more effective, also it maximizes the economy and the comfort of the consumer. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Energy savings for solar heating systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper the realistic behaviour and efficiency of heating systems were analysed, based on long term monitoring projects. Based on the measurements a boiler model used to calculate the boiler efficiency on a monthly basis was evaluated. Comparisons of measured and calculated fuel consumptions showed a good degree of similarity. With the boiler model, various simulations of solar domestic hot water heating systems were done for different hot water demands and collector sizes. The result shows that the potential of fuel reduction can be much higher than the solar gain of the solar thermal system. For some conditions the fuel reduction can be up to the double of the solar gain due to a strong increase of the system efficiency. As the monitored boilers were not older than 3 years, it can be assumed that the saving potential with older boilers could be even higher than calculated in this paper.  相似文献   

A dynamic model of a hydronic heating system is developed. The system consists of a boiler, baseboard terminal units, domestic hot water (DHW) heat exchanger coil and an environmental zone. The model is described by a set of time varying nonlinear coupled differential equations. Predicted responses from the model are compared with the measured data gathered on an on–off controlled hydronic heating system installed in an apartment building. Results show that the model predictions compare well with the field data. Using this validated model, feedback controllers are designed to achieve better regulation of zone air temperature, boiler water temperature and DHW temperature. A load tracking setpoint control strategy is proposed to regulate boiler temperature as a function of outdoor air temperature. Results showing the simulated responses of the system with the designed controllers subject to step changes in space heating and DHW loads are given. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

工业锅炉是采暖供热系统的核心设备,它的主要任务是安全可靠、经济有效地把燃料的化学能转化为热能,进而将热能传递给水,生产出满足需要的蒸汽或热水。  相似文献   

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