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In the ITER edge Thomson scattering measurement system, polychromators with optical band-pass filters and avalanche photodiodes are planned to be used. In this paper, we optimized the transmission wavelength ranges of the optical filters by a numerical method. Since measurements in a high electron temperature range are required for the measurement system, the Thomson spectrum could overlap a strong line emission of Dα when the electron temperature is rather high. It is shown that a filter whose transmission wavelength range is shorter than Dα becomes important to decrease the measurement error in the high temperature range. Moreover, it is found that a filter whose transmission wavelength range is above 1064 nm (laser wavelength) is useful to improve the measurement accuracy, in particular, when the number of filters is more than six.  相似文献   

Optical design for divertor Thomson scattering system in JT-60SA has been conducted. The measurement system will use a Nd:YAG laser at 1064 nm, and scattered photons are collected by a collection optical system. The collection optics consists of primary mirror, secondary mirror, relay optics, and fiber collection optics. The laser transmission mirror and collection optics were designed to be installed in a slender lower port of JT-60SA. The assessment of the measurement errors in temperature was conducted for the designed collection optical system. Because of spatial limitation, the solid angle from the measurement points would be small especially for the measurement points in high field side, and consequently, the temperature errors in the high field side would be considerably large. The effects of several improvements on the error are discussed. Moreover, an assessment for the in-vessel laser transmission metallic mirrors is conducted for the present design.  相似文献   

汤姆逊散射初步实验设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于汤姆逊散射的X射线源具有一些现有X射线源所不具备的优点,因而具有广泛的应用前景。我们将利用现有的16MeV返波型行波加速器与纳秒激光器进行汤姆逊散射初步实验。本文给出了即将进行的该初步实验的理论计算及整体方案,并对在实验中可能出现的问题的解决方案进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Five-channel interference filter polychromator is designed and fabricated for measuring electron temperature and density from Thomson scattered spectrum of SST-1 tokamak plasma. The instrument is designed for measuring electron temperature in the range of 20 eV-3 keV and electron density of 1018-1019 m−3. Optical ray tracing software, Zemax is used for simulating and optimizing the optical design. Each polychromator is a stand-alone unit with field programmable gate array (FPGA) based controller unit for easy operation, monitoring of the temperature variation of the instrument and communicating to a central personal computer (PC). The control unit also protects the avalanche photo diode (APD) detectors from damage due to high current flow, sets the slow channel gain and switches on the biasing power supply. Characteristics of the present polychromator design are relatively high signal throughput and variable bandwidth selection of filters combined with a stable, low cost and relatively simple configuration. Filter selection, arrangement order of filters, statistical error analysis, mechanical and optical design and estimation of electron temperature and density are discussed in this article. The fabricated filter polychromator is tested for its image quality, optical alignment, and integrated performance.  相似文献   

In addition to the magnetic confinement fusion plasma, Thomson scattering has been applied to measure electron density and temperature of low-temperature plasmas. Based on a linear magnetized plasma device, a set of Thomson scattering diagnostic system is designed to diagnose the plasma with ${n}_{{\rm{e}}}={10}^{18}{\unicode{x02013}}{10}^{19}\,{{\rm{m}}}^{-3}$ and ${T}_{{\rm{e}}}=2{\unicode{x02013}}5$ eV. Due to low plasma temperature and density, this diagnostic system needs high spectral resolution and collection efficiency to meet the requirements of electron velocity distribution function measurements. Through the bench test, it is confirmed that the spectral resolution reaches 0.01 nm, and theoretical collection efficiency is high enough to obtain a Thomson scattering spectrum by 1000 accumulations.  相似文献   

The Thomson scattering diagnostics (TS) at the COMPASS tokamak (operated in the Institute of Plasma Physics ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic) is based on two high-power Nd:YAG lasers, which have a pulse energy of 1.5 J and repetition rate of 30 Hz each.A new timing and synchronization unit (TSU) based on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) was designed and constructed in order to assure reliable and synchronized control of flash lamps and Q-switches of both lasers. Correct delay between laser pulses is necessary to obtain the highest possible laser energy and to prevent the active medium, the Nd:YAG rod, from thermal damage.An FPGA development kit was chosen as core hardware for the TSU and dedicated input and output circuits were manufactured to adapt the kit interfaces for COMPASS TS needs. In addition, the FPGA firmware, the control software, and the graphical user interface were developed to control the TSU hardware.This paper describes the TS regimes that are addressed by the new TSU. Further, the TSU design, the operation flow, and the firmware and software development are presented. Finally, the results of commissioning are shown.  相似文献   

A Thomson scattering diagnostic system is under construction at the Joint Texas Experimental Tokamak (J-TEXT).A 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser with 50 Hz repetition rate is used as the laser source.We have used a software for careful and precise control of the laser through serial communication.A time sequence operating system has been developed to synchronize the laser control and data acquisition system with the central control system (CSS).The system operates commands from the CSS of J-TEXT and generates triggers for the laser and data acquisition system in the proper sequence.It also measures an asynchronous time value that is needed for accurate time stamping.All functions are served by a field-programmable gate array development platform that is suitable for high-speed data and signal processing applications.Several embedded peripherals,including Ethernet and USB 2.0,provide communication with the CSS and the server.  相似文献   

A visible light imaging Thomson scattering (VIS-TVTS) diagnostic system has been developed for the measurement of plasma electron temperature on the HT-7 tokamak. The system contains a Nd:YAG laser (A = 532 nm, repetition rate 10 Hz, total pulse duration ≈ 10 ns, pulse energy 〉 1.0 J), a grating spectrometer, an image intensifier (I.I.) lens coupled with an electron multiplying CCD (EMCCD) and a data acquisition and analysis system. In this paper, the measurement capability of the system is analyzed. In addition to the performance of the system, the capability of measuring plasma electron temperature has been proved. The profile of electron temperature is presented with a spatial resolution of about 0.96 cm (seven points) near the center of the plasma.  相似文献   

The PACTITER code derives from the PACTOLE code, developed by the CEA for predicting activated corrosion products (ACPs) in PWR primary circuits. The operating conditions, material compositions and water chemistry of the various Primary Heat Transfer Systems (PHTS) of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) made mandatory the adaptation of the PACTOLE code.PACTITER was developed on the basis of dedicated experiments, namely devoted to determine copper solubility and stainless steel release in the ITER primary cooling systems conditions, which are rather different from those in PWR (i.e. water chemistry and temperatures). The PACTITER code has been extensively used in support of the ITER Generic Site Safety Report (GSSR) in the field of accident analysis and worker collective dose assessment.  相似文献   

In quasielastic neutron scattering (QENS) the dynamic structure factor S(Qω) consists of an elastic central line with area given by the elastic incoherent structure factor (EISF) and a continuous quasielastic broadening. Using only the resolution function of the spectrometer we discuss a method to derive the EISF directly from the raw experimental data points S(Qω) without any smoothing or any modelling of the quasielastic broadening. We compare this model to the Fourier transform method, show how it works on actual neutron scattering data and discuss its accuracy for several cases.  相似文献   

A heterodyne collective scattering system has been designed and developed to investigate the turbulent transport of core plasma on J-TEXT. A dual-HCN laser which consists of two separately pumped HCN gas lasers at 337 μm has been developed as the laser source of the scattering system. The intermediate frequency (IF) is ∼1 MHz when there is a 4 μm cavity length difference and capable to maintain stability more than 5 h without manual operation. Detection channels at three different angles (2 ≤ k⊥ ≤ 12 cm−1) have been installed with Schottky barrier diode mixers of 893 GHz. The sampling frequency of the acquisition system is 6 MHz to observe low-frequency density fluctuations. Initial experimental results have been detected and more results can be expected in future experiments.  相似文献   

Ferromagnetic material is used to reduce the toroidal field ripple in JFT-2M [H. Kawashima, et al., Demonstration of ripple reduction by ferritic steel board insertion in JFT-2M, Nucl. Fusion, 41 (2001) 257-263] and JT-60U [H. Takenaga, the JT-60 Team, Overview of JT-60U results for development of steady-state advanced Tokamak scenario, Proceedings of the 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Chengdu, China, 2006]. In ITER, since the ferromagnetic material is inserted in the space between the double walls of ITER Vacuum Vessel (VV), it is called “ferromagnetic inserts”. Suitable material is selected to satisfy the design requirements of ITER. The proper location and amount of the ferromagnetic inserts are optimized with the goal of reduction of the toroidal field ripple. The ferromagnetic inserts are designed to minimize electromagnetic forces acting on them. The electromagnetic forces have been calculated with the latest disruption scenarios. Magnetization forces due to magnetic fields have also been calculated. Structural integrity has been validated by a structural analysis.  相似文献   

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