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The design features of the HTR-10   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The 10 MW High Temperature Gas-cooled Test Reactor (HTR-10) is a modular pebble bed type reactor. This paper briefly introduces the main design features and safety concept of the HTR-10. The design features of the pebble bed reactor core, the pressure boundary of the primary circuit, the decay heat removal system and the two independent reactor shutdown systems and the barrier of confinement are described in this paper.  相似文献   

HTR-10数字化保护系统的验证与确认   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
10MW高温气冷实验堆(HTR-10)验证与确认(VerificationandValidation,简称V&V)过程的特点是:和开发过程紧密配合,特别重视设计说明书的V&V、安全软件的V&V、系统功能的完整测试等环节。从而使数字化保护系统成功地通过安全审查并被批准应用于HTR-10上。  相似文献   

介绍了计算物理过程失效概率的蒙特卡罗方法(Monte Carlo).应用重要抽样蒙特卡罗方法计算了10 MW高温气冷实验堆(HTR-10)余热排出系统物理过程的失效概率,并进行了误差分析.与响应面方法的计算结果进行比较后发现,两种方法得到的计算结果数量级相同,进一步验证了以下结论:由于采用了非能动设计,HTR-10的余热排出系统的失效概率至少降低了3个数量级.  相似文献   

孙卫东  周世新  玉辰生 《核动力工程》2001,22(2):180-183,192
10MW高温气冷堆电力系统是为保障反应堆完成其安全目标和运行目标而设置的重要系统,本文介绍了10MW高温气冷堆电力系统的组成结构和配置,描述了电力系统在不同工况下的运行方式。  相似文献   

10MW高温气冷实验堆信息管理系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
10MW高温气冷实验堆信息管理系统(REMIS)的开发基于客户/服务器体系;数据服务器采用运行于WindowsNT上的SQL Server6.5;客户前端采用C^**Builder,基于Windows95/98图形化交互界面;网络操作协议选用TCP/IP。系统(1.1版本)收集了10MW高温气泠实验堆4个方面的信息,即反应堆资料、设计参数、设备部件资料、反应堆系统流程图资料,并探讨了系统扩展的方向  相似文献   

HTR-10堆芯氧化模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对10 MW高温气冷堆(HTR-10)的堆芯模型进行简化,研究燃料元件在正常运行工况下的氧化情况,包括水蒸汽氧化及水蒸汽和氧气的共同氧化情况。结果表明,在燃料元件平均驻留期内石墨材料的水蒸汽腐蚀比较均匀,且主要发生在温度较高的底部;而氧气和水蒸汽对石墨材料的氧化则比较剧烈,底层燃料元件的石墨材料表面被腐蚀掉。  相似文献   

通过合理的分析模型,研究了10MW高温气冷堆(HTR-10)中石墨材料IG-11的氧化情况。以HTR-10反射层为例,计算了反射层最高温度处氧气对石墨的氧化情况。计算发现,石墨的氧化程度随反应产物中CO份额的增加而加剧;当反应全部为CO时,石墨材料的最大理论耗蚀厚度为35.8mm;当反应全部为CO2时,石墨材料的最小理论耗蚀厚度约为23.7mm;石墨材料在整个服役期间,在反射层温度最高处,石墨的氧化比较严重。  相似文献   

中国的高温气冷堆(HTR-10)属球床型高温气冷堆,采用球形燃料元件.在运行工况下,由于温度和辐照引起的应力变化会使燃料元件发生失效,对其进行分析可更多了解燃料元件内的情况.本文主要介绍了球形燃料元件的基本结构,以及燃料元件的温度分布、应力分析、破损率计算模型,并计算了在一定堆工条件下的温度和应力分布.  相似文献   

10MW高温气冷实验堆(HTR-10)属于研究堆类型,但又具有小型核动力堆的运行模式;HTR-10的调试队伍由设计者、运行者和合同单位有关人员组成。针对HTR-10自身的特点和调试队伍人员组合的特点,确定了调试管理模式。本文重点介绍了HTR-10调试管理中的调试组织的规范化和试验活动的程序化,并给出了试验活动程序流程图。  相似文献   

HTR-10装料前的调试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
10MW高温气冷实验堆(HTR-10)调试工作分为三个阶段进行,设计的调试项目共100个,本文简要介绍了HTR-10的系统划分及调试项目的设计原则,并重点介绍了第一阶段装料前冷态调试试验的内容及结果以及对调试不符合荐的处理办法,通过调试,全面验证了系统设计的合理性以及设备的可靠性和运行相容性,并获得了满意的结果。  相似文献   

10MW高温气冷实验堆在电气系统的设计中,针对全厂断电设计基准事故采取了相应的处理措施,在10MW高温气冷实验堆热态性能调试期间进行了全厂断电试验,用以验证10MW高温气冷实验堆应急供电系统的功能,结果表明,在发生全厂断电的设计基准事故时,由蓄电池组支持的不间断交流电源装置可以可靠地保证各专设安全设施完成其安全功能,并能为反应堆事故监测提供20小时的电力供应。  相似文献   

高温气冷堆一回路舱室的辐射换热计算模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了高温气冷堆非能动余热排出系统的辐射换热计算方法。从基本的辐射热微分方程出发,建立了一套完整的辐射换热数值计算模型,推导了辐射角系数求解公式,建立了3种辐射数值计算方法。应用超松驰数值计算方法求解了方程组。将计算结果与文献例题进行了比较,符合很好。分析比较了高度与间隙比及不同发射率对两种不同方法计算结果的影响。  相似文献   

HTR-10燃料元件的气体输送   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为了保证高温气冷实验堆球形燃料元件可靠地输送,采用了传递管输送方法,本文介绍了10MW高温气冷堆(HTR-10)燃料元件气体输送系统的关键设备,管路设计及输送气体流量计算,通过初装料的运行,证明该系统运行良好。  相似文献   

10 MW高温气冷实验堆(简称HTR-10)是我国第一座模块式高温气冷堆,由清华大学核能与新能源技术研究院(核研院)设计。按照我国核安全法规的要求,并经过国家核安全局的批准,核研院于2012年开始对10 MW高温气冷实验堆进行定期安全审查(简称PSR),安全分析是本次审查的重点安全要素之一。本文对安全分析要素审查的主要内容作了概述,并给出了核研院对本次审查的内部评价。  相似文献   

The flanges of 10 MW high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTR-10) pressure vessel play an important role in sealing the primary coolant of Helium. They are bolt-connected with a metallic O-ring and a welded Ω-ring. An elastic–plastic nonlinear analysis was performed to evaluate the stress and deformation of the contact flanges with the finite element software of MSC MARC 2000. The multi-step loading process was employed to simulate the processes of pre-tightening and pressurizing of the HTR-10 pressure vessel. The structural effects of the flanges on the opening and the shifting of the HTR-10 pressure vessel flanges at the O-ring position were studied to determine the flange height and the head closure thickness. The good sealing performance of the O-ring and the Ω-ring was verified both numerically and experimentally. The finite element model analysis results compared well with the hydraulic test of the HTR-10 pressure vessel. The results show that the flanges can meet the strength requirement and that the O-ring and the Ω-ring can effectively seal the HTR-10 pressure vessel during both pre-tightening and pressurizing.  相似文献   

In this study, based on the pseudo-homogeneous one-dimensional model, a steady-state model of the helium-heated steam reformer planned to be connected with the 10 MW high temperature gas cooled reactor (HTR-10) has been developed. Good agreement is shown between the simulating results and experimental data. The influence of main process parameters on the performance with respect to the methane conversion and the hydrogen yield is investigated and discussed. The performance increases remarkably with the increase in the inlet helium temperature when it is lower than 1,000°C. Whereas, the effect becomes weak when the temperature is higher than 1,000°C. The influence of the inlet helium flow rate is not as evident as that of the temperature. The inlet helium pressure and inlet process gas temperature have almost no influence on the performance. The performance increases with the decrease in the inlet process gas pressure. The influence of the inlet process gas flow rate and steam-to-carbon ratio (S/C) is complicated. Optimal values should be chosen for them to obtain a high performance.  相似文献   

为开发适用于球床模块式高温气冷堆HTR-10的模拟机,采用一体化仿真支撑平台vPower建立了蒸汽发生器的实时热工水力模型。模型以传热方程为基础求解两侧工质及金属管壁的温度和焓,以流体网络为基础求解两侧工质的压力和流量。本文讨论了3种节点划分方案,针对不同节点划分方案的适用范围提出了建议并采用96节点划分方案进行后续研究。此外,通过分析确认了模型在稳态工况下主要参数和分布参数的准确性和合理性,并在100%功率稳态工况的基础上模拟了氦气侧流量阶跃的场景,分析了模型中主要参数的变化过程。动态仿真结果表明,氦气流量阶跃会引起一、二次侧参数不同程度的变化,变化幅度与阶跃程度呈正比,且金属管壁和水侧热容、二次侧参数变化速率相对缓慢,模型再平衡时间较短,表明HTR-10采用的螺旋管式直流蒸汽发生器的热惯性相对较小。  相似文献   

介绍了一种用于高温气冷实验堆二回路给水质量流量测量的安全级孔板节流装置,该装置符合国标GB12727(等效IEEE-323)和国标GB13625(等效IEEE-344)的安全要求,并具有自紧密封结构,双重防松紧固,三对取压口和附带伪孔板等特点。  相似文献   

The stability behaviours of SiC coatings and SiO2/SiC coatings in helium with little impurities are studied by HSC Chemistry 4.1. It is found that in helium with a low partial pressure of oxidative impurities, the critical stable temperature of SiC (Tcp) increases with the partial pressure of oxidative impurities; but the critical stable temperature of SiO2 (Tcs) depends on both the partial pressure of impurities and the ratio of the amount of impurities to the amount of SiO2, and Tcs of SiO2 increases with the partial pressure of oxidative impurities while it decreases with the ratio of the amount of impurities to the amount of SiO2. The influence of other impurities on Tcp of SiC in He-O2 is further studied and it is found that the introduction of CO2, H2O and N2 increases Tcp of SiC in He-O2 while the introduction of H2, CO and CH4 decreases Tcp of SiC He-O2. When there exist both oxidative impurities and reductive impurities, their effect of a kind of impurities on Tcs of SiO2 can be suppressed by the other kind of impurities. In HTR-10 operation atmosphere, SiO2/SiC coatings could keep stable at higher temperature than SiC coatings, so SiO2/SiC coatings should be more suitable to improve the oxidation resistance of graphite in HTR-10 operation atmosphere compared with SiC coatings.  相似文献   

The modular high temperature gas-cooled reactor has a vented confinement instead of a gastight pressurized containment due to its passive safety features. The safety class negative pressure exhaust system is used in the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system to fulfill all kinds of safety-related functions at the normal operation and during accidents. This paper introduces and reviews the design of safety class negative pressure exhaust systems of the 10 MW high temperature gas-cooled reactor-test module.  相似文献   

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