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语义网数据的关键词查询是语义网研究的一个重要问题。首先给出语义网数据关键词查询的相关定义。根据研究目标不同,将已有解决方案分为混合型和非混合型的语义网数据关键词查询,后者又分为K-A和K-呀A两种查询方法。调研了上述分类中当前常用的解决方案和研究进展。在此基础上,进一步介绍并比较了8个具有代表性的语义网数据关键词查询工作。最后讨论存在的挑战,并指出未来可能的研究方向。  相似文献   

如何从大量信息中获取有用的信息,是目前面临的挑战性问题,在寻找有用信息的迫切性需求下,搜索引擎逐渐成为人们在网上检索信息的重要工具。通过对语义搜索的研究和设计,证明语义搜索引擎的可行性与实用性。总的来说,我们已经初步完成了一个基于语义的搜索引擎的框架结构,该框架包括搜索、检索、搜集等功能和模块,已经覆盖了该课题的多数研究内容和目标。其中的有一些技术已经可以在电子商务等一些专用领域应用了。  相似文献   

语义网文档搜索是发现语义网数据的重要手段.针对传统信息检索方法的不足,提出基于RDF句子的文档词向量构建方法.首先,文档被看作RDF句子的集合,从而在文档分析和索引时能够保留基于RDF句子的结构信息.其次,引入资源的权威描述的定义,能够跨越文档边界搜索到语义网中互连的数据.此外,扩展了传统的倒排索引结构,使得系统能够提取出更加便于阅读和理解的片段.在大规模真实数据集上的实验表明,该方法可以显著地提高文档检索的效率,在可用性上具有明显的提升.  相似文献   

自Linked Data项目被提出以来,大量的开放关联数据被发布到语义Web上,这其中就包含了许多的生物途径数据集。为了使生物学家能够有效地利用这些开放的数据集,对基于Linked Data的生物途径数据可视化系统进行研究,提出了生物途径可视化模型和展示布局方案,并且采用标识符动态映射实现了多源生物途径数据的浏览,最终开发了基于Linked Data的生物途径数据查询可视化系统——BioPW+。该系统应用语义Web技术,依靠SPARQL查询来定位生物途径的基本信息,然后基于Open PHACTS平台获取生物途径元素的详细信息,最终Web界面采用力导向图布局、Sankey图布局对生物途径数据进行展示并提供多种交互操作。与已有的仅仅基于某一特定数据库的生物途径工具相比,BioPW+系统基于Linked Data,可以同时一次性展示多个数据集中的生物途径数据及与其相关的其他生物化学数据,极大节省了时间并增强了数据的完整性。  相似文献   

基于RDF4S语义服务描述模型的服务资源搜索框架   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
语义服务资源搜索是一个满足服务请求者快速、便捷地定位可用语义服务资源的过程。一个高效、精确的基于语义的语义服务资源搜索框架和经过精心设计并实现的搜索工具是语义服务框架中的一个必要组件。提出一种基于RDF4S语义服务描述模型的服务资源搜索框架,详细说明了该搜索框架的结构。搜索框架根据RDF4S语义服务描述模型的QoS、执行、功能和接口四种语义标注元素类型,分别采用不同的搜索匹配策略,可以很大程度上提高搜索的效率和精度。  相似文献   

A common perception is that there are two competing visions for the future evolution of the Web: the Semantic Web and Web 2.0. A closer look, though, reveals that the core technologies and concerns of these two approaches are complementary and that each field can and must draw from the other’s strengths. We believe that future Web applications will retain the Web 2.0 focus on community and usability, while drawing on Semantic Web infrastructure to facilitate mashup-like information sharing. However, there are several open issues that must be addressed before such applications can become commonplace. In this paper, we outline a semantic weblogs scenario that illustrates the potential for combining Web 2.0 and Semantic Web technologies, while highlighting the unresolved issues that impede its realization. Nevertheless, we believe that the scenario can be realized in the short-term. We point to recent progress made in resolving each of the issues as well as future research directions for each of the communities.  相似文献   

传统搜索引擎是基于关键字的检索,然而文档的关键字未必和文档有关,而相关的文档也未必显式地包含此关键字。基于语义Web的搜索引擎利用本体技术,可以很好地对关键字进行语义描述。当收到用户提交的搜索请求时,先在已经建立好的本体库的基础上对该请求进行概念推理,然后将推理结果提交给传统的搜索引擎,最终将搜索结果返回给用户。相对于传统的搜索引擎,基于语义Web的搜索引擎有效地提高了搜索的查全率和查准率。  相似文献   

语义传感器Web是由传感器网络技术、分布式计算技术、数据库管理技术和语义Web技术整合发展而来的.语义传感器Web能够感知、收集、整合信息,抽取新的知识并为感知器提供增强语义,因此能对环境的变化有更智能的感知,用户可以通过访问Web获取这些信息.作为计算机科学中一个新的研究领域,它有着广阔的应用前景,引起了工业界和学术界浓厚的兴趣.介绍了语义传感器Web的基本概念、特点,并着重讨论了语义传感器Web数据管理中所存在的研究问题、研究现状和研究成果.  相似文献   

Current implementations of gazetteers, geographic directories that associate place names to geographic coordinates, cannot use semantics to answer complex queries (most gazetteers are just thesauri of place names), use domain ontologies for place name disambiguation, make their data sets available in the Semantic Web or support the use of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI). A new generation of gazetteers has to tackle these problems. In this paper, we present a new architecture for gazetteers that uses VGI and Semantic Web tools, such as ontologies and Linked Open Data to overcome these limitations. We also present a gazetteer, the Semantic Web Interactive Gazetteer (SWI), implemented using this architecture, and show that it can be used to add absent geographic coordinates to biodiversity records. In our tests, we use this gazetteer to correct geographic data from a big sample (around 142,000 occurrence records of Amazonian specimens) from SpeciesLink, a big repository of biodiversity collection records from Brazil. The tests showed that the SWI Gazetteer was able to add geographic coordinates to around 30,000 records, increasing the records with coordinates from 30.29% to 57.5% of the total number of records in the sample (representing an increase of 90%).  相似文献   

语义Web搜索技术研究进展   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
语义Web搜索技术是综合本体论、信息检索、自然语言处理等多学科理论和方法的新兴技术。介绍了语义Web和语义Web搜索的现状。在此基础上,给出了实现语义Web搜索技术的一般体系结构,并进一步分析了各组成模块的基本任务、现有技术和评价体系。最后给出了所做的相关工作和对语义Web搜索技术的展望。  相似文献   

基于RDF的动态语义检索算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在语义Web中,基于RDF,文章描述一个动态的语义检索算法(DSSAtheDynamicSemanticSearchAlgo-rithm),该算法通过分布式的资源相关库来发现动态资源之间的语义相关性,该算法不同于传统的语义检索算法,这是因为该算法引入了分布式的资源相关库,它是在用户进行语义查询的过程中动态建立起来的,随着资源的内容和状态的变化而不断变化,可以动态更新,最真实地反映资源的语义信息。文章确信该算法在保证查全率的基础上,会提高语义查询的查准率,并缩短返回查询结果的时间。  相似文献   

As the information on the Internet dramatically increases, more and more limitations in information searching are revealed, because web pages are designed for human use by mixing content with presentation. In order to overcome these limitations, the Semantic Web, based on ontology, was introduced by W3C to bring about significant advancement in web searching. To accomplish this, the Semantic Web must provide search methods based on the different relationships between resources.In this paper, we propose a semantic association search methodology that consists of the evaluation of resources and relationships between resources, as well as the identification of relevant information based on ontology, a semantic network of resources and properties. The proposed semantic search method is based on an extended spreading activation technique. In order to evaluate the importance of a query result, we propose weighting methods for measuring properties and resources based on their specificity and generality. From this work, users can search semantically associated resources for their query, confident that the information is valuable and important. The experimental results show that our method is valid and efficient for searching and ranking semantic search results.  相似文献   

目前在全球市场里占据主要份额的谷歌、雅虎、百度等搜索引擎,提供给人们的依旧是比较笨拙的工具,因为它们始终受制于传统Web,对搜索关键字的精确度要求苛刻,处理自然语言的能力很低。语义网(SW)的提出、研究和发展,给搜索引擎带来了新的希望。而基于语义Web的智能搜索引擎,则是下一代搜索引擎的必然选择。  相似文献   

Magpie has been one of the first truly effective approaches to bringing semantics into the web browsing experience. The key innovation brought by Magpie was the replacement of a manual annotation process by an automatically associated ontology-based semantic layer over web resources, which ensured added value at no cost for the user. Magpie also differs from older open hypermedia systems: its associations between entities in a web page and semantic concepts from an ontology enable link typing and subsequent interpretation of the resource. The semantic layer in Magpie also facilitates locating semantic services and making them available to the user, so that they can be manually activated by a user or opportunistically triggered when appropriate patterns are encountered during browsing. In this paper we track the evolution of Magpie as a technology for developing open and flexible Semantic Web applications. Magpie emerged from our research into user-accessible Semantic Web, and we use this viewpoint to assess the role of tools like Magpie in making semantic content useful for ordinary users. We see such tools as crucial in bootstrapping the Semantic Web through the automation of the knowledge generation process.  相似文献   

语义Web   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
介绍了语义Web的概念有本体模型在其中的运用,比较了XML/XML Schema和RDF/RDF Schema在语义表示方面的使用,提出RDF(S)更适合于语义Web;最后讨论了扩展RDF开发语义Web应用所应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

方铖  王琦 《电脑学习》2007,(4):33-33,40
介绍了用于网页智能搜索的数据挖掘技术以及如何创建多维的网页语义数据库。  相似文献   

语义Web是当前Web技术的扩展,是第三代Web.本文阐述了语义Web的概念,探讨了RDF技术及其特点,描述了语义Web的发展趋势.  相似文献   

一个语义Web构架及其实现   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
语义Web是国际互联网组织W3C制定的关于未来Web的一个长远蓝图,近两年发展异常迅猛,并显示出诱人的应用前景。该文在概述语义Web基本技术的基础上,设计了一个面向企业门户网站的语义Web体系结构;提出了页面代理的概念及其作用与功能结构;设计了语义Web查询语言CDQL,该语言在跨信息源查询、约束表示等方面扩充了DQL查询语言。  相似文献   

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