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这个项目是一个竞赛获奖项目,也是一次建筑实验。它是对民用建筑所作的初次尝试(一种特殊用途的公共建筑)。项目地处山脚,而不是在农田之中,与自然有着更紧密的联系。建筑的设计工作计划按照两个方向进行:  相似文献   

8月8日晚,法国特诺发2014全球新品发布展览在上海国际设计中心开幕。开幕式上发布了特诺发梭虹卷帘,天虹、天幕、天歌、天丽等四款布艺遮阳产品。并邀请了法国驻华大使馆官员、德国MHZ集团代表Lazarus Tsartsidis以及数十位国内外顶级设计师、建筑师出席。  相似文献   

这个项目就其本身来说,是想将位于尚贝里和圣普列斯特的两个设计综合一下。其功用并没有明显的变化和延伸,区别在于公共空间设计中结构元素的缺失。  相似文献   

主持人的话: 2003年10月-2004年7月法国将举行“中国文化年”的系列活动。根据中法政府间协议。随后还将在中国举办“法国文化年”活动。今年6月24日在巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心开幕的“中国当代艺术展”奏响了这一中法文化交流盛事的序曲。[编者按]  相似文献   

Initiated by the Regional Direction of Industry and Research, the Boûches du Rhône Departmental Quarries Scheme intended to provide the elements of a mean and long term aggregates production policy. It gave the opportunity first to analyze the present aggregate production and consumption structure of the department, and to make up realistic estimates of the future demand development. The resources have been inventoried and a map of the deposits drawn up, according to their geotechnical fitness for making aggregates. The potential reserves seem to be very important, in calcareous sites as well as in alluvial deposits. The analysis and the mapping of the whole environment requirements induced to classify the deposits according to their geological interest and to the relative importance of these requirements. A simple superposition of the requirements would prohibit the surface working of the deposits, but an objective and balanced investigation made obvious that it was possible to open enough quarries to satisfy the long term supply. About half of the department beeing exposed to a mean term production deficit risk, it has been proposed to delay the most prejudicial surface workings in quarries, to change the way of exploitation and to look for substitution calcareous deposits. It induced, in particular, indispensable and gradual amendments to some rural-planning documents. A general agreement on these proposals has been obtained by a large debating process.  相似文献   

张燕 《建筑创作》2007,(2):128-133
2006年11月13—24日,中国建筑学会建筑师分会组团赴法国进行学术交流,代表团由中国建筑设计研究院、北京市建筑设计研究院、华东建筑设计研究院有限公司、中国建筑科学研究院·建研建筑设计研究院有限公司、清华大学建筑设计研究院及《建筑创作》杂志社共15人组成,邵韦平副理事长担任团长。  相似文献   

余迅  卢求 《时代建筑》2004,(1):124-125
“中国当代建筑展”于今年10月10日至12月20日在德国莱茵河畔著名城市杜塞尔多夫市“建筑之家”举行,此次展览在德国产生了较强烈的反响,获得了圆满成功。近二十家中国大型设计院和中小型建筑事务所参加了此次展览。这次展览是由“德中建筑协会-DCB”及德国最大的北威州建筑师协会AKNW联合举办的。  相似文献   

In early December 2003 unusual weather conditions led to major flooding of the lower Rhone valley. When it floods, the Rhone carries large masses of solid matter in suspension, which potentially includes associated artificial (anthropogenic) radioactive contaminants from soil drainage in the catchment area and from re-uptake of sedimentary matter that has been contaminated with low-level radioactive liquid effluents from almost twenty nuclear facilities situated along the Rhone valley. A sampling campaign was carried out to investigate the level and spread of both sediment mass and associated radioactive contamination across the flooded areas. An attempt was made to assess the radiological consequences of such an extreme event on contamination of the food chain. Our results show that almost 700,000 tons of sediment was transported onto the floodplain, of which 80% were coarse and fine sands. These materials transferred 6660 MBq of 137Cs, 93 MBq of (239+240)Pu, 13 MBq of 238Pu and 204 MBq of 60Co over a surface area of 60 km2. More than 90% of deposited sediments are concentrated in a 10 km2 area of agricultural soils, and we estimated that 18% were plowed into the soil. Nevertheless, the level of activity measured in the vegetable crops and milk was not significantly different from the level measured in similar samples from regions that were not affected by the December 2003 floods.  相似文献   

In 1943, the government of Free France assigned the architect Bernard Zehrfuss the mission of estimating and repairing the devastation caused by the Second World War in Tunisia. Surrounded by a team of young architects, Zehrfuss set up a Department of Architecture and Urbanism, labeled the perchoir , which carried out a distinctive design philosophy. As a unique research laboratory, this Department was to become, for a little over four years, the arena of an architectural creation without precedent. The early colonial fascination with exotic and orientalist themes was substituted by an architecture that incorporated the local know-how in the expression of an abstract modernism.

Tunisia—past, present and future—is the land of the arch, the vault and the dome. It is also the workshop of the most advanced modern architecture and urbanism in North Africa and the home of the most extraordinary native construction…

—Kidder Smith, "Report from Tunisia," in Architectural Forum , July 1950

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