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Cell therapy constitutes a possibility for improving nerve regeneration, increasing the success of nerve repair. We evaluate the use of mononuclear cells in the regeneration of the sciatic nerve after axotomy followed by end‐to‐end neurorrhaphy. Forty adult male Wistar rats (250–300 g) were divided into four groups: (1) sham, (2) neurorrhaphy: the sciatic nerve was sectioned and repaired using epineural sutures, (3) culture medium: after the suture, received an injection of 10 μL of culture medium into the nerve, and (4) mononuclear cell: after the suture, a concentration of 3 × 106 of mononuclear cell was injected in epineurium region. Mononuclear cells were obtained from the bone marrow aspirates and separated by Ficoll‐Hypaque method. The histological analyses were performed at the 4th postoperative day. The sciatic functional index, histological, and morphometric analyzes were used to evaluate nerve regeneration at the 6th postoperative week. Six rats were used for immunohistochemical analysis on the 4th postoperative day. In the group 4, on the fourth day, the histological analysis demonstrated a more accelerated degenerative process and an increase of the neurotrophic factors was observed. In the 6th week, all the morphometric results of the group 4 were statistically better compared with groups 2 and 3. There was a statistically significant improvement in the sciatic functional index for group 4 compared with groups 2 and 3. Mononuclear cells stimulated nerve regeneration, most probably by speeding up the Wallerian degeneration process as well as stimulating the synthesis of neurotrophic factors. Microsc. Res. Tech., 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In this study, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) has been applied for instantaneous assessment of processes occurring at the site of regenerating nerve. The technique proved to be especially useful when an artificial implant should have been observed but have not yet been extensively investigated before for assessment of nerve tissue. For in vivo studies, evaluation of implant's morphology and its neuroregenerative properties is of great importance when new prototype is developed. However, the usually applied histological techniques require separate and differently prepared samples, and therefore, the results are never a 100% comparable. In our research, we found SEM as a technique providing detailed data both on an implant behavior and the nerve regeneration process inside the implant. Observations were carried out during 12‐week period on rat sciatic nerve injury model reconstructed with nerve autografts and different tube nerve grafts. Samples were analyzed with haematoxylin‐eosin (HE), immunocytochemical staining for neurofillament and S‐100 protein, SEM, TEM, and the results were compared. SEM studies enabled to obtain characteristic pictures of the regeneration process similarly to TEM and histological studies. Schwann cell transformation and communication as well as axonal outgrowth were identified, newly created and matured axons could be recognized. Concurrent analysis of biomaterial changes in the implant (degradation, collapsing of the tube wall, migration of alginate gel) was possible. This study provides the groundwork for further use of the described technique in the nerve regeneration studies. SCANNING 35: 232‐245, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In order to test the effectiveness of a new advanced time-lapse microscopy imaging and image processing and analysis system, and to do quantitative and qualitative temporal analyses of in vitro peripheral nerve regeneration, long-term time-lapse imaging of cultures of mouse dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) was performed. DRGs were placed in a Petri dish, covered with collagen gel, their attached peripheral nerves were cut in the middle, creating a gap, and the dish was filled with culture medium. Six preparations were kept on the time-lapse imaging system, which provides a suitable incubation environment and enables to capture images from multiple coordinates at x,y,z axes at desired time intervals for 13 days. In general, the time-lapse imaging system proved quite stable and efficient, although some improvements are certainly required. Two main components of peripheral nerve regeneration, outgrowth of axons and activities of resident cells, were examined. Axons started to grow during the first hour of incubation with a 16.5 microm/h rate and showed the slowest rates (0.7 microm/h) on days 8 and 9, after which they resumed higher speeds again. The first cell came out of the proximal end of the cut nerve on the second day and it was a Schwann cell (SC), which was the prominent cell type in the preparations throughout the experiment. SCs were higher in number (83.15% of all cells) but slower in migration (3.4 vs. 7.3 microm/h, P < 0.001) than other cells. Other observed characteristics of axonal outgrowth and cellular activity and interactions between axons and the cells are discussed.  相似文献   

本文对缺陷红外检测的定量化问题进行分析研究,在红外检测热传导理论模型的基础上,分析了缺陷深度与时间信息的关系,给出了起始分离时间点和对比度变化最大时间点的概念,并与对比度最大值时间点等进行比较。对缺陷大小、激励强度、激励时间对深度分析的影响进行研究。在缺陷大小的定量分析中,发现了时间序列网像中缺陷大小检测变化的规律,指出缺陷大小检测的最佳时间段。另外,采用时间序列图像求强度平均的方法确定实际检测中激励开始、结束时间,为分析缺陷与时间信息的关系建立时间基准点。  相似文献   

Ishitani T  Sato M 《Scanning》2002,24(4):191-203
The two conventional methods currently employed for the evaluation of image resolution in scanning electron microscopy are the gap method and a fast Fourier transform (FFT) method. These can be highly dependent on personal expertise on the distinction between signal information and noise contained in a micrograph. Hence, the present paper proposes an alternative method (referred to as a contrast-to-gradient (CG) method) that can determine the image resolution of a micrograph without requiring personal expertise on the judgment of noise. The image resolution in the CG method is defined as a weighted harmonic mean of the local resolution, which is proportional to the quotient of the threshold contrast divided by the local gradient. The local gradient is calculated from the quadratic function that best fits the local pixel intensities over 5 x 5 pixels. It has been shown that the CG method, compared with the FFT method, has a broader range of applications for various types of images, such as low-contrast, noise-containing, filter-processed, highly directional, and quasi-periodic feature images.  相似文献   

Ex vivo expansion of limbal stem cells from a small biopsy and its subsequent transplantation is the golden choice of treatment for limbal stem cell deficiency. Use of murine 3T3 feeder layer is a prerequisite for this ex vivo expansion. There is an ever‐increasing demand for feeder free cultures to avoid xenotoxicity and transmission of xeno‐diseases to human system. This study was aimed to establish an efficient xeno‐feeder free limbal culture system towards ocular surface regeneration. To study the effect of initial dispase treatment and culture system used, migratory distance of cells from explants was analyzed from phase contrast images using “interactive measurements” of Qwin software (Leica). Expression of p63 in different culture systems was studied by immunofluorescent staining, followed by quantitative confocal microscopy (Carl Zeiss). Results showed dispase treatment was not necessary for establishing limbal explant culture. A combination of Iscove's modified Dulbecco's medium and Panserin 801 resulted in formation of autofeeder layer with maintenance of progenitor characteristics, thus mimicking natural tissue architecture. Further analysis of this culture system showed that cells could be cultured till confluency. Immunofluorescent staining of ABCG2 revealed presence of stem cell marker in the confluent cell layer. Scanning Electron Micrographs demonstrated homogenous population of tightly packed cells in this culture system. Replacement of bovine serum with autologous serum did not affect morphology or growth of cells in this culture system. This study will be a major step in the development of xeno‐feeder free epithelial equivalents towards ocular surface reconstruction. Microsc. Res. Tech. 73:1045–1052, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sjogren's syndrome (SS) is a progressive autoimmune condition mainly affecting the salivary and lacrimal glands with an incidence of primary SS between 1/100 and 1/1,000. SS implies an alteration in the epithelium and subepithelium innervation, with consequent reduction of corneal sensitivity. It is necessary to have noninvasive quantitative methods to characterize the status of the corneal nerve fibers of the patients in order to choose and follow the best therapy. Entropy (information dimension) of the nerve corneal fibers distribution observed by confocal microscopy was evaluated in patients with primary SS (n = 30, 6 males, 24 females, 21–81 years), diagnosed by biopsy of salivary gland and blood tests and in sex‐ age‐matched healthy subjects (n = 12). Corneal nerve fiber density, Langerhans cell count, and cell density in the nerve plexus images were also evaluated. In selected patients salivary gland atrophy degree was also evaluated. Nerve corneal distribution observed by confocal microscopy is fractal. Entropy of the corneal nerve distribution statistically distinguishes between SS patients and healthy subjects: patients present a lower value of information dimension of the corneal nerve fibers distribution than healthy individuals (P < 0.001). Percentage of grouped cases classified by entropy according to the subjects (selected patients vs. healthy) showed a 100% sensitivity and 96% specificity, P < 0.0001 with a low value of coefficient of variation among the individuals (6–7 times lower than the other morphometric indexes). Entropy correlated with the severity of the disease (salivary gland atrophy degree, P < 0.01). Evaluation of entropy of the corneal nerve distribution observed by a laser confocal microscopy appears to quantitatively and noninvasively characterize an aspect of the SS patients in relation to the recognition of an impairment of their ocular surface, giving us for the first time a method to objectively and precisely characterize the corneal innervation status in the SS patients. Microsc. Res. Tech. 78:1069–1074, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In peripheral nerve allografts, use of an immunosuppressive agent is one of the ways of reducing nerve rejection. FK506 is a newly discovered substance, extracted from Streptomyces tsukubaensis, and has strong immunosuppressive effects. In the present study, immunosuppressive effects of FK 506 were examined using allografts of rat sciatic nerves. Good nerve regeneration was demonstrated through 12 weeks in this model. The immunosuppressed group gained weight over the course of the experiment. Another study was performed to observe the histological changes caused by ceasing the administration of FK506. Administration of FK506 was terminated 12 weeks after grafting. At 8 weeks after cessation, cellular infiltration and large unmyelinated axons were observed in the extended subperineurial space of grafts. At 12 weeks, histological characteristics of rejection were not observed. In the electrophysiological study, the temporal dispersions were recorded at 4 and 8 weeks. However, the normal electrophysiological waves were recorded at 12 weeks after cessation. It was concluded that FK506 is effective for preventing rejection of nerve allografts without any serious side effects on rats, and findings of total rejection of grafts were not recognized after ceasing the administration of FK 506. In peripheral nerve allografts, short-term administration of an immunosuppressive agent is sufficient to lead to good nerve regeneration.  相似文献   

Smith 《Journal of microscopy》1998,191(3):223-228
Cuticle step height is an important parameter for the quantitative assessment of human hair. This paper describes a novel, computational method for the rapid calculation of step heights from atomic force microscope images obtained from large numbers of specimens. Such an approach is necessary to allow a statistical analysis of the inherently wide distribution of cuticle step heights characteristic of a single hair sample. The method described will be of use to cosmetic formulation chemists and forensic scientists and also to dermatologists in the field of disease diagnosis.  相似文献   

Experimental investigation of peripheral nerve fiber regeneration is attracting more and more attention among both basic and clinical researchers. Assessment of myelinated nerve fiber morphology is a pillar of peripheral nerve regeneration research. The gold standard for light microscopic imaging of myelinated nerve fibers is toluidine blue staining of resin-embedded semithin sections. However, many researchers are unaware that the dark staining of myelin sheaths typically produced by this procedure is due to osmium tetroxide postfixation and not due to toluidine blue. In this article, we describe a simple pre-embedding protocol for staining myelin sheaths in paraffin-embedded nerve specimens using osmium tetroxide. The method involves immersing the specimen in 2% osmium tetroxide for 2 h after paraformaldehyde fixation, followed by routine dehydration and paraffin embedding. Sections can then be observed directly under the microscope or counterstained using routine histological methods. Particularly good results were obtained with Masson's trichrome counterstain, which permits the imaging of connective structures in nerves that are not detectable in toluidine blue-stained resin sections. Finally, we describe a simple protocol for osmium etching of sections, which makes further immunohistochemical analysis possible on the same specimens. Taken together, our results suggest that the protocol described in this article is a valid alternative to the conventional resin embedding-based protocol: it is much cheaper, can be adopted by any histological laboratory, and allows immunohistochemical analysis to be conducted.  相似文献   

A guided tour into subcellular colocalization analysis in light microscopy   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
It is generally accepted that the functional compartmentalization of eukaryotic cells is reflected by the differential occurrence of proteins in their compartments. The location and physiological function of a protein are closely related; local information of a protein is thus crucial to understanding its role in biological processes. The visualization of proteins residing on intracellular structures by fluorescence microscopy has become a routine approach in cell biology and is increasingly used to assess their colocalization with well‐characterized markers. However, image‐analysis methods for colocalization studies are a field of contention and enigma. We have therefore undertaken to review the most currently used colocalization analysis methods, introducing the basic optical concepts important for image acquisition and subsequent analysis. We provide a summary of practical tips for image acquisition and treatment that should precede proper colocalization analysis. Furthermore, we discuss the application and feasibility of colocalization tools for various biological colocalization situations and discuss their respective strengths and weaknesses. We have created a novel toolbox for subcellular colocalization analysis under ImageJ, named JACoP, that integrates current global statistic methods and a novel object‐based approach.  相似文献   

Assessment of various morphological parameters of the corneal subbasal nerve plexus is a valuable method of documenting the structural and presumably functional integrity of the corneal innervation in health and disease. The aim of this work is to establish a rapid, reliable and reproducible method for visualization of the human corneal SBP using femtosecond laser cut corneal tissue sections. Trephined healthy corneal buttons were fixed and processed using TissueSurgeon—a femtosecond laser based microtome, to obtain thick tissue sections of the corneal epithelium and anterior stroma cut parallel to the ocular surface within approximately 15 min. A near infrared femtosecond laser was focused on to the cornea approximately 70–90 μm from the anterior surface to induce material separation using TissueSurgeon. The obtained corneal sections were stained following standard immunohistochemical procedures with anti‐neuronal β‐III tubulin antibody for visualization of the corneal nerves. Sections that contained the epithelium and approximately 20–30 μm of anterior stroma yielded excellent visualisation of the SBP with minimal optical interference from underlying stromal nerves. In conclusion, the results of this study have demonstrated that femtosecond laser cutting of the human cornea offers greater speed, ease and reliability than standard tissue preparation methods for obtaining high quality thick sections of the anterior cornea cut parallel to the ocular surface.  相似文献   

Flat-bed scanning as a tool for quantitative neuroimaging   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The aim of this study was to compare three different imaging techniques which are used to provide data on the laminar structure of the human cerebral cortex. Region V1 of Brodmann's area 17 stained with cresyl violet was investigated, and a conventional semi-automatic morphometric evaluation, the videomicroscropic procedure and a new transparent flat-bed scanning technique were compared. The results of each digitizing method were converted into normalized profiles which allow the laminae in the striate cortex to be displayed. It was found that major laminar patterns can be detected by the scanning technique, but that subsidiary laminations are more clearly displayed by morphometry and videomicroscopy. For magnifications up to × 400 a high resolution transparent flat-bed scanner may be used in place of the videomicroscopy technique.  相似文献   

The performance characteristics of two sets of triple-band epifluorescence filters have been evaluated for use with digitally enhanced fluorescence microscopy. Use of such filters, at most, requires movement of the excitation filter, while the dichroic and emission filters remain fixed, allowing multi-wavelength imaging to be performed on standard microscopes. The dyes appropriate for use with these particular filters include Texas Red (TR), Bodipy (BD), FITC and Cascade Blue (CB), four fluorophores now commonly conjugated to both immunochemical probes and other proteins and lipids of biological interest. Good spectral separation existed for most experimental conditions allowing accurate localization of the different fluorophores during multi-wavelength imaging. Anomalous responses were observed during near-UV excitation at high concentration for some dyes. Scanning spectrofluorometry demonstrated that concentration-dependent spectral shifts occurred, resulting in large increases in near-UV absorbance. Despite the complexity of concentration and dye-interaction effects, quantitative measurements of dye concentration could be made, even in regions of multiple dye co-localization. Therefore, multi-band pass filters are an additional valuable approach for performing quantitative fluorescence microscopic imaging.  相似文献   

HisTOOLogy is an open‐source software for the quantification of digital colour images of histological sections. The simple graphical user interface enables both expert and non‐expert users to rapidly extract useful information from stained tissue sections. The software's main feature is a generalizable colour separation algorithm based on k‐means clustering which accurately and reproducibly returns the amount of colour per unit area for any stain, thus allowing the quantification of tissue components. Here we describe HisTOOLogy's algorithms and graphical user interface structure, showing how it can be used to separate different dye colours in several classical stains. In addition, to demonstrate how the tool can be employed to obtain quantitative information on biological tissues, the effect of different hepatic tissue decellularization protocols on cell removal and matrix preservation was assessed through image analysis using HisTOOLogy and compared with conventional DNA and total protein content assays. HisTOOLogy's performance was also compared with ImageJ's colour deconvolution plug‐in, demonstrating its advantages in terms of ease of use and speed of colour separation.  相似文献   

Quantitative studies of three-dimensional (3-D) structure of microscopic objects have been made possible through the introduction of microscopic volume imaging techniques, most notably the confocal fluorescence microscope (CFM). Although the CFM is a true volume imager, its specific imaging properties give rise to distortions in the images and hamper subsequent quantitative analysis. Therefore, it is a prerequisite that confocal images are restored prior to analysis. The distortions can be divided into several categories: attenuation of areas in the image due to self-absorption, bleaching effects, geometrical effects and distortions due to diffraction effects. Of these, absorption and diffraction effects are the most important. This paper describes a method aimed at the correction of diffraction-induced distortions. All the steps necessary in restoring confocal images are discussed, including a novel method to measure instrumental properties on a routine basis. To test the restoration procedure an image of a fluorescent planar object was restored. The results show a considerable improvement in the z-resolution and no ringing artefacts. The relevance of the method for image analysis is demonstrated by a comparison of results of applying 3-D texture analysis to restored and unrestored images of a synthetic object. Furthermore, the method can be successfully applied to noisy fluorescence images of biological objects, such as interphase cell nucei.  相似文献   

We present a region‐based segmentation method in which seeds representing both object and background pixels are created by combining morphological filtering of both the original image and the gradient magnitude of the image. The seeds are then used as starting points for watershed segmentation of the gradient magnitude image. The fully automatic seeding is done in a generous fashion, so that at least one seed will be set in each foreground object. If more than one seed is placed in a single object, the watershed segmentation will lead to an initial over‐segmentation, i.e. a boundary is created where there is no strong edge. Thus, the result of the initial segmentation is further refined by merging based on the gradient magnitude along the boundary separating neighbouring objects. This step also makes it easy to remove objects with poor contrast. As a final step, clusters of nuclei are separated, based on the shape of the cluster. The number of input parameters to the full segmentation procedure is only five. These parameters can be set manually using a test image and thereafter be used on a large number of images created under similar imaging conditions. This automated system was verified by comparison with manual counts from the same image fields. About 90% correct segmentation was achieved for two‐ as well as three‐dimensional images.  相似文献   

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