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The spectrum effect on the penetration of resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) is studied with upgraded in-vessel RMP coils on J-TEXT. The poloidal spectrum of the RMP field, especially the amplitudes of 2/1 and 3/1 components, can be varied by the phase difference between the upper and lower coil rows, Δϕ=ϕtopϕbottom, where ϕtop and ϕbottom are the toroidal phases of the n = 1 field of each coil row. The type of RMP penetration is found to be related to Δϕ, including the RMP penetration of either 2/1 or 3/1 RMP and the successive penetrations of 3/1 RMP followed by the 2/1 RMP. For cases with penetration of only one RMP component, the penetration thresholds measured by the corresponding resonant component are close for various Δf. However, the 2/1 RMP penetration threshold is significantly reduced if the 3/1 locked island is formed in advance. The changes in the rotation profile due to 3/1 locked island formation could partially contribute to the reduction of the 2/1 thresholds.  相似文献   

Nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of an equilibrium on the J-TEXT tokamak with applied resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs) are performed with NIMROD (non-ideal MHD with rotation, open discussion). Numerical simulation of plasma response to RMPs has been developed to investigate magnetic topology, plasma density and rotation profile. The results indicate that the pure applied RMPs can stimulate 2/1 mode as well as 3/1 mode by the toroidal mode coupling, and finally change density profile by particle transport. At the same time, plasma rotation plays an important role during the entire evolution process.  相似文献   

The effect of externally applied resonant magnetic perturbation(RMP)on carbon impurity behavior is investigated in the J-TEXT tokamak.It is found that the m/n=3/1 islands have an impurity screening effect,which becomes obvious while the edge magnetic island is generated via RMP field penetration.The impurity screening effect shows a dependence on the RMP phase with the field penetration,which is strongest if the O point of the magnetic island is near the low-field-side(LFS)limiter plate.By combining a methane injection experimental study and STRAHL impurity transport analysis,we found that the variation of the impurity transport dominates the impurity screening effect.The impurity diffusion at the inner plasma region(r/a<0.8)is enhanced with a significant increase in outward convection velocity at the edge region in the case of the magnetic island's O point near the LFS limiter plate.The impurity transport coefficient varies by a much lower level for the case with the magnetic island's X point near the LFS limiter plate.The interaction of the magnetic island and the LFS limiter plate is thought to contribute to the impurity transport variation with the dependence on the RMP phase.A possible reason is the interaction between the magnetic island and the LFS limiter.  相似文献   

The effects of externally applied resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) on the locked mode of the neoclassical tearing mode (NTM) are numerically investigated by means of a set of reduced magnetohydrodynamic equations. It is found that, for a small bootstrap current fraction, three regimes, namely the slight suppression regime, the small locked island (SLI) regime and the big locked island (BLI) regime, are discovered with the increase of RMP strength. For a much higher bootstrap current fraction, however, a new oscillation regime appears instead of the SLI regime, although the other regimes still remain. The physical process in each regime is analyzed in detail based on the phase difference between the NTM and the RMP. Moreover, the critical values of the RMP in both SLI and BLI regimes are obtained, and their dependence on key plasma parameters is discussed as well.  相似文献   

To further research the response of the tearing mode(TM) to dynamic resonant magnetic perturbation(DRMP) on the J-TEXT tokamak, a modified series resonant inverter power supply(MSRIPS) with a function of discrete variable frequency is designed for DRMP coils in this study. The MSRIPS is an AC–DC–AC converter, including a phase-controlled rectifier, an LC filter, an insulated gate bipolar transistor(IGBT) full bridge, a matching transformer, three resonant capacitors with different capacitance values, and three corresponding silicon controlled rectifier(SCR) switches. The function of discrete variable frequency is realized by switching over different resonant capacitors with corresponding SCR switches while matching the corresponding driving frequency of the IGBT full bridge. A detailed switching strategy of the SCR switch is put forward to obtain sinusoidal current waveform and realize current waveform smooth transition during frequency conversion. In addition, a resistor and thyristor bleeder is designed to protect the SCR switch from overvoltage. Manufacturing of the MSRIPS is completed, and the MSRIPS equipment can output current with an amplitude of 1.5 kA when its working frequency jumps among different frequencies. Moreover, the current waveform is sinusoidal and can smoothly transition during frequency conversion. Furthermore, the transition time when the current amplitude rises from zero to a steady state is less than 2 ms during frequency conversion. By using the MSRIPS, the expected discrete variable frequency DRMP is generated, and the phenomenon of the TM being locked to the discrete variable frequency DRMP is observed on the J-TEXT tokamak.  相似文献   

A set of in-vessel saddle coils has been installed on J-TEXT tokamak. They are proposed for further researches on controlling tearing modes and driving plasma rotation by static and dynamic resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs). The saddle coils will be energized by DC with the amplitude up to 10 kA, or AC with maximum amplitude up to 5 kA within the frequency range of 1–5 kHz. At DC mode two antiparallel 6-pulse phase thyristor rectifiers are chosen to obtain bidirectional current, while at AC mode an AC–DC–AC converter including a series resonant inverter can generate current of various amplitudes and frequencies. The paper presents the design of the power supply system, based on the definition of the power supply requirements and the feasibility of implementation of the topology and control strategy. Some simulation and experimental results are given in the end.  相似文献   

The width of a magnetic island is an important parameter for the quantitative analysis of magnetohydrodynamic-related physics. An electron cyclotron emission radiometer(ECE) is a powerful tool that can be used to obtain this width, which can usually be determined from the flat temperature distribution at the O-point phase or the maxima temperature perturbation. An improved method to estimate the width of a magnetic island is proposed in this paper, and it is independent of calibration. With this method and the existing 24-channel ECE system, the width of a rotation magnetic island can be estimated. Additionally, by filtering the fluctuation ECE signal, the evolution of the magnetic island can be obtained. The results of this method are consistent with those of the integrated magnetic probe signals, which represent the relative change of the magnetic island.  相似文献   

为满足J-TEXT托卡马克装置电磁诊断的需求,研制了程控积分器系统。积分器系统采用模块化方式设计,由积分器板卡、控制器板卡、线性电源板卡和BNC接口板卡组成,并由上位机控制程序进行网络化控制。一套积分器系统可提供32路积分器通道,所有积分器通道均具有4种可供程控选择的积分时间常数,同时提供3种积分器运行控制方式。实验室和J-TEXT现场测试结果为:每路积分器通道的输出电压范围为-10~10 V;输出噪声≤5 mV;在4种积分时间常数条件下,积分器累计积分100 s的输出漂移均小于5 mV。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the effects of resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) on classical tearing modes (TMs) and neoclassical tearing modes (NTMs) from the theory, experimental discovery and numerical results with a focus on four major aspects: (i) mode mitigation, where the TM/NTM is totally suppressed or partly mitigated by the use of RMP; (ii) mode penetration, which means a linearly stable TM/NTM triggered by the externally applied RMP; (iii) mode locking, namely an existing rotating magnetic island braked and finally stopped by the RMP; (iv) mode unlocking, as the name suggests, it is the reverse of the mode locking process. The key mechanism and physical picture of above phenomena are revealed and summarized.  相似文献   

J-TEXT, formerly TEXT-U at the University of Texas at Austin in USA, is a medium-sized tokamak at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology. The toroidal field (TF) power supply of this tokamak should provide a current of 160 kA and a flat duration of 500 ms for the toroidal field coils to generate a maximum toroidal field of 3 T at the geometric center of the vaccum vessel. This paper presents a design of a new control system which takes the real-time feedback control option for the TF power supply operation. The system was tested successfully during the commissioning. In the first experimental campaign of J-TEXT, the system effectively controlled the power supply to provide a fiat current up to 92.5 kA and therein the TF produced reached 1.74 T, which enabled the machine to generate the first plasma successfully.  相似文献   

Magnetohydrodynamic(MHD) instabilities are widely observed during tokamak plasma operation. Magnetic diagnostics provide important information which supports the understanding and control of MHD instabilities. This paper presents the current status of the magnetic diagnostics dedicated to measuring MHD instabilities at the J-TEXT tokamak; the diagnostics consist of five Mirnov probe arrays for measuring high-frequency magnetic perturbations and two saddle-loop arrays for low-frequency magnetic perturbations, such as the locked mode. In recent years, several changes have been made to these arrays. The structure of the probes in the poloidal Mirnov arrays has been optimized to improve their mechanical strength, and the number of in-vessel saddle loops has also been improved to support better spatial resolution. Due to the installation of high-field-side(HFS) divertor targets in early 2019,some of the probes were removed, but an HFS Mirnov array was designed and installed behind the targets. Owing to its excellent toroidal symmetry, the HFS Mirnov array has, for the first time at J-TEXT, provided valuable new information about the locked mode and the quasi-static mode(QSM) in the HFS. Besides, various groups of magnetic diagnostics at different poloidal locations have been systematically used to measure the QSM, which confirmed the poloidal mode number m and the helical structure of the QSM. By including the HFS information, the 2/1 resonant magnetic perturbation(RMP)-induced locked mode was measured to have a poloidal mode number m of ~2.  相似文献   

The J-TEXT tokamak has been operated for ten years since its first plasma obtained at the end of 2007. The diagnostics development and main modulation systems, i.e. resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) systems and massive gas injection (MGI) systems, will be introduced in this paper. Supported by these efforts, J-TEXT has contributed to research on several topics, especially on RMP physics and disruption mitigation. Both experimental and theoretical research show that RMP could lock, suppress or excite the tearing modes, depending on the RMP amplitude, frequency difference between RMP and rational surface rotation, and initial stabilities. The plasma rotation, particle transport and operation region are influenced by the RMP. Utilizing the MGI valves, disruptions have been mitigated with pure He, pure Ne, and a mixture of He and Ar (9:1). A significant runaway current plateau could be generated with moderate amounts of Ar injection. The RMP has been shown to suppress the generation of runaway current during disruptions.  相似文献   

It is extremely important for tokamak to control the plasma position during routine discharge. However, the model of plasma in tokamak usually contains much of the uncertainty, such as structured uncertainties and unmodeled dynamics. Compared with the traditional PID control approach, robust control theory is more suitable to handle this problem. In the paper, we propose a H robust control scheme to control the horizontal position of plasma during the flat-top phase of discharge on Joint Texas Experimental Tokamak (J-TEXT) tokamak. First, the model of our plant for plasma horizontal position control is obtained from the position equilibrium equations. Then the H robust control framework is used to synthesize the controller. Based on this, an H controller is designed to minimize the regulation/tracking error. Finally, a comparison study is conducted between the optimized H robust controller and the traditional PID controller in simulations. The simulation results of the H robust controller show a significant improvement of the performance with respect to those obtained with traditional PID controller, which is currently used on our machine.  相似文献   

A spectral diagnostic control system (SDCS) is developed to implement automatic process of the edge rotation diagnostic system on the J-TEXT tokamak. The SDCS contains a control module, data operation module, data analysis module, and data upload module. The core of this system is a newly developed software "Spectra Assist", which completes the whole process by coupling all related subroutines and servers. The results of data correction and calculated rotation are presented. In the daily discharge of J-TEXT, SDCS is proved to have a stable performance and high efficiency in completing the process of data acquisition, operation and results output.  相似文献   

In order to measure boundary electrostatic and magnetic fluctuations simultaneously, a combined Langmuir-magnetic probe (CLMP) has been designed and built on joint-Texas experimental tokamak. The probe consists of 8 graphite probe pins and a 3D magnetic probe, driven by a mechanical pneumatic device. By means of simulation, the shielding effect of the graphite sleeve on the magnetic fluctuation signal is explored, and the influence of the eddy current was reduced by cutting the graphite sleeve. In the experiment, it has been verified that the mutual inductance of electromagnetic signals can be ignored, and a 70–90 kHz electromagnetic mode is observed around the last closed magnetic surface. The establishment of CLMP provides data for the exploration of the coupling of electrostatic and magnetic fluctuations.  相似文献   

The effect of resonant magnetic perturbation(RMP) on boundary turbulence and transport in J-TEXT plasma is experimentally investigated.Edge plasma fluctuations in discharges with and without the(m/n=3/1) RMP currents are diagnosed by using Langmuir probe arrays.It was found that fluctuations in the edge and scrape-off layer(SOL) regions decrease with the application of a 6 kA RMP.The broadband turbulence at the radial location of ρ~0.9 which has a characteristic frequency of 40-150 kHz was strongly suppressed when applying RMP,as was the radial turbulent particle flux and blob transport in the near-SOL region.These experimental findings make RMP a promising method of suppressing and controlling turbulence and particle transport in a plasma boundary.  相似文献   

中国环流器二号A装置(HL-2A)是核工业西南物理研究院2002年投入实验运行的托卡马克,它是我国第1个具有偏滤器、等离子体截面具有一定垂直拉长的托卡马克.HL-2A的磁体使用铜导体,具有良好的灵活性和等离子体的可近性,其极向场线圈全部位于环向场线圈之内,位于真空室内的偏滤器的成形线圈可建立双零和单零的偏滤器位形.HL-2A已发展了30多套先进的等离子体诊断系统和总功率4 MW的辅助加热系统,加料技术得到持续发展.随着上述系统的建设和放电综合控制技术的提高,HL-2A装置已获得了高约束模式,这为开展先进托卡马克(AT)物理实验,ITER和聚变堆的科学、技术和工程问题等的研究奠定了基础.HL-2A也成为国际上最活跃的中型托卡马克,为国际托卡马克物理活动(ITPA)作出了积极贡献.  相似文献   

The Joint Texas Experimental Tokamak (J-TEXT), a medium-sized conventional tokamak, serves as a user experimental facility in the China-USA fusion research community. Development of a flexible and easy-to-use J-TEXT central control system (CCS) is of supreme importance for users to coordinate the experimental scenarios with full integration into the discharge operation. This paper describes in detail the structure and functions of the J-TEXT CCS system as well as the performance in practical implementation. Results obtained from both commissioning and routine operations show that the J-TEXT CCS system can offer a satisfactory and effective control that is reliable and stable. The J-TEXT tokamak achieved high-quality performance in its first-ever experimental campaign with this CCS system.  相似文献   

In order to understand the mechanism by which the resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) mitigates or suppresses the edge-localized mode (ELM), the topological study of the edge magnetic field in ELM mitigation or suppression phase is a critical issue. To model the three-dimensional magnetic field topology superposed RMP on Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak, a numerical model using the field line tracing method for both vacuum and ideal plasma response approximations is proposed. Using the numerical model, the topological change and the penetration depth of the stochastic field lines in the edge magnetic field are studied in an RMP experiment. Comparing profiles of minimum ρ on edge stochastic field lines and the particle flux pattern, the ideal plasma response changes the field line penetration depth while remaining similar profile relative to vacuum approximation. To mitigate and suppress ELM strongly, the deep penetration of RMP fields and topological changes of the edge magnetic field is a key from our modeling.  相似文献   

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