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The combination of ubiquitous and social computing is an emerging research area which integrates different but complementary methods, techniques, and tools. In this paper, we focus on the Ubicon platform, its applications, and a large spectrum of analysis results. Ubicon provides an extensible framework for building and hosting applications targeting both ubiquitous and social environments. We summarize the architecture and exemplify its implementation using four real-world applications built on top of Ubicon. In addition, we discuss several scientific experiments in the context of these applications in order to give a better picture of the potential of the framework, and discuss analysis results using several real-world data sets collected utilizing Ubicon.  相似文献   

This paper defines the concept of social weight as a design consideration and presents the e-SUIT, a social weight research platform incorporated covertly within a traditional business suit. The e-SUIT allows its user to strike a balance between a given technology's derived benefit and its social consequence. As the e-SUIT is designed for research within a business context, it is built upon commercially available enterprise software. This work is a first step towards subjecting the empirical social interactive phenomena of wearable technology to quantitative design analysis. Proof of concept testing shows access to commercially available enterprise applications with a distinct, user selectable, strata of social weight.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that influence social presence and user satisfaction with Mobile Instant Messaging (mIM). The proposed research model integrates channel expansion, social influence, social presence and media richness theories, to explain how user experience, social influence, and medium richness influence social presence and user satisfaction with mIM. A total of 239 students from a state university in the US participated in this study. Data was collected via a web-based survey. The results suggest that user experience, social influence, and perceived richness are important drivers for social presence and user satisfaction in mIM. The implications of the study findings are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

Social network sites (SNSs) and mobile phones are becoming increasingly important in teenagers’ lives. Using data collected from a nationally representative survey (N = 800), this study explores the variation of social capital by SNS adoption, different SNS activities, and mobile personal talk among teenagers. The results indicate that SNS adoption and mobile personal talk can not only enhance teenagers’ close ties with friends, but also jointly promote teenagers’ civic engagement. Among SNS users, mobile personal talk also increase teens’ network capital. Different SNS activities such as commenting on friend’s Facebook pictures and joining Facebook groups have different relationships with social capital, and such relationships are moderated by mobile personal talk.  相似文献   

Most of the projects which envision knowledge dissemination create and use a unique knowledge base, where all items acquired are organized according to a simple classification. This kind of ‘centralized’ approach shows some inconsistencies in relation to many of the theories about the creation of knowledge and its dissemination. Due to them, distribution and sociability are essential characteristics for the creation and sharing of knowledge. This incoherence partially explains the reason which leads many users into abandoning this kind of system because they have to adapt themselves to a classification and a rigid structure to represent pieces of knowledge. On the other hand, a lot of tacit knowledge and interaction possibilities are lost in this centralized vision. So, based on the advantages of a distributed approach for knowledge dissemination and the improvement of interaction, we designed and constructed the Mobile Exchange of Knowledge (MEK). This approach involves, in a mobile way, the exchanging of knowledge among people who share the same interests. Some issues like ad-hoc networks, social networks, location prediction and distributed knowledge management are also related to the MEK concept. However, to verify how effective our idea is, we conducted an experiment in the geographical space of a university in Brazil where we analyzed the movements of students and also their interest and willingness to share knowledge items.  相似文献   

Wendy Martin 《AI & Society》1999,13(4):402-420
The Social Construction of Technology (SCOT) theory offers a useful conceptual framework for examining the social and cultural factors that may contribute to or detract from the successful integration of computer technology into educational environments. This theory, which grew out of studies in the history of technology and the sociology of science, suggests methods for studying the phenomenon of technological development, such as identifying the relevant social groups involved in the development process and the factors that either leave the technology in a state of interpretive flexibility or bring the interpretation of the technology to closure. This paper uses a SCOT approach to explore how personal and institutional beliefs can shape the ways in which technologies are used by teachers and students, and to identify the social, epistemological, cognitive and motivational factors that need to be considered as computer technology becomes an integral part of the educational experience.  相似文献   

Age invaders (AI), is a novel interactive intergeneration social-physical game which allows the elderly to play harmoniously together with children in the physical space, while parents can participate in the game play in real time remotely in the virtual world through the internet. Traditional digital games are designed for the young where normally the player sits in front of a computer or game console. Unlike standard computer games, age invaders brings the game play to a physical platform, and requires and encourages physical body movements rather than constraining the user in front of a computer for many hours. Age invaders is an interactive social-physical family digital game designed specially for a harmonious game play between the elderly and young. Adjusting game properties automatically compensates for potential elderly disadvantages, for example slower reaction time and slow movement.  相似文献   

Mobile devices such as tablets, smart phones, and portable computers are connecting users in a myriad of contexts. Social networks can be a benefit for individuals in the knowledge acquisition process, and group dynamics disclosed by Social Network Analysis provides a good basis for studying how mobile collaboration is affected by social networks. This study focuses on two aspects of social network mechanism, namely eigenvector centrality and network reciprocity. The assumption is that social networks influence mobile technology use behaviors, and can be optimized to leverage mobile collaboration. A series of controlled field experiments involving 327 groups were conducted to evaluate the differences between two modes of mobile collaborative settings: individual non-collaborative vs. group collaborative. Results indicate that by leveraging social networks in a mobile platform, study participants were able to positively heighten their collaborative knowledge acquisition process through enhanced group interactions and enjoyment.  相似文献   

As the open source movement grows, it becomes important to understand the dynamics that affect the motivation of participants who contribute their time freely to such projects. One important motivation that has been identified is the desire for formal recognition in the open source community. We investigated the impact of social capital in participants’ social networks on their recognition-based performance; i.e., the formal status they are accorded in the community. We used a sample of 465 active participants in the Wikipedia open content encyclopedia community to investigate the effects of two types of social capital and found that network closure, measured by direct and indirect ties, had a significant positive effect on increasing participants’ recognition-based performance. Structural holes had mixed effects on participants’ status, but were generally a source of social capital.  相似文献   

Sound and, specifically, music is a medium that is used for a wide range of purposes in different situations in very different ways. Ways for music selection and consumption range from completely passive, almost unnoticed perception of background sound environments to the very specific selection of a particular recording of a piece of music with a specific orchestra and conductor at a certain event. Different systems and interfaces exist for the broad range of needs in music consumption. Locating a particular recording is well supported by traditional search interfaces via metadata. Other interfaces support the automatic creation of playlists via artist or album selection, up to more artistic installations of sound environments that users can navigate through. In this paper we present a set of systems that support the creation of as well as the navigation in musical spaces, both in the real world as well as in virtual environments. We show common principles and point out further directions for a more direct coupling of the various spaces and interaction methods, creating ambient sound environments and providing organic interaction with music for different purposes.
Andreas RauberEmail:

Jakob Frank   is a Research Assistant at the Department of Software Technology and Interactive Systems of the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna). He received his Bachelor in Computer Science from the Vienna University of Technology in 2006. His research focus is on music information retrieval, especially on mobile devices and multi-user audio interaction. He was co-organizer of the ISMIR 2007 conference and served as co-reviewer for several major international conferences. Thomas Lidy   is a Research Assistant at the Department of Software Technology and Interactive Systems of the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna). He received his MSc in Computer Science from the Vienna University of Technology in 2007. His research focus is on music information retrieval, in particular feature extraction methods for digital audio, music classification, and clustering and visualization of digital music libraries. He participates actively in the annual MIREX benchmarking campaign and was co-organizer of the ISMIR 2007 conference. He is author of numerous papers in refereed international conferences and workshops and served as co-reviewer for several major international conferences. In 2007, he was awarded the Distinguished Young Alumnus Award and also received a Microsoft Sponsorship Award. Ewald Peiszer   is a freelance web application and software developer with a strong scientific background. He received his MSc degree in Computer Science from Vienna University of Technology in 2007 with a master’s thesis on automatic audio segmentation. Working towards combining Music Information Retrieval (MIR) techniques with Virtual Reality infrastructure he completed an internship at the Center for Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality, Ewha Womans University (Seoul). Occasionally, he (co-)authors articles on MIR topics which is also a focus of his freelance projects. Ronald Genswaider   graduated as Master of Economics in 2008 at the Department of Software Technology and Interactive Systems of the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna) as well as Master of Arts in the Department of Digital Arts at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. He is working in Vienna as a free digital artist, Web developer and researcher. Currently he is working in various research projects in the R&D department at bwin and taking part in the exhibition “YOU_ser—Century of the consumer” at the ZKM in Karlsruhe, Germany. Andreas Rauber   is Associate Professor at the Department of Software Technology and Interactive Systems of the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna). He received his MSc and PhD in Computer Science from the Vienna University of Technology in 1997 and 2000, respectively. He is actively involved in several research projects in the field of Digital Libraries, focusing on text and music information retrieval, the organization and exploration of large information spaces, as well as Web archiving and digital preservation. He has published numerous papers in refereed journals and international conferences and served as PC member and reviewer for several major journals, conferences and workshops. He also co-organized the ECDL 2005 and ISMIR 2007 conferences.   相似文献   

Social network sites (SNSs) have been found to be closely associated with responses to social exclusion and to impact people with high or low levels of social anxiety in different ways. Our study tested whether social anxiety, an individual difference variable, affected the association between SNSs and responses to social exclusion. A Cyberball game was conducted to create social exclusion, followed by a waiting period during which participants were observed to see whether they would choose to use SNSs. Afterwards, recovery from participants' negative responses to exclusion was measured. Results showed that using SNSs benefited the highly socially anxious (HSA) group in terms of recovering from disconnection and feeling a sense of meaningful existence more than the low socially anxious (LSA) group. However, recovery from disconnection was lower for LSA individuals who used SNSs than those who did not use SNSs. Our research suggests that SNSs benefited HSA individuals after social exclusion, but hindered the recovery of LSA individuals.  相似文献   

Social networks offer great potential for fostering collaboration between individuals and amongst groups. This potential collaborative environment is not only applicable for recreation, but can also provide considerable value to diverse research communities. For this reason scientists are increasingly utilizing social networking concepts in projects to form groups, share information, publicize their work and communicate with their peers. This article describes two different approaches to supporting eScience, by providing scientific computing and collaboration within what we term the Social Cloud. In our first approach the social network is used as a collaborative overlay, in combination with the ad hoc creation of infrastructure composed of virtual machine clusters built from resources contributed, by the users, to the Social Cloud. Our second approach is based around the principle of volunteer computing, where the Social Cloud provides researchers with a platform to exploit social networks by reaching out to non technical users who would otherwise be unlikely to donate computational time for scientific and other research. In this article we specifically explore the motivations of users to contribute computational time and examine the various ways these motivations can be catered to through the use of incentives in existing social networks.  相似文献   

Social TV, a new interactive television service, has been rapidly developing. With the conceptual model of sociability, this study empirically investigates the effects of perceived sociability on the motivations and attitudes toward Social TV. A model is created to validate the relationship of perceived sociality to social presence, usability, and intention. Empirical findings show the key influence of sociability on users’ acceptance and intent to continue using Social TV. Implications of the findings are discussed in terms of building a theory of sociability and providing practical insights into developing a meaningful sociable TV interface.  相似文献   

This study explores how interaction within an online auction community affects online auction actor intention to continue trading with others. Adopting a social perspective drawing on social capital theory and IS literature, this study investigates how interactions among actors contribute to the creation and advancement of social capital. The analytical results demonstrate that the influence of user interaction on continuance intention in online auctions is mediated by the creation of various dimensions of social capital at the community level. Finally, the implications of the study findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The number of online game players continues to grow, as well as the number of hours spent in online world. World of Warcraft (WoW) is one of the most popular Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG). It is set in an elaborate fictional world, in which players achieve goals through interaction and mutual communication. The present study verified differences in experiencing loneliness (UCLA Loneliness Scale) and social anxiety (Social Phobia Inventory) in WoW players in online and real world (offline) since these two worlds and the functioning of the players in them differ. In the sample consisting of 161 players, it was found that players experience a significantly lower degree of loneliness and social anxiety in online than in real world. The lower degree of loneliness experienced was also associated with playing with friends and known people, with guild membership, as well as frequent communication with teammates through VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) services. The results suggest that WoW is a highly social environment that encourages cooperation, communication and friendship.  相似文献   

基于社交媒体的事件感知与多模态事件脉络生成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息技术的发展和社交媒体的流行,普通用户已经完成了从信息接受者到信息产生者的转变,每个人都可以实时分享自己身边的信息,也可以转发自己感兴趣的内容,这使得社交媒体的数据量迅速增长。在海量数据中蕴含着丰富的社会事件发生和发展的记录,如何有效地从这些数据中挖掘出有价值的信息成为了当前信息领域的重要问题。针对该问题,介绍了基于社交媒体的事件感知与多模态事件脉络生成。基于社交媒体的事件感知与多模态事件脉络生成旨在通过分析社交媒体中的文本、时间、图像、评论、观点、情感和用户交互等多模态数据,感知事件并刻画事件的关系,从而实现对事件的总结。讨论了基于社交媒体的事件感知与多模态事件脉络生成的描述模型、概念、发展历史、关键技术与挑战以及其广泛的应用领域,综述了社交媒体分析在事件感知和事件总结方面的研究进展,并对其未来发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

Credit scoring is without a doubt one of the oldest applications of analytics. In recent years, a multitude of sophisticated classification techniques have been developed to improve the statistical performance of credit scoring models. Instead of focusing on the techniques themselves, this paper leverages alternative data sources to enhance both statistical and economic model performance. The study demonstrates how including call networks, in the context of positive credit information, as a new Big Data source has added value in terms of profit by applying a profit measure and profit-based feature selection. A unique combination of datasets, including call-detail records, credit and debit account information of customers is used to create scorecards for credit card applicants. Call-detail records are used to build call networks and advanced social network analytics techniques are applied to propagate influence from prior defaulters throughout the network to produce influence scores. The results show that combining call-detail records with traditional data in credit scoring models significantly increases their performance when measured in AUC. In terms of profit, the best model is the one built with only calling behavior features. In addition, the calling behavior features are the most predictive in other models, both in terms of statistical and economic performance. The results have an impact in terms of ethical use of call-detail records, regulatory implications, financial inclusion, as well as data sharing and privacy.  相似文献   

Some social networking community service providers have earned revenue by selling digital items to their community members. We examined SNC member decisions to purchase digital items based on customer value theory. Six factors were extracted from three dimensions of customer value: functional, social, and emotional value. Our findings indicated that the effects of value on member purchase intentions were significant in terms of the emotional and social dimensions. Our results should help SNC providers by improving their sales of digital items.  相似文献   

Posting, reading, and responding to status updates is an integral part of many peoples' daily lives. However, the role of personality in predicting social responses to status updates remains largely unexplored. Based on the social enhancement and the social compensation hypothesis, we assessed the role of extraversion and social anxiety in predicting social responses to status updates. Moreover, we explored the influence of valence in this context. Capitalizing on the assets of a multimethod approach, personality was assessed with self-reports, and valence was evaluated by independent raters. Social responses to status updates were captured (1) by observing direct social feedback (i.e. likes and commenters) and (2) by informant reports on the interpersonal appraisal of participants’ status updates by their friends. In a German and a US sample, for direct social feedback neither extraversion nor social anxiety emerged as significant predictors. However, analyses of the informant reports showed that status updates of more socially anxious individuals were appreciated more by their friends. Furthermore, results pointed to the importance of valence in this context; revealing associations between valence and direct social feedback, valence and extraversion, and a moderation effect of personality on the association between valence and likes in the US sample.  相似文献   

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