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对AZ91镁板进行钨极氩弧焊(TIG)过程中,外加不同频率纵向交流磁场,并在焊后进行固溶时效处理,本文对焊接接头固溶时效处理后的组织性能进行了分析。结果表明,经固溶时效处理后,大量弥散的β-Mg17Al12相从基体α-Mg中析出,其析出数量先随磁场频率增加而增多,之后又减少。从而导致焊接接头的显微硬度、抗拉强度和塑性先增大后减小,而焊接接头的耐电化学腐蚀性先减小后增大。磁场频率为15 Hz时,其接头耐蚀性最差,但接头显微硬度、抗拉强度和塑性最好。 相似文献
对AZ91镁合金板进行钨极氩弧焊(TIG),并在焊接过程中施加了不同频率纵向交流磁场,焊后对焊接接头直接进行了时效处理,并和焊后固溶时效处理方式进行了对比。结果表明:随着磁场频率的增加,AZ91镁合金焊接接头经直接时效处理后,焊缝中的β-Mg17Al12相由连续状析出形态变成非连续状析出,其组织形态与焊后固溶时效相比,β-Mg17Al12相较粗大且数量减少;并随着磁场频率增加,直接时效后的焊接接头析出β-Mg17Al12相先变得均匀细小后又变得粗大,其接头的力学性能先变好后变差,而焊接接头的抗电化学腐蚀性先减小后增大。与固溶时效相比,直接时效后接头的力学性能较差,但耐腐蚀性能更好。 相似文献
对5 mm厚的AZ91镁板进行钨极氩弧焊的过程中,外加纵向交流磁场,并在焊后进行固溶、固溶时效和时效处理. 通过对接头显微组织和力学性能分析,研究磁场参数对热处理后AZ91焊接接头组织和性能的影响规律. 结果表明,磁场作用下的AZ91镁合金焊接接头比未施加磁场的焊接接头经固溶处理后晶粒更加细小;经固溶时效处理后更多细小弥散的β-Mg17Al12相大量在α-Mg上析出;经时效处理后析出的β-Mg17Al12相更加细小、断续、分散,且施加磁场的焊接接头比未加磁场的焊接接头热处理后硬度、强度和塑性都得到提高. 相似文献
廖卓 《锻压装备与制造技术》2020,(5):128-131
阐述了AZ91镁合金激光焊接的国内外研究成果,介绍了AZ91镁合金激光焊接工艺和接头组织与性能的研究现状.总结发现,当前针对超细晶的AZ91系镁合金的激光焊接研究较少,同时AZ91镁合金激光焊对焊接工业要求极高,若焊接工艺参数选择不当,会出现焊接裂纹、咬边、气孔、凹坑和焊不透等现象.其焊接工艺参数的确定与焊接头组织性能... 相似文献
通过对AZ91镁合金进行不同工艺的固溶处理和时效处理,研究了热处理工艺对AZ91镁合金显微组织、力学性能和耐腐蚀性能的影响。结果表明,固溶和时效处理可以明显提高AZ91镁合金的力学性能和耐腐蚀性能。分级固溶处理可使AZ91镁合金的抗拉强度提高27 MPa,-20℃冲击吸收功增加10 J,腐蚀电位正移196 mV。 相似文献
The effects of pulsed magnetic field on the solidified microstructure of an AZ91D magnesium alloy were investigated. The experimental results show that the remarkable microstructural refinement is achieved when the pulsed magnetic field is applied in the solidification of AZ91D alloy. The average grain size of the as-cast microstructure of AZ91D alloy is refined to 104 μm. Besides the grain refinement, the morphology of the primary α-Mg is changed from dendritic to rosette, then to globular shape with changing the parameters of the pulsed magnetic field. The pulsed magnetic field causes melt convection during solidification, which makes the temperature of the whole melt homogenized, and produces an undercooling zone in front of the liquid/solid interface by the magnetic pressure, which makes the nucleation rate increased and big dendrites prohibited. In addition, primary α-Mg dendrites break into fine crystals, resulting in a refined solidification structure of the AZ91D alloy. The Joule heat effect induced in the melt also strengthens the grain refinement effect and spheroidization of dendrite arms. 相似文献
利用固相合成方法在挤压比为11∶1的条件下,将AZ91D镁合金屑分别在573、623、673和723 K时制备成试样,对试样进行微观组织观察和力学性能测试。结果表明:在573~673 K时,AZ91D镁合金的抗拉强度和延伸率随合成温度的升高而增大,高于673 K时其抗拉强度和延伸率随合成温度的升高而降低,在合成温度为673 K时,其抗拉强度最高,达到384.4 MPa;在热挤出过程中氧化层被均匀弥散在组织中且发生动态再结晶,使固相合成AZ91D镁合金的力学性能与铸态和用铸锭热挤出制备的镁合金相比明显提高,在合成温度为673 K时,其延伸率为5.8%,比铸态增加152%;AZ91D镁合金屑在挤出过程中不能完全结合且出现较多的微裂纹,使其延伸率与铸锭热挤出制备的AZ91D镁合金相比低44%。 相似文献
Yanbin Jiang Guoyi Tang Chanhung ShekWei Liu 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2011,509(11):4308-4313
The effect of electropulsing treatment (EPT) on the microstructure and texture evolution of the cold-rolled AZ91 magnesium alloy strip was investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and electron backscattered diffraction patterns (EBSD). The results indicated that EPT accelerated tremendously the recrystallization behaviour of the cold-rolled AZ91 magnesium alloy strip at a relatively low temperature within a short time of 7 s. It also suppressed precipitation of β-Mg17Al12 phase, compared with conventional heat treatment. The recrystallized grains favourably weakened the intensity of the basal texture. A mechanism for rapid recrystallization process during EPT was proposed based on the enhancement of nucleation rate and atomic diffusion resulting from the coupling of the themal and athermal effects. 相似文献
Effect of heat input on microstructure and properties of welded joint in magnesium alloy AZ31B 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Using the optical microscope, tensile test machine and micro-hardness meter, the effect of heat input on the microstructure and mechanical properties in fusion welding joints of AZ31B wrought alloys was investigated systematically, the mechanism on joint properties losing was analyzed, and a valid method to improve joint properties of the magnesium alloy fusion welding was explored. The results show that the heat input has an obvious effect on the microstructure and properties. Under the condition of penetration, with the heat input decreasing, the crystal grain in the weld and heat-affected zone (HAZ) becomes fine, the width of HAZ becomes obviously narrow, and the molding of the weld is improved, so the tensile strength and elongation are increased and the hardness of joints is improved. When the heat input reaches 60 J/mm, the high quality joints can he gained. 相似文献
钕对AZ91镁合金铸态组织的影响 总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21
利用光学显微镜、电子探针和X射线衍射仪研究Nd对AZ91镁合金铸态显微组织的影响,并利用Imagetool软件测量晶粒尺寸和面积。结果表明:少量Nd对α-Mg晶粒有显著的细化作用,平均晶粒尺寸由108μm降至约31μm,晶粒面积也明显减小,Nd的最佳加入量为0.5%。此外,Nd的加入致使β-Mg17Al12相弥散细小,组织中出现了粒状或针状Al3Nd化合物。 相似文献
The effects of a pulsed magnetic field on the solidified microstructure of an AZ31 magnesium alloy were investigated. The experimental results show that the remarkable microstructural refinement is achieved when the pulsed magnetic field is applied to the solidification of the AZ31 alloy. The average grain size of the as-cast microstructure of the AZ31 alloy is refined to 107 μm. By quenching the AZ31 alloy, the different primary α-Mg microstructures are preserved during the course of solidification. The microstructure evolution reveals that the primary α-Mg generates and grows in globular shape with pulsed magnetic field, contrast with the dendritic shape without pulsed magnetic field. The pulsed magnetic field causes melt convection during solidification, which makes the temperature of the whole melt homogenized, and produces an undercooling zone in front of the liquid/solid interface, which makes the nucleation rate increased and big dendrites prohibited. In addition, the Joule heat effect induced in the melt also strengthens the grain refinement effect and spheroidization of dendrite arms. 相似文献