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杨旭瞳 《机械管理开发》2020,35(9):157-158,174
为准确掌握采煤机摇臂传动关键部件在实际截割过程中的受力及振动情况,以MG900/2400采煤机为例,在分析其摇臂传统系统结构的基础上,基于Pro/E建立三维模型并导入ANSYS软件对摇臂传动系统中齿轮的应力变化和摇臂壳体的振动情况进行仿真分析,为优化并提升采煤机摇臂传动系统的可靠性奠定扎实的理论基础。  相似文献   

鉴于压力容器安全问题的重要性,传统的设计偏于保守,壳体较厚重。利用有限元分析软件(ANSYS)对壳体进行有限元分析,在保证其它要求的情况下,尽可能的减小压力容器壳体质量,从而有效地减少设备总质量,达到节能、降低成本和价格的目的。  相似文献   

基于ANSYS有限元分析软件平台,利用其内部开发工具(APDL和UIDL),依据布袋除尘器壳体结构的特点,以有限元分析和优化算法相结合的手段,建立了布袋除尘器壳体的有限元参数化模型和优化数学模型。应用APDL编制壳体有限元优化计算程序,应用UIDL编制用户界面。通过软件封装布袋除尘器壳体有限元模型、优化数学模型等要素,使得对于有限元和优化不熟悉的普通设计人员也能使用。该优化软件可广泛应用于布袋除尘器壳体的实际设计工程中。  相似文献   

驱动桥主减速器壳体的有限元分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主减速器壳体是驱动桥的重要部件之一,主减速器壳体的设计往往是在原有产品的基础上进行改进设计,但改进后的产品非常笨重,使生产成本较高.文中建立了主减速器壳体的有限元分析数学模型,首先利用UG软件对某驱动桥的主减速器壳体建立3D模型,然后运用patran软件进行网格的划分及相关工况的加载,并运用、nastran求解,最后对优化前后的主减速器壳体进行分析比较,从而为主减速器壳体的设计与优化提供了一种方法。  相似文献   

在有限元建模中的载荷简化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了有限元强度分析方法,分析了有限元分析的我荷种类,阐述了利用有限元解决工程实际问题时的载荷简化方法,并将有限元分析结果与精确解进行了实例比较,对利用有限元求解工程实际问题中的载荷简化和载荷的种类分析,起到一定的指导作用.  相似文献   

变速箱壳体出现破裂,对其进行理论分析。以某轻卡变速箱壳体为研究对象,在ANSYS Workbench12.0软件中建立轻卡变速箱壳体的有限元模型,通过对变速箱壳体进行有限元模态分析得到壳体的固有频率和振型。同时采用锤击法对其进行试验模态分析,获得壳体的模态参数。将有限元及试验模态分析的结果进行对比,验证了有限元仿真分析的正确性和可靠性,得到了变速箱壳体在低阶频率范围内各阶模态的动态特性,为变速箱结构的进一步改进提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

变速器壳体接合面密封性能有限元预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了以变速器总成为单位的接合面密封性能有限元预测模型,应用接触有限元方法进行计算,得到了主箱-后盖接合面和主箱-盖板接合面在装配、一挡和倒挡时的密封性能参数。按照接合面密封性能判断方法,通过分析表明:主箱与盖板之间的密封垫上各处均有压应力存在,且形成了具有一定压力的密封压力环,主箱-后盖接合面密封性能良好;主箱-盖板接合面未形成密封压力环带,但其间隙变化和错移量均在一定范围内,满足硅胶力学性能要求,主箱-盖板接合面密封性能良好。该研究为分析评价垫片和胶密封接合面的密封性能提供了借鉴方法。  相似文献   

火箭弹发动机的外形结构的基本特点是相对厚度很小,长径比和孔的深径比都比较大,所以其部分相对厚度较大,类似于这种壁薄、细长的筒形件,对其强度要求是很严格的。针对发动机壳体薄壁细长的特点,文中利用了两种单元形式:壳单元和实体单元对简化的发动机壳体进行了数值仿真,壳单元中以实常数形式设定壳体厚度,实体单元相对增加厚度方向单元的数目,对比结果表明壳单元跟实体单元对发动机壳体强度仿真结果相近,由于壳单元大大减小了仿真计算量,所以壳单元可以作为薄壁细长结构仿真的优选单元。  相似文献   

基于Pro/E平台,设计汽车壳体件压铸模,包括分型面、浇注系统、溢流系统。将壳体CAD模型导入到有限元分析软件ProCAST,选择正确的初始条件和边界条件,将各种热物性参数定义给铸件材料,最终实现浇注过程的仿真,进而判断CAD模型建立的合理性。分析仿真结果可知,由于铸件各部分冷却速度不均匀,在某些地方存在严重的缩松,因此在模具上加工冷却水管道来避免冷却不均匀,很大程度上消除了缩松。运用模具CAD/CAE技术不仅提高了铸件质量,同时缩短了生产周期。  相似文献   

基于ANSYS的不同材料齿轮泵壳体的有限元分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对不同材料的齿轮泵壳体进行了有限元分析,比较了球墨铸铁壳体和铝合金壳体的应用范围的区别,然后对这两种壳体分别进行了优化,改善了齿轮泵的整体性能,同时这种方法对于开发全新的不同材料的整个规格系列的新型齿轮泵有着重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

A finite element model for orthogonal cutting is developed and applied to simulate burr formation. Three typical workpiece materials were investigated. The simulation results reveal the entire burr formation process. The simulation produces either positive or negative burrs depending on the material properties, which is in agreement with experimental observations from literature. Both shear and normal stress failures are presented for negative burr formation while only shear stress failure leads to positive burr formation. The FE modeling results confirm that material property is the dominant factor in controlling burr formation.  相似文献   

In order to advance understanding of the burr formation process, a series of finite element models are introduced. First, a finite element model of the burr formation of two-dimensional orthogonal cutting is introduced and validated with experimental observations. A detailed and thorough examination of the drilling burr forming process is undertaken. This information is then used in the construction of an analytical model and, leads to development of a three-dimensional finite element model of drilling burr formation. Using the model as a template, related burr formation problems that have not been physically examined can be simulated and the results used to control process planning resulting in the reduction of burr formation. We highlight this process by discussing current areas of research at the University of California in collaboration with the Consortium on Deburring and Edge Finishing (CODEF).  相似文献   

In order to advance understanding of the burr formation process, a series of finite element models are introduced. First, a finite element model of the burr formation of two-dimensional orthogonal cutting is introduced and validated with experimental observations. A detailed and thorough examination of the drilling burr forming process is undertaken. This information is then used in the construction of an analytical model and, leads to development of a three-dimensional finite element model of drilling burr formation. Using the model as a template, related burr formation problems that have not been physically examined can be simulated and the results used to control process planning resulting in the reduction of burr formation. We highlight this process by discussing current areas of research at the University of California in collaboration with the Consortium on Deburring and Edge Finishing (CODEF).  相似文献   


汽车碰撞仿真研究中点焊连接关系的有限元模拟   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在汽车有限元分析仿真计算中,结构中的点焊模拟一直是一个难以解决的问题。综合现有的模拟方法,对点焊提出了一种新的处理对策,即在焊接节点之间引入一个刚性梁单元,单元可承受拉伸力和剪切力,同时引入节点耦合技术,在计算焊接节点受力的时候将节点位移约束作为惩罚项添加进去。当单元内部受力超过点焊的实际承载能力时,焊点脱开,单元自动分解为两部分,且分解后自动进入接触搜寻处理系统。  相似文献   

蹄-鼓式制动器热弹性耦合有限元分析   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
吕振华  亓昌 《机械强度》2003,25(4):401-407
首先探讨蹄—鼓式汽车制动器的摩擦接触热弹性耦合非线性动力学问题及其分析方法,包括摩擦生热模型、多物理场中的弹性体有限元模型、接触问题模型的建立方法以及相应的数值分析方法。然后,利用有限元分析软件ADI-NA建立一种新型蹄—鼓式制动器热弹性耦合动力学分析的三维有限元模型,确定对模型求解的位移边界条件和热边界条件,设定材料物性参数、加载过程及模拟工况,探讨进行制动器热弹性耦合有限元分析的过程,通过仿真计算得到制动器工作过程中摩擦副间接触力分布、制动鼓瞬态温度场、应力场、变形场等重要信息。  相似文献   

提出对包含奇异点的单元进行细分以解决模锻和挤压加工的有限元模拟时经常遇到的奇异点问题的办法,并利用O.C. Zienkiewicz等人的误差评估方法对其有效性作了评价。实际计算结果表明,这种办法对提高有限元模拟的精度、清除奇异点的影响十分有效。  相似文献   

A 2D Finite Element Model set up using the Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (A.L.E) formulation proposed in Abaqus/Explicit (v6.4) is employed to predict serrated chip formation during cutting process. No artificial criterion is employed to create the chip or to initiate serrated chip formation. The sensitivity of serrated chip prediction to numerical and process parameters is analyzed in this paper. Experimental tests in orthogonal cutting conditions on machining of AISI-4140 with coated and uncoated cemented-carbide inserts were carried out to validate numerical results. They showed significant influence of cutting speed and rake angle on the serrated chip phenomena. The comparison between numerical and experimental results showed a good qualitative agreement and underlined the outstanding influence of the element dimensions employed in Finite Element Modeling (F.E.M.) tests.  相似文献   

A 2D Finite Element Model set up using the Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (A.L.E) formulation proposed in Abaqus/Explicit (v6.4) is employed to predict serrated chip formation during cutting process. No artificial criterion is employed to create the chip or to initiate serrated chip formation. The sensitivity of serrated chip prediction to numerical and process parameters is analyzed in this paper. Experimental tests in orthogonal cutting conditions on machining of AISI-4140 with coated and uncoated cemented-carbide inserts were carried out to validate numerical results. They showed significant influence of cutting speed and rake angle on the serrated chip phenomena. The comparison between numerical and experimental results showed a good qualitative agreement and underlined the outstanding influence of the element dimensions employed in Finite Element Modeling (F.E.M.) tests.  相似文献   

The quality of ground workpieces is largely determined by the accuracy of dimensions and geometry, and by the surface finish. The thermal stress to which workpieces are subjected during the grinding process, characterized by the temperatures that develop, plays a major role as far as the economical fulfillment of high-quality requirements is concerned. Too high thermal stresses have a deleterious effect on the workpiece, leading to changes in specific service characteristics. This paper predominantly concerns experiments to determine the temperature when grinding cemented carbides. In this context, the temperature fields developing in the workpiece were examined for different grinding conditions, both on the basis of experiments and calculations by means of finite element analysis (FEA). The simulations show a rise in surface temperatures in the workpiece from the run-in to the run-out phase of the grinding process. The analysis indicates that the-grinding process gives rise to an inho-mogeneous distribution of the material properties of the workpiece, along the grinding direction.  相似文献   

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