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Creating, or adapting, information systems to support people undertaking purposeful action in organizational settings involves moving from: exploring the problem situation and thinking about what action to take, to thinking about how to support that action. In business settings this support will inevitably entail technology-based information systems. Most information system design approaches neglect the importance of the initial exploration and sense making phase and move directly to specifying the business process to be operationalised through the application of some software. The ideas described here have been developed with the intention of supporting a group of people navigating an inquiry through the shift in focus from: thinking about action, to thinking about support in a manner that promotes Client-led information system design. The ideas have been applied in practice through an Action Research field study in a UK banking organization and here we describe our navigational approach to IS design.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to show how cybernetic concepts can be used to guide organizational design and development activities. The intent of the paper is to demonstrate how a cybernetic model of a viable organization can be used to diagnose potential problems in existing organizations and serve to guide organizational development activities, For illustrative purposes, a case study of the Air Force Logistics Command (AFLC) is used to demonstrate how the cybernetic organizational model can be made operational in the “real world.” The paper is designed to show how this methodology can be used as a road map for integrating and guiding several initiatives which are underway to make AFLC more responsive in meeting potential wartime scenarios. This paper is organized in sections which: (1) describe AFLC mission responsibilities and organization; (2) identify current major problems; (3) describe and use a cybernetic organizational model to diagnose causes of current problems; and (4) develop some observations which can be used to guide future organizational design and development efforts.  相似文献   

Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to show that a number of basic issues have not been adequately addressed in existing office information systems research. Prominent among these are the nature and role of offices, the goals of office information systems development, and the nature of its organizational and managerial consequences. It is proposed that office information systems should be analysed as social action systems the behaviour of which is strongly affected by socially determined forces and constraints such as the behaviour-channelling influences of authority, norms, customs, habits and precedence. Four types of social action are discussed: instrumental, strategic, communicative and discursive. Three contexts for perceiving and analysing the effects of social action in offices are introduced: technology, language and organization. Office information systems changes affect elements and relationships in these three contexts in different ways. By cross-relating social action types and contexts, nine classes of object systems are identified. Each object system class implies a different category of effectiveness concerns which in turn implies different office information system design requirements. The paper notes that the existing research literature has primarily been concerned with only three of the nine object systems. For more effective office information systems development, however, the other systems also need to be considered. The paper concludes by exploring how this may be done.  相似文献   

One of the major causes of failure of information system design is the failure of developers to take into account the organizational environment, thereby leading to an unusable system. The first step in designing an effective system is to describe the user's view of the system, a view that incorporates how the system will help users to manage information in their particular organizational environment. For nurses involved in designing a nursing information system, a useful way of considering the organizational environment is provided by Perrow. The organizational technologies described by Perrow can be viewed as different models of nursing practice, each with particular requirements for a knowledge base and a data base. Nurses can identify the model that most closely corresponds to actual or desired nursing practice in their agencies and use the model's associated knowledge base and data base requirements as a guide to specifying the information system to be developed.  相似文献   

Intuitively, data management and data integration tools should be well suited for exchanging information in a semantically meaningful way. Unfortunately, they suffer from two significant problems: they typically require a common and comprehensive schema design before they can be used to store or share information, and they are difficult to extend because schema evolution is heavyweight and may break backward compatibility. As a result, many large-scale data sharing tasks are more easily facilitated by non-database-oriented tools that have little support for semantics.The goal of the peer data management system (PDMS) is to address this need: we propose the use of a decentralized, easily extensible data management architecture in which any user can contribute new data, schema information, or even mappings between other peers schemas. PDMSs represent a natural step beyond data integration systems, replacing their single logical schema with an interlinked collection of semantic mappings between peers individual schemas.This paper considers the problem of schema mediation in a PDMS. Our first contribution is a flexible language for mediating between peer schemas that extends known data integration formalisms to our more complex architecture. We precisely characterize the complexity of query answering for our language. Next, we describe a reformulation algorithm for our language that generalizes both global-as-view and local-as-view query answering algorithms. Then we describe several methods for optimizing the reformulation algorithm and an initial set of experiments studying its performance. Finally, we define and consider several global problems in managing semantic mappings in a PDMS.Received: 16 December 2002, Accepted: 14 April 2003, Published online: 12 December 2003Edited by: V. Atluri  相似文献   

Information security cannot rely solely on technology. More attention must be drawn to the users’ behavioral perspectives regarding information security. In this study, we propose that a culture encouraging employees to comply with information policies related to collecting, preserving, disseminating and managing information will improve information security. Information security culture is believed to be influenced by an organization’s corporate culture (or organizational culture). We examine how this occurs through an in-depth case study of a large organization. We present a relationship map for organizational culture and information security practices. Six propositions are drawn from the findings of our interviews and discussions. Managerial insights, such as how to measure an organization’s information security culture and subsequently determine what perspective(s) is important for the organization to improve, are also discussed.  相似文献   

The work reported here contributes to our understanding of organizational identity regarding its influence on organizational action related to the development of information and communications technologies (ICT). The empirical basis of this work comes from case studies of integrated criminal justice information systems (IJIS). IJIS are organizational and technological ensembles created to facilitate inter-organizational information sharing among criminal justice agencies. The focus of these case studies was to examine how organizational identity shapes organizational ICT. This research found that organizational identity shapes an organization’s ICT-related processes and is reflected in the material configurations of an organization’s ICT; and that organizations with different identities exhibit those differences in their ICT. Three implications of this research are that organizational identity serves as both an enabler and constraint on organizational ICT development; organizational identity commitments will likely serve as a barrier to large-scale integration of different organizations’ systems; organizational identity is relatively static and difficult to change.  相似文献   

This paper aims to show how the use of fuzzy systems can enhance the application of system dynamics (SD), with the construction of virtual worlds, for organizational learning. By doing so, the main contribution is to propose a fuzzy-SD integrated methodology that allows a natural language modeling of decision policies. At first it will be revised the recent literature with practical and theoretical fuzzy-SD integration showing that the motivation and purpose of this article have not been explored yet. Following, it will be scrutinized the origin of system dynamics to theoretically justify the proposed fuzzy-SD integration for organizational learning. Finally, it will be presented a hypothetical case study based on the balance scorecard model to illustrate the methodology in action.  相似文献   

《Information Systems》2004,29(2):187-203
In order to design a better information system, a designer would like to have notations to visualize how design experts’ know-how can be applied according to one's specific social and technology situation. We propose the combined use of a goal-oriented requirements language (GRL) and a scenario-oriented notation Use Case Maps (UCM) for representing design knowledge of information systems. Goal-oriented modelling is used throughout the requirements and design process. In GRL, goals are used to depict business objectives and system requirements, both functional and non-functional. Tasks are used to represent different ways for achieving goals. Means-ends reasoning is used to explore alternative solutions and their operationalizations into implementable system constructs. Social context is modelled in terms of dependency relationships among agents and roles. Scenarios expressed in UCM are used to describe elaborated business processes or workflow. The complementary use of goal-oriented modelling with GRL and scenario modelling with UCM is illustrated with an example of designing a web-based training system.  相似文献   

The development of different help systems and the application of numerous approaches to user support have shown (a) that end-users may encounter insuperably complex use situations, and (b) that it is possible to assist users significantly by implementing computerized help systems. There are many approaches to the realization of user support, varying from the use of natural language to user modelling. However, the current help systems seem to focus on relatively technical data processing issues, ignoring the organizational context in which the use takes place. It is asserted in this paper that it is relevant for users to perceive the organizational context and that it is possible to reflect the context in a support system. Representing the context in a support system is made possible by introducing a context database. A context database is parallel to the actual database and contains information about task flows, task-connected information objects and the like. Therefore the analysis of work and information systems has to be based on related areas. The areas of inquiry are (a) tasks, (b) job design, (c) organization of work, (d) computer applications and (e) information media. The following kinds of mappings can be incorporated within the context database: [organizational unit Ol]-T_person PI in job]-[job task Tl]-[task-connected information Il]-[task-connected information 12]-[job task T2]-[person in job P2]-[organizational unit O2], This type of chain (or parts of it) can then be visualized as context support.  相似文献   

We propose a language for executive specification of problem-solving scenarios. The scenarios are an aggregate of actions realized as independent software moduli, the information connections between them and the sequence of their execution. An executive system controlling the execution of the scenarios was developed on the basis of the language. This system is the kernel of a system for automated control system design. The scenarios have a hierarchical structure. The organization of the scenarios is based on an object-oriented paradigm. Every module is an instance of a particular type module, called class. This allows one and the same module to be executed in different contexts. A unique information interaction mechanism between the moduli in the scenarios, allowing on-line changes in the information flow, was developed. The language is problem-independent, and can be used in various problem domains.  相似文献   

The multi-agent paradigm is widely used to provide solutions to a number of organizational problems related to the collective achievement of one or more tasks. All these problems share a common difficulty of design: how to proceed from the global specification of a collective task to the specification of the local behaviors to be provided to the agents? We have defined the Cassiopeia method whose specificity is to articulate the design of a multi-agent system around the notion of organization. This paper reports the use of this method for designing and implementing the organization of a soccer-playing robotic team. We show why we chose this application and how we designed it, and we discuss its interest and inherent difficulties in order to clearly express the needs for a design methodology dedicated to DAI.  相似文献   

Automated software synthesis is one of the central techniques used in knowledge-based software engineering to enhance the quality and efficiency of software development. Although many software synthesis systems have been developed, automatic control of these systems remains a difficult problem. Our goal is to reduce user interaction in transformational and schema-based synthesizers by means of significant advances in control mechanisms.This paper describes an approach for synthesis control that integrates a blackboard control architecture with an existing synthesis system. We present a framework language called MetaMorphos that allows explicit representations of control knowledge for use in selecting appropriate synthesis actions. MetaMorphos represents control decisions explicitly in terms of actions, events, and states. It is task-specific and contains knowledge about programming and how to select synthesizing methods based on given features. By employing a blackboard control architecture, our synthesis controller provides adaptability for dynamic control behaviors and flexibility to handle unanticipated situations during software development.Applying MetaMorphos in the domain of software synthesis, we illustrate how we use MetaMorphos to select appropriate transformations, data structure and algorithm schemas during the synthesis. An example shows how MetaMorphos handles the difficult problem of selecting schemas for two very similar problems which, in the best case, require different solutions.  相似文献   

As distributed organizations increasingly rely on technological innovations to enhance organizational efficiency and competitiveness, interest in agile practices that enable adoption of information technology (IT) based innovations has grown. This study examines the influence of a network organization environment on the ability to develop agile adoption practices. An exploratory case study design was used to investigate the interactions between network structure, social information processing, organizational similarity (homophily), and absorptive capacity during the adoption of a large-scale IT system in two network organization environments within New York State. The data suggest that network organization characteristics and communication processes that reinforced social influence and supported knowledge transfer positively influenced adoption agility. We propose a model of agile adoption practices and discuss implications for the development of theory about network organization characteristics and capabilities to adopt IT-based innovations.  相似文献   

For pt.I. see ibid., p. 346-59. This paper presents a multiobjective structural optimization process of designing an organization to execute a specific mission. We provide mathematical formulations for optimization problems arising in Phases II and III of our organizational design process and polynomial algorithms to solve the corresponding problems. Our organizational design methodology applies specific optimization techniques at different phases of the design, efficiently matching the structure of a mission (in particular, the one defined by the courses of action obtained from mission planning) to that of an organization. It allows an analyst to obtain an acceptable tradeoff among multiple mission and design objectives, as well as between computational complexity and solution efficiency (desired degree of suboptimality).  相似文献   

Current conceptual workflow models use either informally defined conceptual models or several formally defined conceptual models that capture different aspects of the workflow, e.g., the data, process, and organizational aspects of the workflow. To the best of our knowledge, there are no algorithms that can amalgamate these models to yield a single view of reality. A fragmented conceptual view is useful for systems analysis and documentation. However, it fails to realize the potential of conceptual models to provide a convenient interface to automate the design and management of workflows. First, as a step toward accomplishing this objective, we propose SEAM (State-Entity-Activity-Model), a conceptual workflow model defined in terms of set theory. Second, no attempt has been made, to the best of our knowledge, to incorporate time into a conceptual workflow model. SEAM incorporates the temporal aspect of workflows. Third, we apply SEAM to a real-life organizational unit's workflows. In this work, we show a subset of the workflows modeled for this organization using SEAM. We also demonstrate, via a prototype application, how the SEAM schema can be implemented on a relational database management system. We present the lessons we learned about the advantages obtained for the organization and, for developers who choose to use SEAM, we also present potential pitfalls in using the SEAM methodology to build workflow systems on relational platforms. The information contained in this work is sufficient enough to allow application developers to utilize SEAM as a methodology to analyze, design, and construct workflow applications on current relational database management systems. The definition of SEAM as a context-free grammar, definition of its semantics, and its mapping to relational platforms should be sufficient also, to allow the construction of an automated workflow design and construction tool with SEAM as the user interface  相似文献   

Tagging allows users to organize their information and retrieve it later with multiple, freely chosen keywords, which is impossible with categorical folders. The need to organize information for personal later retrieval has been found to be one of the most important motivations for tagging. Despite the popularity of the concept, more empirical evidence is still required to verify the real benefit of tagging for information organization and retrieval. Furthermore, the problems of inconsistency in tagging hamper the usefulness of tagging as an effective organization tool. The current study aims to investigate users' motivation, performance, and workload when they use tagging to organize personal information and how the system design could improve the process. First, a pilot study combining think-aloud and interviews was conducted to obtain insights on why and how users select tags. Then, the first experiment with 40 participants was conducted to empirically compare the performance and workload difference in information organization and retrieval tasks between categorization and tagging interfaces. The results show that tagging users reported a significantly higher level of mental demand and frustration when performing organizational tasks and a significantly higher level of temporal demand and error rate when performing retrieval tasks compared with categorization. However, tagging users tend to have better memory of the organized content. The second experiment aimed to study how individual tagging consistency can be improved by the proper visualization of tag suggestions. The impact of frequency visualization by font size and semantically clustering was studied with 40 participants. The results show that semantically clustered tag clouds improve tagging consistency significantly; when a semantic clustering effect is presented, frequency visualization by font size can significantly alleviate the physical demand perceived by users.  相似文献   

Abstract. This case study investigates various ways in which different internet-based information systems (IS) are used by organizational participants. Borrowing theoretical insights on information behaviour accumulated over 50 years of information studies research, a conceptual framework is presented to help understand and assess the social and organizational impacts of internet-based IS. The framework describes the use of internet-based IS as a dynamic cycle of information needs–seeking–use activity situated in the context of a firm's information environment. Research questions pertain to the process of how individuals in organizations seek and use information from internet-based IS to satisfy information needs. In terms of information needs, this involves understanding the problem situations that lead participants to use internet-based IS, as well as the characteristics of those problems beyond subject matter. With respect to information seeking, this involves analysing how information from internet-based systems is displayed and formatted to signal their potential usefulness. In terms of information use, this involves how information obtained from internet-based systems is used in practice to resolve or redefine problems. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods are used. Data collection involves web tracking to identify significant episodes of internet-based IS activity, as well as one-on-one interviews to explore the context behind these episodes. Results suggest that it is possible and valuable to identify scenarios of internet-based IS use dominant in an organizational work setting. Doing so can help to identify ways to improve the situated use of internet-based IS that ameliorate the information needs–seeking–use cycle in firms.  相似文献   

Organizations implement information systems to improve employee productivity and engender favourable organizational outcomes. Although there is evidence of positive outcomes of system use, research has suggested that system use may lead to negative consequences for employees and organizations. There has been limited research that focuses on how employees' use of information systems in the workplace is associated with their positive and negative dispositions to job and organization. We develop and test a model that posits that dispositions to job (ie, job satisfaction, job security, job anxiety, and emotional exhaustion), and organization (ie, organizational commitment and organizational trust) will play a dual role of antecedents and consequences of system use. We conducted 2 longitudinal studies in the context of 2 different systems—a functional system and an enterprise system—and found support for our hypotheses (N = 257 and 181, respectively). We found that preimplementation job and organizational dispositions significantly predicted both lean and rich measures of system use. Further, we found that rich measures of system use (ie, cognitive absorption use and deep structure use) had differential impacts on postimplementation employee dispositions—functional system use had a positive impact and enterprise system use had a negative impact. Overall, our findings offer a comprehensive understanding of system use, and its antecedents and consequences for employees in organizations.  相似文献   

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