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大豆脱皮与等级豆粕生产工艺的研究   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
大豆加工生产饲用豆粕,蛋白质含量是决定其价值的关键。系统阐述了脱皮豆粕的蛋白质含量及其质量,以及在饲料工业中的应用前景,描述了大豆脱皮工艺的工艺参数,并将几种不同的脱皮工艺进行了比较,证明了大豆加工中采用热脱皮工艺生产高蛋白质豆粕的可行性,同时,对生产等级豆粕工艺进行了分析,为大豆加工企业提供全新的大豆加工工艺。  相似文献   

简要阐述了生产饲用级高蛋白豆粕的优势,结合生产实践,充分利用风选特点,消化吸收,自行设计出一套投资少、收益大的简单大豆脱皮工艺,并与传统大豆脱皮工艺做了比较。  相似文献   

大豆脱皮工艺和生产等级大豆粕探讨   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
左青 《中国油脂》2004,29(1):29-33
目前主要存在两种大豆脱皮工艺,即Crown&Buhler热脱皮和De Smet冷脱皮。按原大豆蛋白含量35%,按不同的含杂和含油量进行不同程度的脱皮,可使大豆粕蛋白含量达47 5%~49 0%。按市场饲用等级豆粕的价值和价格,生产出蛋白含量分别为44%、46%、48%豆粕。比较了等级豆粕两种脱皮工艺特点及参数,认为热脱皮因只一次加热节约能源,对豆粕蛋白变性影响较小。同时对脱皮效果进行了效益分析。  相似文献   

大豆脱皮工艺在生产中的应用   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
大豆脱皮后可有效提高豆粕的质量,使大豆粕的蛋白含量达到48%.可根据用户的要求,生产不同等级的豆粕.大豆脱皮后能使生产设备的处理能力提高10%,豆粕的价值提高,出油率上升,提高了企业的经济效益.  相似文献   

用豆粕生产大豆蛋白肽饮料   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
用2709地衣形芽孢杆菌碱性蛋白酶对高度变性的脱脂豆粕进行水解处理,发现对豆粕的氮溶指数有明显的提高,但蛋白萃取率略有下降。进一步的水解试验表明,该蛋白酶对大豆蛋白具有良好的水解性能,水解度可达65%。实验结果显示,只要控制好水解条件,可以得到水解度适中、风味良好的酸溶性蛋白肽。  相似文献   

采收成熟度对柿子去皮干燥脱涩的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

大豆脱皮方法的比较   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
大豆脱皮可提高豆粕蛋白含量和增加浸出器的处理量,比较了几种常用大豆脱皮工艺(如前脱皮和后脱皮)的优劣,并对这些方法进行了评述,供油脂厂家参考。  相似文献   

大豆脱皮工艺和生产等级大豆粕探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

大豆肽是由大豆蛋白经水解所得到的由3~6个氨基酸残基组成的低分子肽混合物,分子量以低于1 000 Da的为主。以豆粕为原料,采用黑曲霉、米曲霉混合菌种固态发酵法生产大豆肽,制得的大豆肽具有较好的理化特性和生理活性,能去除抗营养因子,生产成本低,克服了酶解法产品苦味大和口感差等缺点。  相似文献   

大豆肽是由大豆蛋白经水解所得到的由3~6个氨基酸残基组成的低分子肽混合物,分子量以低于1000Da的为主。以豆粕为原料,采用黑曲霉、米曲霉混合菌种固态发酵法生产大豆肽,制得的大豆肽具有较好的理化特性和生理活性,克服了酶解法产品苦味大和口感差等缺点,在很多领域得到了广泛应用。  相似文献   

脱皮双低菜籽粕的开发和饲用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了脱皮双低菜籽粕的开发和饲用研究情况。采用双低油菜籽脱皮冷榨膨化新工艺生产出的脱皮双低菜籽粕质量优良,其在猪、鸡和草鱼中的饲用试验均表明可增加采食量、提高动物的生长速度。脱皮双低菜籽粕饲用价值显著高于普通双低菜籽粕,在动物饲料中的用量可进一步加大,并降低饲料加工成本。  相似文献   

不同产地原料大豆粕分离蛋白提取率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以不同产地大豆粕为原料制取大豆分离蛋白(SPI),对比研究在工厂实际生产中相同工艺条件下大豆粕质量对SPI提取率影响;结果表明,高蛋白大豆粕提取SPI相对困难,有待提取新工艺开发。  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(9):6198-6215
This study investigated the effects of extruded soybean meal (ESBM) in comparison with canola meal (CM) fed on an equivalent crude protein (CP) basis on lactational performance and ruminal fermentation of dairy cows. Following a 2-wk covariate period, 48 Holstein cows averaging (±SD): 146 ± 46 d in milk (DIM) and 43 ± 7 kg/d milk yield (MY) were assigned 1 of 2 treatment diets in a randomized complete block design experiment, which included a 2-wk period for dietary treatment adaptation before experimental data were collected. Following the adaptation period, samples and experimental data were collected for a total of 7 wk. Cows were blocked based on parity, DIM, and MY. Treatment diets contained 15.8% CM (containing 41.2% CP) or 13.2% ESBM (with 48.7% CP) of total mixed ration dry matter (DM), with similar inclusion of other feed ingredients. The CM diet was supplemented with canola oil, whereas the ESBM diet was supplemented with soybean hulls to achieve similar ether extract and neutral detergent fiber contents between the diets. Urea and rumen-protected Met and Lys were added to both diets to meet or exceed cow recommendations. Whole-ruminal digesta samples were collected from 10 (5 per treatment) ruminally cannulated cows. Eight cannulated cows were removed during the last week of the experiment to participate in another study. Treatment did not affect DM intake and MY or energy-corrected MY of the cows. Energy-corrected MY, apart from experimental wk 5, was similar between treatments. Apart from experimental wk 3 and 7, milk fat concentration and yield were greater for cows fed ESBM compared with CM. In multiparous cows only, milk true protein yield was greater for cows fed CM compared with ESBM. Ruminal concentration of total volatile fatty acids and the molar proportion of acetate were greater for ESBM, and propionate and valerate were greater in cows fed CM. Acetate to propionate ratio was greater for cows fed ESBM versus CM diet. Compared with the CM diet, the ESBM diet increased plasma concentrations of Ile, Leu, and Phe but not the sum of essential AA. Apparent total-tract digestibility of acid detergent fiber was greater in cows fed ESBM relative to CM. In this experiment, CM and ESBM included on an equal CP basis in the diet of dairy cows, resulted in similar DM intake, MY, and feed efficiency.  相似文献   

Corn silage, an important forage fed to dairy cows in the United States, is energy rich but protein poor. The objectives of this experiment were to investigate the effects on production of milk and milk components of feeding corn silage-based diets with 4 levels of dietary crude protein (CP) plus rumen-protected methionine (RPM). Thirty-six cows were blocked by days in milk into 9 squares and randomly assigned to 9 balanced 4 × 4 Latin squares with four 4-wk periods. All diets were formulated to contain, as a percent of dry matter (DM), 50% corn silage, 10% alfalfa silage, 4% soyhulls, 2.4% mineral-vitamin supplement, and 30% neutral detergent fiber. Supplemental RPM (Mepron, Evonik Corp., Kennesaw, GA) was added to all diets to maintain a Lys:Met ratio of 3.1 in digested AA. Ground high-moisture corn was reduced and soybean meal (SBM) plus RPM increased to give diets containing, on average, 11% CP (28% corn, 31% starch, 6% SBM, 4 g of RPM/d), 13% CP (23% corn, 29% starch, 10% SBM, 8 g of RPM/d), 15% CP (19% corn, 26% starch, 15% SBM, 10 g of RPM/d), and 17% CP (14% corn, 24% starch, 19% SBM, 12 g of RPM/d). Data from the last 14 d of each period were analyzed using the mixed procedures in SAS (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). With the exception of milk fat and milk lactose content, we found no significant effects of diet on all production traits. We did note linear responses to dietary CP concentration for intake, production of milk and milk components, and MUN. Cows fed the 11% CP diet had reduced DM intake, lost weight, and yielded less milk and milk components. Mean separation indicated that only true protein yield was lower on 13% CP than on 17% dietary CP, but not different between 15 and 17% CP. This indicated no improvement in production of milk and milk components above 15% CP. Quadratic trends for yield of milk, energy-corrected milk, and true protein suggested that a dietary CP concentration greater than 15% may be necessary to maximize production or, alternately, that a plateau was reached and no further CP was required. Although diet influenced apparent digestibility of DM, organic matter, and neutral detergent fiber, digestibility did not increase linearly with dietary CP. However, we observed linear and quadratic effects of dietary CP on acid detergent fiber digestibility. As expected, we found a linear effect of dietary CP on apparent N digestibility and on fecal and urinary N excretion, but no effect of diet on estimated true N digestibility. Ruminal concentrations of ammonia, total AA, peptides, and branched-chain volatile fatty acids also increased linearly with dietary CP. Quadratic responses indicated that 14.0 to 14.8% CP was necessary to optimize digestion and energy utilization. Overall results indicated that, when RPM was added to increase Lys:Met to 3.1, 15% CP was adequate for lactating dairy cows fed corn silage diets supplemented with SBM and secreting about 40 kg of milk/d; N excretion was lower than at 17% CP but with no reduction in yield of milk and milk components.  相似文献   

固态发酵法生产发酵豆粕的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
莫重文  黄岗 《中国油脂》2007,32(7):38-40
采用米曲霉(A3.042)和啤酒酵母混合菌株固态发酵法生产发酵豆粕,利用霉菌产生的多种酶系,降解其中的纤维素及蛋白质等物质,利用酵母菌合成菌体蛋白。研究了发酵料坯组成、接种菌配比、接种量及发酵温度对发酵豆粕中蛋白质含量的影响,得到了最佳工艺条件:即最适温度28℃,发酵料坯组成100∶6(豆粕/麸皮),接种菌配比为1∶3(米曲霉/酵母),接种量6%,发酵时间为72h。发酵豆粕中粗蛋白含量可达49.10%,比原料中增加12.1%。  相似文献   

The goal of this research was to produce a high‐protein meal by treating defatted soybean meal, a by‐product of soybean oil production, with dilute acid. Treatments were a mild hydrolysis at 80 °C with sulphuric acid at concentrations ranging from 0.5% to 2.0% (w/v) and times varying from 1 to 16 h that were arranged according to a central composite rotatable experimental design. The end products were an enhanced‐protein meal and a carbohydrate concentrate of fermentable and nonfermentable sugars. The highest protein content rise, from 48% to 58%, was for treatments with concentrations of acid ranging between 1.2% and 1.7% and times between 1.0 and 2.6 h. The maximum yield of fermentable sugar was 21.0% d.b. at 2.0% H2SO4 and treatments of at least 6 h. The conditions that provide a highest protein and sugar contents were the treatments with concentrations of sulphuric acid ranging from 0.9 to 1.9% H2SO4 for 1–4 h.  相似文献   

利用高温豆粕生产醇洗大豆浓缩蛋白的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘玉兰  汪学德  丁莉 《中国油脂》2007,32(11):36-39
分别以高温豆粕和低温豆粕为原料采用醇洗工艺制取大豆浓缩蛋白。测定高温豆粕和低温豆粕醇洗浓缩蛋白的蛋白质含量、NSI以及乙醇萃取液糖蜜中皂甙、异黄酮、总糖、蛋白质含量。结果显示:高温豆粕(蛋白质含量47.16%)醇洗浓缩蛋白的蛋白质含量(59.64%)虽然低于低温豆粕(蛋白质含量51.83%)醇洗浓缩蛋白的蛋白质含量(67.71%),但已接近60%,且高温豆粕乙醇萃取液糖蜜中皂甙、异黄酮含量(分别为8.04%、2.67%)与低温豆粕乙醇萃取液糖蜜中的含量接近(8.53%、2.13%)。表明利用高温豆粕生产饲用大豆浓缩蛋白应该是可行的,且副产物糖蜜是提取大豆皂甙、异黄酮、低聚糖的优质原料。  相似文献   

固态发酵提高豆粕蛋白含量的条件优化研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
从6株微生物中筛选出1株合成蛋白能力较高的酿酒酵母A3对豆粕进行固态发酵。采用响应曲面法(Response Surface Methodology,RSM)对影响发酵豆粕的因素(接种量、培养时间、料水比、硫酸铵和葡萄糖的添加量)进行研究。通过对二次多项回归方程求解得知,在接种量7.5%,培养时间54h,料水比1:1,硫酸铵添加量2%和葡萄糖添加量1%时,发酵豆粕的蛋白含量从43.78%提高到53.33%。  相似文献   

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