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安全高效的新型核能系统(聚变堆和先进裂变堆等)的几何结构、材料种类与中子源特性与传统核反应堆有很大不同,其时空分布复杂,传统基于规则体组合近似的蒙特卡罗粒子输运手工建模方式存在难度大、精度低、工作量大、且易出错的问题。针对该问题,SuperMC发展了基于体面混合与四级栅元层次树的中子输运非规则建模方法。本文介绍了SuperMC在系列ITER中子学标准模型创建中的应用,对比结果表明SuperMC将ITER中子学建模效率提升了千倍以上。  相似文献   

利用ITER三维基准模型对蒙特卡罗方法粒子输运自动建模软件MCAM4.2进行了检验测试,实现了CAD工程模型的预处理,自动转换生成MCNP计算输入文件,并完成测试要求的中子壁负载和偏滤器中子注量率与核热沉积的计算。ITER模型的成功处理与计算表明MCAM能够正确和有效地处理大型复杂几何模型。  相似文献   

基于国际经典的压水堆全堆芯Hoogenboom基准模型,对超级蒙特卡罗核计算仿真软件系统SuperMC(Super Monte Carlo Simulation Program for Nuclear and Radiation Process)进行了校验。对有效增殖因数keff、功率等反应堆关键参数进行了计算与正确性校验,对并行效率进行了分析。结果显示,SuperMC的计算结果与MCNP(Monte Carlo N Particle Transport Code)吻合较好,在使用640核计算时并行效率高达98.7%,初步验证了SuperMC在全堆芯计算中的准确性及高效性。  相似文献   

在国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)中,窗口生物屏蔽插件需为电子设备和工作人员提供必要的辐射屏蔽防护。基于中子学分析的生物屏蔽插件设计是ITER设计的重要内容。本文基于超级蒙卡核模拟软件SuperMC,在ITER大厅三维中子学模型中整合了ITER设计整合部门(DIN)最新设计的下窗口生物屏蔽插件模型,对四种下窗口生物屏蔽插件进行了屏蔽分析。分析结果显示,低温恒温器低温泵生物屏蔽插件中子屏蔽性能最好,室内监视系统生物屏蔽插件屏蔽性能最差;室内检视系统生物屏蔽插件停堆剂量率最小,环形低温泵生物屏蔽插件停堆剂量率最大。在SA2辐照方案下,停堆12天后,环形低温泵生物屏蔽插件处停堆剂量率超过规定限值20倍。分析结果表明,ITER下窗口生物屏蔽插件设计有待优化。  相似文献   

《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(9-10):1954-1958
In ITER, the blanket modules (BM) are arranged around the plasma to provide thermal and nuclear shielding for the vacuum vessel (VV), magnets, and other components. As a part of the BM design process, nuclear analysis is required to determine the level of nuclear heating, helium production, and radiation damage in the BM. Additionally, nuclear heating in the VV is also important for assessing the BM design. We used the CAD based DAG-MCNP5 transport code to analyze detailed models inserted into a 40-degree partially homogenized ITER global model. The regions analyzed include BM01, the neutral beam injection (NB) region, and the upper port region. For BM01, the results show that He production meets the limit necessary for re-welding, and the VV heating behind BM01 is acceptable. For the NBI region, the VV nuclear heating behind the NB region exceeds the design limit by a factor of two. For the upper port region, the nuclear heating of the VV exceeds the design limit by up to 20%. The results presented in this work are being used to modify the BM design in the cases where limits are exceeded.  相似文献   

屏蔽问题是聚变中子学研究密切关注的问题,蒙特卡罗粒子输运中的权窗减方差技术是处理屏蔽计算深穿透难题的重要方法。本文对权窗减方差方法开展研究,并在超级蒙特卡罗计算软件SuperMC中实现。先采用混凝土基准例题进行校验,再将该方法应用于国际热核聚变实验堆ITER的屏蔽分析,计算结果和MCNP进行对比,符合偏差要求,通过权窗减方差的应用,计算效率也有明显提升,证明了方法和程序的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

超级蒙特卡罗核计算仿真软件系统SuperMC   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
蒙特卡罗方法对于复杂核系统的模拟具有明显优势,然而在实际工程应用中存在巨大的挑战,如复杂结构与材料分布精准建模难度大、计算收敛速度慢、海量数据难以及时有效分析等。超级蒙特卡罗核计算仿真软件系统SuperMC设计为支持以辐射输运为核心,包含燃耗、辐射源项/剂量/生物危害、材料活化与嬗变等的综合中子学计算,支持热工水力学、结构力学、化学、生物学等多物理耦合模拟。SuperMC目前已发展了精准建模、高效计算、四维可视化等关键技术,通过2 000余个国际基准模型及实验的验证与确认,在反应堆工程等方面获得广泛应用,本文对其发展概况进行介绍。  相似文献   

点核积分方法是辐射剂量计算的基本方法之一,广泛应用于辐射防护领域。传统的点核剂量计算中采用文本方式描述计算模型,存在难以描述复杂几何、易出错且耗时的问题。针对该问题,本文基于FDS团队自主研发的超级蒙卡核模拟软件系统SuperMC,进行了基于CAD的点核剂量计算方法研究与程序开发,可基于实际问题的CAD模型直接进行支持多重源的光子点核剂量计算,提高了程序对复杂三维几何问题的处理能力,并包含较为完备的核数据库。使用ANSI/ANS6.6.1、ESIS和VisiPlan的基准例题对程序进行了测试验证,测试结果与VisiPlan4.0对比吻合良好。同时将该方法初步应用于ITER热室屏蔽的设计中,说明了本方法及程序处理复杂场景问题的能力。  相似文献   

在广泛调研和分析现有几何建模方法特点的基础上研发了具有可视化用户界面的自动建模程序系统MCAM.它可以实现多种商用软件CAD模型与MCNP模型之间的相互转换,且提供了模型建立、预处理、属性分析等基本功能和计算结果可视化及基于医学映像建模接口等扩展功能.全面系统地介绍了MCAM的设计思想与原理、总体结构、主要功能和国际合作协议框架下的应用测试等情况.实践表明,它是一个实用的MCNP计算辅助工具和核设计与核分析质量保证工具.  相似文献   

《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(9-10):1984-1988
To evaluate the nuclear properties of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) JA Water-Cooled Ceramic Breeder Test Blanket Module (WCCB-TBM) and to ensure its design conforms to nuclear licensing regulations, nuclear analyses have been performed for the WCCB-TBM's components, including its frame, shield, flange, port extension, pipe forest, bio-shield and Ancillary Equipment Unit (AEU). Utilising Monte Carlo code MCNP5.14, activation code ACT-4 and the Fusion Evaluated Nuclear Data Library FENDL-2.1, this paper focusses on the shutdown dose rate calculation for the WCCB-TBM. Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code (MCNP) geometry input data for the TBM are created from computer-aided design (CAD) data using the CAD/MCNP automatic conversion code GEOMIT, and other geometry input data are created manually. The ‘Direct 1-Step Monte Carlo’ method is adopted for the decay gamma-ray dose rate calculation. Behind the bio-shield, the effective dose rates 1 day after shutdown are about 0.2 μSv h−1, which are much lower than 10 μSv h−1, the upper limit for human access. Behind the flange, the effective dose rates 106 s after shutdown are 50–80 μSv h−1, which are lower than 100 μSv h−1, the upper limit for human hands-on access for workers performing maintenance.  相似文献   

The MCR2S system is a tool for the analysis of activation dose in ITER and fusion devices based on the rigorous-2-step formalism, MCNP mesh-tallies and the FISPACT nuclear inventory code. It couples transport and activation calculations in an integrated manner, allowing for the necessarily fine energy and spatial resolutions required for this kind of analysis and overcoming limitations of previous similar tools. The system is routinely used at UKAEA to assist the design of several ITER components such as the ICRH heating system and LIDAR diagnostic. Here we describe its functionality and a first benchmark exercise performed using the fusion-relevant Frascati Neutron Generator shutdown dose rate experiment results. Neutron spectra, reaction rates, photon spectra and activation decay dose rates at several positions and times, obtained using FENDL-2.1/MC and EAF-2007 data, are presented and compared to those of earlier software and libraries, showing good agreement. C/E values close to unity are obtained in all cases, illustrating the robustness and reliability of this novel software.  相似文献   

在基于蒙特卡罗粒子输运方法的反应堆模拟中,如裂变堆、聚变裂变混合堆等,达到可接受的统计误差需要大量的计算时间,这已成为蒙特卡罗方法的挑战问题之一,需通过并行计算技术解决。为解决现有方法中通信死锁的问题并保证负载均衡性,设计了基于双向遍历的临界计算并行算法。该方法基于超级蒙特卡罗核计算仿真软件系统SuperMC进行实现,以池式钠冷快堆BN600基准模型进行验证,并与MCNP进行对比。测试结果表明,串行和并行计算结果一致,且SuperMC并行效率高于MCNP。  相似文献   

在进行反应堆数值模拟时,通过网格计数方法可以精细地统计整个堆芯中多种物理量的空间分布情况。本文基于超级蒙特卡罗核计算仿真软件系统SuperMC发展了一种反应堆静态物理参数的网格计数方法。通过日本原子能研究所临界实验装置TCA例题进行了数值验证,计算结果与MCNP计算结果吻合较好,表明了本文方法的可行性与正确性。  相似文献   

利用Monte Carlo粒子输运计算程序Super MC对厚度1-5 cm的多种材料进行中子反射和屏蔽性能分析计算。这些材料包括金属材料铍、铅、铜、含硼钢以及~(238)U和非金属材料聚乙烯、氢化锂、混凝土,中子能段选取10~(-5) e V-20 MeV。结果显示,中子反射能力和屏蔽性能都会随着材料厚度而增加,但增加的幅度逐渐减小。铍和聚乙烯在中子反射和屏蔽方面性能优越,而常用来屏蔽γ射线的铅在这两方面性能都是8种材料中最差的。~(238)U只在材料厚度很小时性能卓著,随着材料厚度增加,其性能便远不如大部分材料。考虑到聚乙烯的力学性能较差,在屏蔽材料的选择上有很大的限制,所以在8种材料中,铍的综合性能相对较好。  相似文献   

《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(9-10):1899-1904
The electron cyclotron resonance heating upper launcher (ECHUL) is going to be installed in the upper port of the ITER tokamak thermonuclear fusion reactor for plasma mode stabilization (neoclassical tearing modes and the sawtooth instability). The paper reports the latest neutronic modeling and analyses which have been performed for the ITER reference front steering launcher design. It focuses on the port accessibility after reactor shut-down for which dose rate (SDDR) distributions on a fine regular mesh grid were calculated. The results are compared to those obtained for the ITER Dummy Upper Port. The calculations showed that the heterogeneous ECHUL design gives rise to enhanced radiation streaming as compared to the homogenous dummy upper port. Therefore the used launcher geometry was upgraded to a more recent development stage. The inter-comparison shows a significant improvement of the launchers shielding properties but also the necessity to further upgrade the shielding performance. Furthermore, the analysis for the homogenous dummy upper port, which represents optimal shielding inside the launcher, demonstrates that the shielding upgrade also needs to include the launcher's environment.  相似文献   

本文基于Monte Carlo粒子输运计算程序SuperMC,计算了四种含硼聚乙烯(B-PE)结构缝隙对两种谱中子的衰减倍数。为了便于比较不同结构缝隙对中子屏蔽性能的影响,统一与相同厚度无缝隙材料相比得到中子衰减倍数相对减小量,并在相同条件下对计算结果进行了实验验证。结果表明:对于厚度6 cm的B-PE材料,斜缝结构的快中子衰减倍数相对减小量为直缝结构的1/8,斜缝结构的慢化中子衰减倍数相对减小量为直缝结构的1/3,斜缝结构对中子屏蔽产生的负面影响最小。  相似文献   

A shield module is associated with an Indian Test Blanket Module (TBM) in ITER to limit the radiation doses in port inter-space areas. The shield module is made of stainless steel plates and water channels. It is identified as an important component for radiation protection because of its radiation exposure control functionality. The radiation protection classification leads to more assurance of the component design. In order to validate and verify the design of the shield module, a neutronic laboratory-scale experiment is designed and executed. The experiment is planned by considering the irradiation under a neutron source of 14 MeV and yields of 10 10 ns −1. The reference neutron spectrum of the ITER TBM shield module has been achieved through optimization of the neutron source spectrum by a combination of steel and lead materials. The neutron spectrum and flux are measured using a multiple foil activation technique and neutron dose-rate meter LB 6411 (He-3 proton recoil counter with polyethylene), respectively. The neutronic design simulation is assessed using MCNP5 and FENDL 2.1 cross-section data. The paper covers neutronic design, irradiation and the outcome of the experiment in detail.  相似文献   

断层屏蔽具有灵敏度高、采集时间短的特点,在临床应用中有很好的前景.通过物理模型和蒙特卡罗模拟计算,探讨了断层屏蔽SPECT的灵敏度、空间分辨率和信噪比,并提出不同半径的数据分组可以有效和直观的进行图像判别,便于图像重建.  相似文献   

MCNP™ is one of the most widely used codes and is suitable for the validation of a new computer code for pebble-bed core analysis which will be developed in the future. In a pebble-bed core not only the fuel and moderator pebbles are randomly packed, but also the fuel-to-moderator pebble ratio is irregular. It is quite difficult to directly apply these features in MCNP™ simulations. A new method, that can efficiently simulate the characteristics of the pebble-bed core by using the MCNP™ code, was developed in this study. The key idea of the method is that the material composing the unit cell expanded by repeated-geometry feature of the code is randomly determined and the continuity of material is conserved. This method was validated by the benchmark problems for the pebble-bed cores. If this method is implemented into the MCNP™ code, greater variety of analyses for the pebble-bed core can be possible.  相似文献   

MCNP4B程序可视化运行平台开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
成功开发了一套基于Windows98系统的MCNP程序可视化运行平台McnpClient,它界面美观,操作简便,易学易用,将会获得不熟悉MCNP程序和蒙特卡罗方法的物理工作者的欢迎,有利于MCNP程序的推广应用。  相似文献   

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