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The macroscopic temperature of mechanical alloying (MA) in a planetary mill with a ball load and quasi-cylindrical grinding body (QGB) is evaluated by the method of computer simulation and experimental measurements. It is determined that MA with a QGB is characterized a lower (by 140–280°C) macroscopic temperature and a decreased rate of heating compared with the traditional MA with a ball load. The dependences of the macroscopic temperature of MA on the treatment time, hardness of the treated material, speed of carrier rotation, and friction coefficient in the friction pairs grinding body-grinding body and grinding body-container wall were studied. It is found that MA with a QGB provides a significant increase in the treatment intensity owing to an increase in the speed of rotation of the carrier without excess overheating of the treated material.  相似文献   

智能加球机的研制与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈辉 《黄金》2015,36(5)
球磨机是金属矿山选矿厂重要的磨矿设备,其运行工况直接影响选别指标及经济效果,而钢球填充率是保证球磨机高效运行的重要因素。介绍了球磨机智能加球机的结构、工作原理及控制系统;智能加球机采用PLC控制程序并结合人机界面操控,准确地对球磨机添加的钢球个数进行识别和计量,根据实际要求定时、定量自动完成对球磨机的钢球补加,有效地保证了球磨机钢球的填充率。智能加球机具有操控简单、经济实用等特点,在排山楼黄金矿业公司选矿厂磨矿车间的应用取得了很好的技术经济效果,值得推广。  相似文献   

近些年,高压辊磨机逐渐在黄金行业应用。高压辊磨机自身的特点以及与大型球磨机工艺性能的匹配对选矿系统能耗、选矿成本产生了极大的影响。三山岛金矿高压辊磨机与大型球磨机粉磨流程经过近2年的应用研究及实践表明:辊磨机工艺性能参数不断优化,辊磨机与球磨机工艺匹配合理。工艺性能合理匹配改善了选矿厂能耗结构,优化了生产指标,降低了选矿厂成本。与同类选矿比较,降本增效潜力逐步显现,社会经济效益明显。  相似文献   

为了缓解硫化矿选厂粗粒欠磨与细粒过磨等问题,设计了一种新型磨矿介质-黄金分割锻球.通过2种介质磨矿试验对比,表明锻球磨矿具有针对性强,磨矿效果好,试验指标显示:锻球磨矿的产品粗粒会减少0.80%,中等粒级增加3.26%,细粒减少2.46%.分析发现锻磨在磨矿中与物料接触有相当一部分为线接触,细粒因粗粒的“架桥”作用而减少了过粉碎,钢球介质与矿物接触为点接触,粗粒的架桥作用不明显,对粗粒与细粒的粉碎作用具有一致的概率,故选择性差,过粉碎现象严重.设计的锻球介质能明显的缓解粗粒欠磨与细粒过粉碎等问题.  相似文献   

Prosthetic feet having new keel configurations were specially designed to store deformation energy during early and midstance and release it at push-off. These prosthetic components display longitudinal symmetry favoring good energy storage/release capability in the sagittal plane. The need for inverters/everters either as independent components or within the foot structure has long been recognized. This article documents the walking and slow jogging performances of six young adults wearing below-knee prostheses fitted with the Space Foot, a flexible foot prosthesis that provides medio-lateral control at heel-strike and lateral and forward propulsion at push-off. Results indicate that the Space Foot behaves as a flexible keel foot prosthesis. Its gait performances are also good for fast walking; however, the Space Foot's actual design should be modified if used in sporting activities involving running.  相似文献   

王晓曦  于超 《世界有色金属》2020,(2):261-261,263
球磨机的使用范围通常在水泥、建材、化肥等生产领域,具体的使用功能主要是将这部分材料在粉碎之后再进行细致粉碎,从而得到达到需求的物质材料。球磨机是依靠齿轮传动工作,在工作过程中球磨机常会出现振动的现象,了解到球磨机振动的原因,可以有效的提高球磨机的工作效率,保持球磨机的正常运行。本文对球磨机的振动原因进行分析,提出相应的解决方法发,供同行参考。  相似文献   

目前铅电解有大极板电解和小极板电解两种工艺,本文主要介绍两者工艺技术和设备的比较,并对大极板铅电解的应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

针对山西某铜厂选矿厂磨矿效率降低,为了使磨矿产品细度指标达到-74μm占60%~70%,进行了钢球级配小型试验研究。得出可以通过改变球磨机钢球配比来实现磨矿效率和磨矿产品细度的提高。工业试验结果表明球磨机钢球配比在φ120:φ80=19:1时,粒级含量最佳,且磨矿效率最高。  相似文献   

鑫达矿业公司产能突破3 000 t/d,磨矿细度不足,磨矿效率低下。球磨机的钢球尺寸和配比对提高磨矿效率至关重要。根据原矿矿石性质选择钢球材质,对磨矿分级产品的粒级组成进行考察分析,计算得出补加钢球最佳球径和级配为:一段磨矿m(90)∶m(70)=2∶1,二段磨矿m(50)∶m(40)=3∶2。改造前后磨矿产品粒级和球磨机耗电量的对比结果表明,改造后的球径和级配提高了球磨机的磨矿效率,降低了球耗和电耗。  相似文献   

陈天贵  赵晓娟 《黄金》1991,12(9):37-40
本文简要阐述了立式磨矿机的工业试验结果,与原再磨设备球磨机相比,磨矿效率高,节能幅度大,噪音小,是取代球磨机的较好设备。  相似文献   

通过对MQY3254溢流型球磨机在实际生产中筒体衬板磨损情况的分析,对球磨机每排衬板的厚度进行单独设计,先后提出了由整体更换改为分步更换和阶梯式衬板设计的2种优化改进方案,并对2种方案进行了效益分析。结果表明:2种衬板优化改进方案,在提高衬板利用率的前提下,不仅大大减少了运转人员的工作量,而且提高了磨矿效率,为公司带来巨大的经济效益。2种方案为衬板优化改进提供了新的思路,同时为球磨机衬板改型积累了重要的生产经验。  相似文献   

刘贤玉  王海龙  李宪义 《黄金》2009,30(2):31-33
球磨机是冶金矿山选矿厂普遍使用的关键设备。针对传统球磨机衬板布局及连接方式(丁字形交错布局)存在的更换费时、费力及漏浆等问题,技术改造采用了“一字形”平行布局及连接方式。改造后,缩短了衬板更换拆卸、安装时间,提高了球磨机运转率。  相似文献   

以邯钢3500中厚板轧机为研究对象,根据中厚板轧制工艺的特点,对影响轧制力的因素进行了分析.建立了计算中厚板轧制压力的数学模型,并根据实测数据分别进行计算,将所得的轧制压力与实测压力进行了比较,计算值与实测值之间的误差在9%以内.这个轧制力数学模型可用于邯钢3500中厚板轧制压力的预报,指导实际生产.  相似文献   

In the plate mill edge rolling is often used to increase yields by reducing defective end shapes. In this study, the effect of process variables in edge rolling on the plane view pattern of the plate was examined by a physical modelling technique with plasticine model material. The prime consideration was given to obtain information on the shape defects of plate such as overlap, width shortage, crop length, bulging and buckling with respect to process variables which is difficult to check in detail on the shop floor. The result provided valuable information on optimal edge rolling process in spite of some limitation in physical similarity between plasticine and hot steel.  相似文献   

The Steckel mill,a long established solution for the economical production of relatively small volumes of hot rolled strip,has been rejuvenated in recent years by a range of new applications,boosted by the need of improving the energetic efficiency of the rolling process.The traditional advantages of the Steckel mill in terms of flexibility and reduced capital and operational costs are now enhanced by technological developments that have significantly expanded its application range into the combined production of strip and plate and improved the product quality.The increased awareness of the necessity of a sustainable growth in the steel industry has stimulated the development of process solutions with an improved efficiency in the use of natural resources,lower carbon emissions and increased yield.Modern Steckel mills are an adequate response to the trend towards low energy strip and plate production,in particular in their plate-Steckel mill variant.Siemens VAI have played a key role in the innovation and transformation of the Steckel mill concept,with a number of recent installations,presented in this paper from the point of view of their contribution to the development of greener steel rolling technologies.  相似文献   

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