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张鹏 《辽宁化工》2010,39(11):1194-1196
人工地震采油技术是利用一定的设备在油层附近产生频率很低的机械波,通过声波的特性在油层发生一系列的波动效应,达到多口井增产增注的一种物理采油方法。它是一种适应低渗透、高含水中后期油田开发的比较理想的物理法采油技术。作者对其作用机理进行了理论分析、归纳和总结,为该技术的进一步深入研究做铺垫。  相似文献   

随着油田采油形势的日益严峻,采油废水处理也面临诸多问题,污水排量大、水体质量波动大、大分子有机物浓度高、重金属类污染物含量高,传统物理化学方法难以应对,而生化法处理采油废水高效低耗,经济环保。介绍了几种常用的采油废水生物处理技术,包括活性污泥法、生物膜法、自然处理法及厌氧-好氧处理法,其中自然处理法包括人工湿地法和氧化塘法。对国内外学者的研究进行了简明归纳,并对油田污水处理技术未来的发展方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

随着油田开发工作的进展,机械采油成为油田主要的采油方式。由于其特殊的工作环境,常常导致油井故障的发生,使得产量和效益下降。针对每天测试井数多、人工诊断片面性问题,通过建立不同井况的杆柱系统波动方程计算得到泵功图数学模型,研制开发油井高智能诊断系统,建立了超稠油诊断方法,并通过地面功图、泵功图进行分析、处理,自动生成油井诊断分析结果。实施后,油井自动诊断准确率将达到85%以上,满足了实际的生产需要。利用抽油机井高智能诊断技术可以及时准确地掌握采油系统的工作状况,对提高采油效率、降低采油运行成本及提高油井产量具有非常重要的指导意义及推广应用价值。  相似文献   

本文首先分析了完井工程的技术和分层注水的技术,稠油开采的方法以及人工举升采油的工艺技术,阐述了人工举升采油主要有:抽油机杆泵采油技术、电动潜油泵采油技术水力活塞泵采油技术三个方面,意在提高油田开采的效果,提升企业的经济效益。  相似文献   

随着我国工业化进程的不断加快,对油气的需求量逐渐增多,因此需要加大对油田的深入开发,对油田采油技术的要求越来越高。我国从20世纪50年代开始引进了油田开发的采油工程技术,并在各种工程实践中完善配套。配套采油工艺技术是我国油田开发的重要技术手段,配套采油工艺技术会直接影响油田产量、采油时率、最终采收率和企业经济效益。不同的油田和现场情况要配合使用不同的配套采油技术,这样才能提高油田的开采效果,提高企业的经济效益。通过对几种不同的油田配套采油技术进行研究分析,对提高油田开采效果有重要意义,并对其他油田的顺利开采有着重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

气举采油技术是将高压气体注入井下,把井内的液体举升到地面的一种人工举升方式,该举升方式经历200多年的发展已经成为一种成熟的人工举升方式,它具有排量范围广、举升度深、抗腐蚀、井下测试简单、管理方便等优点。适应于高气油比、出砂井、定向井等,是目前国外油田一种理想的采油方式。本文通过介绍印度尼西亚K油田气举采油技术的应用情况,分析了制约和影响目前该油田气举采油的各种因素,对进一步提高该油田气举采油工艺水平,高效开发油田提出了建议。  相似文献   

小洼油田为注蒸汽和蒸汽驱开发的稠油区块,其原油性质具有"两高、两低"的特点。由于油井油稠、出砂制约了油田开发水平的提高,进行螺杆泵排砂技术研究和现场试验,并不断完善配套工艺技术。通过研究应用和实践表明,螺杆泵采油技术在小洼油田已经成为一项成熟采油技术。  相似文献   

人工举升是采油工程中必不可少的技术环节,经过数十年的研究和应用,形成了抽油机、电泵、螺杆泵等多项举升方式,满足了常规采油的需要,但同时也存在着效率低、能耗大、检泵周期短等系列问题。随着机采井举升工况越来越复杂,采油成本不断攀升,促使人工举升朝着更加高效、节能、环保的方向发展。本文以主要人工举升方式为研究对象,把技术、经济综合指标作为目标,确定合理的人工举升方式,最大限度的发挥油井的生产能力,创造最佳的经济效益。  相似文献   

近些年我国的石油开采工作发展迅速,但是由于部分油田开采出现了含水量高和能源消耗过大现象,使得节能降耗开采技术得到重视。基于此,针对机械采油耗能问题进行分析,并通过螺杆泵采油配套技术、间歇采油技术、小井眼采油技术以及抽油机井节能技术,为节能降耗开采石油提供具体有效的参考。  相似文献   

气举采油作为目前一种非常重要的人工举升采油方式在海上油田得到了广泛应用。对气举采油作业的特点和分类进行了分析,对气举管柱的结构、管柱类别和井下工具进行了研究和对比。通过研究和分析,总结出了一套依据井口压力、完井液密度、地面注气压力、气体密度等实际井况参数对气举管柱结构进行优化设计的方法。  相似文献   

表面活性剂在石油开采中的应用   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
刘方  高正松  缪鑫才 《精细化工》2000,17(12):696-699
分析了三次石油开采 (EOR)对表面活性剂的要求 ,并介绍了表面活性剂在三次石油开采中的应用实例 ,指出采用复合表面活性剂、聚合物、助剂的互相配合技术 ,才能获得较高的石油采收率。  相似文献   

Microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR) is a tertiary oil recovery process that manipulates the microbial environment inside oil reservoirs to modify the physical/chemical properties of the reservoirs to enhance the oil recovery. Up to now, the detailed MEOR mechanism is still not entirely clear due to the multiple influence factors (e.g., pH, nutrients, temperature, porosity, and permeability) on microbial growth and reproduction, as well as the lack of understanding of microbial's influencing mechanism on the oil recovery process. In this study, a Bacillus subtilis-based MEOR process was conducted in a polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)-based microfluidic device to mimic the MEOR process in the reservoir. The porous microstructure based on real sandstone slice images was fabricated with laser ablation on a PMMA substrate. Two different MEOR approaches were conducted in the PMMA-based microfluidics devices: the direct injection of displacing reagent (biosurfactant produced by bacteria) into the microfluidic chip for the oil recovery (ex-situ), and the incubation of bacteria solution inside the chip followed with brine flooding (in-situ). The result indicates the ex-situ MEOR process with B. subtilis can reach a recovery rate of 38.56%, while the in-situ MEOR process with B. subtilis reached a recovery rate of 40.27%. The proposed study provides a new tool for understanding the MEOR process, with advantages in visibility and accurate fluid control during the MEOR process.  相似文献   

A simple method has been developed for modelling the recovery of bitumen from packed beds of oil sand by water or caustic solution displacement. Batches of reconstituted oil sand were prepared by intimately mixing predetermined amounts of sand, water, and bitumen, thereby permitting the composition of the oil sand to be controlled and varied within a wide range. Dilution of the bitumen with hexadecane facilitated the mixing process and allowed experiments to be performed at low temperatures while maintaining oil-water viscosity ratios comparable to those prevailing at the higher temperatures encountered during hot water or steam displacements in the field. The effects of a wide range of compositional and operational variables were studied using a two-level fractional factorial design technique and the findings are discussed. Of particular interest are the observations that the density and initial connate water saturation of the oil sand exert significantly more effect on bitumen recovery efficiency for the case of water displacement than for caustic solution displacement.  相似文献   

贺皓楠  张志全  闫梦 《当代化工》2017,(12):2490-2492,2496
聚表剂驱油技术是一种集调剖及驱替为一体的新型驱油技术,主要是通过增粘性,粘弹性和乳化性这三种性能来提高采收率。纳米催化剂材料在石油化工工业中具有改善产品构造,提高产品质量、产率和附加值的作用。在研究聚表剂和纳米催化剂在稠油热采中的主要作用以及他们提高采收率效果的同时,探究聚表剂和纳米催化剂混合后,同时注入地层是否能同时发挥二者优势,并寻求最优化的聚表剂-催化剂驱油体系,从而极大的提高原油采收率。纳米催化剂的注入性好,聚表剂的流度控制作用强,先注聚表剂扩大波及体积,后注入纳米催化剂改善原油物性,最后蒸汽吞吐能够提高单井吞吐效果。  相似文献   

我国三次采油污水处理技术研究进展   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
三次采油污水是伴随三次采油技术的应用而产生的新型污水,目前已成为油田采油污水处理的难点和相关领域研究的热点.作者从除油、除聚合物的技术研究和新型絮凝剂的研制等方面入手,对我国三次采油污水处理技术的研究状况进行了介绍,着重对提高除油技术和去除聚合物方法方面的研究进行了综述,对各技术方法的优缺点进行了分析和探讨,并对三次采油污水处理技术的发展前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

丁艳栋 《广东化工》2011,38(1):206-207,216
中国海油惠州1200万t/a炼油项目设计要求公路装车设施安装油气回收装置,油气网收装置目前有四种方法:吸收法、吸附法、冷凝法、膜渗透法,鉴于目前国内油气回收装置制造商业绩不多,经验不足的现状,我部技术人员经过同国内油气回收装置的用户和制造商进行沟通和调研,对各种方法进行了多方面的对比和分析,最终确定采用冷凝吸附法。  相似文献   

崔永超 《广州化工》2010,38(9):247-248,254
简述了成品油油库油气回收的重要意义,分析了国内外成品油油库油气排放治理现状。简要介绍了现有油气回收方法,并提出了油库整套油气回收工艺的设计方案并应用于实际,指出了在实施油气回收系统时应注意的问题。结果表明成品油油库应用油气回收技术成效明显,具有环保、节能、安全多重功效。  相似文献   

The interfacial behavior of a Wilmington crude oil was studied as part of our investigations of enhanced oil recovery by weakly alkaline solutions. For some systems, the spinning drop apparatus can be used to measure transient interfacial tension (IFT) effects, coalescence times of oil drops, and film rigidity simultaneously, for rapid screening of chemical slug composition for the potential of improving oil recovery by the mechanisms of oil mobilization and oil bank formation. The experimental results presented include the effects of temperature, surface age, salinity, added surfactant, and polymer on coalescence time, film rigidity, and IFT behavior. Oil displacement tests were performed using surfactant-enhanced bicarbonate solutions formulated for improved mobility control and for improved oil mobilization and oil drop coalescence.

The most significant result of this work was that we were able to measure the dynamics in IFT between 2 coalescing oil drops as perturbations in the equilibrium concentration of surfactant at the interface occurred during film drainage. The accuracy of the technique for measuring IFT and film rigidity improved as the contact radii between the oil drops increased.  相似文献   

伴随着我国科学技术的发展和进步,传统的采油方式很难满足现代化发展的需要。此时,深入的分析我国石油技术并且分析和研究,以期提升是由技术水平,更好的促进该行业的发展,满足人类对于石油的需求,促进经济更加快速的发展。随着我国油田行业的不断发展,可开采的油田越来越少,各石油企业需要研发出一些更为符合当下产能的新的采油技术,充分的对那些难以开发的油藏进行开采,提高各油田的石油开采采收率。  相似文献   

Carbonated water injection (CWI) is known as an efficient technique for both CO2 storage and enhanced oil recovery (EOR). During CWI process, CO2 moves from the water phase into the oil phase and results in oil swelling. This mechanism is considered as a reason for EOR. Viscous fingering leading to early breakthrough and leaving a large proportion of reservoir un-swept is known as an unfavorable phenomenon during flooding trials. Generally, instability at the interface due to disturbances in porous medium promotes viscous fingering phenomenon. Connate water makes viscous fingers longer and more irregular consisting of large number of tributaries leading to the ultimate oil recovery reduction. Therefore, higher in-situ water content can worsen this condition. Besides, this water can play as a barrier between oil and gas phases and adversely affect the gas diffusion, which results in EOR reduction. On the other hand, from gas storage point of view, it should be noted that CO2 solubility is not the same in the water and oil phases. In this study for a specified water salinity, the effects of different connate water saturations (Swc) on the ultimate oil recovery and CO2 storage capacity during secondary CWI are being presented using carbonate rock samples from one of Iranian carbonate oil reservoir. The results showed higher oil recovery and CO2 storage in the case of lower connate water saturation, as 14% reduction of Swc resulted in 20% and 16% higher oil recovery and CO2 storage capacity, respectively.  相似文献   

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