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The article proposes a method for teaching advanced urban design to working professionals in Singapore. The article aims to expand the discourse on parametric urban design education by introducing ‘Urban Elements’ as conceptual urban design instruments with an inherent rule-based logic, which can help to bridge gaps in teaching parametric urban design thinking. As case study we present a course developed for and delivered to the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) in Singapore in 2017 by the Future Cities Laboratory at the Singapore-ETH Centre. The article reports on the pedagogical method, course results and course feedback. The main difficulties of teaching professionals in parametric urban design are described and possible reasons and improvements are discussed. The results show that participants using the ‘Urban Elements’ method successfully linked theoretical input to urban design problems, applied evidence-based urban design strategies to these problems, and developed parametric definitions to explore the solution spaces of these urban design challenges. The teaching methodology presented opens up a new research field for urban design pedagogy at the intersection of explicating urban design intent, integrating multidisciplinary knowledge and exploring new software driven tools.  相似文献   

本文主要探讨建筑学与景观建筑学的关系,以建筑设计为基准点,分析了景观建筑学的概念和手法引入,对建筑设计的影响,使建筑呈现了丰富的景观,实现了建筑设计的景观共生。  相似文献   

面临一系列城市问题的巨大压力,"如何把环境心理学的研究成果结合到具体的建筑设计中,唤起学生的社会性意识"是烟台大学建筑学院四年级居住组团与单体建筑设计教学的改革目标。文章以2008年山东省农村住宅竞赛一等奖方案为例,具体阐述建筑设计与环境心理学整合的教学模式,并探讨多学科专业教师联合辅导教学的模式。  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of private sector participation on industrial performance of urban water supply by using panel data for 35 major cities in China over the period 1998 to 2008. We find that the introduction of private sector participation is significantly correlated with improvement in integrated production capacity and water coverage rate, but not correlated with the investment in fixed assets. Private sector participation has a positive impact on the integrated production capacity in the developed eastern cities and contributes to narrowing the gap of water coverage rate between the less developed central and western cities and the more developed eastern cities. We also find that the participation of foreign companies, but not domestic private companies, significantly improves water industry performance. The research sheds some light on the importance of private participation in urban water markets. However, the performance of domestic private firms in urban water supply still needs be improved.  相似文献   

人和空间存在互动关系,衍生出城市体验和城市设计的互动关系.城市设计的理念有助于营造良好的城市体验,而城市体验又可以为城市设计提供直接的方向性的指导.本文以城市体验为切入点,介绍了城市设计的一些基本原则和方法,以期更好的认识并运用城市设计.  相似文献   

This paper presents an experiment in which people performed a co-design task in urban design, using a multi-user touch table application with or without interactive model simulations. We hypothesised that using the interactive model simulations would improve communication and co-operation between co-design participants, would help participants to develop shared understanding and would positively affect the co-design process and its outcomes. However, our experiment (involving 60 people in 20 co-design sessions) only partly confirmed these hypotheses. People positively evaluated the interactive model simulation tools (an interactive map of an urban area, interactive models for traffic, sound, sight and safety, and ‘tangibles’), and these tools promoted communication and co-operation, and the exploration of design solutions. However, people's experiences of social cohesion and their satisfaction with their own contribution to the co-design process were better without these tools, possibly because using these tools drew people's attention towards these interactive model simulations and away from the dynamics between the participants. We therefore advocate using such tools selectively, for example, early on in a co-design process, to improve shared understanding of the contents of the problem, rather than later on, when people need to focus on their fellow participants and on the processes of communication and co-operation.  相似文献   

中国新型城镇化发展背景下,城乡规划的作用和地位日益提升。2011年城乡规划学从建筑学二级学科中独立出来,正式被提升为一级学科。但在实践教学中,城乡规划学专业建筑设计课程始终沿袭建筑学专业传统的教学模式,已经不能适应城乡规划学科的发展趋势和要求。文章针对这一现象,分析当前城乡规划学专业建筑设计课程教学中存在的问题,提出应注重培养学生城乡规划学的思维方式,并结合幼儿园建筑设计的课程教学,从调研、任务书的拟定、图纸内容和口头表达提出具体的教学方法。  相似文献   

南平师专武夷山校区地处武夷山市区与风景名胜区的结合部,基地自然环境条件优越,规划设计以尊重和利用自然生态环境为出发点,以营造山水生态校园为目标,从规划布局、景观组织、建筑设计等方面进行探讨。  相似文献   

本文基于建筑学平台下城市规划专业教育发展现状,以研究城市规划专业转型期教学为目的,就专业基础知识体系建构、专业基础技能训练、专业意识培养三方面的缺失进行反思,提出现阶段城市规划专业转型期<居住区规划设计>课程教学改革的思路与办法,即以规划理论课为主线,合理组织课程体系,循序渐进完善学生专业知识结构;以课程设计为核心,注...  相似文献   

This article will discuss a false dichotomy between two models, the modern art studio and the post-studio, which oppose the private and the public, the individual and the collective, hiding and the revealing. We will begin by analysing Daniel Buren’s position in his canonical text “Fonction de l’Atelier” and his practice, where the artist defines the foundations of post-studio work. As the text also describes a New York studio type that must be left behind, we will analyse Jackson Pollock’s and Andy Warhol’s workspaces through drawing reconstructions to demonstrate that these meet the defining characteristics of both models. It will be shown that the artists have used design strategies to retain certain aspects of studio culture while exploring others of the post-studio. This turning point reveals that the current belief about the obsolescence of the studio in a global era defined by communication, networking and mobility ignores its emerging post-studio qualities. This work aims to acknowledge this shift, obtaining a critical vision that will allow us to design contemporary workspaces avoiding stereotypical and reductionist approaches.  相似文献   

In this study, the environmental responsiveness of built heritage is closely connected with the aspects of building typology and urban canyon geometry. The focus of this study is on two-story adobe buildings with lightweight timber projections, locally called sachnisi, which are located on the first floor, above the pass-through space on the ground floor, locally known as portico. The field study reveals and maps a total of 246 sachnisi projections across the walled city of Nicosia, Cyprus, a typical Mediterranean area. This research is the first systematic attempt to integrate cultural, historical, and environmental factors and the urban-and building-scale environmental characteristics of vernacular heritage. The findings highlight thermal adaptive opportunities and passive cooling strategies, i.e., natural ventilation, enhanced by aligning the portico axis with the prime wind direction and operating various openings of the sachnisis. The research also demonstrates that the building orientation and the proportions of sachnisis and porticos are insensitive to the street geometry. Thus, functional and morphological parameters (in addition to climatic parameters) are also significant in the configuration of these architectural elements. The originality and academic contribution of this study lie within the systematic and comprehensive methodology followed, which can be applied to other urban heritage sites. The use of innovative, multidisciplinary methods and tools in heritage studies is also recommended.  相似文献   

关于我国城市建筑立面设计的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱一丁  张强 《山西建筑》2007,33(26):67-69
建筑立面是体现建筑美的一个重要方面,就临街建筑的立面具有特殊的重要性,提出并说明了在一定条件下建筑立面比建筑实用功能重要的观点,分析了造成建筑立面设计不理想的原因,并提出了解决这种状况的一些建议,从而为设计师做好建筑立面的设计工作提供了指导。  相似文献   

大数据分析以其客观性、动态性、全面性等优势,为城市设计的转型发展助力,大数据赋能城市设计教学具有重要意义。根据以往反馈意见显示,大数据运用介入现有建筑类研究生城市设计课程后,存在着因学生对大数据认识不足造成教学开展困难、城市设计授课内容被迫压缩、学生刻意逃避大数据运用操作、教师仍选择传统授课方式等四个方面的问题。对此,从教学目标、课前前期准备、阶段操作内容与教学设定、课程评价与反馈等方面进行调整,以作为大数据运用介入课程的实现手段。并在此基础上,将大数据赋能城市与设计课程从前期准备、调研、分析、方案、成果等阶段进行整合,从而奠定学生的大数据基础能力,培养学生数据收集与挖掘能力、数据分析能力、数据创新设计能力、方案的可视化表达能力,强化学生城市设计的大数据运用能力。最后指出,大数据运用的介入已促使学生学习城市设计的方式产生转变,同时也全面提升了学生的城市设计创作思维能力。  相似文献   

中国城市家具设计与应用现状分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吕天娥 《山西建筑》2010,36(29):26-27
以城市家具在中国城市的设计和使用事实为依据,并结合日常生活中城市家具设计潜在的功能特性,论述了城市家具在城市生活中的重要价值,提出了城市家具目前在设计方面存在的问题,并在以上论述的基础上,提出了城市家具在中国发展的具体建议。  相似文献   

21世纪初中国建筑和城市设计发展战略研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文简要剖析论述了世纪之交世界建筑和城市设计学科发展的七大前沿研究领域和趋势,从中凝练出四方面的关键科学问题,即基于可持续发展思想的城市设计与建筑创作理论与方法、体现主流科技进步的现代城市与建筑设计技术集成和创新、基于信息数字技术的建筑学科科技平台的创新与全球化背景下中国城市与建筑设计的地域化与文化历史遗产保护。论文还结合中国建筑学科发展提出了需要优先开展研究并可能取得突破的领域。  相似文献   

城市滨水区景观设计探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李秋梅 《山西建筑》2010,36(4):24-25
通过对城市滨水区景观建设现状的分析与总结,从城市滨水区与人的关系的角度出发,简要阐述了对城市滨水景观营造的看法和见解,以提高城市滨水区的环境质量,使滨水区的生态环境更和谐。  相似文献   

介绍了结构概念设计的内容,并以中国建筑科学研究院PKPM系列软件为例,分析了其参数的含义,探讨评价了结构合理性的因素,并论述了结构设计方面的一些具体方法,以供同行借鉴。  相似文献   

陈七林 《福建建筑》2011,(5):103-105
本文通过分析总结工程应用中不同结构型式的连拱隧道的优缺点,提出连拱隧道结构方案选择的思路。结合具体工程实例,对连拱隧道的关键技术问题进行分析,提出结构设计和施工措施。  相似文献   

Planning and Design in Urban Development, consuming large Resources entailing many variables giving numerous solutions with large variations in resource-efficiency indicators, is a problem-solving process (Mitchell WJ. Computer-aided architectural design. New York: Petrocelli/Charter; 1977) involving search through numerous potential solutions to select a particular solution that meets a specified criteria, making computer-use indispensable. Planners/Designers (e.g. engineers/architects/planners) Commit huge Resources (e.g. money, land, materials), in their planning-design-decisions (i.e. planning function, 1 of 5 urban managerial functions) forming part of Integrated Urban Management (Chakrabarty BK. Urban management: concepts, principles, techniques and education. Cities, vol. 18/5. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science; 2001), enjoining on them an Ethical Responsibility/Accountability to the Society to achieve Productivity and Equity in Resources-Use so committed for a resource-efficient housing/urban problem solution. Operations Research (Optimization) and computer-aided design (CAD), are essential Techniques to improve Productivity (Koontz H, Weihrich H. Essentials of management. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company;1990; Koontz H, O’Donnel C. Management—a system and contingency analysis of managerial functions, New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company; 1976). Hence, it is vital that planners/designers apply (facilitated by modern computers) CAD/Optimization (even ancients applied Optimization) to discharge their above Accountability to the Society, for a Resource-Efficient and Equitable solution of housing/urban problems, in the context of rising population and dwindling Resources, particularly because we live in a Finite Earth with Finite Resources and no rational decision is really complete without Optimization.  相似文献   

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