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利用蕴涵运算,在完备剩余格上定义了蕴涵闭包算子,给出了它的若干等价刻画及其表示定理。 相似文献
闭包算子空间范畴及其性质研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于对闭包运算的性质研究,引入了闭包算子空间及其之间的连续映射概念,证明了闭包算子空间(对象)及其之间的连续映射(态射)构成范畴(闭包算子范畴)。证明了闭包算子空间范畴中(有限)积和(有限)余积的存在性,同时将闭包算子范畴与拓扑范畴联系,揭示了二者的同构性。 相似文献
在相关文献的基础上提出一种邻域加权预处理方法,基本解决了运用广义模糊算子进行边缘检测时出现的断线等问题。实验表明本算法相对于几种常用的边缘检测算子而言能获得较好的效果。 相似文献
在闭包空间中借助于开集,给出了开覆盖的概念,运用逻辑吸取式结构给出了紧集和紧空间的概念,证明了Tychonoff乘积定理成立。 相似文献
广义求和算子与广义乘积算子是基于区间数的证据合成方法得以应用的两个重要参数,实际应用表明两者中参数w对证据合成结果影响较大,掌握参数w的影响规律对其应用将大有裨益。通过对关键函数fu和fi的数学分析,同时依据实例分析的结果,推导出广义求和算子与广义乘积算子中参数w对基于区间数的证据合成结果的三条主要影响规律:1)随着广义求和算子中的参数w增大,证据合成结果变得悲观;2)随着广义乘积算子中的参数w的增大,证据合成结果变得乐观;3)两者中参数w的同时增大或减小可以平衡各自对证据合成结果的悲观或乐观作用。总结出的影响规律可辅助选择适当的参数w,以更好地满足实际工程应用需要。 相似文献
粗糙集理论是一种处理不确定性问题的数学工具.粗糙近似算子是粗糙集理论中的核心概念,基于等价关系的Paw-lak粗糙近似算子可以推广为基于一般二元关系的广义粗糙近似算子.近似算子的拓扑结构是粗糙集理论的重点研究方向.文中主要研究基于一般二元关系的广义粗糙近似算子诱导拓扑的性质,给出了基于粒和基于子系统的广义粗糙近似算子诱... 相似文献
依据Hastie T.和Tibshirani R.等提出的“Gap统计”的思想方法,通过分析样本灰度数据分布的差别,在进一步考虑加权邻域的基础上,建立了图像边缘检测的多尺加权邻域Gap统计模型。提出正则加权邻域的概念,并通过证明具体地给出了与尺度有关的正则邻域权重密度函数。分析Gap算子的性质,给出在加权邻域下模型边缘检测算法。给出正则加权邻域下不同尺度的检测结果,分析Gap算子与Sobel边缘检测算子之间的关系。模型具有多尺度、依尺度抗噪声的特点。 相似文献
Francesco Ranzato 《Information and Computation》1999,152(2):236
It is well known that closure operators on a complete lattice, ordered pointwise, give rise to a complete lattice, and this basic fact plays an important rôle in many fields of the semantics area, notably in domain theory and abstract interpretation. We strengthen that result by showing that closure operators on any directed-complete partial order (CPO) still form a complete lattice. An example of application in abstract interpretation theory is given. 相似文献
A recursion operator is an integro-differential operator which maps a generalized symmetry of a nonlinear partial differential equation (PDE) to a new symmetry. Therefore, the existence of a recursion operator guarantees that the PDE has infinitely many higher-order symmetries, which is a key feature of complete integrability. Completely integrable nonlinear PDEs have a bi-Hamiltonian structure and a Lax pair; they can also be solved with the inverse scattering transform and admit soliton solutions of any order.A straightforward method for the symbolic computation of polynomial recursion operators of nonlinear PDEs in (1+1) dimensions is presented. Based on conserved densities and generalized symmetries, a candidate recursion operator is built from a linear combination of scaling invariant terms with undetermined coefficients. The candidate recursion operator is substituted into its defining equation and the resulting linear system for the undetermined coefficients is solved.The method is algorithmic and is implemented in Mathematica. The resulting symbolic package PDERecursionOperator.m can be used to test the complete integrability of polynomial PDEs that can be written as nonlinear evolution equations. With PDERecursionOperator.m, recursion operators were obtained for several well-known nonlinear PDEs from mathematical physics and soliton theory. 相似文献
R. Bělohlávek 《Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications》2002,7(1):53-64
Closure operators (and related structures) are investigated from the point of view of fuzzy set theory. The paper is a follow
up to [7] where fundamental notions and result have been established. The present approach generalizes the existing approaches
in two ways: first, complete residuated lattices are used as the structures of truth values (leaving the unite interval [0,1]
with minimum and other t-norms particular cases); second, the monotony condition is formulated so that it can reflect also
partial subsethood (not only full subsethood as in other approaches). In this paper, we study relations induced by fuzzy closure
operators (fuzzy quasiorders and similarities); factorization of closure systems by similarities and by so-called decrease
of logical precision; representation of fuzzy closure operators by (crisp) closure operators; relation to consequence relations;
and natural examples illustrating the notions and results.
Supported by grant no. 201/99/P060 of the GA ČR and by NATO Advanced Fellowship B for 2000. The author would like to thank
to Professor G. Gerla for helpful comments. Part of the paper written during author's research visit at the Center for Intelligent
Systems, State University of New York at Binghamton. Support by the Center and by its director, Professor G.J. Klir, is gratefully
acknowledged. 相似文献
为了减少航天器特征值属性的冗余性并提高其权重的准确性,提出了一种基于邻域粗糙集的属性约简及权重计算方法。通过对不同重要度下限分类精度的对比分析,给出了确定邻域半径的新规则。在信息观权值最优计算公式的基础上,提出了一种基于信息熵的特征值权重计算方法;给出了代数观和信息观最优组合权值确定方法,解决了代数观和信息观方法的权衡问题。将其应用于某卫星姿控系统特征值分析中,与其他方法的比较表明该方法能有效减少特征值的数目,提高特征值权重的准确性。 相似文献
针对现有的属性约简算法不适合处理数值型属性和符号型属性共同存在的不完备数据,提出了一种拓展不完备邻域粗糙集模型。首先,通过考虑属性值的概率分布来定义缺失属性值之间的距离,可以度量具有混合属性的不完备数据;其次,定义了邻域混合熵来评价属性约简的质量,分析证明了相关的性质定理,并构造了一种基于邻域混合熵的不完备邻域粗糙集属性约简算法;最后从UCI数据集中选取了7组数据进行实验,并分别与基于依赖度的属性约简(ARD)、基于邻域条件熵的属性约简(ARCE)、基于邻域组合测度的属性约简(ARNCM)算法进行了比较。理论分析和实验结果表明,所提算法约简属性比ARD、ARCE、ARNCM分别减少了约1,7,0个,所提算法的分类精度比ARD、ARCE、ARNCM分别提高了约2.5,2.1,0.8个百分点。所提算法不仅能够获得较少的约简属性,同时具有较高的分类精度。 相似文献