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针对实时业务如语音,分析了现有的Internet的缓冲管理算法——Drop Tail算法的缺陷,提出了一种基于优先级的分组丢弃算法——PRED算法。PRED算法体现了分组的相对优先级,并能自适应地对分组的服务级别进行平滑地升级或降级,因而很适于作为DiffServ网络中的分组丢弃算法。仿真结果证明了理论分析的正确性。  相似文献   

This paper investigates cooperative control and communication scheduling of a platoon of connected vehicles. Considering the effect of packet dropout and the network access limitation, the vehicular platoon is modelled as a discrete-time switching system. We obtain a set of sufficient conditions (where the rate of different platoon control modes is factored in) for string stability and schedulability of the vehicular platoon. A unified framework of network access scheduling and platoon control is proposed, which can guarantee string stability of the platoon of vehicles and resolve network access conflicts among them. Both numerical simulations and experimental studies with laboratory-scale cars have demonstrated the effectiveness of the presented co-design algorithm.  相似文献   

在分析现有报文丢弃攻击检测算法的基础上,提出了一种基于簇首协作的报文丢弃攻击全局感知方案,利用IDS簇首协同监视节点报文收发状态,改进现有算法的监测方式和节点状态判定算法。仿真结果表明,该算法具有良好的检测率和误检率,在规避网络中的恶意节点以及维护网络正常吞吐量等方面具有较好的性能。  相似文献   

三维集成电路(three dimensional integrated circuit, 3D IC)和片上网络(network on chip, NoC)是集成电路设计发展的两个趋势.将两者结合的三维片上网络(three dimensional networks on chip, 3D NoC)是当前研究的热点之一.针对现有3D NoC的研究没有充分关注硅片内与硅片间的异构通信特征.提出了面向通信特征的硅片间单跳步(single hop inter dies, SHID)体系结构,该结构采用异构拓扑结构和硅片间扩展路由器(express inter dies router, EIDR).通过实验数据的分析表明,与3D-Mesh和NoC-Bus这两种已有的3D NoC结构相比,SHID结构有以下特点:1)延迟较低,4层堆叠时比3D-Mesh低15.1%,比NoC-Bus低11.5%;2)功耗与NoC-Bus相当,比3D-Mesh低10%左右;3)吞吐率随堆叠层数增加下降缓慢,16层堆叠时吞吐率比3D-Mesh高66.98%,比NoC-Bus高314.49%.SHID体系结构同时具备性能和可扩展性的优势,是未来3D NoC体系结构良好设计选择.  相似文献   

网络拓扑的选择是NoC设计中的一个重要问题,目前典型的特定应用NoC系统通常集成多个不同功能、不同尺寸、不同通讯需求的组件,而规则的网络拓扑结构并不适于在这种类型的NoC中应用,因此不规则Mesh网络被提出并被应用于不规则结构的NoC系统.为解决规则 Mesh路由算法在不规则Mesh中无法保证路由连通性的问题,本文提出一种不规则Mesh无死锁路由算法,无论NoC系统集成组件的版图如何变化,这一算法始终是连通的,即算法与不规则Mesh的规模和结构是无关的,同时算法仅使用较低的虚拟通道.  相似文献   

This work addresses the design of a state observer for systems whose outputs are measured through a communication network. The measurements from each sensor node are assumed to arrive randomly, scarcely and with a time-varying delay. The proposed model of the plant and the network measurement scenarios cover the cases of multiple sensors, out-of-sequence measurements, buffered measurements on a single packet and multirate sensor measurements. A jump observer is proposed that selects a different gain depending on the number of periods elapsed between successfully received measurements and on the available data. A finite set of gains is pre-calculated offline with a tractable optimisation problem, where the complexity of the observer implementation is a design parameter. The computational cost of the observer implementation is much lower than in the Kalman filter, whilst the performance is similar. Several examples illustrate the observer design for different measurement scenarios and observer complexity and show the achievable performance.  相似文献   

不规则IP模块到2维NoC结构的映射方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种新的基于NoC(Network on Chip)的不规则IP模块映射方法.其基本思想是把较大的IP模块分解成几个小的IP虚模型,或把几个较小的IP模块组合成一个IP虚模型,使得每个IP虚模型能映射到NoC结构的一个资源节点上.通过计算曼哈顿距离和输入/输出度,可以确定每个通信节点中缓冲区的大小.根据计算的通信代价可以对初始映射结果进行调整,从而可以避免通信拥塞,降低系统的功耗.  相似文献   

在无线网络的多用户资源分配中,一个重要的问题就是设计高效的调度算法来保证用户的公平性,并充分利用有限资源和保证用户服务质量要求。提出一种基于缓冲区长度效用函数的多用户包调度(BLUF)算法,该算法充分考虑无线信道的时变特性,用缓冲区长度的效用函数来表示调度的服务质量需求的紧急程度,用户当前信道速率与其获得的平均信道速率的比值表示用户公平性和系统效率的权衡程度。仿真结果表明,与存在的比例公平性无线包调度(PFS)算法相比,BLUF算法能够保证实时任务的时延需求的前提下,获得更好的公平性、系统吞吐量等性能。  相似文献   

Computer architecture is transiting from the multicore era into the heterogeneous era in which heterogeneous architectures use on-chip networks to access shared resources and how a network is configure...  相似文献   

一种针对混合的实时/非实时业务的无线调度算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴宇  魏急波  习勇 《计算机应用》2008,28(2):389-393
提出一种针对混合的实时/非实时业务的无线调度算法TF-RNS。该算法的目标是在实时和非实时用户提供公平服务时间的基础上,提高用户的服务质量。由于实时和非实时用户具有不同的服务质量要求,TF-RNS采用独立、分级的调度结构:在第一级调度过程中,分别使用M-LWDF和PF算法对实时和非实时用户进行独立的调度判决;而在第二级调度过程中,使用SFQ-CS公平调度算法保证调度的公平性,同时兼顾了用户的信道条件。仿真结果表明,与现有的M-LWDF和DS-PF算法相比,TF-RNS算法能够使实时和非实时用户获得公平的服务时间,从而有效地保证了系统中所有用户的服务质量。  相似文献   

针对无线Ad hoc网络中的丢包现象,假设网络中节点的丢包率是与归一化吞吐量有关的,并且在此假设的基础上提出一种分析丢包率的数学模型,利用这种模型可以一定程度的解释无线Ad hoc网络中的丢包。仿真结果表明利用该模型的理论分析结果与仿真结果具有相当的相似性,表明该模型在一定程度上解释了无线Ad hoc网络中的丢包问题。  相似文献   

Modern Internet routers have to handle a large number of packet classification rules, which requires classification schemes to be scalable both in time and space. In this paper, we present a scalable packet classification algorithm that is developed by combining two new concepts to the well‐known bit vector (BV) scheme. We propose a range search method based on a cache‐aware tree (CATree) which makes full use of processor's cache line to reduce the number of dynamic random access memory (DRAM) accesses. Theoretically, the number of DRAM accesses of CATree is about log(m+1) times lower than that of the widely used binary search algorithm, where m is the number of keys in a single cache line. Based on our computational results on a set of 1024 keys, the CATree algorithm is 36% faster than binary search algorithm and the performance is better when applied to a larger set of keys. In addition, we develop a rule re‐arrangement algorithm to reduce the bitmap space of BV. With this re‐arrangement, the rules for the same action may be assigned an identical priority. This reduces the number of priorities as well as the memory space of the bitmap. Furthermore, this also reduces the number of memory accesses and hence, increases the CPU cache utilization. With CATree and rule re‐arrangement, the cache‐aware bit vector with rule re‐arrangement algorithm achieves better performance in comparison with the regular BV scheme, both in space and time. In our experiments, the proposed algorithm reduces the bitmap memory space of a practical set of firewall rules by two orders of magnitude and is 91% faster than the regular BV.  相似文献   

As the size of the Internet grows by orders of magnitude both in terms of users, number of IP addresses, and number of routers, and as the links we use (be they wired, optical or wireless) continuously evolve and provide varying reliability and quality of service, the IP based network architecture that we know so well will have to evolve and change. Both scalability and QoS have become key issues. We are currently conducting a research project that revisits the IP routing architecture issues and proposes new designs for routers. As part of this effort, this paper discusses a packet network architecture called a cognitive packet network (CPN), in which intelligent capabilities for routing and flow control are moved towards the packets, rather than being concentrated in the nodes. In this paper we outline the design of the CPN architecture, and discuss the quality-of-service based routing algorithm that we have designed and implemented. We then present our test-bed and report on extensive measurement experiments that we have conducted.  相似文献   

Two possible architectural reference models are described for a network based on the fast packet switching concept. This is known as an asynchronous time division network. The first model is based on the outband principle, since signalling and data information are transmitted over different logical channels. The second model provides a complete integration at all levels of signalling and data information. It is therefore called the inband model. A comparison of both the inband and outband reference models is also given.  相似文献   

This paper studies the node‐to‐node consensus problem for multi‐agent networks possessing a leaders' layer and a followers' layer via the pinning control. In order to realize the consensus and reduce the update frequency of the controller, a suitable event‐triggered mechanism is introduced into the control strategy. Furthermore, the phenomenon of packet loss is considered in the designed controller. Based on the M‐matrix theory and Lyapunov stability theory, this paper presents the sufficient conditions for the node‐to‐node consensus of networks. Meanwhile, it is proved that the Zeno behaviour is excluded. Finally, two numerical simulations are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

The IEEE 802.17 is a standardized ring topology network architecture, called the Resilient Packet Ring (RPR), to be used mainly in metropolitan and wide area networks. This paper introduces destination differentiation in ingress aggregated fairness for RPR and focuses on the RPR MAC client implementation of the IEEE 802.17 RPR MAC in the aggressive mode of operation. It also introduces an enhanced active queue management scheme for ring networks that achieves destination differentiation as well as higher overall utilization of the ring bandwidth with simpler and less expensive implementation than the generic implementation provided in the standard. The enhanced scheme introduced in this paper provides performance comparable to the per destination queuing implementation, which is the best achievable performance, while providing weighted destination based fairness as well as weighted ingress aggregated fairness. In addition, the proposed scheme has been demonstrated via extensive simulations to provide improved stability and fairness with respect to different packet arrival rates as compared to earlier algorithms.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a utility-based radio resource management technique in multicell wireless packet networks. In terms of allocation of base station (BS) downlink transmit power and assignment of resource to users in each cell, we formulate a problem of maximizing system utility which is defined as the sum of cell utilities. The problem, however, is not solvable due to its non-convex property. Thus, we propose a heuristic algorithm based on an intuition obtained from analyzing a simple two-cell problem. Though the heuristic approach also incurs signaling overhead for power coordination between neighboring base stations, it is much less than that of the original approach. Simulation results show the performance of our proposed algorithm compared with two competitive schemes: optimal and maximum power allocation schemes. As expected, the optimal allocation scheme shows the best performance but can not be employed in a real network due to intractable complexity. Our heuristic algorithm performs reasonably well with very low complexity.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the distributed filtering problem for a class of nonlinear systems with randomly occurring sensor saturations (ROSS) and successive packet dropouts in sensor networks. The issue of ROSS is brought up to account for the random nature of sensor saturations in a networked environment of sensors, and accordingly, a novel sensor model is proposed to describe both the ROSS and successive packet dropouts within a unified framework. Two sets of Bernoulli distributed white sequences are introduced to govern the random occurrences of the sensor saturations and successive packet dropouts. Through available output measurements from not only the individual sensor but also its neighboring sensors, a sufficient condition is established for the desired distributed filter to ensure that the filtering dynamics is exponentially mean‐square stable and the prescribed performance constraint is satisfied. The solution of the distributed filter gains is characterized by solving an auxiliary convex optimization problem. Finally, a simulation example is provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed filtering scheme. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

不停变化的网络协议标准和用户定制化网络业务需求要求交换机硬件具有更高的灵活性。在此背景下,提出了一种能够通过软件编程定义协议解析规则的以太网交换机芯片数据包解析器基本处理单元,具有高性能且高灵活性的优点,通过灵活配置硬件解析逻辑和查找表内容,定义对数据包包头内容的提取、查找、匹配、动作等解析过程,从而支持对不同种类的协议解析任务,其由2类基本结构的串联或并联组合而成,这样可以根据需要进行硬件资源裁剪。基于该可重构基本处理单元,可以构成可重构报文解析器,支持自定义协议及未知协议的解析。主要介绍了该可重构基本处理单元的结构,并介绍了基于该基本处理单元的解析器架构的实现方法。采用40 nm工艺综合后的评估结果显示,该基本单元电路最高工作时钟频率可以达到240 MHz,基于该基本处理单元结构实现的支持4层常用以太网协议解析的解析器每秒可处理2.4亿个数据包。该可重构基本处理单元所用存储资源共计87.98 Kb,设计规模约147万门。  相似文献   

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