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Conjugated linoleic acid in meat and meat products: A review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) consists of a group of geometric and positional isomers of linoleic acid to which anticancerogenic, antidiabetic, and antiatherogenic effects, as well as effects on immune system, bone metabolism, and body composition are attributed. CLA is found predominantly in milk and meat of ruminants due to the importance of rumen micro-organism in the formation of CLA and its precursors. This review attempts to give an overview of the available data on intramuscular CLA concentrations in meat and meat products originating from different animal species. The factors influencing these concentrations are discussed and the estimated human daily intakes as well as the percentage provided by meat are reported.  相似文献   

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a mixture of isomers of linoleic acid (C18:2 n-6), which is mostly found in the ruminant meat and dairy products. The CLA is known to have many potential health benefits, and considered a potent powerful fatty acid, which is linked to animal and human health. The present work aims to discuss the source and production, mechanism of action, and effects of CLA on humans, poultry, and ruminants by reviewing the recent studies carried out on CLA. Despite most of the recent studies indicating beneficial effects of CLA on improving body weight control parameters, its effects on reducing risk factors of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), inflammation, blood glucose, and insulin are still controversial, and need to be further studied in different hosts.  相似文献   

葵花籽油制备共轭亚油酸的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
葵花籽油是为数不多的高含亚油酸的油脂之一,是很好的生产共轭亚油酸的原料。探讨了反应时间、加碱量等对葵花籽油制备共轭亚油酸共轭化转化率的影响。通过正交试验,确定了最佳试验条件,获得了90%以上的共轭化转化率。  相似文献   

The project objective was to determine the CLA content of three muscles (Longissimus lumborum, LD; Semimembranosus, SM; Triceps brachii, TB), in both raw and cooked states, in cattle finished on pasture or with grain supplements. Cattle were randomly assigned to one of four finishing regimens; pasture (n=11), pasture with grain supplement (n=11), pasture with grain supplement containing soyoil (n=12), and feedlot (n=12). In the raw state, TB had higher (P<0.05) CLA than LD or SM on a mg/g sample basis. Total CLA was higher (P<0.05) in the soyoil diet when compared to the other three feeding regimes on a mg/g sample basis and when expressed as mg/g fat in both raw and cooked analyses. Pasture inclusion produced higher levels (P<0.05) of total CLA than the feedlot diet on a mg/g fat basis for cooked samples while maintaining acceptable eating quality.  相似文献   

Fifteen Murrah buffaloes were distributed in groups I, II and III. The group I animals were fed with groundnut cake-based concentrate, group II animals with mustard cake-based concentrate and group III with 2% of mustard oil added to the group II feed. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) estimation in milk was done by using GC. The average total CLA contents (mg/g milk fat) in the three groups were 6.84, 12.12 and 19.50 mg/g of fat respectively. Hence it was concluded that addition of 2% mustard oil resulted in a 185% increase in milk fat total CLA content.  相似文献   

Three levels (0%, 1% and 2%) of an enriched conjugated linoleic acid oil (CLA) were combined with two levels of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) (low −19% average and high −39% average) for pig feeding. Composition, weight losses, lipid oxidation (thiobarbituric acid test, TBARs), change in the fatty acid content of the lipid fractions and sensory analysis of dry-cured loin as affected by dietary CLA, MUFA and CLA × MUFA interaction were studied. CLA and CLA × MUFA did not affect moisture and intramuscular fat content of dry-cured loin, weight losses during the processing, changes in the content of most fatty acids from lipid fractions and sensory traits. CLA and MUFA supplementation led to lower TBARs values (1.3 mg MDA/kg sample for 0% CLA and 0.9 mg MDA/kg sample for 2% CLA; 1.2 mg MDA/kg sample for low MUFA diets and 0.9 mg MDA/kg sample for high MUFA diets), the highest TBARs values being detected for 0% CLA-low MUFA diets [1.5 mg MDA/kg sample]. The combination of dietary CLA with different MUFA levels in pig diets did not affect most composition and quality traits of dry-cured loin. Dietary CLA and MUFA seemed to lead to lower lipid oxidation in this product.  相似文献   

The effect of yoghurt starter cultures and probiotic Lactobacillus casei on the formation of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and microbial populations of fermented goat milk was investigated during 35 days of cold storage. The addition of hydrolysed sunflower oil as a source of free linoleic acid was investigated. The fermentation process enhanced the content of the cis9, trans11‐CLA isomer in milk, whereas the trans10, cis12‐CLA isomer was not detected in goat milk or control fermented milks. The use of both starters generated trans10, cis12‐CLA only when hydrolysed sunflower oil was supplemented. Populations of streptococci and lactobacilli were affected by the presence of hydrolysed sunflower oil.  相似文献   

 The methyl ester and 4,4-dimethyloxazoline (DMOX) derivatives of the geometric isomers cis9,trans11- and trans9,trans11-octadecadienoic acid and the two minor isomers trans9,cis11- and cis9,cis11-octadecadienoic acid were found in human adipose tissue, by using gas chromatography–direct deposition–Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (GC–DD–FTIR) and gas chromatography–electron ionization mass spectrometry (GC–EIMS). Received: 2 May 1997  相似文献   

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a group of isomers of linoleic acid (LA) with several potential health benefits which justifies the efforts to obtain foods with enhanced CLA contents. A possible way to obtain CLA‐enriched products is via fermentation as several micro‐organisms, many of which are employed in the manufacture of foods, are known to convert free LA into CLA. However, due to several constraints, the use of CLA‐producing bacteria still remains challenging and continuous efforts are required. This review summarises the current knowledge on microbial CLA production by food‐grade micro‐organisms, its technical issues and limitations, potential applications and bioactivities.  相似文献   

Healthier meat products as functional foods   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A promising approach to improving health care would be to produce a healthier food supply as a preventive health care strategy. The food supply could be improved by producing functional foods that have nutritional profiles that are healthier than conventional products. However, production of functional foods is not always easily accomplished since they must also taste good, be convenient and reasonably priced so that consumers will regularly purchase and use the products. Meats have great potential for delivering important nutrients such as fatty acids, minerals, dietary fiber, antioxidants and bioactive peptides into the diet. However, to produce successful products with these ingredients, technologies must be developed to increase their stability and decrease their flavor impact on muscle foods. In addition, many regulatory hurdles must be overcome for the commercial production of meats with added nutrients. These include redefinition of standard of identities and policies that allow front of the package nutritional claims. Without these regulatory changes, production of healthier meat products won't become a reality since these products would not have a competitive advantage over unfortified meats.  相似文献   

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is known to have several beneficial biological effects in animal models, including anticarcinogenic and antiatherosclerotic effects, antiobesity, and antioxidant activity. However, reports of its antioxidant activities have been inconsistent. In this study, we investigated the possible occurrence of π-bonding between CLA and iron. CLA methyl ester was reacted with triiron dodecacarbonyl and confirmed to form π-complexes with iron tricarbonyl. This study may suggest the possible involvement of CLA in oxidation by way of interacting with iron.  相似文献   

共轭亚油酸食品安全性毒理学试验研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
依据GBl5193—94《食品安全性毒理学评价程序和方法》进行急性毒性试验、三项遗传毒性试验和30天喂养试验,研究共轭亚油酸食品安全性毒理。共轭亚油酸对两种性别的SPF级昆明种小鼠经口毒性,一次灌胃量达20g/kg.bw两周内动物未见明显中毒症状,无动物死亡,按急性毒性分级标准规定,该受试物属无毒级。三项遗传毒性试验(Ames、小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核试验、小鼠精子畸形试验)结果均为阴性。30天喂养试验结果表明:该受试物0.87、2.20、4.30g/kg.bw剂量(分别相对于推荐人群日摄入量2.6g/kg.bw的20、50、100倍)对wistar大鼠的临床检查,血液学、生化学、脏器重量和系数以及病理组织多样指标无明显影响,未发现该受试物有明显的毒性作用。共轭亚油酸既无毒也无任何副作用。  相似文献   

微生物生产共轭亚油酸的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
共轭亚油酸(CLA)是一种具有多种生理活性的天然脂肪酸,具有抗癌、抗粥状动脉硬化、提高机体免疫力等作用.就CLA的微生物合成、分析方法等方面,对国内外的研究进行了综述.乳酸菌、丙酸菌及丁酸弧菌可以特异性地转化合成CLA,气相色谱法能够对CLA的各种异构体进行分析.  相似文献   

Factors affecting conjugated linoleic acid content in milk and meat   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has been recently studied mainly because of its potential in protecting against cancer, atherogenesis, and diabetes. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a collective term for a series of conjugated dienoic positional and geometrical isomers of linoleic acid, which are found in relative abundance in milk and tissue fat of ruminants compared with other foods. The cis-9, trans-11 isomer is the principle dietary form of CLA found in ruminant products and is produced by partial ruminal biohydrogenation of linoleic acid or by endogenous synthesis in the tissues themselves. The CLA content in milk and meat is affected by several factors, such as animal's breed, age, diet, and management factors related to feed supplements affecting the diet. Conjugated linoleic acid in milk or meat has been shown to be a stable compound under normal cooking and storage conditions. Total CLA content in milk or dairy products ranges from 0.34 to 1.07% of total fat. Total CLA content in raw or processed beef ranges from 0.12 to 0.68% of total fat. It is currently estimated that the average adult consumes only one third to one half of the amount of CLA that has been shown to reduce cancer in animal studies. For this reason, increasing the CLA contents of milk and meat has the potential to raise the nutritive and therapeutic values of dairy products and meat.  相似文献   

新型功能性油脂-共轭亚油酸   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
共轭亚油酸是天然存在于食品中的亚油酸异构体,具有抑制癌症和肿瘤的形成、减肥、抗动脉粥样硬化、改善免疫功能、降低胆固醇、促进生长等多种功能,是一种新型功能性油脂。本文综述了共轭亚油酸的生理功能、来源、合成及纯化方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

The term CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) corresponds to a mixture of positional and geometric isomers of linoleic acid. Two of these isomers (9c, 11t and 10t, 12c) have biological activity. The milk and dairy products are the most abundant source of conjugated linoleic acid, which refers to a group of positional and geometric isomers of CLA (CLA 18:2 cis-9, cis-12). The following research aims to approach aspects regarding the CLA, as well as its relationship with diseases. Conjugated linoleic acids have been studied for their beneficial effects in the prevention and treatment of many diseases, including obesity, cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Scientific information put together the physiological properties of CLA, which serves as inputs to claim their potential as functional ingredients to be used in the prevention and control of several chronic metabolic disorders.  相似文献   

兰波  凌利 《江西食品工业》2010,(1):27-31,33
目的日本已经有富含共轭亚油酸的食用油商品。为了使共轭亚油酸在我国得到广泛的应用,进行富含纯度共轭亚油酸食用油的食品安全性毒理试验研究。方法依据GB15193—94《食品安全性毒理学评价程序和方法》进行急性毒性试验、三项遗传毒性试验和30天喂养试验。结果共轭亚油酸对两种性别的SPF级昆明种小鼠经口毒性,一次灌胃量达20g/kg·bw两周内动物未见明显中毒症状,无动物死亡,按急性毒性分级标准规定,该受试物属无毒级。三项遗传毒性试验(Ames、小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核试验、小鼠精子畸形试验)结果均为阴性。30天喂养试验结果表明:该受试物O.87、2.20、4.30g/kg.bw剂量(分别相对于推荐人群日摄影入量3.6g/kg.bw的20、50、100倍)对wistar大鼠的临床检查,血液学,生化学,脏器重量和系数以及病理组织多样指标无明显影响,未发现该受试物有明显的毒性作用。结论富含共轭亚油酸的食用油既无毒也无任何副作用。  相似文献   

Obesity has become a prevailing epidemic throughout the globe. Effective therapies for obesity become attracting. Food components with beneficial effects on "weight loss" have caught increasing attentions. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) belong to different families of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). However, they have similar effects on alleviating obesity and/or preventing from obesity. They influence the balance between energy intake and expenditure; and reduce body weight and/or fat deposition in animal models, but show little effect in healthy human subjects. They inhibit key enzymes responsible for lipid synthesis, such as fatty acid synthase and stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1, enhance lipid oxidation and thermogenesis, and prevent free fatty acids from entering adipocytes for lipogenesis. PUFA also exert suppressive effects on several key factors involved in adipocyte differentiation and fat storage. Despite their similar effects and shared mechanisms, they display differences in the regulation of lipid metabolism. Moreover, DHA and EPA exhibit "anti-obesity" effect as well as improving insulin sensitivity, while CLA induces insulin resistance and fatty liver in most cases. A deeper and more detailed investigation into the complex network of anti-obesity regulatory pathways by different PUFA will improve our understanding of the mechanisms of body weight control and reduce the prevalence of obesity.  相似文献   

共轭亚油酸多重乳状液的制备及稳定性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以多重乳状液相对体积为衡量标准,借助显微镜直接观察,探讨油水相质量比、亲油亲水乳化剂质量比、乳化剂的HLB值、乳化剂的含量等因素对共轭亚油酸多重乳状液体系稳定性的影响.结果表明,单一乳化剂体系中,以Tween80作亲水乳化剂制备的多重乳状液稳定性较好.当m(内水相):m(油相):m(外水相)=1:5:1.3,m(Span80):m(Tween80)=9,乳化剂的含量为9.7%时,多重乳液相对体积达到93%.复合乳化剂体系中,在第一相的HLB值为7.4,m(复合乳化剂):m(Tween80)=9,乳化剂质量分数为6.67%时,稳定性最好.  相似文献   

Sorbic acid (SA) and benzoic acid (BA) were determined in yoghurt, tomato and pepper paste, fruit juices, chocolates, soups and chips in Turkey by using high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Levels were compared with Turkish Food Codex limits. SA was detected only in 2 of 21 yoghurt samples, contrary to BA, which was found in all yoghurt samples but one, ranging from 10.5 to 159.9?mg/kg. Both SA and BA were detected also in 3 and 6 of 23 paste samples in a range of 18.1–526.4 and 21.7–1933.5?mg/kg, respectively. Only 1 of 23 fruit juices contained BA. SA was not detected in any chips, fruit juice, soup, or chocolate sample. Although 16.51% of the samples was not compliant with the Turkish Food Codex limits, estimated daily intake of BA or SA was below the acceptable daily intake.  相似文献   

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