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The local specificity determinants for a T-cell protein tyrosine phosphatase (TC-PTP) have been inspected with the aid of a series of synthetic peptides, either enzymically or chemically phosphorylated, derived from the phosphoacceptor sites of phosphotyrosyl proteins. The truncated form of T-cell PTP, deprived of its C-terminal down-regulatory domain, readily dephosphorylates submicromolar concentrations of eptapeptides to eicosapeptides, reproducing the C-terminal down-regulatory site of pp60c-src (Tyr527), the phosphorylated loop IV of calmodulin and the main autophosphorylation site of two protein tyrosine kinases of the src family (Tyr416 of pp60c-src and Tyr412 of p51fgr). However, phosphopeptides of similar size, derived from phosphoacceptor tyrosyl sites of the abl and epidermal-growth-factor receptor protein tyrosine kinases, the phosphorylated loop III of calmodulin, and phosphoangiotensin II undergo either very slow or undetectable dephosphorylation, even if tested up to 1 microM concentration. The replacement of either Ser-P or O-methylated phosphotyrosine for phosphotyrosine within suitable peptide substrates gives rise to totally inert derivatives. Moreover, amino acid substitutions around phosphotyrosine in the peptides src(412-418), src(414-418) and abl-(390-397) deeply influence the dephosphorylation efficiency. From these data and from a comparative analysis of efficient versus poor phosphopeptide substrates, it can be concluded that acidic residues located on the N-terminal side of phosphotyrosine, with special reference to position -3, play a crucial role in substrate recognition, while basic residues in the same positions act as negative determinants. In any event, the presence of at least two aminoacyl residues upstream of phosphotyrosine represents a necessary, albeit not sufficient, condition for detectable dephosphorylation to occur. By replacing the truncated form of TC-PTP with the full length TC-PTP, the dephosphorylation efficiencies of all peptides tested are dramatically impaired. Such an effect is invariably accounted for by a substantial increase in Km values, accompanied by a more or less pronounced decrease in Vmax values. These data support the concept that the C-terminal regulatory domain of TC-PTP exerts its function primarily by altering the affinity of the enzyme toward its phosphotyrosyl targets.  相似文献   

Th cell requirements in the individual stages comprising a murine humoral response to a synthetic peptide were examined. Induction of a T-dependent IgM response was readily achieved in the presence of unprimed or low numbers of Ag-primed T cells. In contrast, class switch to the IgG isotype of Abs demanded a markedly elevated frequency of primed T cells and occurred concomitantly with B cell differentiation into an membrane-bound IgG+ memory population. These results indicated that induction and progression of a T-dependent humoral IgG response were comprised of a single rate-limiting step represented by that involving Ab isotype switch. Subsequent studies established that this also represented the principal step where antibody-purifying mechanisms operate. This was enforced by imposing a threshold barrier for Th cell recruitment by early Ag-activated B cells to enable class switch and consequent retention as the response progresses. The quantum of this threshold, however, was not invariant, but, rather, was described as a balance between the affinity of B cell receptor for Ag and the frequency of Ag-specific Th cells.  相似文献   

Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a T-cell regulated autoimmune disease. A peptide representing a sequence of the human acetylcholine receptor alpha-subunit (p195-212) was previously shown to stimulate proliferative responses of peripheral blood lymphocytes from MG patients and to be an immunodominant and myasthenogenic T-cell epitope in SJL mice. The authors generated a panel of analogues of p195-212 that contain single amino acid substitutions. Three of the analogues (203PHE, 204GLY and 207ALA) triggered low to no proliferative responses of a p195-212-specific T-cell line designated TCSJL195-212. Two of these analogues were able to stimulate the line to produce interleukin-2 (IL-2) and IL-4 (203PHE and 204GLY), whereas one analogue, 207ALA, did not stimulate the line to produce these cytokines. Binding assays revealed that the binding affinity of an altered peptide for a given major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule is not sufficient to determine whether it will be stimulatory or inhibitory to a native peptide-specific T-cell line. Two of the analogues, 204GLY and 207ALA, inhibited proliferative responses of cells of the TCSJL195-212 line when co-cultured with p195-212 and syngeneic antigen presenting cells (APC). The two inhibitory analogues were also able to inhibit proliferative responses of the TCSJL195-212 line when APC were pre-pulsed with p195-212, indicating that MHC blockade is not the only mechanism of action of these peptides. Moreover, both analogues inhibited the ability of p195-212 to prime lymph node cells for proliferative responses even when the analogues were administered in a soluble form. Thus the altered peptide ligands 207ALA and 204GLY can modulate T-cell responses both in vitro and in vivo and may have therapeutic potential for the treatment of MG.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of isoproterenol aryl glass beads on the electrical properties of cardiac muscle and related these to our previous results concerning biochemical and contractile effects (Ingebretsen et al., Circ, Rs., 40: 474-484, 1977). Beads (10-15) were placed near one end to guinea pig papillary muscles mounted horizontally in a bath perfused with Krebs-Henseleit solution at 30 degrees C and stimulated at 0.2 Hz. The beads produced increased tension and elevation and slight lengthening of the plateau potential when [k+]o = 3.8 mM. After depolarization to a resting potential of -49 mV with [K+]o = 22 mM, isoproterenol beads restored contraction to a comparable extent as occurred with 10(-8) M soluble drug. During field stimulation, action potentials were initiated at the site of bead application and spread decrementally. When beads were placed distal to the site of point stimulation, virtually no excitation could be obtained from cells in the vicinity of the beads. When they were placed close to the stimulating electrode, the beads increased excitability and typical slow action potentials spread to the other end of the muscle. These potentials had the characteristics associated with the slow inward Ca2+ current. The slow channel blocker, D-600, blocked responses to isoproterenol beads. Tetrodotoxin caused responses similar to those obtained with K+ depolarization. The beads probably act by stimulating only a small fraction of the papillary muscle catecholamine receptors. Spread of action potentials from these sites and propagated tension depend on Ca2+ influx, but the nature of an intermediate messenger involved in the propagation of contractions is unknown.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease continues to be a major problem for lung transplant patients who generate an inefficient immune response to control this viral infection. Both T helper and cytotoxic T cells are thought to play an important role in prevention and control of CMV disease. We investigated the clinical significance of CMV-specific memory responses in lung transplant recipients. METHOD: Peripheral blood samples (140) were collected from 99 lung transplant recipients. Patients were grouped according to their pre-transplant CMV serological status as recipient/donor (R-/D+, 25 patients), 28 R+/D+ patients, 35 R+/D- patients and 11 R-/D- patients. Memory responses to CMV whole antigen, 5 CMV proteins, and tetanus toxoid (TT) were measured in a 6-day proliferative assay. Results were expressed as the stimulation index (SI = experimental cpm/background cpm), and were considered positive if the SI was >3 and the cpm values were over 1,000. RESULTS: The frequency of positive CMV memory responses was similar in three groups: 64% for R-/D+, 63% for R+/D+ and 56% for R+/D- except for R-/D- (21%). The memory response to TT was similar for all four groups (70% of samples were positive). The level of responsiveness to individual CMV proteins was much higher in R+/D+ group (65%) than the other two groups (35% for R+/D-, and 31% for R-/D+). We determined the temporal relationship between the presence of CMV-specific memory responses and the diagnosis of CMV disease. In the R-/D+ group, 16 of 17 patients who had CMV disease eventually developed CMV-specific memory. In those patients (n = 3) who failed to develop CMV-specific T helper response for a prolonged time, all had recurrent CMV disease. In the R+/D+ group, 4 of 8 patients with CMV disease exhibited CMV-specific memory responses. Three of 4 patients in whom we observed a persistent absence of CMV-specific memory had multiple episodes of CMV pneumonitis. In the R+/D- group, only one of 4 patients with CMV disease had suppressed CMV-specific memory response after first episode of CMV pneumonitis and had recurrent disease. CONCLUSION: In lung transplant recipients, the loss or persistent lack of CMV-specific memory following infection was associated with chronic CMV disease. These data suggest that monitoring T helper memory responses following primary CMV infection or after augmented immunosuppression for treatment of rejection may identify those patients at risk for morbidity associated with recurrent CMV disease.  相似文献   

Humoral responses to a protein require T-B cell communication for B cell activation by T cells. Previous studies from this laboratory have mapped the T and B cell recognition sites (epitopes) on sperm-whale myoglobin (Mb) and several other proteins. It was found that, five of six regions on Mb recognized by T cells are also recognized by B cells (i.e. antibodies). There is, however, one region (E6) residing within Mb residues 61-77, that is recognized only by T cells and to which no antibody (Ab) responses are detectable. To investigate the function of this exclusive T cell epitope, we established, from E6-primed BALB/c mice, an E6-specific T cell line (T(e6)) which comprised Th2-type cells. These T cells provided help in vitro to B cells from Mb-primed BALB/c mice and activated them to produce anti-Mb Abs of the IgM (58.2%) and IgG (41.8%) isotypes. The helper activity of T(e6) cells was dependent on the concentration of the challenging Ag (intact Mb or peptide E6) in culture. Action of soluble factors released from E6-activated T(e6) cells on B(mb) cells led to low production of anti-Mb Abs, suggesting that activation of the B cells was more dependent on their contact with T cells. Mapping of the epitope recognition of the anti-Mb Abs produced in vitro by B(mb) cells on activation by T(e6) revealed that this activation was not general to all antigenic regions recognized by anti-Mb Abs in BALB/c mice. E6-specific T cells caused in vitro activation and differentiation of B(mb) cells into plasma cells that secreted anti-Mb Abs directed, in decreasing order, against the following Mb regions: E4 (107-120) > E3 (87 - 100) > E1 (10 - 22). Little or no Ab responses could be detected against peptides E2 (50 - 62), E5 (141 - 153) and E6 (61 - 77). With B cells of peptide-primed BALB/c mice, T(e6) cells activated strongly E4-, E3- or E1, and only very slightly E2- or E6-, primed B cells to secrete Abs against the correlate peptide, but failed completely to activate E5-primed B cells. The results show that a protein T cell epitope, to which no Abs are detectable, plays an active role in B cell responses against other epitopes within the same protein.  相似文献   

Self proteins are handled in the same way as foreign proteins by antigen presenting cells, but because of T-cell tolerance the presentation of self peptides does not normally lead to T cell activation. By providing physically linked T-cell help it is possible to overcome the B cell non-responsiveness toward self antigens. We have shown previously that a very potent antibody response, cross-reactive with a self protein, can be rapidly induced by immunizing with a recombinant immunogen consisting of the self protein with a foreign immunodominant T helper epitope inserted into its sequence (Dalum, I., Jensen, M. R., Hindersson, P., Elsner, H. I. and Mouritsen, S. (1996) J. Immnunol. 157, 4796). In this study we compare this approach for inducing autoantibodies against a self protein with the traditional method of conjugating the self antigen to a foreign carrier protein. The highly conserved self protein ubiquitin with an inserted epitope from ovalbumin (UbiOVA) is used as a model protein and compared to two traditionally conjugated immunogens consisting of ubiquitin chemically conjugated to a peptidic T helper epitope or to ovalbumin. The traditionally conjugated immunogens induce much slower and low titered ubiquitin specific antibody responses than the recombinant construct which also is capable of inducing antibodies directed against a much broader range of potential ubiquitin B cell determinants than the chemically conjugated immunogens. All three constructs are processed by antigen presenting cells and ovalbumin derived T cell epitopes are presented to T helper cells. From these observations it seems likely that the presence of non-shielded autologous B cell determinants on the immunogen is critical for the ability to induce a strong autoantibody response with a diverse fine specificity. Furthermore, the ubiquitin specific antibodies induced by UbiOVA contain higher levels of IgG2a/b relative to IgG1 compared to the conjugates. We therefore speculate that the insertion of a T cell epitope directly into the self antigen could possibly induce an immune response with a different Th1/Th2 balance than a response induced with traditional conjugates.  相似文献   

The murine model of leishmaniosis is a prototypic example for the critical role played by T helper cells in immunity to pathogens. Cytokines, such as interleukin-12 and interleukin-4, are the major regulatory factors for differentiation of naive T helper cells into T helper 1 and T helper 2 cells, respectively. T helper 1 cells, which are cellular immune mechanisms involving gamma interferon production, are associated with protection against murine leishmaniosis. Loss of T helper 1 activity (i.e., reduced gamma interferon production and lack of macrophage activation) leads to a fatal progressive course of murine leishmaniosis. Knowledge of the murine model of leishmaniosis is now contributing to studies of infectious diseases in humans, livestock and companion animals. Greater insight into the pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy of infectious diseases will be gained from the analysis of cytokine-dependent regulation of T helper responses during infection. In particular, the development of prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines will benefit significantly from these studies.  相似文献   

Previous analyses of the T-cell receptor (TCR) repertoire utilized in response to the 1-102 fragment of the lambda cI repressor protein and specific for the immunodominant amino acid 12-26 region in the context of I-Ek, have shown this repertoire to be extremely restricted. In contrast, here we show that the TCR repertoires utilized in two strains of I-Ek expressing mice in response to two linear peptides representing this immunodominant region are diverse. Despite their extensive diversity, these repertoires are somewhat overlapping. In addition, structural similarities were observed between the full lambda cI fragment (1-102) and peptide elicited TCR repertoires, including frequent use of the Valpha2 family of gene segments, particularly among peptide (12-26) elicited TCRs cross-reactive with 1-102/I-Ek. Nevertheless, these data indicate that it may be difficult to mimic the immune response to an immunodominant epitope of a protein antigen via immunization with linear peptides containing the amino acid sequence of that epitope. Possible explanations for differences in the levels of TCR diversity among T cells responding to an epitope present in a nominal antigen as compared to T cells responding to linear peptide antigens containing this same epitope are discussed.  相似文献   

We recently reported that resting clones of murine Th1 cells, but not resting Th2 cells, expressed a detectable level of the beta-2-adrenergic receptor (beta 2AR). In the present study, we proposed that the level of beta 2AR expression on anti-CD3 mAb-activated CD4+ effector Th cells may differ from the level on resting cells, and that a change in receptor expression may alter the functional responsiveness of these cells to either the beta 2AR-selective ligand terbutaline or the sympathetic neurotransmitter norepinephrine. Following anti-CD3 activation, the beta 2AR was expressed on Th1 cells, but not Th2 cells. The number of binding sites on Th1 cells was maintained, with no change in affinity, over a 24-h activation period. When Th clones were exposed to terbutaline following anti-CD3 activation, Th1 cell, but not Th2 cell, cytokine production was modulated. IL-2 production by Th1 cells was decreased, while IFN-gamma production was not significantly altered. The decrease in IL-2 production was concentration dependent and was blocked by an antagonist. In comparison with control supernatants, the lower level of IL-2 present in terbutaline-exposed culture supernatants supported the proliferation of an IL-2-dependent Th1 clone to a lesser degree. Additionally, norepinephrine down-modulates IL-2, but not IFN-gamma, production by binding specifically to the beta-adrenergic receptor. Thus, a detectable level of the beta 2AR is expressed on activated Th1 cells, but not activated Th2 cells, thereby providing a mechanism by which IL-2 production is preferentially modulated by an endogenous and therapeutic ligand following Th1 cell activation.  相似文献   

In response to i.v.-injected eggs of Schistosoma mansoni, normal mice develop a dominant type 2 response, whereas IL-10-deficient animals generate a mixed type 1/type 2 cytokine profile and show reduced pulmonary granuloma formation. IL-4-deficient mice, while displaying diminished type 2 responses and granulomatous inflammation, also do not fully default to a type 1 cytokine profile. Strikingly, mice doubly deficient in IL-4 and IL-10 are completely defective in pulmonary granuloma formation and develop a highly polarized type 1 cytokine pattern. In analogous fashion, mice deficient in both IL-12 and IL-10 generate highly exacerbated type 2 cytokine responses, whereas in wild-type animals, IL-12 depletion minimally effects egg-induced cytokine production. Together, these results argue first that IL-10 is an important endogenous down-regulator of type 2 as well as type 1 cytokine synthesis, and second, that its induction is critical for type 2 response polarization in vivo.  相似文献   

Allergen-specific Th2 cells accumulate at high frequencies in the skin of patients with atopic dermatitis (AD), where they contribute to the induction and maintenance of the lesions that are characteristic for the disease. Attenuation of these lesions in response to successful therapy is associated with a reduction in IL-4-producing Th2 cells and the appearance of IFN-gamma-producing Th cells. In this study, we demonstrate that engagement of the signaling lymphocytic activation molecule (SLAM) by an agonistic mAb, during allergen-specific expansion of highly polarized Th2 cell populations derived from skin biopsies of AD patients, results in the generation of stable populations of IFN-gamma-producing cells. SLAM-mediated reversal of Th cell phenotype has important biologic consequences, because supernatants of these activated, allergen-specific Th cells fail to induce IgE synthesis by purified B cells costimulated by anti-CD40 mAbs. Thus, highly polarized, allergen-specific Th2 cell populations derived from the skin of AD patients can be reversed into Th cell populations that contain IFN-gamma-producing cells and that do not support IgE synthesis. These results define a new mechanism to promote Th0/Th1 differentiation and suggest a potential role for anti-SLAM mAbs in the treatment of Th2-mediated allergic diseases.  相似文献   

To address the relationship between viral and host factors during HIV infection, we analyzed the effect of viral mutations on T cell responses in seropositive, asymptomatic HLA-A2+ individuals using four envelope (env)-specific peptides with the HLA-A*0201 binding motif. We showed that the natural sequence variation was frequent within epitopes located in the C-terminal region of the env glycoprotein and was largely responsible for a lower env-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity in the peptide-stimulated cultures. The highest CTL responses in vitro were induced with conserved epitopes D1 and 4.3 that mapped to the N-terminal region of the env glycoprotein. These peptides exhibited high binding affinity for HLA-A*0201 molecules and stimulated CD8+ T cells of relatively limited TCR Vbeta chain repertoire. Decreased CTL activities to the D1 epitope were observed in the absence of any detectable viral mutation, and were associated with lower proliferative responses and expression of the CD28 antigen. Results of this study demonstrate that the degree of sequence variation within a stimulatory epitope of the viral quasispecies, as well as proliferative potential of the effector cells, are among the factors underlying decreased CTL activity in HIV-infected patients. These experiments also provide evidence that the D1 peptide might be useful for the development of vaccines and immune-based therapy.  相似文献   

Lipopeptides of bacterial origin constitute potent immunoadjuvants when combined with antigens. After the immunization with lipopeptides covalently coupled to non-immunogenic low-molecular-mass antigens or haptens, a hapten-specific humoral immune response can often be obtained. The response against synthetically prepared melittin fragments was further enhanced by the additional introduction of a T helper (Th)-cell epitope into the lipopeptide-hapten conjugate. The Th-cell epitope applied, which is presented by the MHC class II molecule of the BALB/c (H-2d) haplotype, consisted of a synthetic 16-amino-acid oligopeptide derived from sperm whale myoglobin. The immune-enhancing effect was most pronounced for the melittin-derived peptide fragments [Mel(1-16)] and [Mel(17-26)-CONH2]. Antibodies obtained after 3 immunizations with the conjugates recognized the synthetic as well as the native melittin molecule. Our results show that it is possible to markedly enhance a weak hapten-specific immune response by coupling the haptens to a lipopeptide conjugated to a haplotype-specific T helper-cell epitope. The novel conjugates are well suited for the optimization of immunization procedures, and for the development of novel synthetic vaccines.  相似文献   

We report a case of successful laparoscopic resection of a solitary schwannoma of the gastric fundus performed on emergency. The patient was a 52-year-old man who presented with an upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage. At admission, the endoscopy and hydro-CT scan showed a submucosal tumor, 2.5 cm in maximum diameter, with an area of central ulceration arising from the anterior wall of the gastric fundus. A wedge laparoscopic resection of the gastric wall was performed under endoscopic guidance. The defect in the anterior wall was repaired in part by linear stapler and in part using a continuous suture. The postoperative recovery was uneventful and the patient was discharged on the 4th postoperative day. Laparoscopic approach represents a safe and efficient approach for the treatment of benign tumors of the stomach, also on emergency basis.  相似文献   

Replication-deficient adenovirus (Ad) vectors are effective to specifically target the respiratory epithelium for either corrective gene therapy such as cystic fibrosis or for mucosal immunization. As a consequence of transducing the lower respiratory tract with an E1/E3 deleted Ad5 vector, host responses have been characterized by the duration of transgene expression and by the induction of CTL responses. However, limited emphasis has been devoted to understanding the contribution of CD4+ T cell responses to the Ad vector. Both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells migrate into the lung following sequential intratracheal Ad5 transgene instillations. Isolated CD3+ T lymphocytes from the lungs were predominantly of the Th2 type, and after cell sorting, the IL-4-producing T cells were largely CD4+, while IFN-gamma expression was associated with both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Ab responses to the Ad5 vector and to the expressed transgene beta-galactosidase (beta gal) revealed elevated bronchial and serum IgA and IgG Abs with low neutralization titers. Analysis of serum IgG subclass responses showed IgG1 and IgG2b with lower IgG2a Abs to Ad5 and IgG2a and IgG2b Ab responses to beta gal. Ad5-specifc CD4+ T cells produced both Th1 (IFN-gamma and IL-2)- and Th2 (IL-4, IL-5, IL-6)-type cytokines, while beta gal-specific CD4+ T cells secreted IFN-gamma and IL-6. This study provides direct evidence for the concomitant induction of Th2- with Th1-type responses in both the pulmonary systemic and mucosal immune compartments to the Ad5 vector as well as a Th1-dominant response to the transgene.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes is a pathogenic intracellular bacterium that secretes proteins into the cytosol of host cells. A major secreted protein, p60, is processed by the host cell into the nonamer peptides p60 217-225 and p60 449-457, which are presented to CTL by H-2Kd MHC class I molecules. Herein, we use two membrane permeable peptide aldehyde protease inhibitors, LLnL and Z-LLF, to inhibit cytosolic proteolysis in L. monocytogenes-infected cells. These inhibitors, which have been shown to inhibit proteasomes, completely abrogate cytosolic p60 degradation. The effect of LLnL and Z-LLF on p60 epitope generation was determined by acid-eluting, HPLC-purifying, and quantifying p60 217-225 and p60 449-457 from infected cells. We show a direct linkage between p60 degradation and epitope generation. However, the two inhibitors have quantitatively different effects on the generation of the two epitopes. Our findings implicate proteasomes in the earliest stages of Ag degradation and suggest that different CTL epitopes can be generated by distinct proteolytic processes.  相似文献   

Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a T cell-dependent, Ab-mediated autoimmune disease. T cells reactive to a dominant peptide alpha 146-162 of acetylcholine receptor (AChR) alpha subunit participate in murine MG pathogenesis. To suppress the autoimmune response to AChR, a high dose of alpha146-162 peptide in IFA was administered parenterally as a tolerogen, after the development of a primary T cell immune response to AChR. This form of AChR T cell peptide tolerance suppressed the in vitro T cell proliferative response to AChR and its dominant alpha146-162 and subdominant alpha182-198 peptides through epitope spread. Administration of alpha146-162 peptide in IFA after the primary immune response to AChR also significantly suppressed the serum anti-AChR Ab of the IgG2b isotype and clinical incidence of MG in C57BL/6 mice. Furthermore, the production of IFN-gamma, IL-2, and IL-10 cytokines by AChR, alpha146-162, and alpha182-198 peptide-reactive cells was suppressed by alpha146-162 peptide tolerance, and the epitope spread observed could be attributed to the reduction in the above cytokine production. Therefore, AChR T cell-dominant peptide tolerance could be adapted in the Ag-specific therapy of MG.  相似文献   

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