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The Multithreaded Application Real-Time executor (MARTe) is a multi-platform C++ middleware designed for the implementation of real-time control systems. It currently supports the Linux, Linux + RTAI, VxWorks, Solaris and MS Windows platforms. In the fusion community MARTe is being used at JET, COMPASS, ISTTOK, FTU and RFX in fusion [1].The Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS), a standard framework for the control systems in KSTAR and ITER, is a set of software tools and applications which provide a software infrastructure for use in building distributed control systems to operate devices.For a MARTe based application to cooperate with an EPICS based application, an interface layer between MARTe and EPICS is required. To solve this issue, a number of interfacing solutions have been proposed and some of them have been implemented. Nevertheless, a new approach is required to mitigate the functional limitations of existing solutions and to improve their performance for real-time applications.This paper describes the design and implementation of a shared memory based interface between MARTe and EPICS.  相似文献   

This paper describes the design, implementation, and operation of the Video Real-Time (VRT) diagnostic system of the ASDEX Upgrade plasma experiment and its integration with the ASDEX Upgrade Discharge Control System (DCS). Hot spots produced by heating systems erroneously or accidentally hitting the vessel walls, or from objects in the vessel reaching into the plasma outer border, show up as bright areas in the videos during and after the reaction. A system to prevent damage to the machine by allowing for intervention in a running discharge of the experiment was proposed and implemented. The VRT was implemented on a multi-core real-time Linux system. Up to 16 analog video channels (color and b/w) are acquired and multiple regions of interest (ROI) are processed on each video frame. Detected critical states can be used to initiate appropriate reactions – e.g. gracefully terminate the discharge. The system has been in routine operation since 2007.  相似文献   

Tokamak experiment requires high-speed data acquisition and processing systems. In traditional data acquisition system, the sampling rate, channel numbers and processing speed are limited by bus throughput and CPU speed. This paper presents a data acquisition and processing system based on FPGA. The data can be processed in real-time before it is passed to the CPU. It provides processing ability for more channels with higher sampling rates than the traditional data acquisition system while ensuring deterministic real-time performance. A working prototype is developed for the newly built polarimeter–interferometer diagnostic system on the Joint Texas Experimental Tokamak (J-TEXT). It provides 16 channels with 120 MHz maximum sampling rate and 16 bit resolution. The onboard FPGA is able to calculate the plasma electron density and Faraday rotation angel. A RAID 5 storage device is adopted providing 700 MB/s read–write speed to buffer the data to the hard disk continuously for better performance.  相似文献   

详细介绍了一种基于 PC的 γ相机系统中的实时数据处理和图像构成的方法 ,描述了系统的硬件的基本结构和软件的流程 ,并着重介绍了 DSP周围电路的设计和其软件代码的实现。系统的平均数据通过率达 50 kevents/ s。该系统满足 γ相机心电门控的应用要求  相似文献   

应用网络技术将多个功能不同、相互独立的以PC微机为基础组成的核数据获取和处理子系统有机互联,组成了一种新型的多功能网络化核数据获取和处理系统,探讨了系统的最佳组成模式、工作原理及实现方法,给出了系统在2.5MeV静电加速器上进行团簇特性研究的初步结果。  相似文献   

刘奇  葛一楠  许贵平  周欣  简丽娟 《核动力工程》2004,25(6):559-561,570
聚乙烯材料自动图像处理检测软件系统由电机控制.图像采集、图像拼接和图像处理与分析部分组成本文介绍了该系统的设计制作,并将其应用于试件内部缺陷的检验分析中,结果表明,该系统原理正确,结构可行,性能可靠。  相似文献   

The steady state operation with high energy content foreseen for future generation of fusion devices will necessarily demand dedicated real-time tools and mechanisms for data handling and machine control. Consequently, the real-time systems for those devices should be carefully selected and their capabilities previously established. The Joint European Torus (JET) is undertaking an enhancement program, which includes tests of relevant real-time tools for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), a key experiment for future fusion devices. In these enhancements a new Data AcQuisition (DAQ) system is included, with real-time processing capabilities, for the JET hard X-ray and gamma-ray profile monitor. The DAQ system is composed of dedicated digitizer modules with embedded Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) devices. The interface between the DAQ system, the JET control and data acquisition system and the JET real-time data network is provided by the Multithreaded Application Real-Time executor (MARTe). This paper describes the real-time algorithms, developed for both digitizers’ FPGAs and MARTe application, capable of meeting the DAQ real-time requirements. The new DAQ system, including the embedded real-time features, was commissioned during the 2012 experiments. Results achieved with these real-time algorithms during experiments are presented.  相似文献   

介绍了HIRFL(兰州重离子研究装置)上利用荧光靶对束团截面形状和流强大小的实时测量方法和对光斑图像进行动态分析的硬件结构以及软件的设计方法,并定量地给出一些测量结果。该系统具有可靠性好、精度高、测量直观、应用软件的界面友好等优点。  相似文献   

《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(9-10):2272-2277
Remote handling (RH) systems are used to inspect, make changes to, and maintain components in the ITER machine and as such are an example of mission-critical system. Failure in a critical system may cause damage, significant financial losses and loss of experiment runtime, making dependability one of their most important properties. However, even if the software for RH control systems has been developed using best practices, the system might still fail due to undetected faults (bugs), hardware failures, etc. Critical systems therefore need capability to tolerate faults and resume operation after their occurrence. However, design of effective fault detection and recovery mechanisms poses a challenge due to timeliness requirements, growth in scale, and complex interactions. In this paper we evaluate effectiveness of service-oriented architectural approach to fault tolerance in mission-critical real-time systems. We use a prototype implementation for service management with an experimental RH control system and industrial manipulator. The fault tolerance is based on using the high level of decoupling between services to recover from transient faults by service restarts. In case the recovery process is not successful, the system can still be used if the fault was not in a critical software module.  相似文献   

HT-7超导托卡马克MHD实时检测与处理系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王华  罗家融  李志勇  黄勤超  李贵明 《核技术》2005,28(10):794-798
磁流体不稳定性(MHD)是影响HT-7长脉冲放电的一个重要因素,通常可以通过调制低杂波电流驱动的方法来抑制MHD。实验发现全程调制低杂波电流驱动会降低低杂波的驱动效率。我们采用了主动反馈调制低杂波电流驱动的方法,设计并实现了MHD的实时检测与处理系统。研究结果表明,该系统既可以实时地抑制MHD,又不降低低杂波驱动效率。  相似文献   

Single optical or impedance phase detection probes are able to measure gas velocities provided that their sensitive length L is accurately known. In this paper, it is shown that L can be controlled during the manufacture of optical probes. Besides, for a probe geometry in the form of a cone+a cylinder+a cone, the corresponding rise time/velocity correlation becomes weakly sensitive to uncontrollable parameters such as the angle of impact on the interface. A real-time signal processing performing phase detection as well as velocity measurements is described. Since its sensitivity to the operator inputs is less than the reproducibility of measurements, it is a fairly objective tool. Qualifications achieved in air/water flows with various optical probes demonstrate that the void fraction is detected with a relative error less than 10%. For bubbly flows, the gas flux is accurate within ±10%, but this uncertainty increases when large bubbles are present in the flow.  相似文献   

The pre-emptive stabilization of a neoclassical tearing mode, NTM, requires the calculation of the tokamak magnetic equilibrium in real-time. A launcher mirror is positioned to deposit electron cyclotron current drive on the rational surface where the NTM should appear. A real-time Grad–Shafranov solver using constraints from magnetic probe, flux loop and Motional Stark Effect measurements has been developed to locate these rational surfaces and deliver this information to the mirror controller in real-time. A novel algorithm significantly reduces the number of operations required in the first and second step of the solver. Contour integrals are carried out to calculate the q profile as a function of normalized radius and the rational surfaces are found by spline interpolation. A cycle time of 0.6 ms for calculating two tokamak equilibria in parallel using four current basis functions with magnetic constraints only and using six current basis functions with magnetic and MSE constraints has been achieved. Using these tools, pre-emptive stabilization of a m/n = 3/2 NTM mode in ASDEX Upgrade could be demonstrated.  相似文献   

EPICS是目前国内大型加速器装置普遍采用的分布式控制系统软件平台。Channel Archiver为EPICS自带数据存档工具集,主要用于实现对试验数据的快速存取和检索,作为其核心的Archive Engine,专门负责数据的存档工作。通过对Archive Engine进行的分析,提出其应用于上海光源的不足之处。针对这些不足,结合了最新的XML技术对存档引擎进行了修改,并对修改后的引擎进行了测试。  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于DSP的高速核信号波形数据采集与处理系统的软硬件设计及实现,并给出了在不同条件下的采样结果.  相似文献   

本文阐述了基于虚拟仪器技术和数据采集卡开发核能谱信号采集与处理系统的过程.针对LabVIEW在对大量的数据分析和处理方面的不足,提出了在LabVIEW中调用C的方法,对采集的信号进行平滑、寻峰以及峰面积计算,实现了一套完整的核能谱信号采集、处理与文件管理系统.  相似文献   

介绍了上海质子治疗装置高频低电平系统中扫频配置和PI反馈控制算法。通过编写Verilog HDL代码对AD9858芯片进行配置,实现了直接数字频率合成和频率扫描的功能,设计了PI算法以保证高频腔腔压幅度和相位的高精度和高稳定性。  相似文献   

论述基于MicrosoftWindows3.X环境下的核保障数据获取处理软件的开发方法,并讨论图形用户界面、多窗口环境能谱显示技术、能谱数据获取与处理功能等主要模块的设计以及面向对象的程序设计方法(OOP)的应用。所述方法和程序已应用于有关核保障无损分析系统,同时为构造多窗口多任务环境下的应用软件提供了一种有效的原型化设计途径。  相似文献   

The Neutral Beam Test Facility, which will be built in Padova, Italy, is aimed at developing the ITER heating neutral beam injector (HNB) and at testing and optimizing its operation up to nominal performance before installation on ITER. It requires the development of two independent experiments referred to as SPIDER (source for production of ions of deuterium extracted from Rf plasma) and MITICA (megavolt ITer injector & concept advancement). SPIDER will explore the full-size negative ion source for ITER, whereas MITICA will explore the full-size ITER neutral beam injector. Both experiments will be designed for long-pulse operation, up to 3600 s, as ITER itself. MITICA includes three functional components: the heating neutral beam injector plant system (HNB), which is the device under test; the auxiliary plant system (AUX), which includes all equipment to operate the HNB in the test facility (e.g. the local electric grid to feed the HNB power supplies), and MITICA supervisory system that is an electronics/informatics infrastructure to operate the facility. The paper introduces the requirements for the control and data acquisition systems of the experiments and proposes a preliminary design for both systems. SPIDER, which is preparatory to MITICA and will be developed on a shorter time scale, has no constraints coming from ITER CODAC, whereas MITICA includes the ITER neutral beam injector and therefore must be fully compatible with ITER CODAC.  相似文献   

概述了利用Visual C^ 6.0 Windows设计的一个幅度谱的模拟与处理系统。幅度谱的模拟包括:本底分布、峰分布和谱分布,而谱分析处理包括:谱平滑、寻峰、峰判别、扣本底、峰面积、能量刻度和效率刻度等。  相似文献   

多丝漂移室阵列是设计中的低温高密核物质测量谱仪(Cooling storage ring External-target Experiment,CEE)上的前角带电粒子径迹探测器,信号读出的一种备选方案是采用传统前置放大器和采样幅度数字转换器(Analog-to-Digital Converter,ADC)来完成信号的放大和获取,该方案结构较简单,成本适中,而且可以处理单根丝上的多重点火信号。为了进一步降低电子学的通道数目,而又不显著影响探测器的性能,研制了一种扇入延迟电路,将漂移室上不同的多根丝信号进行扇入延迟处理,合成为一路信号后再输入到采样ADC的单个通道进行波形采样和数字化。实际的测试结果表明,该电路对信号处理产生的信号能量展宽好于1%,时间晃动好于500 ps,对应的位置分辨好于25?m,满足漂移室径迹探测器阵列对位置分辨小于300?m的要求。  相似文献   

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