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T cell repertoire selection processes involve intracellular signaling events generated through the TCR. The CD4 and CD8 coreceptor molecules can act as positive regulators of TCR signal transduction during these developmental processes. In this report, we have used TCR transgenic mice to determine whether TCR signaling can be modulated by the CD8 coreceptor molecule. These mice express on the majority of their T cells a TCR specific for the male (H-Y) Ag presented by the H-2Db MHC class I molecule. We show that CD4-CD8-, but not CD4-CD8+, thymocytes expressing the H-Y TCR responded with high intracellular calcium fluxes to TCR/CD3 stimulation without extensive receptor cross-linking. To examine the effects of CD8 expression on intracellular signaling responses in the CD4-CD8- cells, the H-Y TCR transgenic mice were mated with transgenic mice that constitutively expressed the CD8 alpha molecule on all T cells. The expression of the CD8 alpha alpha homodimer in the CD4-CD8-thymocytes led to impaired intracellular calcium responses and less efficient protein tyrosine phosphorylation of substrates after TCR engagement. In male H-2b H-Y transgenic mice, the majority of thymocytes have been deleted with the surviving cells expressing a high density of the transgenic TCR and exhibiting either a CD4-CD8- or CD4-CD8lo phenotype. It has been postulated that these cells escaped deletion by down-regulating the CD8 molecule. In the H-Y TCR/CD8 alpha double transgenic male mice, the CD4-CD8lo cells were completely eliminated as a result of CD8 alpha expression. However, the CD4-CD8- T cells were not deleted despite normal levels of the CD8 alpha transgene expression. These results suggest that the CD4-CD8- thymocytes may not be susceptible to the same deletional mechanisms as other thymocytes expressing TCR-alpha beta.  相似文献   

The TCR confers immunity by the specific recognition of foreign Ag peptides in the context of self-MHC molecules. The mechanisms controlling TCR selection and repertoire generation are not clearly understood and seem to occur in an apparently random, (self) Ag-driven manner. To address the question to what extent the TCR repertoire is randomly shaped or genetically predetermined, we have analyzed the alpha beta TCR repertoire of the CD4+ and CD8+ subsets of peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures of monozygotic twins by using the polymerase chain reaction technique with TCR V region gene family-specific oligonucleotide primers. Our studies demonstrate that there is high concordance in the overall patterns of V gene usage within a pair of twins, particularly in V beta usage (mean V beta CD4+ R2 = 0.869 and CD8+ R2 = 0.833) and to a lesser extent V alpha usage (mean V alpha CD4+ R2 = 0.621 and CD8+ R2 = 0.627); whereas the patterns between unrelated individuals show more variability. This study has also demonstrated that the V alpha and V beta genes are not randomly used within the CD4+ and CD8+ subsets. We observed significant preferential skewing of several V alpha or V beta gene families to either the CD4+ or CD8+ subset in the majority of individuals analyzed (p-value range = 0.0476 to < 0.001). In particular, V alpha 11, 17, 22, and V beta 3, 9, 12, 18 were skewed to the CD4+ subset; whereas V alpha 2, 6, 12, 15, 20 and V beta 7, 14, 17 were skewed to the CD8+ subset. Furthermore, a number of the V genes showed patterns of skewing consistent only within a pair of twins. In three pairs of twins, V beta 2 was skewed to the CD4+ subset, whereas the fourth pair used almost equal frequencies of V beta 2 in both subsets. This observation was made for the V beta 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 19 and V alpha 7, 16, 18, 21 families. Finally, the ratio of the relative V gene usage frequency that could be observed within an individual was conserved within the sets of twins; for instance, the relative amount of V beta 2 to that of V beta 3 was higher in both individuals of one set of twins, whereas it was lower in all of the other three sets. Together these observations suggest that the predominant influence shaping the TCR repertoire is genetically predetermined, of which, HLA-predicted selection mechanisms exerted during thymic maturation might be contributing factors.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is presumed to be a T-cell mediated chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. Investigators previously demonstrated increased IFN-gamma (pro-inflammatory) and IL-10 (counterregulatory anti-inflammatory) in MS. The balance of pro-inflammatory and counterregulatory anti-inflammatory cytokines may be important in the stabilization of disease activity. Purified CD4+ and CD8+ T cells from patients with clinically definite, stable relapsing MS (RRMS) were stimulated by anti-CD3 mAb or Con A for 48 hours and cytokine supernatants analysed for production of IL-2, IL-6, IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha (potential pro-inflammatory) and IL-4, IL-10, and TGF-beta (potential counterregulatory anti-inflammatory). Con A activated CD4+ and CD8+ T cell proinflammatory cytokine IL-2 secretion, CD4+ T cell IL-6 secretion, CD4+ and CD8+ T cell TNF-alpha secretion and CD8+ T cell IFN-gamma secretion was decreased significantly in RRMS subjects compared to controls. CD3 activated CD4+ and CD8+ T cell IL-6 secretion and CD4+ T cell TNF-alpha secretion was significantly decreased in MS subjects compared to controls. In contrast, there was increased CD3-induced IFN-gamma in both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and counterregulatory anti-inflammatory CD3-induced IL-10 secretion in CD4+ T cells in RRMS compared to controls. These data suggest that an equilibrium of a pro-inflammatory (IFN-gamma) and a counterregulatory anti-inflammatory (IL-10) cytokine may define stable clinically definite early RRMS.  相似文献   

The mechanism of protective immunity and immunologic resistance against intracellular pathogens is believed to involve the activation of Ag-specific T cells. The T cells involved in protection/resistance to Leishmania can be studied using localized American cutaneous leishmaniasis (LCL) as a model, because the disease is often self-healing. Our study was undertaken to identify specific T cell populations that had accumulated in LCL lesions on the basis of TCR V beta gene usage. RNA was derived from skin lesions and blood of eight LCL patients, as well as from purified CD4+ and CD8+ subsets from the lesions and blood of three patients. After synthesis of cDNA, V beta gene usage was assessed by polymerase chain reaction. In all eight patients, several V beta gene families were overrepresented in lesions compared to blood. More importantly, the TCR V beta repertoires of both lesional CD4+ and CD8+ subsets were skewed compared to the repertoire of the respective subsets in the blood of the same donor. The overrepresented V beta s in the CD4+ and CD8+ subsets from lesions were in most instances disparate, particularly with the V beta 6 TCR skewed in the lesional CD8+ subset. Not only were the TCR repertoires of the overrepresented V beta in the lesional CD4+ and CD8+ subsets generally distinct, but the cytokine mRNA expressed by these subsets were also discrete. Strikingly, the CD4+ subset was characterized by IFN-gamma mRNA expression and the CD8+ subset by IL-4 and IL-10 mRNA expression. These data indicate that the pathogenesis of human leishmaniasis may be explained by the balance of CD4+ type 1 and CD8+ type 2 T cells, which probably recognize distinct sets of Ag.  相似文献   

Neutrophils mediate tissue injury in response to immune complexes, although the factors that induce their recruitment are incompletely understood. We have reported that lymphocytes may be important regulators of monocyte and macrophage IL-8 release in the presence of immobilized IgG. Since tissue parenchymal cells are important local producers of IL-8 but are not directly stimulated by FcgammaR cross-linking, we hypothesized that lymphocytes may also regulate parenchymal IL-8 release. Supernatants from lymphocytes incubated on immobilized IgG induced primary human fibroblasts and human mesangial cells to produce IL-8 (17 +/- 3.5 and 44 +/- 8 ng/ml, respectively). Fibroblast and mesangial cell IL-8 mRNA levels were similarly increased by the conditioned lymphocyte supernatant. Immobilized anti-human FcgammaRIII, but not FcgammaRI or FcgammaRII Abs, could stimulate this IL-8-inducing activity in lymphocytes, suggesting that FcgammaRIII-bearing lymphocytes were responsible. Supernatants from lymphocytes incubated on immobilized IgG contained 2.2 +/- 0.8 ng/ml of IL-1beta, while enriched monocyte preparations from the same donors incubated on immobilized IgG released only 0.1 +/- 0.04 ng/ml of IL-1beta (p = 0.05). Consistent with the identification of IL-1beta as the lymphocyte factor, fibroblast or mesangial cell IL-8 release induced by the IgG-stimulated lymphocyte supernatants was inhibited by 1) the combination of IL-1R antagonist and soluble type II IL-1R, 2) an IL-1-converting enzyme inhibitor, or 3) anti-IL-1beta but not preimmune Abs. These data suggest that targeted deposits of IgG can stimulate FcgammaRIII-bearing lymphocytes to produce IL-1beta, which induces parenchymal cell IL-8 release.  相似文献   

Differentiation of naive CD4+ lymphocytes into either Th1 or Th2 cells is influenced by the cytokine present during initial Ag priming. IL-4 is the critical element in the induction of Th2 response; however, its origin during a primary immune response is not well defined. In the present study, we characterized a novel potential source of IL-4, the class I-selected CD4-CD8-TCR-alpha beta+ T cells. In a first set of experiments, we demonstrated that CD4-CD8-TCR-alpha beta+ thymocytes produce a large amount of IL-4 after in vitro anti-CD3 stimulation. This phenomenon was not observed in class I-deficient mice, demonstrating that among these cells, the class I-selected subset was predominantly responsible for IL-4 production. Further studies focused on the in vivo IL-4-producing capacity of peripheral CD4-CD8-TCR-alpha beta+ T cells. To this end, a single injection of anti-CD3 mAb, which promptly induces IL-4 mRNA expression, was used. Peripheral CD4-CD8-TCR-alpha beta+ T cells express high levels of IL-4 mRNA in response to in vivo anti-CD3 challenge. Furthermore, analysis performed in mice lacking MHC class I or class II molecules demonstrates that both the class I-selected subset of CD4-CD8-TCR+ and CD4+ peripheral T lymphocytes are the major IL-4 producers after in vivo anti-CD3 stimulation. These findings suggest that class I-selected CD4-CD8-TCR-alpha beta+ and CD4+ T cell populations are important sources of IL-4 probably implicated in the development of specific Th2 immune responses.  相似文献   

The bone marrow microenvironment influences whether a given B cell proliferates, differentiates, or undergoes apoptosis. In this report, we demonstrate that apoptosis of primary murine B lymphocyte precursors can be regulated either positively or negatively by stroma. Several stromal lines that support lymphocyte outgrowth suppressed the spontaneous apoptosis of pre-B cells by as much as 90%. Direct contact with stromal cells more effectively protected lymphocytes than did stromal cell-CM or a collection of recombinant cytokines. In contrast, one unique stromal cell clone actually induced lymphocyte apoptosis, and a second line appeared inert. A survey of adherent cell lines suggested that expression of life-sparing molecules is widespread but not ubiquitous. Experiments with neutralizing Abs to CD44, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), CD9, intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), or ICAM-2 suggested that these interaction molecules do not deliver short-term survival signals to B cell precursors. Of particular interest, direct interaction with lymphocyte-supportive stromal cells minimized the negative regulatory effects of IL-1alpha, and a glucocorticoid, but not IFN-beta or PGE2. These results demonstrate that the effect of negative regulators depends upon the context in which these signals are presented. As molecules that influence B lymphopoiesis are better defined, it will be important to consider the role of each in combination with other stimuli.  相似文献   

Prior studies have implicated CD30 as a marker for Th2 cells, but the mechanism that underlies this correlation was unknown. We show here that CD30 was expressed on activated CD4+ T cells in the presence of IL-4. In the absence of endogenously produced IL-4, however, even Th2 lineage cells lost CD30 expression. Thus, CD30 is not an intrinsic marker of Th2 cells, but is inducible by IL-4. CD30 was also found to be down-regulated by IFN-gamma. Committed Th1 effector cells do not express CD30, although differentiating Th1 lineage cells temporarily express CD30. The transient expression of CD30 on differentiating Th1 lineage cells was mainly the result of endogenously produced IL-4 induced by IL-12. Culture of IL-12-primed cells under conditions that reverse the phenotype (Ag plus IL-4) resulted in two cell populations based upon their ability to express CD30. One population responded to IL-4 upon restimulation and became a CD30-positive, Th0-like cell population, while the other remained CD30 negative and synthesized only IFN-gamma. Thus, CD30 expressed on CD4+ T cells reflected the ability of CD4+ T cells to respond to IL-4.  相似文献   

The influence of ageing on phenotype and function of CD4+ T cells was studied by comparing young (19-28 years of age) and aged (75-84 years of age) donors that were selected using the SENIEUR protocol to exclude underlying disease. An age-related increase was observed in the relative number of memory cells, not only on the basis of a decreased CD45RA and increased CD45RO expression, but also on the basis of a decrease in the fraction of CD27+CD4+ T cells. Our observation that the absolute number of CD45RO+CD4+ T cells was increased, while absolute numbers of CD27-CD4+ T cells remained unchanged in aged donors, indicates that the latter subset does not merely reflect the size of the CD45RO+CD4+ T cell pool. The increased fraction of memory cells in the aged was functionally reflected in an increased IL-4 production and T cell proliferation, when cells were activated with the combination of anti-CD2 and anti-CD28, whereas IL-2 production was comparable between both groups. No differences were observed with respect to proliferative T cell responses or IL-2 production using plate-bound anti-CD3 or phytohaemagglutinin (PHA). The observation that IL-4 production correlated with the fraction of memory cells in young donors but not in aged donors suggests different functional characteristics of this subset in aged donors.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate pulp reactions to cavities treated with Scotchbond Dual Cure, Gluma and Tenure dentine bonding agents in four adult dogs, at intervals of 7, 30 and 90 days. The reactions were compared with the results from a control group in which the cavities were treated with zinc oxide/eugenol cement. The results indicated that Scotchbond Dual Cure dentine bonding agent caused less pulp reaction than Gluma and Tenure dentine bonding agents. However, long-term (90 days) specimens showed that none of these three bonding agents caused any severe reaction. The recovery of the pulp and a thick layer of reparative dentine formation were found quite significant.  相似文献   

Cation-exchange chromatography effectively concentrates the cell growth activity present in whey and we have used this process as a basis to characterise further the growth factors present in bovine milk. Under neutral conditions, total bioactivity in the growth factor-enriched cation-exchange fraction chromatographed with an apparent molecular mass of 80-100 kDa. In contrast, acid gel-filtration chromatography resolved two peaks of cell growth activity. A peak at 15-25 kDa contained the bulk of growth activity for Balb/c 3T3 fibroblasts while bio-activity for L6 myoblasts and skin fibroblasts eluted with a molecular mass of 6 kDa. A peak of inhibitory activity for Mv1Lu and MDCK cells also eluted at 15-25 kDa. Both IGF-I and IGF-II were purified from fractions that eluted at 6 kDa, although the IGF peptides alone did not account for the total bioactivity recovered. Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), identified by radioreceptor assay, eluted at a slightly higher molecular mass than the peak of growth activity for Balb/c 3T3 cells, and an anti-PDGF antibody was without effect on the growth of Balb/c 3T3 cells in response to the whey-derived factors. Further purification of the inhibitory activity for epithelial cells yielded a sequence for transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta), and all inhibitory activity for Mv1Lu cells was immunoneutralised by an antibody against TGF-beta. In contrast, this antibody decreased the growth of Balb/c 3T3 fibroblasts in the whey-derived extract by only 10%. Finally, a cocktail of recombinant growth factors containing IGF-I, IGF-II, PDGF, TGF-beta and fibroblast growth factor 2 stimulated growth of Balb/c 3T3 cells to a level equivalent to only 51% of that observed in the milk-derived growth factor preparation. We conclude that: (i) cell growth activity recovered from bovine whey is present in acid-labile high molecular weight complexes; (ii) all cell growth inhibitory activity for epithelial cells can be accounted for by TGF-beta; (iii) IGF-I and IGF-II co-elute with the major peak of activity for L6 myoblasts and skin fibroblasts, although the IGF peptides alone do not explain the growth of these cells in the whey-derived extract; and (iv) neither PDGF nor TGF-beta account for the 15-25 kDa peak of Balb/c 3T3 growth activity. These data suggest the presence of additional mitogenic factors in bovine milk.  相似文献   

Effector functions of CD4-CD8- double negative (DN) alpha beta TCR+ cells were examined. Among mouse DN alpha beta TCR+ thymocytes, NK1.1+ cells expressing a canonical V alpha 14/J alpha 281 TCR but not NK1.1- cells produce IL-4 upon TCR cross-linking and IFN-gamma upon cross-linking of NK1.1 as well as TCR. Production of IL-4 but not IFN-gamma from DN alpha beta TCR+NK1.1+ cells was markedly suppressed by IL-2. Whereas V alpha 14/J alpha 281 TCR+ cells express NK1.1+, these cells are not the precursor of DN alpha beta TCR+NK1.1+CD16+B220+ large granular lymphocytes (LGL). IL-2 induces rapid proliferation and generation of NK1.1+ LGL from DN alpha beta TCR+NK1.1- but not from DN alpha beta TCR+NK1.1+ cells. LGL cells exhibit NK activity and produce IFN-gamma but not IL-4 upon cross-linking of surface TCR or NK1.1 molecules. In contrast to IL-2, IL-7 does not induce LGL cells or NK activity from DN alpha beta TCR+NK1.1- cells but induces the ability to produce high levels of IL-4 upon TCR cross-linking. Our results show that DN alpha beta TCR+ T cells have several distinct subpopulations, and that IL-2 and IL-7 differentially regulate the functions of DN alpha beta TCR+ T cells by inducing different types of effector cells.  相似文献   

These studies defined SRV-2 envelope peptides 96-102, 127-152, and 233-249 as T cell epitopes that induce significant T cell proliferation. Peripheral blood lymphocytes of Celebes macaques (Macaca nigra) exposed to SRV-2 and currently virus- antibody+, cultured with SRV-2 virus show strongly suppressed T cell responses and have two immunoregulatory T cell populations.  相似文献   

SJL mice are known for their poor IgE production upon helminth infection. In this study, we have demonstrated that SJL standard B cells (85% IgM+ or B220+), prepared by complement-mediated T cell lysis, failed to proliferate and to produce IgE and IgG1 in response to LPS plus IL-4 in vitro. This diminished IgE production was restored by anti-IL-12 and enhanced by additional treatment with anti-IL-18, suggesting active suppression by the cells that produce IL-12 and IL-18. Indeed, SJL standard B cells were contaminated with Mac-1+ cells. Therefore, we removed macrophages by passing standard B cells through a Sephadex G-10 column (G10). Resultant cells (95% IgM+), designated as G10-B cells, responded to LPS and IL-4 by their proliferation and differentiation. G-10 treatment markedly diminished the proportion of B220- cells and Mac-1+ cells in SJL standard B cells. Furthermore, addition of SJL B220- cells dose dependently and MHC independently inhibited LPS plus IL-4-induced B cell growth and IgE production in SJL and BALB/c B cells. B220- cells in SJL standard B cells contained Mac-1+ cells (51%) and Fas ligand+ CD4-CD8- double-negative CD3intIL-2R beta+ T cells (26%). Thus, IL-12 and IL-18 produced by LPS-stimulated Mac-1+ cells stimulate this unique subpopulation of T cells to produce IFN-gamma, which in combination with Fas ligand, inhibits IgE production from the B cells. Our present results indicate that Mac-1+ cells and double-negative CD3intIL-2R beta+ T cells, uniquely abundant in the spleens of SJL mice, inhibit IgE production, indicating their new role in IgE response.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of a life-long antigen stimulation on the clonal heterogeneity of human peripheral T cell subsets, as defined by their CD45 isoform expression. CD4+ or CD8+ T cells were obtained from healthy donors ranging in age from 20 to 100 years, and sorted into CD45RA+ and CD45RO+ populations. A modified PCR-heteroduplex analysis was then used to directly compare the TCR Vbeta clonal make up of either compartment pair. We find that the CD4+ T cell repertoire remains largely polyclonal throughout life, since CD4+ expanded clones are rare and accumulate predominantly in the CD45RO+ compartment of exceptionally old donors (100 years old). In contrast, the CD8+ T cell subset contains expanded clones which are already detectable in young adults and become very frequent in 70- to 75-year-old donors in both CD45RA+ and CD45RO+ compartments analyzed. Interestingly, some expanded clones are detectable in the CD45RA+ or in both CD45RA+ and CD45RO+ compartments of either CD4+ or CD8+ T cells. These results indicate that the age-dependent accumulation of expanded clones starts earlier and is more pronounced in the CD8+ than in the CD4+ T cell subset, reinforcing the concept that clonal expansion in the two subsets is controlled by substantially different mechanisms. Furthermore, whereas the finding of expanded CD45RO+ T cell clones is explained by antigen-driven proliferation, the detection of expanded clones in the CD45RA+ or in both CD45RA+ and CD45RO+ compartments would support the hypothesis of reversion from the CD45RO+ to the CD45RA+ phenotype after antigen encounter.  相似文献   

Previous studies in our laboratory have shown that DBA/2 mice injected i.p. with syngeneic P815 tumor cells transfected with the HLA-CW3 gene (P815-CW3) showed a dramatic expansion of activated CD8+CD62L- T cells expressing exclusively the Vbeta10 segment. We have used this model to study the regulatory mechanisms involved in the development of the CW3-specific CD8+ response, with respect to different routes of immunization. Whereas both intradermal (i.d.) and i.p. immunization of DBA/2 mice with P815-CW3 cells led to a strong expansion of CD8+CD62L-Vbeta10+ cells, only the i.d. route allowed this expansion after immunization with P815 cells transfected with a minigene coding for the antigenic epitope CW3 170-179 (P815 miniCW3). Furthermore, depletion of CD4+ T cells in vivo completely abolished the specific response of CD8+CD62L-Vbeta10+ cells and prevented the rejection of P815-CW3 tumor cells injected i.p., whereas it did not affect CD8S+CD62L-Vbeta10+ cell expansion after i.d. immunization with either P815-CW3 or P815 miniCW3. Finally, the CW3-specific CD8+ memory response was identical whether or not CD4+ T cells were depleted during the primary response. Collectively, these results suggest that the CD8+ T cell response to P815-CW3 tumor cells injected i.p. is strictly dependent upon recognition of a helper epitope by CD4+ T cells, whereas no such requirement is observed for i.d. injection.  相似文献   

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