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Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions were measured over two years from an intensively managed grassland site in the UK. Emissions from ammonium nitrate (AN) and urea (UR) were compared to those from urea modified by various inhibitors (a nitrification inhibitor, UR(N), a urease inhibitor, UR(U), and both inhibitors together, SU), as well as a controlled release urea (CR). N2O fluxes varied through time and between treatments. The differences between the treatments were not consistent throughout the year. After the spring and early summer fertilizer applications, fluxes from AN plots were greater than fluxes from UR plots, e.g. the cumulative fluxes for one month after N application in June 1999 were 5.2 ± 1.1 kg N2O-N ha–1 from the AN plots, compared to 1.4 ± 1.0 kg N2O-N ha–1 from the UR plots. However, after the late summer application, there was no difference between the two treatments, e.g. cumulative fluxes for the month following N application in August 2000 were 3.3 ± 0.7 kg N2O-N ha–1 from the AN plots and 2.9 ± 1.1 kg N2O-N ha–1 from the UR plots. After all N applications, fluxes from the UR(N) plots were much less than those from either the AN or the UR plots, e.g. 0.2 ± 0.1 kg N2O-N ha–1 in June 1999 and 1.1 ± 0.3 kg N2O-N ha–1 in August 2000. Combining the results of this experiment with earlier work showed that there was a greater N2O emission response to rainfall around the time of fertilizer application in the AN plots than in the UR plots. It was concluded that there is scope for reducing N2O emissions from N-fertilized grassland by applying UR instead of AN to wet soils in cool conditions, e.g. when grass growth begins in spring. Applying UR with a nitrification inhibitor could cut emissions further.  相似文献   

Agricultural soils are a major source of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). Nitrous oxide emission models can be used to predict the effectiveness of N2O mitigation strategies; however, these models require rigorous testing before they can be used with confidence. Expert-N, a modular process based N2O emission model, was tested to determine its ability at predicting nitrogen (N) cycling in the soil–plant–atmosphere system under Canadian agroclimatic conditions. Ancillary data and N2O emissions were collected/measured from a corn cultivated clay-loam soil that was under different tillage and red clover treatments. The treatments were conventional till (CT) with and without red clover (rc) underseeded in the previous year's wheat crop (CT-Crc and CT-C, respectively), and no till (NT) with and without red clover underseeded in the previous year's wheat crop (NT-Crc and NT-C, respectively). Expert-N provided good estimates of N2O emissions, and predictions correlated well (positive) with the measured emissions (r 2 0.55–0.83). There was no statistically significant difference between measured and predicted daily emissions. The predicted emissions, integrated over the growing season (25 May–4 October, 1995), were 0.56, 0.57, 0.62, and 0.62 kg N2O-N ha–1 for CT-C, CT-Crc, NT-C, and NT-Crc, respectively. The measured emissions over the same period were 1.29, 1.07, 0.96, and 1.04 kg N2O-N ha–1 for CT-C, CT-Crc, NT-C, and NT-Crc, respectively. The modelled emissions underestimated the integrated measured emissions by 35–55%; however, the integrated measured emissions had an estimated uncertainty of ±35%. The model provided good predictions of the soil temperatures, moisture contents, and soil nitrate levels with no significant difference from the measured data. Correlations between modelled and measured values for these soil properties in the first 30 cm soil layer were positive and high with r 2 0.71–0.93.  相似文献   

Emissions of nitrogen compounds from heavily fertilized and irrigated maize fields have been studied in the Southwest of France, over an annual cultivation cycle. Strong nitrous oxide emissions from denitrification were observed after application of nitrogen fertilizer. Flux intensity appears to be stimulated by rain or irrigation. Emission algorithms, taking into account both nitrogen input and soil water content were established on the basis of the experimental data set. They allowed us to estimate annual nitrogen loss in the form of nitrous oxide modulated by rainfall. Production of methane is observed at the level of the water table under anoxic conditions. Nevertheless, the net flux between soil and atmosphere is negative for most of the time. When methane is produced, fluxes were very low due to methane oxidation in the soil surface layer.  相似文献   

The number of published N2O and NO emissions measurements is increasing steadily, providing additional information about driving factors of these emissions and allowing an improvement of statistical N-emission models. We summarized information from 1008 N2O and 189 NO emission measurements for agricultural fields, and 207 N2O and 210 NO measurements for soils under natural vegetation. The factors that significantly influence agricultural N2O emissions were N application rate, crop type, fertilizer type, soil organic C content, soil pH and texture, and those for NO emissions include N application rate, soil N content and climate. Compared to an earlier analysis the 20% increase in the number of N2O measurements for agriculture did not yield more insight or reduced uncertainty, because the representation of environmental and management conditions in agro-ecosystems did not improve, while for NO emissions the additional measurements in agricultural systems did yield a considerable improvement. N2O emissions from soils under natural vegetation are significantly influenced by vegetation type, soil organic C content, soil pH, bulk density and drainage, while vegetation type and soil C content are major factors for NO emissions. Statistical models of these factors were used to calculate global annual emissions from fertilized cropland (3.3 Tg N2O-N and 1.4 Tg NO-N) and grassland (0.8 Tg N2O-N and 0.4 Tg NO-N). Global emissions were not calculated for soils under natural vegetation due to lack of data for many vegetation types.  相似文献   

In 1995 a working group was assembled at the request of OECD/IPCC/IEA to revise the methodology for N2O from agriculture for the National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Methodology. The basics of the methodology developed to calculate annual country level nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from agricultural soils is presented herein. Three sources of N2O are distinguished in the new methodology: (i) direct emissions from agricultural soils, (ii) emissions from animal production, and (iii) N2O emissions indirectly induced by agricultural activities. The methodology is a simple approach which requires only input data that are available from FAO databases. The methodology attempts to relate N2O emissions to the agricultural nitrogen (N) cycle and to systems into which N is transported once it leaves agricultural systems. These estimates are made with the realization that increased utilization of crop nutrients, including N, will be required to meet rapidly growing needs for food and fiber production in our immediate future. Anthropogenic N input into agricultural systems include N from synthetic fertilizer, animal wastes, increased biological N-fixation, cultivation of mineral and organic soils through enhanced organic matter mineralization, and mineralization of crop residue returned to the field. Nitrous oxide may be emitted directly to the atmosphere in agricultural fields, animal confinements or pastoral systems or be transported from agricultural systems into ground and surface waters through surface runoff. Nitrate leaching and runoff and food consumption by humans and introduction into sewage systems transport the N ultimately into surface water (rivers and oceans) where additional N2O is produced. Ammonia and oxides of N (NOx) are also emitted from agricultural systems and may be transported off-site and serve to fertilize other systems which leads to enhanced production of N2O. Eventually, all N that moves through the soil system will be either terminally sequestered in buried sediments or denitrified in aquatic systems. We estimated global N2O–N emissions for the year 1989, using midpoint emission factors from our methodology and the FAO data for 1989. Direct emissions from agricultural soils totaled 2.1 Tg N, direct emissions from animal production totaled 2.1 Tg N and indirect emissions resulting from agricultural N input into the atmosphere and aquatic systems totaled 2.1 Tg N2O–N for an annual total of 6.3 Tg N2O–N. The N2O input to the atmosphere from agricultural production as a whole has apparently been previously underestimated. These new estimates suggest that the missing N2O sources discussed in earlier IPCC reports is likely a biogenic (agricultural) one.  相似文献   

Agricultural soils are a significant source of nitrous oxide (N2O). Since mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions is needed in all sectors of society, it is important to identify the processes producing N2O and the factors affecting the production rates in agricultural soils. This study aimed to elucidate the N2O production in peat, clay and loamy sand at four different soil moisture conditions (40, 60, 80 and 100% Water Filled Pore Space). The ace­tylene inhibition technique was used to evaluate the contribution of nitrification to N2O production. Nitrous oxide production responded markedly to soil moisture in all three soils. The highest N2O production, measured at the wettest soils (100% WFPS), was up to four orders of magnitude higher than that at the dry soils (40% WFPS). In dry conditions N2O production decreased in the order of peat > clay > loamy sand, while in wet conditions the highest N2O production was measured in loamy sand, then in peat, and the lowest in clay soils. Nitrification was the dominant N2O producing process in all the soils at 60% WFPS. In the sandy soil 70% of the total N2O production originated from nitrification, while in the peat soil most of the total N2O production originated from denitrification. Data on processes producing N2O in agricultural soils are needed to develop process-based models that could reduce the uncertainty of the emission estimates in greenhouse gas inventories.  相似文献   

Wetland fringe areas in prairie agricultural landscapes may be subjected to burning of vegetation in autumn followed by cultivation in spring. The objective of this study was to examine the greenhouse gas (CO2, N2O and CH4) emissions and plant nutrient (NO3, PO4 and SO4) supplies in wetland fringe soils as affected by simulated burning + cultivation, at field capacity and saturation moisture content. Using undisturbed soil cores collected from grassed wetland fringes at four sites in southern Saskatchewan, the impacts were examined over a 20-day period. The burning + cultivation treatment generally reduced CO2 emissions, tended to increase NO3–N availability, and had no consistent effect on N2O emissions, or PO4–P and SO4–S supply. Production of CH4 occurred only at one site, and only under saturated conditions. Compared to field capacity, saturation reduced CO2 emissions and NO3–N supply, tended to increase PO4–P availability, and had no consistent effect on N2O emissions and SO4–S. The CO2 emissions and SO4–S were greater for soil cores with higher organic matter and salinity, respectively. The N2O emissions were only occasionally related to soil NO3–N supply rate.  相似文献   

Carbon sequestration in agricultural, forest, and grassland soils has been promoted as a means by which substantial amounts of CO2 may be removed from the atmosphere, but few studies have evaluated the associated impacts on changes in soil N or net global warming potential (GWP). The purpose of this research was to (1) review the literature to examine how changes in grassland management that affect soil C also impact soil N, (2) assess the impact of different types of grassland management on changes in soil N and rates of change, and (3) evaluate changes in N2O fluxes from differently managed grassland ecosystems to assess net impacts on GWP. Soil C and N stocks either both increased or both decreased for most studies. Soil C and N sequestration were tightly linked, resulting in little change in C:N ratios with changes in management. Within grazing treatments N2O made a minor contribution to GWP (0.1–4%), but increases in N2O fluxes offset significant portions of C sequestration gains due to fertilization (10–125%) and conversion (average = 27%). Results from this work demonstrate that even when improved management practices result in considerable rates of C and N sequestration, changes in N2O fluxes can offset a substantial portion of gains by C sequestration. Even for cases in which C sequestration rates are not entirely offset by increases in N2O fluxes, small increases in N2O fluxes can substantially reduce C sequestration benefits. Conversely, reduction of N2O fluxes in grassland soils brought about by changes in management represents an opportunity to reduce the contribution of grasslands to net greenhouse gas forcing.  相似文献   

Emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitric oxide (NO) have been identified as one of the most important sources of atmospheric pollution from grasslands. Soils are major sources for the production of N2O and NO, which are by-products or intermediate products of microbial nitrification and denitrification processes. Some studies have tried to evaluate the importance of denitrification or nitrification in the formation of N2O or NO but there are few that have considered emissions of both gases as affected by a wide range of different factors. In this study, the importance of a number of factors (soil moisture, fertiliser type and temperature) was determined for N2O and NO emissions. Nitrous oxide and NO evolution in time and the possibility of using the ratio NO:N2O as an indicator for the processes involved were also explored. Dinitrogen (N2) and ammonia (NH3) emissions were estimated and a mass balance for N fluxes was performed. Nitrous oxide and NO were produced by nitrification and denitrification in soils fertilised with and by denitrification in soils fertilised with . Water content in the soil was the most important factor affecting N2O and NO emissions. Our N2O and NO data were fitted to quadratic (r=0.8) and negative exponential (r=0.7) equations, respectively. A long lag phase was observed for the N2O emitted from soils fertilised with (denitrification), which was not observed for the soils fertilised with (nitrification) and was possibly due to a greater inhibiting effect of low temperatures on microbial activity controlling denitrification rather than on nitrification. The use of the NO:N2O ratio as a possible indicator of denitrification or nitrification in the formation of N2O and NO was discounted for soils fertilised with . The N mass balance indicated that about 50 kg N ha−1 was immobilised by microorganisms and/or taken up by plant roots, and that most of the losses ocurred in wet soils (WFPS >60%) as N2 and NH3 losses (>55%).  相似文献   

The contribution of ploughing permanent grassland and leys to emissions of N2O and CO2 is not yet well known. In this paper, the contribution of ploughing permanent grassland and leys, including grassland renovation, to CO2 and N2O emissions and mitigation options are explored. Land use changes in the Netherlands during 1970–2020 are used as a case study. Three grassland management operations are defined: (i) conversion of permanent grassland to arable land and leys; (ii) rotations of leys with arable crops or bulbs; and (iii) grassland renovation. The Introductory Carbon Balance Model (ICBM) is modified to calculate C and N accumulation and release. Model calibration is based on ICBM parameters, soil organic N data and C to N ratios. IPCC emission factors are used to estimate N2O-emissions. The model is validated with data from the Rothamsted Park Grass experiments. Conversion of permanent grassland to arable land, a ley arable rotation of 3 years ley and 3 years arable crops, and a ley bulb rotation of 6 years ley and one year bulbs, result in calculated N2O and CO2 emissions totalling 250, 150 and 30 ton CO2-equivalents ha–1, respectively. Most of this comes from CO2. Emissions are very high directly after ploughing and decrease slowly over a period of more than 50 years. N2O emissions in 3/3 ley arable rotation and 6/1 ley bulb rotation are 2.1 and 11.0 ton CO2-equivalents ha–1 year–1, respectively. From each grassland renovation, N2O emissions amount to 1.8 to 5.5 ton CO2-equivalents ha–1. The calculated total annual emissions caused by ploughing in the Netherlands range from 0.5 to 0.65 Mton CO2-equivalents year–1. Grassland renovation in spring offers realistic opportunities to lower the N2O emissions. Developing appropriate combinations of ley, arable crops and bulbs, will reduce the need for conversion of permanent pasture. It will also decrease the rotational losses, due to a decreased proportion of leys in rotations. Also spatial policies are effective in reducing emissions of CO2 and N2O. Grassland ploughing contributes significantly to N2O and CO2 emissions. The conclusion can be drawn that total N2O emissions are underestimated, because emissions from grassland ploughing are not taken into account. Specific emission factors and the development of mitigation options are required to account for the emissions and to realise a reduction of emissions due to the changes in grassland ploughing.  相似文献   

Long-term studies of greenhouse gas fluxes from agricultural soils in different climate regions are needed to improve the existing calculation models used in greenhouse gas inventories. The aim of this study was to obtain more information on nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from agricultural mineral soils in the boreal region. N2O emissions were studied during 2000–2002 on two soil types in Finland, a loamy sand and a clay with plots of grass, barley and fallow. N2O fluxes were measured with static chambers throughout the year. Other parameters measured were water filled pore space (WFPS), soil mineral nitrogen concentration, soil porosity, soil temperature and depth of soil frost. The annual fluxes from the clay soil ranged from 3.7 to 7.8 kg N ha–1 and those from sandy loam from 1.5 to 7.5 kg N ha–1. On average 60% of the annual fluxes occurred outside the growing season, from October to April. Increasing the number of freeze-thaw events was found to increase the fluxes during winter and during the thawing period in spring. The results suggest that N2O fluxes from these boreal mineral soils do not vary much as a function of applied fertiliser N and could probably be better estimated from soil physical properties, including soil porosity.  相似文献   

Potato fields and cut (ungrazed) grassland in SE Scotland gave greater annual N2O emissions per ha (1.0–3.2 kg N2O–N ha-1) than spring barley or winter wheat fields (0.3–0.8 kg N2O–N ha-1), but in terms of emission per unit of N applied the order was potatoes > barley > grass > wheat. On the arable land, especially the potato fields, a large part of the emissions occurred after harvest.When the grassland data were combined with those for 2 years' earlier work at the same site, the mean emission over 3 years, for fertilization with ammonium nitrate, was 2.24 kg N2O–N ha-1 (0.62% of the N applied). Also, a very strong relationship between N2O emission and soil nitrate content was found for the grassland, provided the water-filled pore space was > 70%. Significant relationships were also found between the emissions from potato fields and the soil mineral N content, with the added feature that the emission per unit of soil mineral N was an order of magnitude larger after harvest than before, possibly due to the effect of labile organic residues on denitrification.Generally the emissions measured were lower, as a function of the N applied, than those used as the basis for the current value adopted by IPCC, possibly because spring/early summer temperatures in SE Scotland are lower than those where the other data were obtained. The role of other factors contributing to emissions, e.g. winter freeze–thaw events and green manure inputs, are discussed, together with the possible implications of future increases in nitrogen fertilizer use in the tropics.  相似文献   

Fertilizer-induced nitric oxide emissions from agricultural soils   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
We summarize and evaluate 23 studies of the effect of fertilizer use on nitric oxide (NO) emission from agricultural soils. To quantify this effect we selected only field-scale studies with duration of at least one complete growing season and excluded studies with a legume as the principle crop. Only 6 studies met the established criteria, resulting in a total of 12 observations of soil/crop/fertilizer combinations, all in temperate areas. For these studies, the amount of NO emitted was linearly related to the amount of fertilizer applied (R2 = 0.64) and about 0.5% of applied nitrogen was emitted as NO during the crop growing season. The available data are too limited to separate the effects of fertilizer type, soil type, or crop management.  相似文献   

According to the revised 1996 IPCC guidelines, several emission factors are needed to calculate national inventories of N2O emissions from agriculture. To estimate the direct N2O emissions from mineral soils, an emission factor of 0.0125 kg N2O-N per kg N applied is currently being used. From recent literature data it was clearly shown that real N2O emissions could differ substantially from this value. Based on the IPCC methodology an inventory of N2O emission from agriculture in Europe (EU-15) has been made. In 1996, the N2O emission was estimated at 672 Gg N2O-N. The N2O emission per country varied between 10 and 177 Gg N2O-N. The N2O emission per ha agricultural land in the various countries varied between 1.7 and 14.2 kg N2O-N ha−1. Highest N2O emissions per ha were found in countries with a high agricultural intensity, such as the Netherlands, Belgium-Luxembourg, Denmark and Germany. Agricultural soils are a sink for atmospheric methane. An oxidation capacity of 2.5 and 1.5 kg CH4 ha−1 yr−1 was put forward for grasslands and arable land, respectively. Based on land use data of 1993, the CH4 sink of agricultural lands in EU-15 was estimated at 303.5 Gg CH4. In general, it could be concluded that N2O emissions from soils (327 Tg CO2 equivalents) are far more important than its sink function for CH4 (6.3 Tg CO2 equivalents). This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O) flux simulations by four models were compared with year-round field measurements from five temperate agricultural sites in three countries. The field sites included an unfertilized, semi-arid rangeland with low N2O fluxes in eastern Colorado, USA; two fertilizer treatments (urea and nitrate) on a fertilized grass ley cut for silage in Scotland; and two fertilized, cultivated crop fields in Germany where N2O loss during the winter was quite high. The models used were daily trace gas versions of the CENTURY model, DNDC, ExpertN, and the NASA-Ames version of the CASA model. These models included similar components (soil physics, decomposition, plant growth, and nitrogen transformations), but in some cases used very different algorithms for these processes. All models generated similar results for the general cycling of nitrogen through the agro-ecosystems, but simulated nitrogen trace gas fluxes were quite different. In most cases the simulated N2O fluxes were within a factor of about 2 of the observed annual fluxes, but even when models produced similar N2O fluxes they often produced very different estimates of gaseous N loss as nitric oxide (NO), dinitrogen (N2), and ammonia (NH3). Accurate simulation of soil moisture appears to be a key requirement for reliable simulation of N2O emissions. All models simulated the general pattern of low background fluxes with high fluxes following fertilization at the Scottish sites, but they could not (or were not designed to) accurately capture the observed effects of different fertilizer types on N2O flux. None of the models were able to reliably generate large pulses of N2O during brief winter thaws that were observed at the two German sites. All models except DNDC simulated very low N2O fluxes for the dry site in Colorado. The US Trace Gas Network (TRAGNET) has provided a mechanism for this model and site intercomparison. Additional intercomparisons are needed with these and other models and additional data sets; these should include both tropical agro-ecosystems and new agricultural management techniques designed for sustainability.  相似文献   

In most soils, formation and emissions of N2O to the atmosphere are enhanced by an increase in available mineral nitrogen (N) through increased rates of nitrification and denitrification. Therefore, addition of N, whether in the form of organic or inorganic compounds eventually leads to enhanced N2O emissions. Global N2O emissions from agricultural systems have previously been related primarily to fertilizer N input from synthetic sources. Little attention has been paid to N input from other N sources or to the N2O produced from N that has moved through agricultural systems. In a new methodology used to estimate N2O emissions on the country or regional scale, that is briefly described in this paper, the anthropogenic N input data used include synthetic fertilizer, animal waste (feces and urine) used as fertilizer, N derived from enhanced biological N-fixation through N2 fixing crops and crop residue returned to the field. Using FAO database information which includes data on synthetic fertilizer consumption, live animal production and crop production and estimates of N input from recycling of animal and crop N, estimates of total N into Asian agricultural systems and resulting N2O emissions are described over the time period 1961 through 1994.During this time the quantity and relative amounts of different types of materials applied to agricultural soils in Asia as nitrogen (N) fertilizer have changed dramatically. In 1961, using the earliest entry from the FAO database, of the approximately 15.7 Tg of fertilizer N applied to agricultural fields 2.1 Tg N (13.5% of total N applied) was from synthetic sources, approximately 6.9 Tg N from animal wastes, 1.7 Tg N from biological N-fixation, and another 5 Tg N from reutilization of crop residue. In 1994, 40.2 Tg from synthetic fertilizer N (57.8% of total), 14.2 Tg from animal wastes, 2.5 Tg from biological N-fixation and 12.6 Tg from crop residue totalling 69.5 Tg N were utilized within agricultural soils in all Asian countries.The increases in N utilization have increased the emission of nitrous oxide from agricultural systems. Estimated N2O from agricultural systems in Asia increased from about 0.8 Tg N2O-N in 1961 to about 2.1 in 1994. The period of time when increases in N input and resulting N2O emissions were greatest was during 1970–1990.This evaluation of N input into Asian agricultural systems and the resulting N2O emissions demonstrates the large change in global agriculture that has occurred in recent decades. Because of the increased need for food production increases in N input are likely. Although the rate of increase of N input and N2O emissions during the 1990s appears to have declined, we ask if this slowed rate of increase is a general long term trend or if global food production pressures will tend to accelerate N input demand and resulting N2O emissions as we move into the 21st century.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitric oxide (NO) fluxes resulting from long-term tomato cultivation in a glasshouse were continuously determined using the flow-through chamber method over the course of three cultivation periods. Gas concentrations were measured using an nondispersive infrared (gas filter correlation/infra-red) analyzer and a chemiluminescence-based analyzer, respectively. Following a basal application of fertilizer, daily N2O and NO emission rates increased, with peaks lasting from 40 to 140 days. Short-term fluctuations in daily N2O and NO emissions were affected by differences in nitrogen application, soil water, and soil temperature. Diurnal changes in N2O and NO fluxes during the period of peak emissions depended primarily on soil temperature. Following the application of a top dressing (N as urea or calcium nitrate) in the irrigation water, the N2O and NO fluxes increased immediately, with a very short period of peak emissions (1–5 h) after urea application. The duration of the peak period in daily accumulated N2O and NO emissions following application of the top dressing ranged from 3 to 10 days.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a powerful greenhouse gas. As the UK government is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, it is important to know not only how much of these gases are released but also where and when. Targeted measurements of emissions in relation to crop growth cycles, soil wetness and fertiliser applications were used to derive annual emission rates for specific combinations of soil type, land management and fertiliser practices. These annual emission rates were then spatially scaled to derive regional figures through the development of a Geographic Information System (GIS) based model framework. Digital soil and land use maps at a scale of 1:25000 for two test areas of approximately 200000 ha each (Lothians and the Ayrshire Basin) were overlain with a climate map within the GIS, deriving unique combinations of soil wetness and land use. The calculated annual emission rates (kg N ha–1 yr–1) were then applied to these and multiplied by the total area of each soil/land use type to derive annual emission losses for each area. The annual emission of nitrous oxide from the Lothians was determined as approximately 381000 kg N yr–1, while the emissions from the Ayrshire Basin were predicted to be 794000 kg N yr–1. This indicates the increased emissions associated with both the wetter soils of Ayrshire and the greater extent of grazed pasture systems in this area. Due to the detailed scale of the input data, localised areas with large emissions were identified. Abatement strategies would be concentrated on areas of high emissions that include a change to crops with lower emission potential, reducing fertiliser and manure inputs, reducing grazing intensity and improving soil drainage.Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1024422604493  相似文献   

Emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) from agricultural soils contribute significantly to the anthropogenic greenhouse effect. Numerous studies have been conducted during the last three decades to improve the understanding of the processes involved in the release of N2O from agricultural soils. This enabled the creation of process based models on site and field scale. In addition, a growing number of N2O emission data are available for different soil-land-use-systems from various climates. The integration of these data in global and national N2O budgets leads to more improved estimations. Surprisingly, N2O-emission calculations are rare on regional meso and macro scales. The spatial identification of areas with a high efflux of N2O on regional meso and macro scales is essential for the implementation of N2O emission mitigation strategies, thus leading to an increased sustainability of land use. On the basis of the ecosystem approach of Matson and Vitousek (1990), we introduce a new method to estimate regional N2O emissions from agricultural soils on meso and macro scales. This method considers spatial environmental information from available spatial and statistical data as well as quantitative and qualitative expertise by using the tools of a geographic information system (GIS). An environmental information system (EIS) was built up for a dairy farm region in Southern Germany which includes soil, land use, topography, N2O emission and farm management data. Using all information in the EIS, it was possible (i) to identify different spatial soil-land-use-systems, (ii) to link emission data and process knowledge to these soil-land-use-systems and (iii) to visualize spatial emission potentials. On this basis, N2O emission potentials for each of the communities in the study region and the whole region were estimated. The estimated annual N2O emission potential from agricultural soils for the examined dairy farm region in Southern Germany covering around 775 km2 is about 3.0 kg N2O-N ha−1. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We conducted a field experiment in an Andosol near Tsukuba (Japan) to study the effects of the type of nitrogen fertilizer on nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and on nitrogen uptake by Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L.). We used four treatments: fertilizer containing no nitrogen (CONT), broadcast application of urea (BR-U), band application of urea (B-U), and band application of controlled-release urea (B-CU). The application rate was 250 kg N ha−1, a conventional rate in the region. We measured N2O flux two or three times a week during the 82-day growth period, then divided the cumulative emissions into three stages: early (28 days), middle (27 days), and late (27 days). The temporal variation in N2O emissions differed among the treatments. Broadcast urea application produced 70% of N2O emissions during the early stage. N2O emissions increased with increasing cabbage growth in the CONT treatment, indicating that plant growth accompanied by increasing root biomass could stimulate N2O emissions from unfertilized soil. There were no differences in the patterns of temporal variation in N2O flux between the two band applications (B-U and B-CU); N2O emissions in the early and middle stages were 46 and 42%, respectively, for B-U, vs. 41 and 40% for B-CU. However, the overall N2O emission was reduced by 40.5% in the B-CU treatment compared with the B-U treatment. N2O emissions from the soils within fertilized bands were dramatically higher than those between the fertilized bands, and this trend continued until harvesting.  相似文献   

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