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《Journal of aerosol science》1999,30(8):1019-1028
This study has investigated the particle transmission efficiency through the nozzle of the API AerosizerTM numerically. Two-dimensional flow field in the nozzle was first simulated. Particle trajectories for both liquid and solid particles were then calculated to obtain the particle transmission efficiency under various conditions. This study shows that particle aerodynamic diameter, particle materials, particle density and laser beam diameter influence the transmission efficiency. The transmission efficiency is found to increase with increasing particle diameter when the particle aerodynamic diameter is less than several micrometers. The efficiency for liquid particles drops significantly when particle aerodynamic diameter increases from several micrometers because of particle impaction loss in the nozzle. For solid particles, the relationship of the efficiency with particle diameter is found to be more complicated. For particles less than several micrometers in aerodynamic diameter, solid particles behave similarly to the liquid particles. However, as particles are greater than several micrometers, the effect of solid particle bounce is to increase the transmission efficiency with increasing aerodynamic diameter until particles become large enough so that plastic deformation occurs in the particles. Then the transmission efficiency will decrease with increasing particle aerodynamic diameter.  相似文献   

泡盖式蒸馏塔的效率   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
朱子系 《化工学报》1957,8(2):120-129
<正>蒸馏塔的分离效率是评价这个塔好坏的指标之一。到目前为止已经有很多作者来探讨了影响蒸馏塔分离效率的若干因素并从而建立了估计分离效率的经验或半经验公式。所谓分离效率就是来衡量一个蒸馏塔实际的分离情况与理想的分离情况(每块塔板上达到平衡)间相差的程度。在一般文献上所载的分离效率通常有下列三种定义:  相似文献   

富伟年 《大氮肥》1999,22(5):323-325
从氨汽提塔结构入手,分析塔内状况及物料分布对汽提效率遥影响,提出运行中如何改变汽提塔物料分布以提高汽提效率的方法。  相似文献   

加热炉热效率提高的途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
WAYOFRAISETHETHERMALEFFICIENCYOFFURNCE1前言管式加热炉是一种火力加热设备,它利用燃料在炉膛内燃烧产生的高温火焰与烟气作为热源,加热炉管内高速流动的介质,使其达到工艺要求的温度。其主要特点是加热温度高(可达1000ap),传热能力大和便于操作管理,它在生产和建设中具有十分重要的地位。实践证明,加热炉效率的高低与节约能源、降低成本有极密切的关系。对于炼油厂常减压蒸馏装置,加热炉是主要耗能设备,其能耗占装置总能耗的80%一83%,因此降低加热炉燃料消耗,提高加热炉热效率是实现装置“低能耗、高效率…  相似文献   

建立实验装置 ,对有喷氨的先进再燃区中脱硝效率的主要影响因素进行研究 ,这些因素包括 :再燃区温度、再燃区过量氧系数、初始 NH3 /NO浓度比例、初始天然气 /NO浓度比例 .研究表明 ,再燃区的较佳温度为 1 1 0 0℃~ 1 2 0 0℃ ,再燃区较佳过量氧系数为 0 .7,初始 NH3 /NO浓度比为 0 .9~ 1 .2之间 ,初始天然气 /NO浓度比为 3~ 5之间有利于脱硝 .该研究为再燃区运行参数的优化选择提供根据  相似文献   

Abstract. In this paper we derive a lower bound on the asymptotic covariance matrix of an estimator of the parameters of an autoregressive moving average (ARMA) process when the innovations are not necessarily Gaussian.  相似文献   

蒋金  安娜  张义  李珏  楚文海  高乃云 《水处理技术》2012,38(3):34-37,44
研究了不同O3投加方式情况下,O3、H2O2及其联用工艺对嗅味物质2-甲氧基-3-异丁基吡嗪(IBMP)的去除效果。结果表明,在同一O3投加方式条件下,O3-H2O2联用工艺(O3间歇流法26.1%,O3连续流法100%)对IBMP的去除效果最好,其次是单独O3(O3间歇流法23.17%,O3连续流法:96.9%),单独H2O2(7.6%)效果最差。H2O2可催化O3加速产生.OH,使IBMP氧化速率加快,提高了去除率。O3投加方式对IBMP的去除效果有着较大影响,当采用间歇流法时,IBMP的去除率仅为25%左右,当采用连续流法时,IBMP的去除率接近100%,可见O3连续流法更易于去除水中的IBMP。  相似文献   

Abstract. When estimating the unknown mean of a stationary time series, the best linear unbiased estimator is often a significantly better estimator than the ordinary least squares estimates n. The relative efficiency of these two estimators is investigated for time series whose spectrum behaves like a power at the origin (e.g., fractional Gaussian noise and fractional ARIMA).  相似文献   

In this paper a theoretical investigation into the basis of the reduced efficiency of a conical cyclone is performed. By considering the flow in a region where viscosity is unimportant an analytical solution to the problem is obtained. From this model the performance of the cyclone is evaluated and this can be expressed in terms of three operating and design parameters. One of these parameters is the split ratio, that is the proportion of the volume of fluid entering the cyclone which goes to the underflow. It is demonstrated mathematically that the empirical formula for the reduced efficiency at present in common use is a very good absolute measure of the separating ability of a cyclone.  相似文献   

膜蒸馏热效率的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

异丙烯膦酸—丙烯酸共聚物的阻垢效果   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
本文以异丙烯膦酸和丙烯酸为单体,合成了异丙烯膦酸-丙烯酸共聚物,探讨了共聚物浓度,pH值,钙离子浓度及温度对共聚物阻垢性能的影响,探讨了共聚物对氧化铁分散能力的影响。结果表明,异丙烯膦酸-丙烯酸共聚物不仅具有优异的阻垢性能,而且对氧化铁具有较好的分散能力,是一种良好的水质稳定剂。  相似文献   

几种光敏剂光敏氧化效率的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
光敏氧化效率是由敏化剂分子吸收光量子数及其产生单重态氧的量子产率决定的,这要求敏化剂的吸收光谱同光源的发射光谱很好地匹配。本文报道竹红菌甲素匹配高压钠灯有效地产生单重态氧,高效光敏氧化一系列具有不同反应活性的底物,成为单重态氧化学中一个新的光敏氧化体系。  相似文献   

受消费心理学的启示,通过对消费者因日用陶瓷产品不同的造型、装饰而产生的一般心理感觉,探讨了日用陶瓷产品的心理效能。日用陶瓷产品造型、装饰的每一个局部每一个细节都可能影响消费者的心理感觉,左右其购买行为;日用陶瓷产品无论造型还是装饰,无论整体还是局部都应该始终处在设计者的关照之中。  相似文献   

The exergy losses and thermodynamic efficiency of MSF plant with brine recirculation are discussed bymeans of temperature difference functions proposed by the auther.In a MSF plant,the irreversible losses are found mainly in irreversible heat-transfer and flash evaporationprocesses.However,the basic variables are the temperature drop from stage to stage and the temperaturedifferences between flashed vapor and cooling water.In this paper,the flash temperature difference func-tion,the heat transfer temperature difference function and the total temperature difference function are sug-gested.The proposed temperature difference functions of MSF plant provide a convenient tool to analyse theirreversible behavior and evaluate the exergetic efficiency of this system,because without such improvement thecalculation of the exergetic efficiency of a MSF plant according to the classical formula will be not onlyinconvenient but also insignificant.As a result of present analysis,the reasonable parameters based on theenergy consumption are easily chosen.The above-mentioned principles are confirmed by commercial plants and a pilot plant in Tianjin.  相似文献   

分析了计算陶瓷行业标准财务比率的意义,认为行业标准财务比率。并以我国上市陶瓷公司连续四年来的年度财务报表为基础,对反映偿债能力、盈利能力和营运能力的陶瓷行业标准财务比率进行了计算。  相似文献   

MEASUREMENTOFPURIFYINGEFFICIENCYOFPOLYNUCLEARAROMATICHYDROCARBONSINTHESMOKEOFHOTPITCH1引言沥青加热炉是一般民用建筑和筑路及道路维修所必须的工具之一。普通沥青加热炉工作时会产生相当数量对人体有害的如苯并(a)苗和其它多环芳烃。由于环保工作的加强,普通沥青加热炉已经不能满足环保要求,在这种前提下出现了新型返烧式沥青加热炉。这种加热炉利用强制方式使排放烟尘同新鲜空气混合后再次进入炉内燃烧,使上述污染物在二次燃烧中成为二氧化碳后排入空气中。本文用净化前后定位多点同时取样…  相似文献   

高琮 《合成纤维》1992,21(1):40-44
本文从交络喷嘴的丝道内的气流分析入手,研究了各种形状的丝道截面的几何参数与喷嘴效能的关系,认为丝道内生成强势的二次流和降低主气流动能耗散以及纤维束再入主气流方向与交络效果密切相关,心形截面的丝道可以满足这三方面的要求。  相似文献   

Abstract. This note describes an improvement of Ishiguro's algorithm for the Bayesian decomposition of a time series based on the use of a specialized band Cholesky factorization.  相似文献   

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