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本文介绍了一个CIMS环境下的基于范例的船体 装配CAPP系统.包括:CAPP系统在渤海造船厂CIMS工程中的地位,基于范例的工艺规划(范 例的表达,范例的索引、存储、检索和适应),工艺定额和材料定额制定,分系统之间的信 息集成.系统采用Power Builder 和 SQL Server 数据库中的SQL语言编写.目前,船体装 配CAPP系统已经在渤海造船厂的微机上连网运行.  相似文献   

Mémoire proposes a general framework for reasoning from cases in biology and medicine. Part of this project is to propose a memory organization capable of handling large cases and case bases as occur in biomedical domains. This article presents the essential principles for an efficient memory organization based on pertinent work in information retrieval (IR). IR systems have been able to scale up to terabytes of data taking advantage of large databases research to build Internet search engines. They search for pertinent documents to answer a query using term-based ranking and/or global ranking schemes. Similarly, case-based reasoning (CBR) systems search for pertinent cases using a scoring function for ranking the cases. Mémoire proposes a memory organization based on inverted indexes which may be powered by databases to search and rank efficiently through large case bases. It can be seen as a first step toward large-scale CBR systems, and in addition provides a framework for tight cooperation between CBR and IR.  相似文献   

一个基于范例推理的专家系统ICMIX   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
蛋鸡饲料配方是一个要求考虑多种制约因素,需要丰富的富实践经济的问题域。本文介绍的ICMIX是基于范例推理的蛋鸡饲料配方专家系统,其范例向面规划模型,由日粮类型子范例和营养标准子范例构成。  相似文献   

Despite the recognized advantages that can be obtained in clinical practice when following clinical guidelines (GL), situations of noncompliance with them may emerge. Keeping track of such deviations from the default GL execution, and documenting the physician's motivations, would clearly be an added value. Moreover, repeated alterations of GL actions (or flow) may highlight the need for an adaptation of the GL itself to the local reality, or may even indicate an improper or weak initial GL definition.
In this article, we propose an approach for managing noncompliance with GL, based on the case-based reasoning methodology. In front of a new noncompliance case, our tool allows the physician to retrieve past situations similar to the current one, and to decide whether to reapply the same GL modifications adopted in them. Moreover, the tool is able to learn indications from the ground noncompliance cases that can be deployed for local adaptation, and possibly, for suggesting more formal GL revisions to be carried out by a committee of expert physicians.  相似文献   

There has been an explosion of interest in health sciences applications of case-based reasoning (CBR), not only in the traditional CBR in medicine domain, but also in bioinformatics, enabling home health-care technologies, CBR integration, and synergies between CBR and knowledge discovery. This special issue features the best papers from the third workshop on CBR in the health sciences, held at ICCBR-05 in Madrid. It is the third in a series of exciting workshops, the first two of which were held at ICCBR-03, in Trondheim, Norway, and at ECCBR-04, in Madrid, Spain. The nine high-quality papers introduced here represent the research and experience of twenty-two authors working in eight different countries on a wide range of problems and projects. These papers illustrate some of the major trends of current research in CBR in the health sciences, and represent overall an excellent sample of the most recent advances of CBR in the health sciences.  相似文献   

Representing biomedical knowledge is an essential task in biomedical informatics intelligent systems. Case-based reasoning (CBR) holds the promise to represent contextual knowledge in a way that was not possible before with traditional knowledge-based methods. One main issue in biomedical CBR is dealing with the rate of generation of new knowledge in biomedical fields, which often makes the content of a case base partially obsolete. This article proposes to make use of the concept of prototypical case to ensure that a CBR system would keep update with current research advances in the biomedical field. Prototypical cases have served various purposes in biomedical CBR systems, among which to organize and structure the memory, to guide the retrieval as well as the reuse of cases, and to serve as bootstrapping a CBR system memory when real cases are not available in sufficient quantity and/or quality. This paper emphasizes the different roles prototypical cases can play in CBR systems, and presents knowledge maintenance as a very important novel role for these prototypical cases.  相似文献   

This paper presents a case-based decision support system prototype to assist patients with Type 1 diabetes on insulin pump therapy. These patients must vigilantly maintain blood glucose levels within prescribed target ranges to prevent serious disease complications, including blindness, neuropathy, and heart failure. Case-based reasoning (CBR) was selected for this domain because (a) existing guidelines for managing diabetes are general and must be tailored to individual patient needs; (b) physical and lifestyle factors combine to influence blood glucose levels; and (c) CBR has been successfully applied to the management of other long-term medical conditions. An institutional review board (IRB) approved preliminary clinical study, involving 20 patients, was conducted to assess the feasibility of providing case-based decision support for these patients. Fifty cases were compiled in a case library, situation assessment routines were encoded to detect common problems in blood glucose control, and retrieval metrics were developed to find the most relevant past cases for solving current problems. Preliminary results encourage continued research and work toward development of a practical tool for patients.  相似文献   

We show that visio-spatial representations and reasoning can be used as a similarity metric for case-based protein structure prediction. Our system retrieves pairs of α-helices based on contact map similarity, then transfers and adapts the structure information to an unknown helix pair. We show that similar protein contact maps predict a similar three-dimensional protein structure. The success of this method provides support for the notion that changing representations can enable similarity metrics in case-based reasoning.  相似文献   

Stress diagnosis based on finger temperature (FT) signals is receiving increasing interest in the psycho-physiological domain. However, in practice, it is difficult and tedious for a clinician and particularly less experienced clinicians to understand, interpret, and analyze complex, lengthy sequential measurements to make a diagnosis and treatment plan. The paper presents a case-based decision support system to assist clinicians in performing such tasks. Case-based reasoning (CBR) is applied as the main methodology to facilitate experience reuse and decision explanation by retrieving previous similar temperature profiles. Further fuzzy techniques are also employed and incorporated into the CBR system to handle vagueness, uncertainty inherently existing in clinicians reasoning as well as imprecision of feature values. Thirty-nine time series from 24 patients have been used to evaluate the approach (matching algorithms) and an expert has ranked and estimated similarity. On average goodness-of-fit for the fuzzy matching algorithm is 90% in ranking and 81% in similarity estimation that shows a level of performance close to an experienced expert. Therefore, we have suggested that a fuzzy matching algorithm in combination with CBR is a valuable approach in domains, where the fuzzy matching model similarity and case preference is consistent with the views of domain expert. This combination is also valuable, where domain experts are aware that the crisp values they use have a possibility distribution that can be estimated by the expert and is used when experienced experts reason about similarity. This is the case in the psycho-physiological domain and experienced experts can estimate this distribution of feature values and use them in their reasoning and explanation process.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the role and integration of knowledge discovery (KD) in case-based reasoning (CBR) systems. The general view is that KD is complementary to the task of knowledge retaining and it can be treated as a separate process outside the traditional CBR cycle. Unlike knowledge retaining that is mostly related to case-specific experience, KD aims at the elicitation of new knowledge that is more general and valuable for improving the different CBR substeps. KD for CBR is exemplified by a real application scenario in medicine in which time series of patterns are to be analyzed and classified. As single pattern cannot convey sufficient information in the application, sequences of patterns are more adequate. Hence it is advantageous if sequences of patterns and their co-occurrence with categories can be discovered. Evaluation with cases containing series classified into a number of categories and injected with indicator sequences shows that the approach is able to identify these key sequences. In a clinical applica-tion and a case library that is representative of the real world, these key sequences would improve the classification ability and may spawn clinical research to explain the co-occurrence between certain sequences and classes.  相似文献   

The research presented here explores the hypothesis that the deployment and acceptance of decision support systems in medicine will be enhanced if the basis for the recommendation produced by the system is apparent. We describe a decision support system for advising on patients suffering from bronchiolitis. This system supports its recommendations with precedent cases selected to support the recommendation along with justification text that highlights aspects of these cases relevant to the query case. It also presents an estimate of its confidence in the recommendation. The main contribution of this paper is an evaluation of this system in a clinical context. The evaluation shows that this type of explanation does enhance the usefulness of the system for practitioners.  相似文献   

首先介绍了CBR(Case-based reasoning)推理中一个重要分支--基于文本案例的推理技术TCBR(Textual CBR)的产生背景.然后详细介绍了TCBR推理时采用的结构--实例提取网CRN(Case Retrieval Nets),描述案例的知识单元--信息实体的概念和特性,以及TCBR中如何进行实例提取、改编和学习.最后,对TCBR的改进研究、代表项目以及未来的发展方向作了概括性说明.  相似文献   

This paper presents an evaluation of a heuristic for partial-order planning, known as temporal coherence. The temporal coherence heuristic was proposed by Drummond and Currie as a method to improve the efficiency of partial-order planning without losing the ability to find a solution (i.e., completeness). It works by using a set of domain constraints to prune away plans that do not "make sense," or are temporally incoherent. Our analysis shows that, while intuitively appealing, temporal coherence can only be applied to a very specific implementation of a partial-order planner and still maintain completeness. Furthermore, the heuristic does not always improve planning efficiency; in some cases, its application can actually degrade the efficiency of planning dramatically. To understand when the heuristic will work well, we conducted complexity analysis and empirical tests. Our results show that temporal coherence works well when strong domain constraints exist that significantly reduce the search space, when the number of subgoals is small, when the plan size is not too large, and when it is inexpensive to check each domain constraint.  相似文献   

The diffusion of domotic and ambient intelligence systems have introduced a new vision in which autonomous deliberative agents operate in environments where reactive responses of devices can be cooperatively exploited to fulfill the agent's goals. In this article a model for automated planning in reactive environments, based on numerical planning, is introduced. A planner system, based on mixed integer linear programming techniques, which implements the model, is also presented. The planner is able to reason about the dynamic features of the environment and to produce solution plans, which take into account reactive devices and their causal relations with agent's goals by exploitation and avoidance techniques, to reach a given goal state. The introduction of reactive domains in planning poses some issues concerning reasoning patterns which are briefly depicted. Experiments of planning in reactive domains are also discussed.  相似文献   

Building suitable similarity models presents a key issue in developing case-based classification systems. A good similarity model should reflect the real usefulness of a previous case for solving a new problem. This article proposes a new approach to learning of similarity assessments by optimizing local compatibility functions. The goal is to achieve a set of matching functions that are coherent in the sense of most supportive evidences whereas least inconsistence when applied to the case library. The effectiveness of the presented method has been demonstrated by the evaluation results on a set of data sets in the University of California–Irvine (UCI) Machine Learning Repository.  相似文献   

提出一种基于极坐标空间的、以机器人期望运动方向角为路径优化指标的动态不确定环境下移动机器人的在线实时路径规划方法。该法通过机器人的传感器系统,实时探测局部环境信息,在每一采样时刻,机器人首先对视野内的动态障碍物的位置进行采样,然后根据所采样的位置信息,利用自回归模型预测出下一采样时刻动态障碍物的位置,再将预测位置上的动态障碍物当作静态障碍物来处理,然后对其规划避碰路径,从而将动态路径规划转化为静态路径规划。仿真和实验结果验证了该方法有效可行,具有实时规划性和良好的避障能力。  相似文献   

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are currently revolutionizing the structure of corporate U.S.A. and annually involve deals totalling billions of dollars. Consequently, it is an area of intense activity and interest within the financial community. The process of planning an M&A is enormously complex and involves sophisticated reasoning and planning, by several parties such as the raider, the target company, investment banks, etc. Computer based tools are often invaluable for planning several stages of an M&A, such as generating forecasted cash flows. Current computer aids for M&A however do not provide adequate support for many essential features such as real time planning, reasoning under uncertainty, nonmonotonic inference, case-based reasoning, etc. MARS is a prototype M&A reasoning tool developed at General Electric Corporate R&D that attempts to provide such features in an integrated environment. MARS both simulates and provides advice regarding the complex reasoning and planning involved in an M&A deal. In doing so, it provides an excellent test bed architecture for the testing, development and integration of several ideas from artificial intelligence. MARS is implemented in COMMON LISP using RUM [15] on top of KEE [18]. RUM, a development environment for reasoning under uncertainty is based on Bonissone's theory of plausible reasoning [2–4] and was also developed at General Electric Corporate R&D.  相似文献   

Case-based path planning for autonomous underwater vehicles   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Case-based reasoning is reasoning based on specific instances of past experience. A new solution is generated by retrieving and adapting an old one which approximately matches the current situation. In this paper, we outline a case-based reasoning scheme for path planning in autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) missions. An annotated map database is employed to model the navigational environment. Routes which are used in earlier missions are represented as objects in the map. When a new route is to be planned, the path planner retrieves a matching route from the database and modifies it to suit to the current situation. Whenever a matching route is not available, a new route is synthesized based on past cases that describe similar navigational environments. Case-based approach is thus used not only to adapt old routes but also to synthesize new ones. Since the proposed scheme is centered around reuse of old routes, it would be fast especially when long routes need to be generated. Moreover, better reliability of paths can be expected as they are adapted from earlier missions. The scheme is novel and appropriate for AUV mission scenarios. In this paper, we describe the representation of navigation environment including past routes and objects in the navigational space. Further, we discuss the retrieval and repair strategies and the scheme for synthesizing new routes. Sample results of both synthesis and reuse of routes and system performance analysis are also presented. One major advantage of this system is the facility to enrich the map database with new routes as they are generated.This work was supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant No. BCS-9017990.  相似文献   

Inspection planning is discussed in a framework where a rich choice of instruments is available and robots can also participate in the inspection process. The problem of constrained plan optimization is exposed, and a solution is suggested that is based on task grouping. After outlining the overall planning process, we give details of the optimization stage where case-based reasoning is applied. Finally, it will be shown how the implemented knowledge-based system can operate as a knowledge server.  相似文献   

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