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We report high-quality ZnO thin films deposited at low temperature (200°C) by pulsed plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition
(pulsed PECVD). Process byproducts are purged by weak oxidants N2O or CO2 to minimize parasitic CVD deposition, resulting in high-refractive-index thin films. Pulsed-PECVD-deposited ZnO thin-film
transistors were fabricated on plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition (PEALD) Al2O3 dielectric and have a field-effect mobility of 15 cm2/V s, subthreshold slope of 370 mV/dec, threshold voltage of 6.6 V, and current on/off ratio of 108. Thin-film transistors (TFTs) on thermal SiO2 dielectric have a field-effect mobility of 7.5 cm2/V s and threshold voltage of 14 V. For these devices, performance may be limited by the interface between the ZnO and the
dielectric. 相似文献
Xiaolei Su Yan Jia Xiaoqin Liu Junbo Wang Jie Xu Xinhai He Chong Fu Songtao Liu 《Journal of Electronic Materials》2014,43(11):3942-3948
Fe-doped ZnO powders have been synthesized by the coprecipitation method using zinc nitrate [Zn(NO3)2·6H2O] as starting material, urea [CO(NH2)2] as precipitator, and ferric nitrate [Fe(NO3)3·9H2O] as doping source. The microstructure of the prepared powders has been characterized by x-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. Results show that, when the molar ratio of Fe to (Zn + Fe) was less than 0.09, the prepared powder was ZnO(Fe) solid solution, and the ZnFe2O4 impurity phase appeared when the Fe doping content was further increased. The electric permittivity in the frequency range of 8.2 GHz to 12.4 GHz and the average infrared emissivity in the wavelength range of 8 μm to 14 μm have been determined for the prepared powders. The average infrared emissivity decreased with increasing Fe doping content. The real (ε′) and imaginary part (ε″) of the permittivity of the prepared powders showed opposite trends. When the molar ratio of Fe to (Zn + Fe) was 0.03, the prepared Fe-doped ZnO powder demonstrated the best microwave absorption in the frequency range of 8.2 GHz to 12.4 GHz. 相似文献
C. Chubilleau B. Lenoir P. Masschelein A. Dauscher C. Godart 《Journal of Electronic Materials》2012,41(6):1181-1185
CoSb3 composites with different amounts of ZnO nanoparticles (2?wt.% to 12?wt.%) were prepared from nanosized ZnO (commercial) and micron-sized CoSb3 (obtained via solid-state reaction) particles mixed in solution and freeze dried. The resulting powders were densified by spark plasma sintering. The samples were characterized by x-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. It was found that ZnO forms micron-sized clusters at the grain boundaries of the matrix material. The thermoelectric properties (electrical resistivity, thermopower, and thermal conductivity) were measured in the 2?K to 300?K temperature range. Both the electrical and thermal conductivities were observed to decrease with increasing ZnO content. The dimensionless figure of merit ZT was improved by up to 30% at 300?K for the sample containing 2?wt.% ZnO. 相似文献
n-Type PbTe compounds were synthesized at temperatures as low as 430°C. After synthesis, the materials were ground, cold pressed, and sintered at 600°C. The effect of this low-temperature synthesis on the structural features and thermoelectric properties of as-prepared and PbI2-doped materials was investigated for the first time. The Seebeck coefficient, and electrical and thermal conductivity were measured in the temperature range 2 K ≤ T ≤ 610 K. The results show that all materials exhibit n-type conduction and the thermoelectric properties are improved by doping. ZT values reach 0.5 at 610 K, and the discrepancies with the literature are discussed. 相似文献
Jie Sun Devin A. Mourey Dalong Zhao Thomas N. Jackson 《Journal of Electronic Materials》2008,37(5):755-759
We report undoped ZnO films deposited at low temperature (200°C) using plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD).
ZnO thin-film transistors (TFTs) fabricated using ZnO and Al2O3 deposited in situ by PECVD with moderate gate leakage show a field-effect mobility of 10 cm2/V s, threshold voltage of 7.5 V, subthreshold slope <1 V/dec, and current on/off ratios >104. Inverter circuits fabricated using these ZnO TFTs show peak gain magnitude (dV
in) ~5. These devices appear to be strongly limited by interface states and reducing the gate leakage results in TFTs with lower
mobility. For example, ZnO TFTs fabricated with low-leakage Al2O3 have mobility near 0.05 cm2/V s, and five-stage ring-oscillator integrated circuits fabricated using these TFTs have a 1.2 kHz oscillation frequency
at 60 V, likely limited by interface states. 相似文献
Jung-Hsiung Shen Sung-Wei Yeh Hsing-Lu Huang Dershin Gan New-Jin Ho 《Journal of Electronic Materials》2010,39(5):612-618
Low-temperature growth of undoped ZnO films with high transparency and low electrical resistance was performed by ion beam
sputtering. After systematic testing, resistivity as low as 2.95 × 10−3 Ω cm was obtained at a substrate temperature of 150°C, ion source voltage of 850 V, and ion beam current of 30 mA. The transmittance
of the ZnO films was in the range of 85% to 90%. Hall measurements showed that a high mobility of 21.41 cm2/Vs was obtained for films less than 200 nm thick. The related microstructures and physical properties were measured and are
discussed. 相似文献
通过溶胶凝胶法和氢气还原法制备出Co纳米颗粒并以此作为催化剂材料,通过催化裂解苯的方法,实现了较低温度(460℃)下在Co纳米颗粒表面上合成碳纳米管。采用X射线衍射、激光喇曼光谱、场发射扫描电镜、透射电子显微镜和振动样品磁强计对所合成的碳纳米材料进行了表征。通过优化实验参数,可制备出最大产率和纯度分别为约50和98.02%(质量分数)的碳纳米管。由于铁磁性Co纳米颗粒的进入,使得整个复合物表现出比较好的磁性能。和以往以苯作为碳源合成碳纳米材料相比,此合成方案简单、成本低,且对环境无任何危害,非常适用于磁性碳纳米复合物的批量合成。 相似文献
Jamil Elias Johann Michler Laetitia Philippe Ming-Yun Lin Christophe Couteau Gilles Lerondel Claude Lévy-Clément 《Journal of Electronic Materials》2011,40(5):728-732
Increasing the aspect ratio of ZnO nanostructures is one possible strategy to improve their thermoelectric properties. ZnO
nanostructures with one-dimensional (1D) and three-dimensional (3D) morphologies were obtained using electrochemical deposition.
Adjusting various deposition parameters made it possible to obtain arrays of vertically aligned ZnO nanowires (NWs) with controlled
dimensions, density, and electrical properties. The concentrations of zinc or chloride ions in the solution were found to
be key parameters. ZnO NWs were transformed into ZnO nanotubes (NTs), with an increased aspect ratio compared with the NWs,
by selectively dissolving the core of the ZnO NWs in a concentrated KCl solution. The aspect ratio was strongly increased
when the ZnO NWs were hierarchically organized in a 3D morphology. The synthesis of thin films composed of ordered hollow
urchin-like ZnO NW structures was performed by combining the electrochemical deposition and polystyrene sphere templating
methods. The electronic properties of the urchin-like ZnO structures were investigated by means of photoluminescence and transmission
measurements. 相似文献
采用溶胶-凝胶结合氢气还原方法制备了Ni纳米颗粒,并用这种Ni纳米颗粒作为催化剂,通过催化裂解乙炔的方法在425℃制备了螺旋度较高且呈对称生长的螺旋碳纳米管。结果表明,本方法简单、成本低、环境友好,可大量制备高纯度螺旋碳纳米管。场发射扫描电镜(FE-SEM)及高分辨透射电镜(HR-TEM)图片表明,通常情况下两根旋向相反的螺旋碳纳米管生长在一个催化剂颗粒上,且这种纳米螺旋呈空心管状。X射线衍射及拉曼光谱分析表明,所得样品成分为有缺陷的石墨结构和镍多晶,未发现其他杂相。此外,对样品的磁性及微波吸收性能进行了研究。 相似文献
The chemical vapor deposition(CVD)growth method is applicable to produce high-yield single-crystalline ZnO nanobelts.The Mg-doped ZnO nanobelts with a smooth surface have been successfully synthesized.The morphology,microstructure and optical properties of the ZnO nanobelts were analyzed by X-ray diffraction(XRD),scanning electron microscope(SEM),transmission electron microscope(TEM),selective area electron diffraction(SAED),energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDS)and photoluminescence(PL)spectroscopy.Resu... 相似文献
A. I. Veinger I. V. Kochman V. I. Okulov M. D. Andriichuk L. D. Paranchich 《Semiconductors》2018,52(8):980-985
Magnetoresistance oscillations are considered in the case of microwave-radiation absorption in HgSe samples with a different Fe-impurity concentration. From the simultaneous analysis of the field and temperature dependences of the Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations, the effective mass, the Dingle temperature, and the quantum-limit field corresponding to the Fermi level are obtained. A method for analyzing the spectra with several oscillation frequencies, i.e., the beating effect, is proposed. The results are compared with data obtained by Hall measurements. 相似文献
SnO2纳米材料由于其优异的性能和在纳米电子器件以及气敏传感器等方面的潜在应用受到了广泛关注,快速大量制备SnO2纳米管(线)是其规模化应用的前提。利用自制的高频感应设备在Si基底上快速生长出定向的SnO2纳米管阵列,由SEM和TEM分析可知,SnO2纳米管直径达到50~100nm。场发射结果表面制备的SnO2纳米管阵列具有较低的开启电压,即当产生的电流密度为10μA/cm2时所对应的电场只有1.64V/μm,这一数值低于碳纳米管和其他一维氧化物纳米材料的开启电场,同时所制备的产物具有良好的场发射稳定性,良好的场发射性能说明SnO2纳米管在场发射平板显示及真空电子器件方面具有较好的应用潜力。 相似文献
Sulfur-doped zinc oxide (ZnO) nanowires have been successfully synthesized by an electric field-assisted electrochemical deposition in porous anodized aluminum oxide template at room temperature. X-ray diffraction and the selected area electron diffraction results show that the as-synthesized nanowires are single crystalline and have a highly preferential orientation. Transmission electron microscopy observations indicate that the nanowires are uniform with an average diameter of 70 nm and length up to several tens of micrometers. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy further reveals the presence of S in the ZnO nanowires. Room-temperature photoluminescence is observed in the doped ZnO nanowires, which exhibits a violet emission and blue emissions besides the typical photoluminescence spectrum of a single crystal ZnO. 相似文献
氧化锌压敏电阻用掺杂粉体的水热合成 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
以氧化锌为原料,添加其它掺杂金属氧化物,在水热高温、高压下一次性合成ZnO压敏电阻用掺杂粉体,利用SEM和XRD研究了前驱体配比、水热温度、反应介质对掺杂氧化锌生长的影响,用此掺杂氧化锌粉体制备的ZnO压敏电阻的非线性系数达到43.48。 相似文献
Cu掺杂ZnO薄膜的结构及发光特性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用溶胶-凝胶旋涂法在玻璃衬底上制备了不同Cu掺杂量的ZnO薄膜。用显微镜和X射线衍射(XRD)研究了Cu掺杂对ZnO薄膜形貌和微结构的影响。结果表明,制备得到的ZnO薄膜具有应变小和c轴择优取向。室温下测量了样品Zn1-xCuxO的光致发光(PL)谱,发现所有样品的PL谱中均观察到435nm左右的蓝光发光带,发光带强度与Cu的掺杂量有关;当x=0.06时,Zn1-xCuxO薄膜的PL谱中出现了较强的蓝光发射。分析了掺杂量对发光性能的影响,并对样品的发光机制进行了探讨,推断出蓝光峰来源于电子由导带底到锌空位(VZn)能级的跃迁及锌填隙(Zni)能级到价带顶的跃迁,它们可通过改变Cu的掺杂量予以控制。 相似文献