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3D打印技术是一种以建模软件为基础,通过使用粘合材料来进行三维打印的技术.本文对3D打印技术的分类和应用进行了介绍,总结了3D打印技术在道路工程上的应用现状,包括道路修复、道路材料和道路施工三个方面,并对未来的研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

近年来,3D打印技术的快速发展,带动了其在建筑领域的研究及实践。新的建造技术是对传统技术的挑战和补充,同时促使了建筑设计、材料研发、计算机编程、机械设计等多方面的创新。本文通过一些3D打印建筑应用案例及设计的研究,分析本技术的特点,对3D打印建筑的发展进行展望。  相似文献   

3D建筑打印作为新兴的极具发展潜力的建筑构筑技术,可应用在工业、民居等领域.为验证、推广3D建筑打印技术,结合工程实例,本文介绍3D打印建筑的结构方案设计、现场施工流程以及对3D打印技术的处理措施.  相似文献   

3D打印技术在建筑领域的研究与应用逐渐成为世界范围内的热点研究课题之一,建筑3D打印材料的研究与开发是3D打印技术在建筑领域应用的重点和难点.本文回顾了3D打印技术的发展历程,在总结国内外建筑3D打印技术的基础上,重点介绍了建筑3D打印材料的研究状况和进展,并对目前建筑3D打印材料的应用和问题进行了概括,对建筑3D打印...  相似文献   

Recently, 3D concrete printing (3DCP) technology starts entering the market from factories and laboratories, contributing to the creation of new construction methods and architectural forms. However, since the technologies of most 3DCP institutions are independently developed, there is a lack of consensus in terms of construction methods and development approaches in the industry. In this paper, based on 42 3DCP architectural works completed in last five years, a quantitative analysis was made to evaluate the impacts of the fabrication system on 3DCP building forms. The paper introduced three criteria, including Workspace Index, Geometric Complexity Index, and Tectonic Prospect Index, analyzing and answering the discussions about “adopting in-situ printing or prefabrication”, “using gantry printers or robotic arms” from the perspective of architectural form. By analyzing specific construction methods and design strategies in these projects, the research summarized three development trends, “mobile equipment, algorithmic structure, and intelligent construction”, which will affect the future development of 3DCP building forms. Finally, the paper discussed the advantages, limitations, and potential of four different 3DCP fabrication systems, expecting to point out the directions to further optimize each system and realize more diverse 3DCP buildings.  相似文献   

3D打印技术是一种热门的新兴技术,与传统技术相比,其更加系统,也更加便捷,已经在很多行业和领域得到应用.本文综合相关研究成果,阐述了混凝土3D打印技术的材料与工艺研究、3D打印混凝土的性能试验方法研究及混凝土3D打印技术的应用研究,并分析了3D打印技术现阶段存在的问题与不足,对混凝土3D打印技术的研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

In recent few years, significant improvement has been made in developing largescale 3D printers to accommodate the need of industrial-scale 3D printing. It is of great feasibility to construct structural components and buildings by means of 3D concrete printing. The major issues of this innovative technique focus on the preparation and optimization of concrete materials which possess favourable printable properties as well as the measurement and evaluation methods of their workability. This paper firstly introduces three largescale 3D printing systems that have been successfully applied in construction industry. It then summarizes the commonly used raw materials in concrete manufacturing. Critical factors that should be particularly controlled in material preparation are specified. Easy-extrusive, easy-flowing, well-buildable, proper setting time and low shrinkage are significant for concrete mixture to meet the critical requirements of a freeform construction process. Thereafter, measuring methods that can be employed to assess the fresh and hardened properties of concrete at early stages are suggested. Finally, a few of evaluation methods are presented which may offer certain assistance for optimizing material preparation. The objective of this work is to review current design methodologies and experimental measurement and evaluation methods for 3D printable concrete materials and promote its responsible use with largescale 3D printing technology.  相似文献   

磷酸盐水泥在3D打印技术中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一种新兴技术,3D打印技术的出现得到各个行业的关注。近几年,一些学者开始探索3D打印技术在传统建筑行业中的应用。建筑行业一直是高能耗、高排放行业,3D打印技术的推广,必将减少能源资源的消耗和环境负荷。磷酸盐水泥具有快硬、早强、粘结强度高和良好的生物相容性等特点十分切合3D打印技术对于打印基材的需求。基于磷酸盐水泥技术性能研究,分析了磷酸盐水泥在3D打印基材中的应用技术特性,并对其所面临的问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

3D打印技术在建筑领域的应用得到广泛关注.与传统施工技术相比,3D打印技术具有诸多技术优势,但仍有一些关键技术问题需要克服,其中打印层间弱界面是一个重点.本文针对3D打印水泥基材料层间界面粘结性能的影响因素、测试方法以及性能特征进行综述.  相似文献   

通过分析3D打印技术特征,结合高等院校产品设计专业教学的课程、逻辑、体系等,优化两者之间的衔接与组合,特别是以内容分析的方式,综合课程设计和体系优化、工程实训(实践)与项目化实战、校企合作联合培养、创新创业与职业技能训练、建立3D打印高新技术产业联盟等模块,并集约各个内部要素单元,完成技能型知识结构模型设计,对高等院校3D打印高新技术人才培养有一定示范价值。  相似文献   

3D打印在土木工程行业中具有良好的应用前景,然而在目前的教学中鲜有涉及。第九届全国大学生结构建模大赛中首次引入了3D打印节点装配模型的制作。以湖南科技大学参赛作品为例,从3D打印节点的设计、优化和安装等角度,阐述了3D打印在大学生结构建模中的应用。构件由3D打印节点采用"卡""插""楔""套"4种方式进行组装,效果良好。大赛对土木工程专业本科生普及3D打印技术、拓展专业视野具有较好促进作用。  相似文献   

含内部三维缺陷的试样和含复杂地质结构的物理模型制作一直是制约岩石力学试验发展的主要原因之一,鉴于3D打印(3D Printing,3DP)技术可以便捷地制作含复杂结构的三维实体,将3DP技术引入到岩体/岩石力学试验的研究中。以粉末性石膏为打印材料制作了含内部多孔洞结构和预制裂隙结构的模型试样,力学试验表明,这2种打印试样的变形特征、破坏特征、强度特征以及裂隙扩展过程与岩石类材料较为一致;利用粉末性石膏和PLA材料为打印材料,制作出了含单断层和含锚杆衬砌支护工程的隧道物理模型,试验证明了断层的存在降低了隧道的稳定性,而锚杆衬砌支护系统可以有效地提高洞室的承载能力,而且3DP隧道模型的变形破坏过程与其他岩石类材料的物理模型试验结果和工程现场观测现象较为一致。同时,将3D光学面扫描技术和3DP技术相结合建立一种含自然节理面模型的制作方法,试验测试表明该方法能够较好地复制出节理面的形貌特征,并且试样的剪切力学性质和破坏特征具有很好的稳定性和一致性。通过上述3DP试样的初步力学试验测试表明该技术在岩体力学试验研究中的可行性。最后,进一步了探讨和挖掘了3D打印技术在岩石力学和岩体工程研究中的应用潜力。  相似文献   

陶瓷粉体表面改性是一种改善陶瓷浆料流变性能的有效方法,已应用于光固化3D打印用Al2O3陶瓷浆料的制备,然而目前鲜有关于表面改性对光固化3D打印Al2O3陶瓷烧结体性能影响的研究报道.本文采用油酸对Al2O3陶瓷粉体进行表面改性处理,利用光固化3D打印技术制备Al2O3陶瓷,研究表面改性对Al2O3陶瓷浆料流变性能、固...  相似文献   

At present, the development and implementation of digital transformation are the keys to promoting high-quality industry development. The new digital fabrication method of robotic 3D printing is a research area being studied by many to tackle the issue of the declining productivity of traditional construction methods. Although many studies have been done, most of the current 3D printing projects are facing limitations in terms of scale. In order to bridge the gap, this article proposed a mass customization 3D printing framework system for large-scale projects. This article discusses how mass customization is made possible through the joint operation of the FUROBOT software and 3D printing hardware. By taking the east gate of Nanjing Happy Valley Plaza as a case study, the article demonstrates and studies the feasibility of the large-scale mass customization 3D printing framework system.  相似文献   

岩土工程课程是一门理论与实践紧密结合的课程,教学内容涉及边坡工程、地下工程、工程岩体等复杂“立体式”结构,传统“平面式”教学的效果往往不佳,学生难以具体且形象地掌握边坡或地下等复杂工程的结构特征。针对这一难题,探索结合虚拟场景和3D打印技术的“虚实结合”教学模式和平台建设,并在课程教学中结合岩土工程实例进行实践应用。实践表明:学生在虚拟场景学习岩土工程的复杂结构,有效解决了学生现场考察面临的成本高、周期长、潜在风险高等不利问题,也更能激发学生的学习兴趣。通过3D打印技术,将虚拟场景和数字模型实体化,能培养学生的实际动手能力和创新思维,提高岩土工程类课程的教学质量。在新工科建设要求背景下,也为学生课外创新性试验等活动提供了平台,有利于教研相长和师生的良性互动。  相似文献   

杭州西站屋盖钢结构整体为双曲造型,体量较大,常规监测方法无法满足现场快速、全面的结构变形监测要求。为实现杭州西站项目高精度、高效率和全过程的变形监测,采用三维激光扫描获取结构建造全过程的点云数据,将点云数据处理后与BIM模型配准,完成单构件偏差分析、施工过程和成形态结构偏差分析,实现建造全过程的变形监测。监测结果与全站仪测量数据对比表明,三维扫描变形监测与全站仪测量的数据值及标准差基本一致,数据波动较小,监测结果稳定,适用于大型空间钢结构项目建造全过程的变形监测。  相似文献   

王振殿  王提 《山西建筑》2012,38(18):281-282
指出Civil 3D是一款面向土木工程设计的建筑信息模型(BIM)解决方案,介绍了Civil 3D在国际机场跑道地势设计中的应用,通过建立原地形曲面、创建跑道路线及跑道纵断面、创建跑道断面装配、放坡等,最后可由模型生成机场跑道三维效果,总结了Civil 3D在跑道地势设计中的优点,使机场设计人员了解Civil 3D,从而提高设计效率。  相似文献   

冯志 《山西建筑》2007,33(1):271-272
利用FLAC^3D强大的前后处理功能来模拟某地铁车站工程风道结构的三种中板施工方案,并通过模拟计算,分别计算出三种中板方案施工后地表的沉降值,以此来评选三种中板施工方案的优劣。  相似文献   

This work presents the dynamic analysis of three-dimensional plate and shell structures based on an improved meshless method, the Natural Neighbour Radial Point Interpolation Method (NNRPIM) using a shell-like formulation. In the NNRPIM, the nodal connectivity is imposed using the natural neighbours concept. An integration background mesh is constructed, totally node-dependent, and used in the numerical integration of the NNRPIM interpolation functions, which possess the delta Kronecker property. Several dynamic plate and shell problems are studied to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method.  相似文献   

This paper describes a wood-wood spatial joining system adapted to digital fabrication which has been designated the “Spatial Masterkey”. The wood stereotomy of the joints between the different pieces that make up this joining system is inspired by a three-dimensional puzzle called “snowflake”. The production process used in the masterkey system can be carried out using only a 3-axis CNC milling machine—a relatively affordable and easily accessible tool. By using digital manufacturing for the execution of wood-wood joints, several benefits are obtained including faster machining and greater cutting precision and uniformity in the products produced. These advantages make this joining system both economically competitive and environmentally friendly. Additionally, the versatility of this joining system means that its configuration can be adapted to a wide range of casuistry of encounters between members, which means that it can be used for a number of spatial assemblies. This includes, but is not limited to, the spatial module presented in this document.  相似文献   

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