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可供性理论从功能的角度描述儿童环境感知的心理本质及其对特定环境的行为反应,体现出强烈的人本主义关怀.通过文献回顾,首先厘清了可供性理论因能够直接描述儿童的环境-行为关系而成为儿童环境感知研究的重要理论基础,借助可供性的不同维度、层级及特性能够详细描述开放空间为儿童提供的多种活动机会.可供性作为联系环境与人类感知、行为的...  相似文献   

With the advance of inclusive city and child-friendly city construction, children’s opportunities to access nature have gained increasing concern. This study explored the play preference of children aged between 3 and 12 years old when they interact with plants, as well as the corresponding environmental characteristics, with four community parks in Tianjin as examples. It collected data on behaviors, plants, and environmental factors in the surroundings concerning children’s play with plants via multiple methods including behavioral observation, behavioral mapping, questionnaire, and semi-structured interview, which were examined under theories related to cognitive development, children’s play, and affordance. Employing methods such as quantitative analysis and cross tabulation analysis, the study further obtained the frequency of children’s various types of play and the affordance provided by different plants in varied environments, as well as the specific play behaviors in these environments. The findings show that due to the biophilic nature, children are able to actively make use of existing green spaces and utilize the perceived affordance, used affordance, and shaped affordance of plants to play various types of games in high-density urban environment. Children’s interaction/play with plants increases their direct connection with nature and can basically meet their daily needs for natural experience; green spaces where there are plants with diverse species and characteristics and varied environmental factors in the surroundings can stimulate more plant affordances. Future landscape design should pay more attention to how to facilitate children’s natural and spontaneous play by creating diverse places for different play needs, introducing rich and distinctive plants, developing supporting functions of other environmental elements, encouraging challenging and adventurous play, and strengthening safety and environmental education.  相似文献   

目前历史街区公共空间更新开始关注儿童需求,包 括自然性和游戏性,但缺少从儿童教育性视角的研究。借助大 栅栏街区丰富的文化资源,利用胡同街巷线性空间特点,从承 载文化教育功能视角,研究大栅栏历史街区公共空间适儿化改 造对儿童友好背景下的城市更新具有借鉴意义。首先以大栅栏 街区公共空间为研究对象,挖掘北京历史文化街区中华优秀文 化基因,通过人本观察、儿童心生理认知实验和语义分割等方 法,研究儿童认知特征及文化认知偏好,建立大栅栏适儿化文 化教育基因库;其次梳理大栅栏公共空间类型和模式,构建大 栅栏适儿化文教场景体系;最后通过归纳景观场景范式提出优 化策略,并结合党建引领、多元共融的社区营造工作体系下开 展的“党建四合院”“大栅栏儿童责任规划师”和“大栅栏文 化童学路”3个特色项目实践,探索具有文保区特色的儿童友 好城市建设模式和路径。  相似文献   

儿童友好社区和老年友好社区的发展理念已在国内试点城市推进实践,但社区建设中的老幼友好规划设计研究尚处于起步阶段。为探索社区生活街道如何为老幼人群提供接触他人、融入社区的良好支持,利用行为跟踪法和环境行为定点观察法,以广州的三个典型社区商业性生活街道为研究对象,对老幼群体在街道中的行为特征和互动场景模式进行分析与归纳,总结提出老幼人群互动的五种行为模式、典型街道生活场景模式和三种行为序列。从增进社区老幼互动、提升社区街道活力的角度,提出设施邻近和设施共享的社区生活设施复合布局模式构想。  相似文献   

An important consideration in designing urban spaces for children is that it should aid children’s development and learning. An extensive literature from Cognitive Science has established that children’s social, cognitive, and motor development is promoted by various, wellresearched types of play. This article reviews the body of knowledge from Cognitive and Developmental Science concerning the benefits of play for learning and explains that it can and should be harnessed by urban designers. First, the review shows that different types of play confer different learning benefits. Urban space design that attempts to maximize learning from play should consider design’s affordance — what types of play are afforded by the design. Second, evidence from Cognitive Science show that children’s learning and exploration are fostered by challenge and ambiguity. Design that embraces these increases learning and creativity. Third, play is critical for children’s social learning, as it gives children the opportunity to practice social interaction. Urban design can catalyze social learning by creating spaces and structures that invite play among peers, as well as parent-child play. Beyond this theoretical review, this article also illustrates how to realistically implement these Cognitive Science-oriented urban design with an authentic case study.  相似文献   

周扬  关经纯  钱才云 《中国园林》2022,38(7):115-120
“儿童友好城市建设”已被正式纳入中国的第十四个五年规划。系统化认知儿童日常户外行为需求及其与社区建成环境之间的矛盾对建设儿童友好型城市具有紧迫要义。基于儿童视角,以日常生活圈尺度的社区户外空间为研究对象,调研儿童日常户外行为特征、户外空间需求和满意度,从场地空间、土地利用、道路系统和边界空间4个层面采集社区建成环境各要素属性,经数据分析,明确影响儿童户外行为及满意度建成环境的关键指标,包括儿童适宜活动空间面积、周边建筑密度、步行道路连接度和边界空间出入口密度等,并在此基础上探讨提升社区户外空间儿童友好度的指标建议值及策略。  相似文献   

Introducing the case of the Kids’ Gardens in Yucai No. 3 Primary School in Changsha City, Hunan Province, this study established sociograms upon the contact-frequency-based network with UCINET to systematically analyze the characteristics of different participants in the process of the childfriendly community building and the varying pattern of all social relations, aiming at addressing problems emerging in public participation and multi-stakeholder collaboration in Chinese mainland. It was found that by bonding stakeholders including citizens, the government and party organizations, universities, and public institutions and enterprises, this practice encouraged the school — as a community — to leverage its internal resources. The school finally overcame the organizational inertia and achieved independent operation and growth during the process of community building. The study also demonstrated that the social network of participants was developed and defined with both independent and dependent modes from an overall perspective, of which the former characterized for its dominant internal ties and a dense tree-like hierarchical management structure might be more efficient. From a participant perspective, the brokerage roles in key nodes were critical to the community building. Finally, spatial design strategies, including enhancing the spatial affordance to serve diverse activities, space zoning and allocation, offering “half-done” spaces, and phased development, were provided for similar community building practice.  相似文献   

This article reviews the concepts of child rights and Child Friendly City at first and underlines that essentially Child Friendly City construction is to protect and guarantee child rights. By examining China’s reality of the design practice for children, the author points out that to build a Child Friendly City, two challenges must be addressed: interpreting child rights in different societal and cultural contexts, and mitigating interest conflicts between the protection of child rights with the current urban construction. In response, the author emphasizes the importance to build child’s infrastructure that is devised to serve varied scenarios, purposes, and childhoods, as well as the fact that this is not a once-forall investment but requires an evolving planning mechanism. Finally, the article states that children’s participation is the key to Child Friendly City construction and the greatest challenge to local implementation, which asks for long-term capacity building for children’s participation and strong support by a top-down management system.  相似文献   

谢璇 《室内设计》2018,(4):13-17
本文以社区公共空间环境品质提 升为目标,自上而下与自下而上相结合,从日 常微观的视角,以艺术为媒介,通过工作坊 的形式,在盐运西社区组织可视化、互动的 社区艺术活动和社区景观艺术空间塑造,小 尺度的设计介入等方式探索社区环境更新途 径,发掘社区历史文化价值,自下而上培育居 民对社区的归属感和认同感,尝试建立多方 共同参与社区建设机制。  相似文献   

This study explores the idea that all public urban places should be planned and designed keeping children in mind. Children from urban places are exposed to different types of urban and social problems. While many Western cities address the needs of children and young people, Egyptian cities overlook children’s needs and behaviours, especially in architectural terms. This study attempts to place Egyptian children at the centre of the urban agenda based on universal laws that secure children. The contribution provides procedures and design principles. A survey in Cairo was conducted through interviews with children and their parents. The results indicate that a child-friendly community can be created for positive social interaction between children, families and the built environment. The result also suggests that a third place will be the most appropriate area where a child-friendly community can be created. Such places are crucial for learning how children interact as they grow up because they are places where informal activities take place. The research concludes that for an improved built environment, it is important to focus on children’s lives in third places and what designers provide or hinder with normative design principles through the process of creating child-friendly cities.  相似文献   

社区公园是儿童户外活动的重要承载空间。研究儿 童在社区公园的行为偏好及空间需求对增加儿童户外活动机 会、提升社区公园品质和促进环境公平具有重要意义。以杭州 市3个社区公园为研究对象,采用行为注记法获取儿童活动空 间分布特征,运用关联规则、核密度分析和多因素方差分析等 方法,研究儿童户外活动与社区公园空间和环境要素之间的关 系。研究发现,社区公园中儿童不同活动类型对空间的偏好度 存在显著差异:自然活动对特定空间的偏好度最高,主要集中 在有沙、水体和草坪的空间;功能活动和规则活动的空间偏好 度次之,多发生在器械区、广场等设施丰富或面积较大的场 地;休闲活动与大部分空间都具有关联性,分布较均衡。设 施、基底类型和植被覆盖等环境要素与儿童活动空间选择的关 联性较强。以此为基础,提出以儿童活动偏好为导向的社区公 园规划设计建议。  相似文献   

Urban streets support citizens’ daily commuting and social and recreational activities. Streetscape is also a visual resource and an important part of urban landscape appearance. Serving as an important ecological base and natural components of urban spatial structure, mountains often determine a city’s spatial layout and landscape identity so as to promote mountaincity integration. The study focuses on the historic downtown of Jinan, a typical mountainous city, analyzes the landscape aesthetic visual characteristics of street pedestrian spaces, and measures their landscape visual aesthetic quality by using panoramic images; the research then evaluates the visibility of high-visual-aesthetic-quality urban mountainous landscape to urban streets; finally, based on the overall landscape visual aesthetic quality evaluation results of urban street pedestrian spaces, the paper proposes a series of optimization suggestions of the streets at different levels to improve the harmony with urban mountain landscapes. The study hopes to provide a reference for the creation of mountain–city-integrated urban landscapes, as well as the healthy and sustainable urban development.  相似文献   

社区是人们生活的地方,它的街道最为人们广泛分享。社区街道使社区更适于生活,社会交往更加便利。同时,社区街道也最可能受到人们每天行动所产生的影响。文章以当代私家车泛滥的社区街道为背景,对私人机动化主导的社区街道进行理论梳理和对策分析,旨在优化社区街道的空间形态和居民生活质量的提高。  相似文献   

余洋  蒋雨芊  李磊 《中国园林》2021,37(3):20-25
在城市生命安全的视野下,城市空间对健康的需求被再次深度思考。基于文献梳理,从健康服务功能的角度,总结国际经验及近10年国内外街道健康绩效实证结果,将健康内涵与街道要素叠加,提出将健康街道作为城市公共空间的发展策略。从生理健康、心理健康和社会适应三位一体的维度,提出了适合中国国情的健康街道概念和作用机制,明确了体力活动、环境舒适、街道安全和社会交往4个健康影响路径,构建了“内涵-路径-属性-指标”的健康街道量化评估过程,以及涵盖“空间要素、管理实施、街道设计、健康绩效”4项内容的设计实践模式,并进一步说明了量化测度、健康绩效和设计导控的内容。拓展了健康性在街道空间的实现途径,提出了健康理念下的街道发展新模式,为街道的理论认知、设计导控与评估管理提供理论支持。  相似文献   

该文以有机生长理论为视角,以蒲城为例,对关中小城市历史文化街区街巷空间的功能秩序、空间秩序特色和现存问题进行分析总结,从街巷系统的功能融合、城市设计、公众参与三个方面提出关中小城市历史文化街区街巷系统规划的策略,创造功能复合的街巷、形成基因健康生长的"街巷网状系统"、尊重历史和文脉,从而达到对延续关中小城市传统风貌、缝合社会生活网络的目的。  相似文献   

The Child Friendly Cities Initiative launched by UNICEF aims to protect child rights and promote the establishment of urban and community environment conductive to children development, and safety must be guaranteed first as the precondition of the child rights. Based on social, health, and mobility safety required by the initiative, this paper focuses on how to evaluate children’s mobility safety in the community environment. After literature review, 41 indicator articles involving 18 assessment tools and 82 other articles were screened, and safety-related indicators were selected to establish an evaluation indicator framework composed of three first-level indictors, i.e., motor traffic environment, walking / bicycling environment, and other indicators. They were further subdivided into 11 second-level indicators, 29 third-level indicators, and more fourth-level indicators. Although this framework needs localized verification and adaption in Chinese cities, it can help systematically improve the mobility safety requirements of the existing regulations and guidelines of urban environment construction to establish a multi-leveled indicator system and provide references for performance evaluation on related practice at all stages.  相似文献   

地下商业街是地下空间利用的一种常见形式,往往位于城市各大商圈与交通枢纽附近。然而,大多数地下商业街面临活力不足的困境。人是城市空间的使用主体,人的活动是地下商业街活力的根源,从地下商业街中人的需求、行为认知心理特点与建筑环境的关系的角度来思考其设计能有效地激发人的活动积极性,进而提高地下商业街的活力。文章分析地下商业街存在的问题及原因,探讨地下商业街中人的需求与行为心理特点,并提出提高城市中心区活力的设计策略。  相似文献   

城市街道是城市空间的基本单元,承载着多元的城市生活。本研究基于手机APP共享的健身数据,以街道线性体育活动为研究对象,从健康视角认知街道空间属性和特征。运用VGI-GIS的方法,在信息矢量化和可视化的基础上,从时间和空间2个维度,对城市街道的健康服务功能进行描述。基于运动热点空间的分布格局,研究在空间集聚、建成环境和人群收入3个层面上进行分析。结果表明,街道的空间连续性对健身活动有促进作用,大型公园和高校对健身活动有巨大的吸引力,公交站点对健身活动有多方面的影响,不同收入阶层健身活动差异明显。多元化的热点空间模式为提升街道的健康性提供了因地制宜的可能性。以健康为导向的城市设计探索采用临时封闭街道,在商业和办公区域周边增设户外体育设施等措施,提升街道的健康服务功能。  相似文献   

为儿童营造健康且有益于其成长的环境已成为当下儿童友好型城市建设的必要部分。城市中儿童游戏空间的设计多种多样,但国内外研究者和实践者都意识到"接触自然"对儿童的成长和发展等各个方面均有重要意义,这也得到了欧美国家相关理论和实证研究的证实。儿童游戏空间中的自然元素毋庸置疑成为城市公园设计的重要因素。基于国外理论与实践研究成果,本文旨在探索中国城市公园内儿童游戏空间中自然元素的应用情况,选取北京、上海、广州、成都4个城市中87个城市公园的儿童游戏空间进行调研,尝试弥补国内儿童友好型城市中游戏空间的空白,以期提升未来儿童友好型城市中公共活动空间的营造质量。研究发现,国内儿童游戏场地具有普遍自然性不足、形式较为单一等问题,本文对此提出了相应的策略,建议采用丰富的自然材料来提高游戏场地的自然性,同时应尽快推出相关设计导则或规范。  相似文献   

Urban public green spaces significantly impact public health level, where physical, social, and recreational outdoor activities play an important role in improving people’s physical and mental health. In this paper, a total of 35 samples of small public green spaces were selected, and the data of built environment factors and healthy activities of each sample were collocted through ArcGIS analysis, field survey, and mapping. This paper then analyzes the impact of built environment factors on public healthy activities from a planning and design perspective by establishing a ridge regression model, which adopts location factors and functional / spatial factors in small public green spaces as independent variables, and the frequency density of healthy activities as dependent variables. The research reveals that: To location factors, the small public green spaces located near dense residential areas have a much greater impact on promoting public health activities than the ones sitting in dense mixed land use areas; To functional / spatial factors, facilities are the dominant factor that positively impacts users’ healthy activities, particularly the seating density; Reasonably designed small public green spaces or the ones with more open interfaces can effectively encourage people’s healthy activities, while which would be significantly decreased when the green space rate or the path density is excessively high. Finally, the paper proposes suggestions on the planning and design of small public green spaces.  相似文献   

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