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We have found, in this first genetic study of a supposedly admixed Panamanian population, that the cultural group known as "cholos of Coclé" constitute a trihybrid mixture, whose genetic pool has the following composition: 44% Amerindian, 38% Caucasoid and 18% Negroid. Similarly, we have detected Amerindian genes, such as LDHB--Gua and TFchi, in proportions that relate this population with the extant Ngawbé (Guaymí). Nevertheless, the very high frequency of variant PEPA--KUN seems to indicate the genetic contribution of Amerindian populations from Eastern Panama, possibly from the extinct indigenous group cueva. This variant is frequently found among the present-day Kuna, but has not been detected among Nagawbé and Buglé.  相似文献   

Discusses this special edition in cognitive neuroscience in the Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology (CJEP). The editors decided to focus their efforts on three "hot" research areas in Cognitive Neuroscience--perception and action, multisensory integration, memory and higher-order cognition--and within each domain highlighting how different research methodologies can be brought to bear on the issue of the neural bases of higher mental functions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study considers the severe wear of silicon-carbide reinforced composite materials. The volume fraction of particles has been varied. The wear mechanisms and behaviour of this material have been obtained by varying the following test parameters : rubbing speed. applied load and volume fraction of particles. These tests have demonstrated the existence of two wear thresholds, which mark a change in the mechanism of degradation. Finally, it has been shown that the particles protect the composite while the temperature rise produced by the wear does not affect the mechanical properties of the matrix.  相似文献   

Compared preterm and fullterm infants' temperament and development and to evaluate the physical and social stimulations they experience at 2, 4 and 6 months (correcting for prematurity). Fifty-six mother–infant dyads, including 28 premature and 28 fullterm infants, participated in the study. The groups did not differ on temperament and developmental measures, neither on physical environment (density, toys, accessories). However, significant differences were found regarding social stimulation. Mothers of preterm infants had less optimal sensibility-contingency scores and used more distal stimulation at 2 months than mothers of fullterm infants. During the first 6 months, premature infants spent more time in activities involving the immediate family, whereas fullterm infants went more frequently on outings. At home, fullterm infants interacted more with people from their social network. These stimulations could eventually have an impact on infant development. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Maintains that sociogenetic models of human development invoke processes such as intersubjectivity, experiential canalizaion and ontogenetic selection to explain both interindividual differences and personal changes in children's representations of social reality. Studies stressing information processing focus upon procedural aspects of social thought, whereas constructivists emphasize age graded shifts in conceptual abilities. In contrast, socioconstructivists analyze the bi-directional influence between specific interpersonal relations and the evolution of children's cognitive skills. The authors argue that a major theoretical challenge for this field of study involves linking children's sociocognitive capacities to social adaptation in everyday settings. Theoretical and methodological implications of the sociogenetic model for understanding inter-personal and intra-personal diversity in social thought are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a 12-session social skills group intervention for 9 to 14 years old children with mental health problems and poor peer relationships. The program (implemented in an outpatient clinic) combines social learning and cognitive-behavioural techniques to build children's social skills and relationships with peers. Participants (51 children; M age = 10.8 years, range = 9 to 14) presented one of the following primary diagnoses: ADHD, anxiety disorder, Asperger's syndrome, pervasive development disorder or adjustment disorder. They were matched on age, gender, diagnosis, and then randomly assigned to either the treatment or control/waiting list condition. Measures of children's social skills (SSRS; F. W. Gresham & S. N. Elliot, 1990) and anxiety (Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children; March, J. S., Parker, J. D. A., Sullivan, K., Stallings, P., & Conners, K., 1997) were collected pre- and post treatment. Results indicated that the social skills training program increased parent/children ratings of social skills, as well as decreased ratings of anxiety as compared to similar children on a waiting list for treatment. Implications for practise and research are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Most researches conducted in the field of postimplant assessment have focused on the restoration of perceptual capabilities and the development of verbal language. In contrast, only very few studies have examined the impact of a cochlear implantation on children's overall development and, in particular, on their conversational language abilities. However, some previous works on the preverbal development revealed the recurrent difficulties experienced by deaf children in acquiring knowledge of social rules and social skills relative to speech activities. In children with profound bilateral deafness, a conventional hearing aid is not enough to provide sufficiently relevant information for a satisfactory development of oral communication. In such situations, the most suitable way of improving hearing is the use of a cochlear implant. The authors therefore hypothesized that access to oral perception will not only improve implanted children's social skills, but will also increase their rate of participation and the use of verbal language in their interaction with a familiar adult (mother or father). Their communication skills profile would resemble that of younger normal hearing children. Using conversational samples from a video-filming protocol at specific intervals, the authors monitored the development of communication skills in a group of 20 prelingually, profoundly deaf children (mean age: 3.7 years). Results corroborated our hypothesis. They indicated that children using cochlear implants increased their overall performance in communication skills, quantitatively and qualitatively speaking, even at the first year postimplantation stage. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, L’étalonnage et la décision psychométrique: Exemples et tables by Louis Laurencelle (2008). What I.Q. score corresponds to a 90 percentile? How many subjects are required for the 95% confidence interval set around a correlation value of r = .50 to fall within the 0.4-0.6 range? What fraction of a group of persons applying for a job will be selected if, by applying the rule of union and three correlation tests of .3, we use a selection rate of 10%? To read more on this review, please see the full text pdf. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

While executive functions were long considered a mysterious entity, manifested only from adolescence, it has now been well established that these functions involve a multitude of processes and that the first forms of thought and action control appear at a very early stage of development. Paradoxically, the large number of studies on development of executive functions make it difficult to draw a coherent picture. The author closely examines these studies in pursuit of two principal objectives. First, he seeks to set out the different concepts that appear within the studies, especially by positioning executive functions in relation to working memory and attention. Then he sets out to reveal the main lines of the development of inhibition, the maintenance and updating of working memory and of cognitive flexibility. Some of the factors that promote or restrict this development are also underlined. At the end of this analysis, some new paths for research are suggested in the quest for better understanding of the nature of the links between the different executive functions and their development. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Notes that the assessment of psychopathology should address the issue of "test taking attitude". The author states that protocols made at random, faked good or bad, should be identified and no interpretation of clinical scales should be provided for invalid protocols. Three concepts were used in the assessment of scale validity. An incongruency scale for the yes-sayers was designed to evaluate the agreement between responses of a specific yes-sayer and those of yes-sayers in general. An infrequency scale was composed of items rarely endorsed by patients and normals. Finally, an inconsistency scale was derived from pairs of items highly correlated and usually answered in a similar or opposite way. Concomitant validity of the 3 scales was established by mean of correlations with similar MMPI-2 scales. By excluding yes-sayers with incongruent responses and protocols with many infrequent or inconsistent responses, it is concluded that the assessment of psychopathology can be more accurate and the clinical scales more specific. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Theories of embodied cognition make the hypothesis that all cognitive operations, including high-level ones, are fundamentally rooted in the current state of the body and in the sensory-motor systems of the brain. Related experimental work has been concerned solely with the link between automatic cognitive processes and motor responses. This link has never been supposed to result from the production of verbal responses, such as the responses “yes” and “no.” However, a great many tasks require a verbal response along with a motor response. In this study, we have demonstrated that cognitive and automatic evaluation of the valence of words involves a close link with the motor responses of “pull” and “push”, as well as the verbal responses “yes” and “no” when the task requires answering “yes” or “no” whether there is the letter “a” in a word. Moreover, the results obtained show that the verbal responses “yes” and “no” interact with the motor responses of “pull” and “push”. This interaction supports the idea that positive and negative verbal responses present a motor component, as contemplated in embodied cognition theories (Lakoff & Johnson, 1999; Scorolli & Borghi, 2007; Barsalou, 2008). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   


An image furnace has been applied to floating zone experiments on refractory oxides.

(1) High purity alumina has been obtained by the zone melting process. The distribution of impurities during the different stages of the process has been studied by activation analysis.

(2) Large single crystals of refractory oxides (MnO, FeO, CoO, NiO, Al2O3, Ga2O3, TiO2, ruby, spinel) have been grown and characterized. (3) Bicristals of the same materials have also been grown in order to study the grain boundary properties.

(4) Oxide eutectics have been grown by unidirectional solidification in the systems Al2O3-TiO2, Al2O2-ZrO2, NiO-CaO and NiO-Al2O2

These very diverse materials obtained by the same technique make possible a broad study of the influence on ultra pure single crystals, of defects (impurities, grain boundary, second phase).


Un four à image a été appliqué à la réalisation d'expériences de zone flottante effectuées sur des matériaux réfractaires.

(1) Des expériences de purification D'oxydes par la méthode de la zone fondue ont permis l'elaboration de barreaux d'alumine de très grande pureté. La ségrégation des impuretés au cours de passages de zone successifs a été etudiée par analyse par activation.

(2) Des monocristaux de grandes dimensions d'oxydes réfractaires simples ou mixtes (MnO, FeO, CoO, NiO, Al2O3, Ga2O3, TiO2, rubis, spinelle) ont été élavorés.

(3) Des bicristaux des mêmes matériaux ont également été préparés en vue d' étudier les propriétés du joint de grains.

(4) Des matériaux composites réfractaires

ont été élaborés par solidification dirigée de mélanges d'oxydes de compo s ition eutectique (Al2O3-TiO2; Al2O2-ZrO2; NiO-CaO ; NiO-Al2O2).

Ces rnatériaux tres divèrs, obtenus par une même methode permettent d' étudier, à partir de monocristaux ultra-purs, l'influence sur les propriétés de la présence d'impuretés, de joints de grains, ou d'autres phases.  相似文献   

Given the increasing number of tests used in research over the last two decades and their application potential for early intervention, we propose in this article a critical review of about sixty tools assessing executive functions (EF) in preschool age children (2 to 6 years old). In order to introduce the EF notion, we will briefly discuss theoretical models, development of EF in children, measurement and EF tests, especially for preschool age children. Consensus over conceptual issues seems to emerge: EF would be cognitive control processes for problem resolution in front of complex or new problems. Among these processes, we especially distinguish inhibition, flexibility, and updating. However, the demonstration of the efficiency of these tests for preschool children is far from complete. Therefore, we propose to establish which are the most promising measures after having identified which are the most commonly used. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this paper, we set aside the political and ideological debate and examine the issue from a scientific perspective. We evaluate the soundness of the conceptual foundation of couple approaches to violence by matching the assumptions of each approach with the large body of research on violence against women. Our literature search yielded 25 articles published since 1980 describing systemic and cognitive-behavioural couple approaches to violence within the marriage. Systemic approaches view violence as a symptom of deeper dysfunction with the relationship. Cognitive-behavioural couples approaches are based on the assumption that violent men have difficulties with assertiveness, poor communication skills, and dysfunctional cognitions that are associated with escalations in conflict. Women in turn are assumed to have characteristics that make them susceptible to victimization, to engage in coercive interactional patterns, or to have tendencies that reinforce the man's violent behaviour. Across both systemic and cognitive-behavioural couples therapy for violence, the first stage of therapy focuses on elimination of violence within the relationship and the second stage examines dysfunctional and coercive interactions between the partners. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The automaticity of evaluative processing is one of the most important issues in cognitive psychology of emotions. The affective priming paradigm has been created specifically in order to provide some evidence regarding this issue. For 20 years, this paradigm has resulted in a significant number of studies. Originally focused on the automaticity of evaluation, investigation rapidly moved to the underlying mechanisms and it has led to a theoretical dichotomy. Some studies suggest that a spreading activation mechanism underlies affective priming effects, whereas other studies suggest that this priming effect is determined by a response competition mechanism similar to that found in compatibility tasks such as the Stroop task. The clarification of the theoretical models of affective priming therefore appears to be necessary in order to improve the understanding of the effect, possibly leading to its justified use as an indirect measure. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examines whether mother-child conversation patterns are associated with child attachment classifications at preschool age (N=80). Results revealed that a child's discourse style is similar to that of her or his mother. In comparison with mothers of insecure ambivalent or disorganized children, mothers of secure children made more frequent verbal statements that elaborated emotional content. Mothers of avoidant children were more inclined to minimize emotional content than mothers of secure children. In comparison with other mothers, those with a disorganized child were sharing more frightening and hostile content, or made more verbal statements accompanied by aggressive behaviors. Secure children made more frequent verbal statements that elaborated emotional content than avoidant and disorganized children. Disorganized children made more controlling verbal statements as well as statements accompanied by aggressive or flight behaviors. Finally, our results showed that child capacity to elaborate emotional experiences partially mediated the link between maternal capacity to elaborate emotional content and child security of attachment. Our results emphasize the importance of mother-child conversational exchanges for the development of attachment in preschool children. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   


A magnetic concentrate from Magpie titaniferous iron ore has been smelted in a pilot scale arc furnace. A pig iron containing most of the chromium and vanadium of the ore has been obtained, while the titanium remained in the slag. The main phases occurring in this slag are a pseudobrookite-type solid solution, a spinel and several silicates. The composition of pseudobrookite depends on the reducing conditions and can reach 90% TiO2. The spinel composition is on the MgAl2O4 side of the MgAl2O4-Mg2TiO4 solid solution.


Des essais de fusion réductrice au four électrique en présence de carbone, ont été réalisés sur un concentré magnétique du minerai de Magpie. Ce traitement permet d'obtenir une fonte contenant la plus grande partie du chrome et du vanadium, et une scorie titanifere. Cette dernière est constituée d'une pseudobrookite, d'un spinelle et de silicates. La pseudobrookite est une solution solide de composition variable suivant le degré de réduction et titrant plus de 90% en TiO2. Le spinelle est de composition voisine de MgAl2O4.  相似文献   


The spectrophotometric study of the solutions of lead oxide in molten lead chloride lead the authors to propose a quick analytical method useful for molten solutions which have equivalent optical properties as the studied mixtures.


L' étude spectrophotometrique des solutions d'oxyde de plomb dans le chlorure de plomb fondu conduit les auteurs è proposer une méthode rapide de dosage, applicable aux solutions ignées ayant des proprietes optiques comparables è celles des mélanges étudiés.  相似文献   

在低年级课堂教学中,笔者根据学生的生理、心理特点,坚持"从真爱每一个孩子做起",用自己的"真爱付出"换取孩子们的"真心对待",真心对待老师、同学,唤起学生的学习欲望,让学生乐意"为老师"读书,真心对待数学学习. 一、表扬是最直白的爱 如今的孩子见多识广,大多数爱表现、有个性,更喜欢听到他人的夸奖.  相似文献   

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