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Microstructural development during the oxidation of (001)-oriented γ′-Ni3Al single crystals at 1223 K under an oxygen partial pressure of 4 × 10−19 atm has been studied by electron microscopy. After 1 min oxidation, TEM cross sections revealed a continuous 4 nm thick film of γ-Al2-O3 with equiaxed 20 nm protrusions into the metal. Pre-thinned foils oxidized for 6 min and studied in plan view in the TEM showed that the scale consisted of 20 nm γ-Al2O3 grains oriented to the metal such that (111) γ-Al2O3 (001) γ′-Ni3Al. Continued oxidation resulted in thickening of the γ-Al2O3 scale, no grain growth, and the development of a plane metal/γ-Al2O3 interface. Depletion of Al from the adjoining metal resulted in a well-defined disordered zone of NiAl solid solution between the Al2O3 scale and the γ′-Ni3Al. After 5 h oxidation large, randomly oriented α-Al2O3 grains nucleated at the metal/γ-Al2O3 interface, growing inward and transforming from the γ-Al2O3 outward. The α-Al2O3 contained intragranular and intergranular voids. The γ-Al2O3 exhibited a high density of planr defects and the interface between the γ-Al2O3 and α-Al2O3 contained many voids. Voids at the metal/oxide interface were never observed.  相似文献   

The nature of chemical bonding at grain boundary in γ′-Ni3Al has been analyzed by extended Hueckel molecular orbital method in order to investigate the intrinsic brittleness of grain boundary and the effect of doping element for enhancing ductility of polycrystalline γ′-Ni3 Al. For doping elements, B, C, P and S positioned at the grain boundary have been examined and following results are concluded. (1) Brittleness of γ′-Ni3Al grain boundary attributes to the coulombic repulsive force between same atoms that arrange adjacently at the grain boundary. In particular, Al atom repels strongly against each other. (2) Boron can bind with both Ni and Al without decreasing bonding energy between constituent atoms, which would lead to improve the strength of grain boundary.  相似文献   

《Acta Metallurgica》1982,30(5):961-964
The crystalloaraphic habit of coherent γ″-Ni3V precipitates that have a bet DO22 structure has been investigated. Theoretical calculation based on the elastic energy theory predicts an unusual habit to be close to (102). This calculation is in good agreement with the results of transmission electron microscopy. Four variants of precipitate habit that correspond to a tetragonal direction coexist, leading to an absence of streaking in the diffraction pattern.  相似文献   


Advanced mechanical properties of Ni-based superalloys strongly depend on the site preferences of alloying X elements in γ′-Ni3Al-X precipitates, which are associated with the partial bonding characteristics between Ni, Al, and X atoms. Therefore, in the current work, the site occupancy tendencies of transition X metals were revealed via first-principles ab initio calculations at 0 K. Bonding features of Ni-Al, Ni-X, and Al-X pairs were simulated by using the charge density difference (CDD), electron localization function (ELF), and density of states (DOS) methods, respectively. According to simulations, higher atomic size X elements preferably occupy Al sites of γ′-Ni3Al-X intermetallics and lead to strong covalent-like directional bondings between themselves and their nearest neighbor (NN) Ni atoms along 〈110〉 directions. However, if these larger X metals substituted for Ni sites, the bonding properties would differ by plane due to the nature of the L12-type crystal structure of γ′-Ni3Al-X precipitates. Considering all transition elements, refractory metals (i.e., X = Re, W, Mo, Ta, or Nb) appear as the most effective strength inducers, improving the structural stability of γ′ phase, even if Ni site substitution of X = Re atoms would start to increase structural instability. On the other hand, relatively small alloying X elements having electron configuration similarities with Ni (i.e., X = Co, Cu, Rh, Pd, Ag, Ir, Pt, or Au) are more likely to worsen bonding strengthening. Instead, these transition X metals creating metallic bondings with NN Ni atoms would contribute to ductility and malleability of Ni-based superalloys. Furthermore, depending on the relative atomic size of γ′-former and refractory elements, the phase and site preferences of refractory atoms would alter in multicomponent systems. As a result of the attractive or weak repulsive forces between Re-Re, Re-Mo, and Re-W pairs, the structural stability of the constituent phases would deteriorate and harmful topologically close-packed (TCP) phases would precipitate.


Bezold  A.  Volz  N.  Xue  F.  Zenk  C. H.  Neumeier  S.  Göken  M. 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A》2020,51(4):1567-1574
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A - The creep strength of single-crystalline Co-based superalloys was found to be comparable to first-generation Ni-base superalloys. However, considerable...  相似文献   

《Acta Metallurgica》1981,29(1):187-196
Thin films of γ′Ni3Si were formed on the surface of Ni-12.7at%Si discs by Ni1-ion bombardment at ~575°C. The disordering of these films at temperatures below ~400 C was monitored using γ′-dark-field TEM, electron diffraction and infrared emissivitity changes occurring as a result of further Ni1-ion bombardment.The degree of long range order. S. did not change during subsequent bombardment at temperatures ⩾440C. At temperatures ≤300C. S decreased from its initial value close to 1.0 to essentially zero. The mechanism for this change involved the local formation of disordered zones surrounding uncollapsed collision cascades. The average zone size was ~ 100 Å at 80°C and decreased with temperature to ~ 50 Å at 250°C. The zone production rate was~2 × 10−8 zones A3s and did not vary greatly with temperature.Disordered zones were not observed in samples bombarded at temperatures ⩾300°C. but “steady” “state” S values between 0 and 1 were noted. Disorder in these samples was uniformly distributed rather than locally deposited. Dark features visible in γ′-dark field images of these samples are shown to result only from the strain contrast of faulted, interstitial dislocation loops.  相似文献   


Published data on the coarsening kinetics of γ′ (Ni3Al) precipitates in binary Ni–Al alloys aged at 12 temperatures ranging from 773 K to 1073 K are analyzed to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the temperature dependence of the γ/γ′ interfacial free energy, σ. The data are analyzed using equations of the trans-interface-diffusion-controlled (TIDC) theory of coarsening, with temporal exponent n = 2.4. The results show that σ decreases with increasing temperature, T. A linear empirical equation is fitted to the data on σ vs T; it extrapolates to σ = 0 in the liquid region of the Ni–Al phase diagram, as it should do. A quantitative temperature-dependent transition radius, rtrans, is calculated; it depends on the product of the interface width and the ratio of the chemical diffusion coefficients in the γ phase and interface regions. Applying the TIDC coarsening equations to calculate σ is justified when the average radius, 〈r〉, satisfies the condition 〈r〉 < rtrans, which is valid for all the data used in the fit. The data on σ vs T are compared with theoretical predictions. The results are discussed in the context of previous work, as well as with values of σ obtained through analyses using the equations of traditional LSW coarsening kinetics, n = 3.


《Acta Metallurgica》1978,26(12):1837-1843
Sintering studies between 700 and 800°C in air and in argon were conducted using spherical silver powder. The technique of three-dimensional replication of the pore structure of silver powder samples has proved a precise means for measuring the sintering parameters, neck size and curvature, for calculation of theoretical neck growth and shrinkage rate. A neck growth model gave a close correlation with measured neck size after sintering in air, showing the important contribution of surface and grain boundary diffusion to neck growth. Grain boundary diffusion was found to be the dominant mechanism for densification in the initial stage of sintering in air of spherical silver powder. However, the experimental data obtained after sintering in argon disagreed with both the neck growth model (based on surface and grain boundary diffusion) and the densification model (based on grain boundary diffusion). The important effect of sintering atmosphere is discussed in terms of its interaction with solute impurities in the silver powder.  相似文献   

A phase transformation model is described for variant selection during the austenite-to-martensite transformation. The model depends entirely on the presence of glide dislocations in the deformed austenite. The direct correlation between the 24 slip systems of the Bishop and Hill (B-H) crystal plasticity model and the 24 〈112〉 rotation axes of the Kurdjumov-Sachs (K-S) orientation relationship is employed. Two selection criteria, based on slip activity and permissible dislocation reactions, govern the variants that are chosen to represent the final transformation texture. The development of the model via analysis of the experimental results of Liu and Bunge is described. The model is applied to the four distinct strain paths: (1) plane strain rolling, (2) axisymmetric extension, (3) axisymmetric compression, and (4) simple shear. Experimental deformation and transformation textures were produced for comparison purposes via appropriate deformation and quenching procedures. In each case, the transformation texture predicted using the dislocation reaction model is in excellent agreement with the experimental findings.  相似文献   

The coarsening of γ′ precipitates in aluminum-silver has been investigated. Thesplate-shaped precipitates have coherent broad faces, and a hexagonal close packed crystal structure and develop on ∝111∝ planes of the aluminum matrix. During growth, a dispersion of nonequilibrium shaped γ′ precipitates develops. To understand the subsequent size and shape coarsening of these γ′ precipitates, several microstructural parameters have been experimentally determined as a function of aging time through quantitative electron microscopy. The measured thickening rate and nterledge spacing confirm that precipitate thickening takes place by a ledge mechanism and that the overall coarsening process of these precipitates is related to the average interledge spacing which remains relatively constant throughout the coarsening stage. The change in precipitate diameter does not appear to obey any temporal law and most likely accomodates the precipitate thickening and local supersaturation.  相似文献   

The early decomposition stages of Al-7.8at.%Li, Al-10.4at.%Li and Al-11.8at.%Li alloys were studied by high resolution electron microscopy. In all the above alloys, it was confirmed that in the as-quenched stage small ordered domains of Ll2 structure were present surrounded by the disordered matrix. From this microstructure, it was concluded that the alloy was already decomposed as in the as-quenched stage. No clear evidence was found for congruent ordering which was proposed to occur prior to spinodal decomposition. Examination of the sublattices of the individual ordered domains also failed to give convincing evidence for congruent ordering. The present observations suggest that the kinetics of spinodal decomposition of this system is too fast to be detected by TEM. In order to slow down the decomposition kinetics, solution treated samples were quenched to just above the solvus line for δ′ and then to room temperature. By this heat treatment, a solution treated sample with muck weaker order spots could be obtained. However, this microstructure could not be interpreted as congruently ordered either based on the weak Ll2 spots. As there is a limitation to the quenching speed, it is suggested that ordering and spinodal decomposition progress concomitantly during the observable range of time.  相似文献   

Both conventional macroscopic deformation tests and in situ straining experiments were devoted to the plastic behaviour study of the 〈100〉 orientated γ′ strengthening phase of the CMSX2 superalloy. Tensile test experiments, performed at various temperatures, reproduce the anomalous variation of the flow stress. Specimen unloading/reloading experiments show that the flow stress anomaly does not ensue from the exhaustion of the mobile superdislocation population. Stress relaxation experiments suggest that at both low and high temperatures, the superdislocation motion is controlled by a thermally activated mechanism, while in the temperature range around 300°C, the laws of thermal activation fail and instabilities occur on both the stress/strain and stress relaxation curves. In situ straining experiments, performed at 25°C and 320°C, lead to a microscopic scale approach of the deformation. At room temperature, a locking/unlocking mechanism controls the superdislocation motion. At 320°C, in addition to the locking/unlocking mechanism, local pinning points (either of extrinsic or intrinsic nature) affect the superdislocation motion. The in situ experiments permit us to propose various superdislocation core configurations so as to account for the experimental facts described above.  相似文献   

《Acta Metallurgica》1984,32(9):1519-1525
A theoretical model is proposed for the determination of phase equilibrium in alloys taking into consideration dissimilar lattice parameters. Volume dependent pair interactions are introduced by means of phenomenological Lennard-Jones potentials and the configurational entropy of the system is treated in the tetrahedron approximation of the cluster variation method. The model is applied to the superalloy relevant nickel-rich, γ/γ′ phase region of the Ni-Al phase diagram. The model predicts reasonable values for the lattice parameters and the enthalpy of formation as a function of composition, and the calculated phase diagram closely approximates the experimental diagram.  相似文献   

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