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Two strains of a new gram-positive coryneform bacterium isolated from soil and from a sandstone surface are described. Strain 2002-39/1T (T = type strain) is a coccoid, nonmotile, non-acid-fast, microaerophilic organism. The menaquinones of this strain are MK-12 and MK-11, and the main components of the whole-cell sugars are glucose and rhamnose. No mycolic acids are present. The G+C content of the DNA is 74 mol%. Comparative 16S ribosomal DNA studies and a cell wall analysis revealed that this strain represents a new genus belonging to the group of actinomycetes that have diaminobutyric acid in their peptidoglycans. The second strain, strain ST54, which was isolated from a sandstone surface, had the same characteristic features as strain 2002-39/1T. The name Agrococcus jenensis gen. nov., sp. nov., is proposed for these organisms. The type strain is strain 2002-39/1, which has been deposited in the German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures as strain DSM 9580.  相似文献   

Three isolates of gram-negative bacteria, strains Ben 102T, Ben 103T, and Ben 104T, were obtained in pure culture by micromanipulation from activated sludge biomass from wastewater treatment plants in Italy, Australia, and Macau, respectively. These isolates all had a distinctive morphology; the cells were cocci that usually were arranged in tetrads. Based on this criterion, they resembled other bacteria from activated sludge previously called "G" bacteria. On the basis of phenotypic characteristics and the results of 16S ribosomal DNA sequence analyses, the three isolates were very similar to each other, but were sufficiently different from their closest phylogenetic relatives (namely, the genera Rhodobacter, Rhodovulum, and Paracoccus in the alpha subdivision of the Proteobacteria) to be placed in a new genus, Amaricoccus gen. nov. Each of the three isolates represents a new species of the genus Amaricoccus; strains Ben 102T, Ben 103T, and Ben 104T are named Amaricoccus veronensis, Amaricoccus tamworthensis, and Amaricoccus macauensis, respectively. An isolate designated Ben 101T, which was isolated independently by Cech and Hartman in Kaplice, Czech Republic, was also characterized and belongs to the same genus. We propose that the isolate of Cech and Hartman should be placed in another new species, Amaricoccus kaplicensis.  相似文献   

A new keratinophilic species, Chrysosporium gourii, an isolate of cattle farm soil of Sagar, India, is described and illustrated. The differences between this and other similar keratinophilic species of Chrysosporium are discussed.  相似文献   

Five strains of facultatively anaerobic moderately thermophilic bacteria were isolated from two hot springs in the intertidal zone of Lutao, Taiwan. They produced extracellular agarase on agar medium, yielding reducing sugars and organic acids as the end products under either aerobic or anaerobic conditions. The growth temperature range was approximately 38-58 degrees C with an optimal temperature of about 48 degrees C. The five strains tolerated a relatively narrow pH range from 7.0 to 8.5. They were Gram-negative halophiles growing optimally at 2.0-2.5% NaCl (ca. 0.34-0.43 M). They were capable of anaerobic growth by fermenting glucose and producing various organic acids such as butyrate, propionate, formate, lactate, and acetate. Cells grown in liquid medium were motile monotrichous cocci, normally 0.8-0.9 micron in diameter. They possessed saturated anteiso-15-carbon acid (anteiso-C15:0) as the most abundant cellular fatty acid (46.0-51.3 mo1%) and had G + C contents ranging from 65.5 to 67.0 mo1%. They are the first thermophiles found to degrade agar and also the first halophilic thermophilic bacteria known to be capable of both aerobic and anaerobic fermentative growth. These bacteria are considered to represent a new genus that we named Alterococcus, and Alterococcus agarolyticus is the type species.  相似文献   

To test the therapeutic efficacy of levamisole, 5-week-old DBA/2 mice were inoculated intraperitoneally with 10 plaque-forming units of encephalo-myocarditis virus. Levamisole (2.5 mg/kg/per day) was administered intraperitoneally daily, starting simultaneously with the virus inoculation, in experiment I for 14 days, and daily on days 14 to 28 in experiment II in mice that survived to 14 days after virus inoculation. In experiment I, survival was higher, the severity of myocarditis was less, and myocardial virus titers were lower in treated than in untreated animals. In experiment II, levamisole was not effective. No significant changes in serum neutralizing antibody titers occurred in either experiment. Furthermore, levamisole prevented associated lymphoid organ atrophy induced by the virus infection. An additional in vitro study revealed the absence of anti-viral activity of the drug. Thus, levamisole may have favorable effects upon encephalomyocarditis virus myocarditis by preventing the virus-induced lymphoid organ atrophy and reducing myocardial virus replication in the acute stage.  相似文献   

The mainstay of treatment for acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity, produced by the accumulation of the toxic metabolite N-acetylbenzoquinoneimine, is an enteral 18-dose course of N-acetylcysteine (NAC). However, absence of characteristic symptomatology is a frequent reason for premature cessation of NAC and early discharge of the toxic acetaminophen poisoned patient. We report a series of confirmed acetaminophen poisonings who were discharged early with NAC and instructions to self-administer. All cases of acute acetaminophen poisoning without concomitant drugs, reported to a certified Regional Poison Information Center for a 3-mo period of time, were reviewed. Inclusion criteria included patients who were discharged with orders to complete the course of NAC outside of a hospital, despite toxic serum acetaminophen concentrations. Data parameters evaluated included age, amount taken, symptoms, laboratory results, treatment, and medical outcome. 131 cases of confirmed toxic acetaminophen poisoning yielded 6 patients who received 4 to 6 doses of NAC during hospitalization, but were discharged to home with the remaining 11-13 doses. Patients' ages ranged from 16-28 y (mean 20.0 y). Serum acetaminophen concentrations measured at 4 h post-ingestion ranged from 171-198 mcg/ml (mean 182 mcg/ml). Follow-up by the certified Regional Poison Information Center at 1-3 w post-discharge determined dosing compliance to be 83%. All 6 patients remained asymptomatic with normal liver function testing. Since health care reform encourages practitioners to reconsider established approaches to the delivery of health care, perhaps home delivery of NAC would not only be clinically preferred to premature cessation of the antidote, but also offer cost savings. Self-administration of NAC in the home setting may be representative of a new era in America's health care delivery system.  相似文献   

A soil bacterium with alpha-L-rhamnosidase was isolated from a cumulative mixed culture containing a polysaccharide of gellan as a carbon source and identified to be Sphingomonas paucimobilis, known as a potent producer of gellan. The isolate (designated Sphingomonas sp. R1) produced an unusual exopolysaccharide of sphingan (denoted HWR1) distinct from gellan. The rhamnose in gellan was replaced with mannose in HWR1. The bacterium had a peculiar cell surface covered with many complicated plaits. alpha-L-Rhamnosidase purified from Sphingomonas sp. R1 grown in the presence of naringin was a monomer with a molecular mass of 110 kDa and most active at pH 8.0 and 50 degrees C. The enzyme required divalent metal ions for the activity and released L-rhamnose from various rhamnosyl glycosides.  相似文献   

The taxonomic position of a misclassified strain, Zoogloea remigera IAM 12670T (= ATCC 25925T = P. R. Dugan 115T), was reevaluated. A phylogenetic analysis based on 16S ribosomal rDNA sequences revealed that this organism was located in the beta subclass of the class Proteobacteria with members of the genus Telluria as its closest relatives. On the basis of phenotypic and phylogenetic information, we propose that this organism should be reclassified in a new taxon with the name Duganella zoogloeoides gen. nov., sp. nov.  相似文献   

A new aerobic, obligately chemolithoautotrophic, thermophilic, sulfur-oxidizing bacterium, Thermothrix azorensis, was isolated from a hot spring on Sao Miguel Island in the Azores. The cells of this organism are gram negative, nonsporulating, and rod shaped. Filament formation appears to occur as a response to nonoptimal growth conditions. Growth occurs at 63 to 86 degrees C, and the optimum temperature is 76 to 78 degrees C. The optimum pH range for growth is 7.0 to 7.5. The G+C content of the DNA of our isolate is 39.7 mol%. This isolate uses thiosulfate, tetrathionate, hydrogen sulfide, and elemental sulfur as energy sources. Of particular interest are the absence of Calvin cycle enzymes and the initial appearance of sulfide during the lag phase of growth of aerobic cultures grown on elemental sulfur. The subsequent formation of thiosulfate is followed by oxidation of the thiosulfate to sulfate. T. azorensis differs from the only other Thermothrix species that has been described, Thermothrix thiopara, by having higher optimum and maximum growth temperatures, by being an obligate chemolithoautotroph, and by its close but separate position on a 16S rRNA sequence-based phylogenetic tree. Our T. azorensis isolate has been deposited in the American Type Culture Collection as strain ATCC 51754T (T = type strain).  相似文献   

A new gram-positive, nonmotile coccus is described. Strains IFO 12422T (T = type strain) and IFO 15385 in the Institute for Fermentation, Osaka, culture collection, which were isolated from soil and water, respectively, have the following chemotaxonomic characteristics: menaquinone MK-9(H4); G + C content of DNA of 67 mol%; and LL-diaminopimelic acid, alanine, glycine, and glutamic acid in a molar ratio of ca. 1:2:1:1 (type A3 gamma). Mycolic acids are not present. The taxonomic characteristics of these organisms are different from those of previously described gram-positive, high-G + C-content cocci. The partial 16S rRNA sequence indicated that IFO 12422T represents a distinct line of descent among gram-positive bacteria with a high G + C content. The name Luteococcus japonicus gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is strain IFO 12422.  相似文献   

Two species belonging to a novel genus of archaea, designated Picrophilus oshimae and Picrophilus torridus, have been isolated from two different solfataric locations in northern Japan. One habitat harboring both organisms was a dry, extremely acidic soil (pH < 0.5) that was heated by solfataric gases to about 55 degrees C. In the laboratory both species grew heterotrophically on yeast extract and poorly on tryptone under aerobic conditions at temperatures between 45 and 65 degrees C; they grew optimally at 60 degrees C. The pH optimum was 0.7, but growth occurred even around pH 0. Under optimal conditions, the generation time was about 6 h, yielding densities of up to 10(10) cells per ml. The cells were surrounded by a highly filigreed regular tetragonal S-layer, and the core lipids of the membrane were mainly bis-phytanyltetraethers. The 16S rRNA sequences of the two species were about 3% different. The complete 16S rRNA sequence of P. oshimae was 9.3% different from that of the closest relative, Thermoplasma acidophilum. The morphology and physiological properties of the two species characterize Picrophilus as a novel genus that is a member of a novel family within the order Thermoplasmales.  相似文献   

Three isolates of a previously undescribed Dermatophilus sp. obtained from chelonids (two strains obtained from turtles and one strain obtained from a tortoise) were compared with 30 Dermatophilus congolensis isolates obtained from Australian mammals. The microscopic appearance, the colony morphology, and most biochemical test results for the chelonid isolates were characteristic of the genus Dermatophilus. Our isolates differed from the mammalian D. congolensis isolates in a number of cultural characteristics, including faster growth at 27 degrees C than at 37 degrees C, formation of two hemolysis zones around colonies on blood agar at 37 degrees C in the presence of 10% CO2, poor motility, and production of a distinctive odor. The DNA restriction enzyme digestion and protein electrophoresis patterns of our strains were distinct. The electrophoretic mobilities of 11 enzymes differed from the mobilities observed with D. congolensis strains. A monoclonal antibody to a surface antigen of an ovine isolate did not react with zoospores or filaments of the chelonid isolates. Biochemical differences between our isolates and D. congolensis included the ability of the chelonid isolates to reduce nitrate to nitrate and the fact that the chelonid isolates exhibit collagenase activity in vitro. We propose that the chelonid isolates should be placed in a new species, Dermatophilus chelonae. Strain W16, which was isolated from a nose scab on a snapping turtle, is the type strain; a culture of this strain has been deposited in the American Type Culture Collection as strain ATCC 51576.  相似文献   

A 4,103-bp long DNA fragment containing the structural gene of a gentisate 1,2-dioxygenase (EC, gtdA, from Sphingomonas sp. strain RW5 was cloned and sequenced. The gtdA gene encodes a 350-amino-acid polypeptide with a predicted size of 38.85 kDa. Comparison of the gtdA gene product with protein sequences in databases, including those of intradiol or extradiol ring-cleaving dioxygenases, revealed no significant homology except for a low similarity (27%) to the 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoate dioxygenase (phdI) of the phenanthrene degradation in Nocardioides sp. strain KP7 (T. Iwabuchi and S. Harayama, J. Bacteriol. 179:6488-6494, 1997). This gentisate 1,2-dioxygenase is thus a member of a new class of ring-cleaving dioxygenases. The gene was subcloned and hyperexpressed in E. coli. The resulting product was purified to homogeneity and partially characterized. Under denaturing conditions, the polypeptide exhibited an approximate size of 38.5 kDa and migrated on gel filtration as a species with a molecular mass of 177 kDa. The enzyme thus appears to be a homotetrameric protein. The purified enzyme stoichiometrically converted gentisate to maleylpyruvate, which was identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis as its methyl ester. Values of affinity constants (Km) and specificity constants (Kcat/Km) of the enzyme were determined to be 15 microM and 511 s-1 M-1 x 10(4) for gentisate and 754 microM and 20 s-1 M-1 x 10(4) for 3, 6-dichlorogentisate. Three further open reading frames (ORFs) were found downstream of gtdA. The deduced amino acid sequence of ORF 2 showed homology to several isomerases and carboxylases, and those of ORFs 3 and 4 exhibited significant homology to enzymes of the glutathione isomerase superfamily and glutathione reductase superfamily, respectively.  相似文献   

A new gram-positive, alkaliphilic, nonsporulating, rod-shaped bacterium is described. The organism was isolated from soda soil (Lake Bogoria, Kenya) and has the following characteristics. It is nonmotile, not acid fast, halotolerant, and microaerophilic, and optimal growth occurs at pH values between 9 and 10. The peptidoglycan type is of type A4 alpha, with lysine as the characteristic diamino acid and glutamic acid as a component of the interpeptide bridge. The major menaquinone is MK-8(H4). The polar lipids are phosphatidylglycerol, diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylinositol, and an unknown phospholipid. 12-Methyltetradecanoic acid is the predominant fatty acid. The G + C content of the DNA is 70 mol%. The results of 16S ribosomal DNA sequence comparisons revealed that strain HKI 0088T represents a new lineage in the order Actinomycetales. Therefore, we concluded that strain HKI 0088T should be assigned to a new genus and species, for which we propose the name Bogoriella caseilytica gen. nov., sp. nov. The type strain and only strain of this genus and species is HKI 0088 (= DSM 11294).  相似文献   

A small, anaerobic, gram-positive coccobacillus that reduces cholesterol to coprostanol was isolated from a hog sewage lagoon. This isolate, strain HLT (T = type strain) does not require cholesterol for growth, but it requires lecithin and has phospholipase activity. Much acid is produced by the fermentation of amygdalin, lactose, and salicin. Arabinose, cellobiose, fructose, glucose, mannose, and melibiose are fermented weakly. Acetic, formic, and succinic acids are produced, as is hydrogen. The isolate does not reduce nitrate, produce indole, or hydrolyze starch and gelatin. Esculin is hydrolyzed. The properties of strain HLT are most similar to those of members of the genus Eubacterium. Because strain HL (= ATCC 51222) has unique morphological and physiological properties, we propose that it should be the type strain of a new species in the genus Eubacterium, Eubacterium coprostanoligenes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) established criteria to discriminate among patients with seven types of vasculitis. Although designated as "classification criteria" for research, these criteria are often used for diagnosis. OBJECTIVE: To examine the operating characteristics of the 1990 ACR classification criteria in the diagnosis of Wegener granulomatosis, giant-cell arteritis, polyarteritis nodosa, and hypersensitivity vasculitis. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. SETTING: University medical center and Veterans Affairs medical center. PATIENTS: 198 consecutive patients referred to rheumatologists for evaluation of possible vasculitis. Measurements: Blinded chart audits were done to classify patients according to the 1990 ACR classification criteria for Wegener granulomatosis, polyarteritis nodosa, giant-cell arteritis, and hypersensitivity vasculitis on the basis of the patients' initial presentation. Chart audits done 2 to 8 months after baseline provided the patients' final diagnoses, which were considered the gold standard, as in the development of the ACR criteria. Test operating characteristics of the ACR classification criteria were calculated according to 2 x 2 tables for the entire cohort and for only the patients with a final diagnosis of vasculitis. RESULTS: Vasculitis was diagnosed in 51 (26%) patients. Thirty-eight (75%) of 51 patients with vasculitis and 31 (21%) of 147 patients without vasculitis met ACR criteria for one or more types of vasculitis. The positive predictive values for the four vasculitides according to ACR criteria were 17% to 29% for the entire cohort and 29% to 75% for only the patients with a final diagnosis of vasculitis. CONCLUSION: The 1990 ACR classification criteria function poorly in the diagnosis of specific vasculitides.  相似文献   

Eight strains of actinomycetes isolated from soil samples were described as representatives of Actinomadura coeruleoviolacea sp.nov. The species was characterized by straight and sometimes branching short chains of spores, smooth spores, blue aerial mycellium and violet soluble pigment. All the strains showed antibacterial activity when cultivated in liquid media. The pigment differed from all known pigments. It is probably a new natural compound.  相似文献   

A new thermophilic, xylanolytic, strictly anaerobic, rod-shaped bacterium, strain SEBR 7054T, was isolated from an African oil-producing well. Based on the presence of an outer sheath (toga) and 16S rRNA sequence analysis data, this organism was identified as a member of the genus Thermotoga. Strain SEBR 7054T possessed lateral flagella, had a G + C content of 50 mol%, produced traces of ethanol from glucose but no lactate, and grew optimally in the presence of 0 to 0.2% NaCl at 70 degrees C. Its phenotypic and phylogenetic characteristics clearly differed from those reported for the five previously validly described Thermotoga species. Therefore, we propose that strain SEBR 7054T is a member of a new species of the genus Thermotoga, Thermotoga hypogea sp. nov. The type strain of T. hypogea is SEBR 7054 (= DSM 11164).  相似文献   

Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamylase (ATCase) catalyzes the first committed step in pyrimidine biosynthesis, the condensation of aspartate and carbamyl phosphate. ATCase is positively allosterically regulated by ATP and negatively regulated by CTP. We have used mild solvent perturbation to gain global molecular information about the mechanism of heterotropic allostery. The [NaCl], temperature, and osmotic pressure dependence of the enzymatic activity of ATCase has been examined in the presence and absence of allosteric effectors. The results indicate that: 1) Regulation of aspartate binding by CTP appears to involve a unique set of electrostatic interactions not involved in enzyme function in the presence of ATP or in the absence of effectors. 2) Aspartate binding is enthalpically driven in the presence and absence of allosteric effectors. 3) The apparent enthalpy and entropy of aspartate binding (delta H, delta S), and activation energy of catalysis (Ea) are substantially altered in the presence of CTP but not ATP. 4) The change in hydration of ATCase upon substrate binding is the same in the presence and absence of allosteric effectors. 5) The linkage between heterotropic and homotropic allostery is different for ATP and CTP.  相似文献   

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