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Sorghum is a widely used adjunct that is used in the production of beer and increasingly affects beer flavour as the amount added increases. The aim of this work was to establish a simple, solvent‐free technique, without derivatization, to analyse flavours and typical volatile compounds present in extruded and unextruded sorghum beer, and to compare the flavour differences of the two types of beer. Headspace solid‐phase micro‐extraction gas chromatography–mass spectrometry was used to determine the flavours in the two beers and eight typical volatile compounds were quantified using GC. Forty‐five flavour compounds were identified and quantified in extruded white sorghum beer, while 31 flavour compounds were identified in unextruded white sorghum beer. Extruded or unextruded white sorghum can be used to produce ale beer, but the primary flavour content in the extruded white sorghum beer was higher than in the unextruded white sorghum beer. Copyright © 2016 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

Flavor compounds, including total polyphenols, amino acids, and protein, in beer with extruded black rice as adjunct were detected and analyzed. Beer brewing technique has been intensively investigated in the past century. The chase of beer quality, including the color, flavor, foam, nutrition, and functionality, attracted considerable attention. Hence, headspace solid‐phase microextraction in combination with a gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (HS‐SPME‐GC–MS) was used to analyze flavor compounds qualitatively and quantitatively. A total of one organic acid, one aromatic, ten alcohols and 23 esters were present in extruded black rice adjunct beer. Protein components and molecular weight were analyzed, and the results were consistent with those of traditional beer in terms of content of foam‐stabilizing protein. The contents of essential amino acid which is an important nutritive index were higher than those in traditional rice adjunct beer, especially valine (70.9 mg/L) and threonine (42.8 mg/L). The representative ingredients of extruded black rice adjunct beer were polyphenols, nerolidol, geraniol, and geranylgeraniol which affected the functionality and antioxidant ability.  相似文献   

Fruit spirits are typical alcoholic beverages in the Moravian region of the Czech Republic. The aim of this work was to find differences in chemical composition among volatile profiles of spirits produced from various kinds of fruits. Twenty‐four samples of seven kinds of fruit spirits (plum, apple, pear, cherry, mirabelle, apricot and raspberry spirits) were analysed for examination of their volatile profiles. The most abundant family of compounds was esters, particularly ethyl esters. Sesquiterpenes proved to be a significant group of volatile substances by observing the differences between pome and stone fruit spirits [by relative higher content of (E ,E )‐α‐farnesene and by presence of α‐zingiberene and (E )‐α‐bisabolene in volatile profiles of pome fruit spirits]. Only in stone fruit spirits were propyl decanoate and ethyl salicylate found. Some other compounds were observed as being characteristic for individual kinds of analysed fruit spirits, e.g. γ‐decalactone for apricot spirits, (E )‐β‐farnesene for apple spirits, (Z )‐9‐tetradecen‐1‐ol for mirabelle spirits or some apocarotenoids for raspberry spirits. This work could potentially be the basis for checking the fruit origin of these distillates, or a partial manual as to how to differentiate individual kinds of pome‐fruit spirits (pear and apple spirits) or stone‐fruit spirits (plum, mirabelle, apricot spirits). Copyright © 2017 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

In accordance with the national Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée and the European Protected Designation of Origin labels, Corsican honeys can be classified into six ranges (spring, spring maquis, honeydew maquis, chestnut grove, summer maquis and autumn maquis). Toward proposing a new and faster method for performing honey quality assessments, an headspace‐solid phase microextraction (HS‐SPME)/Gas Chromatography (GC)/GC‐Mass Spectrometry (MS) method with multivariate data analysis – principal component analysis (PCA), cluster analysis (CA), partial lest square (PLS) – was developed using 269 Corsican samples, for which the volatile compositions were established a priori. Corsican honeydew and blossom honey could be differentiated by the richness of 3‐furaldehyde in the category of “honeydew maquis”. This approach also allowed identification of chemical markers of the botanical origins of blossom honeys, including 2‐aminoacetophenone, p‐anisaldehyde, 4‐n‐propylanisole, isophorone, and isomers of lilac aldehyde. Therefore, characterization of the volatile fraction of Corsican honeys combined with chemometric analysis may be useful for detecting the nectar contribution of plant species in honeys with complex nectariferous origins.  相似文献   

The authenticity of fruit flavours in foods and beverages is of great importance for the producers of jams, ice creams, soft drinks, yogurt, etc. Regulations regarding the authenticity of flavours in foods and beverages will help consumers choose the foods best suitable for them. In order to enhance this goal, we have used headspace–solid phase microextraction stereoselective gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (HS–SPME stereoselective GC–MS) to determine the enantiomeric ratios of chiral flavour and fragrance indicators present in the raw materials and in the products. γ‐Decalactone in peach, nectarine, strawberry, passion fruit and apricot, as well as (E)‐α‐ionone in raspberry and linalool and linalyl acetate in bergamot, were used as indicators in stereoselective analysis of commercial foods and beverages. In the fresh fruit aromas only one enantiomer was predominant or enantiomerically pure. In many commercial fruit products we detected racemic mixtures of the above‐mentioned chiral flavour compounds. The results suggest that HS–SPME stereoselective GC–MS could be a useful tool for differentiating natural flavour compounds from synthetic ingredients in quality control of foods and beverages. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Robus coreanus Miquel is widely used in the production of Korean black raspberry (KBR) wine owing to its health benefits and commercial value. The effects of three different commercially available glycosidase enzymes on the volatile compounds in KBR wines were investigated with large‐scale fermentation to develop a high‐flavour‐quality wine. Volatile aroma compounds from the wines were analysed using headspace‐solid phase micro‐extraction‐gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (HS‐SPME‐GC–MS) and sensory evaluations were performed to evaluate the flavour characteristics. KBR wines treated with commercial enzymes yielded high concentrations of terpenes and esters compared with the control wine because the odourless non‐volatile glycosides in KBR wines were converted to their corresponding free forms by the enzymes. HS‐SPME‐GC–MS‐SIM analysis showed that the primary monoterpene compounds in KBR wines treated by the enzymes were myrtenol, linalool, citronellol and a significant quantity of compounds such as 2‐phenyl ethanol and ethyl benzoate, which contributed to the flavour of KBR wine, as determined by GC‐FID. KBR wines treated with the enzymes exhibited different sensory characteristics from the control wine owing to higher intensity of floral and fruity aromas. KBR wine treated with CYTOLASE PCL5 on a large scale exhibited the highest sensory preference. Copyright © 2017 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

The aroma-active compounds of Istrian dry-cured ham were investigated by using headspace-solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Samples of biceps femoris were also evaluated by measuring physical and chemical characteristics: moisture, protein, fat, ash and NaCl content, a(w) value; colour: L*, a*, b* and oxidation of fat: TBARS test. About 50 volatile compounds were identified and quantified which belonged to several classes of chemical: 5 alcohols, 8 aldehydes, 7 alkanes, 1 ketone, 2 esters, 9 monoterpenes and 15 sesquiterpenes. Except volatile compounds derived from lipolysis and proteolysis the most abundant constituents were terpenes (62.97; 41.43%) that originate from spices added in the salting phase of the production process.  相似文献   

In the current work, we focus on the application of principal component analysis (PCA) to differentiate the floral origin of three types of honeys of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico [Tahonal (Viguiera dentata Blake, var. heliantoides), Dzidzilché (Gymnopodium floribundum Rolfen) and Haabín (Piscidia piscipula L.)], by using the volatile compounds of the honey obtained by HS‐SPME/GC–MS with PDMS/DVB fibres. About 70 peaks were detected in each honey sample, many of them were found with similar retention times in the analysed honeys. The PCA with three factors (nearly 68% of the total variance) discriminates between the three types of honeys, which leads us to conclude that it is possible to successfully differentiate samples from different unifloral honeys according to their volatile composition.  相似文献   

The volatile compounds in three selected citrus fruits from Asia, Indonesian Pontianak orange (Citrus nobilis Lour. var. microcarpa Hassk.), Indian Mosambi (Citrus sinensis Osbeck) and Philippine Dalandan (Citrus reticulata Blanco), were characterized. The volatile compounds from the headspace of the citrus juices were isolated by solid‐phase microextraction (SPME) prior to separation with gas chromatograph (GC) and identification by mass spectrometry (MS). The volatile compounds of the juices were extracted by diethyl ether for quantitative analysis, using GC–flame ionization detector (GC–FID). A total of 51 compounds were detected in Pontianak orange, 50 in Mosambi and 41 in Dalandan juice. They comprise terpenes, carbonyls, alcohols, esters and hydrocarbons, with limonene as the main compound. Each citrus cultivar studied contained compounds not frequently reported in other citrus fruits, such as β‐chamigrene in Mosambi, as well as tentatively identified 2,6‐dimethyl‐1,3,5,7‐octatetraene and isopiperitenone in Pontianak orange and in Dalandan juices, respectively. The results also showed that Mosambi and Dalandan juices portray the typical profile of sweet orange and mandarin, respectively, while Pontianak orange demonstrates its own unique traits. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Over 0.4 billion people consume Chinese white salted noodles (CWSN) as their daily main diet. Rapid flavour and taste control of CWSN has consequently attracted much attention from noodle processors and distributors. In this study, the conventional solid‐phase microextraction (SPME) technique plus GC and GC–MS was used to concentrate the odorants in CWSN and examine its potential for improving the related quality control (QC) technology. The results indicated that the optimum adsorption time and temperature are 160 min and 30 °C, respectively. Higher temperatures are not suggested for SPME because of thermal leakage and desorption possibilities. Moreover, dry adsorption is more stable than wet adsorption regarding the amount adsorbed and the operational stability, and CAR/PDMS was found to be superior to PDMS/DVB in this regard. In this investigation, a total of 25 odorant species were identified; corresponding regains of 55.11 and 31.25 p.p.m. were obtained for dry and wet adsorption, respectively, among which hexanal was the most abundant (37.10 p.p.m. dry adsorption vs. 20.79 p.p.m. wet adsorption), while 2‐heptenal (4.24 p.p.m.), 2‐octenal (2.01 p.p.m.), 2‐pentylfuran (1.91 p.p.m.), 2‐nonenal (1.41 p.p.m.) and 2‐butyl‐2‐octenal (1.35 p.p.m.) were the next in order of decreasing amount. Interestingly, dry adsorption with CAR/PDMS was specifically more efficient for quantification of total aldehydes (52 p.p.m. vs. 28 p.p.m. for wet adsorption). It is concluded that for flavour quality control of CWSN during both processing and storage, such an analytical technology can be very feasible and satisfactory. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Solid‐phase microextraction (SPME) combined with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC–MS) is a rapid method for the analysis of different aromatic compounds in beer. However, chromatographic systems are affected by different parameters and optimization is time‐consuming process, but essential for establishing optimal conditions for the quantification of analytes. An automated system consisting of headspace (HS)–SPME extraction combined with GC–MS was optimized for the determination of 19 volatile compounds responsible for important flavours and off‐flavours of beer. The optimisation process consisted of two steps: the SPME fibre type was chosen, and subsequently four extraction parameters (temperature, time, sodium chloride concentration and pH) were optimised by a central composite design model. After optimisation, standard compounds were validated with relative standard deviations not exceeding 15%rel. The square of correlation coefficient for the calibration curves was ≥0.9559, indicating a linear response and the suitability of these HS‐SPME conditions. Copyright © 2018 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

通过实验室试验 ,研究了作啤酒辅料的脱胚玉米挤压膨化系统诸参数 (模孔孔径、套筒温度、物料含水率、螺杆转速 ) ,对各考察指标 (麦汁醪液的总还原糖、α 氨基氮、过滤速度 )的影响规律 ,指出挤压膨化脱胚玉米作啤酒辅料的可行性。  相似文献   

Volatile components extracted from the aerial parts and separated organs of Corsican and Sardinian Teucrium massiliense have been studied. The chemical composition of essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation (HD) has been investigated using GC–RI, GC–MS (EI and CI modes) and 13CNMR spectroscopy. For the first time, a real concentration via calibration curves and response factor calculations has been determined for each oil component. The concentrations of the major components were 6‐methyl‐3‐heptyl acetate (23.83–18.16 g/100 g), 3‐octyl acetate (10.55–6.95 g/100 g), isobutyl isovalerate (7.67–2.91 g/100 g), germacrene D (6.13–1.01 g/100 g) and linalool (6.63–5.23 g/100 g). To the best of our knowledge, the occurrence of 6‐methyl‐3‐heptyl acetate as a natural product is reported for the first time. Furthermore, the chemical composition of volatile fractions emitted from the aerial parts and separated organs of T. massiliense L. has been studied by HS–SPME/GC–RI and GC–MS after optimization of SPME parameters. Concerning the contribution of plant organs to the aromatic plant fingerprint, we noted that the flowers produced more volatiles than other organs. The volatile fractions obtained from the different organs were qualitatively quite similar to each other but differed in the percentages of their major components. Also, the influence of HS–SPME extraction parameters (equilibrium and extraction times and temperature) on the chemical composition of the plant volatile fraction is discussed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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