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采用臭氧氧化法处理金矿含氰废水 ,对臭氧投加量、p H值、催化剂等对除氰效果的影响进行了实验研究 .研究结果表明 ,臭氧能够有效地去除金矿废水中的氰化物 ,臭氧投加量、p H值、Cu2 对处理效果有一定影响  相似文献   

鲍永明 《特钢技术》2002,10(3):68-70
我厂利用废酸生产的高分子聚合硫酸铁,在实验室作了混凝模拟试验,我们导出了计算公式,绘制了工作曲线,利用转子流量计定量加入法,取得好效果,水质经成都市防疫站检测,多项指标达到国家生活饮用水的标准,在全国各行业中处于领先地位。  相似文献   

我厂利用废酸生产的高分子聚合硫酸铁,在实验室作了混凝模拟试验,我们导出了计算公式,绘制了工作曲线,利用转子流量计定量加入法,取得好效果.水质经成都市防疫站检测,多项指标达到国家生活饮用水的标准,在全国各行业中处于领先地位.  相似文献   

臭氧氧化法处理尾矿浆中氰化物的研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
臭氧技术是一个新兴的领域,目前主要用于饮用水消毒和食物保鲜,黄金行业仅限于实验室对贫液中氰化物的处理。文中主要研究了臭氧氧化法对尾矿浆中氰化物处理的小型试验:从研究结果可知,臭氧氧化法能够使尾矿浆中的氰化物达标排放。  相似文献   

臭氧催化氧化深度处理生化出水中试研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘敏 《四川冶金》2013,(3):67-70
开展了规模为1 ~2 m3/h的“混凝+臭氧催化氧化”工艺处理生化出水中试试验,通过试验考察了“混凝+臭氧催化氧化”工艺连续深度处理焦化废水的效果、生化出水水质变化对废水深度处理系统的冲击和运行成本,为下一步焦化废水深度处理工艺的选择提供了参考.  相似文献   

钢铁行业启动超低排放,烧结烟气的氮氧化物排放控制迫在眉睫,然而烧结烟气成分复杂、温度较低,应用常规的选择性催化还原脱硝技术存在局限性,需要开发科学、高效的脱硝技术。主要介绍了适合烧结烟气的臭氧氧化脱硝技术的原理,以及该方法目前在其他行业烟气脱硝中的应用现状,并且对臭氧结合钙法脱硫副产物的资源化利用提出了可行的办法。  相似文献   

高铁酸盐对焦化废水中COD、NH_3-N的处理效果的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高瑞丽 《山西冶金》2010,33(5):1-3,47
高铁酸盐加入量对COD和NH3-N去除效果的实验结果表明:在常温下,当高铁酸盐的加入量为14mg/L时,焦化废水中COD的质量浓度由320mg/L下降到88mg/L,去除率达72.5%;NH3-N质量浓度由68mg/L下降到14.9mg/L,去除率达78.1%。  相似文献   

一种臭氧氧化法处理含氰尾矿浆的新工艺,当含氰尾矿浆的pH在10-11范围内,不需调节,以空气为原料,在常压下使含氧气体在高压电场作用下,产生电晕放电生成臭氧,将生成的臭氧气体同含氰尾矿浆同时经射流曝气器混合后送入反应槽进行氧化反应,如果矿浆中含铜离子为200mg/L时,不需加硫酸铜,否则需加补硫酸铜,反应时间90min,臭氧的通气量、矿浆流量分别由臭氧发生器和射流曝气器进行调整,  相似文献   

含锑难处理金矿臭氧氧化预处理工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决含锑金精矿难处理的问题,对某含锑金矿进行臭氧氧化浸出锑的实验研究。实验结果表明,氧化浸出优化工艺参数:温度75 ℃,HCl浓度4.5 mol/L,浸出时间4 h,液固比10∶1,臭氧浓度121.9 g/L。在此条件下,锑的浸出率为98.13%,硫的浸出率为43.52%。经过臭氧氧化浸出处理后,矿物中的金得以在渣中富集。对原矿和浸锑渣进行硫脲浸金试验,金浸出率分别为12.36%和70.17%,表明预处理取得一定效果,实现了含锑难处理金矿中锑和金的综合回收。研究结果能为臭氧氧化浸出辉锑矿和含锑难处理金矿预处理提供理论指导。  相似文献   

Problems with treatment of Ahaste well water (Audru Parish, P?rnu County, Estonia) were studied in field conditions. The groundwater contains a significant amount of sulfur, from which at pH = 7.5–8.0 about 70–90% is in the form of hydrogen sulfide ion and 30–10% in the form of dissolved H2S. After aeration in the summer, this water formed an unknown slimy microbial mass with a distinct sulfuric odor, which clogged the aeration tanks, catalytic filters, and even the distribution network up to the consumers. After laboratory analyses, it was established that this unknown microbial mass is obviously the filiform sulfur bacteria Thiothrix, together with particles of free sulfur. It was found that this mass formed during enrichment under warm conditions using air as the oxidizer. Under these conditions, elemental sulfur was liberated and created favorable conditions for the Thiothrix to thrive using the elemental sulfur as their food source. A new treatment technology for this well water was developed using ozone as a strong oxidant/disinfectant, followed by filtration through an Everzit-Special, a material, which besides filtration, partially behaves as an adsorbent. The capital and operation costs of the new technology were estimated.  相似文献   

Manganese (Mn) in a drinking water distribution system can cause multiple aesthetic problems including discolored water and fouling or scaling of fixtures. Oxidation and solid-liquid separation processes are typically employed at a treatment plant to limit the concentration of Mn entering the distribution system. Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) is commonly used to oxidize the manganous ion (Mn+2) to manganese oxide (MnO2). In this study, a mechanistic model is applied to the oxidation of manganese at a treatment plant. Literature kinetic constants (determined with artificial water) are compared with the values obtained for the plant's natural water. The solution and surface phase oxidation rate constants determined with the natural water are two to six orders of magnitude less than those determined with the artificial water. The reduced oxidation rate in the natural water is attributed to the presence of dissolved organic matter, which can exert a competitive demand on the oxidant and interfere with the oxidation by complexing Mn+2. The development of an additional rate constant for the oxidation of dissolved organic matter improves the modeling results for KMnO4 concentration versus time, but only marginally explains the Mn+2 oxidation rate differences.  相似文献   

In order to understand the redox chemistry of chromium at low concentrations (100?μg/L) under conditions typically found in drinking water systems, three reductants and four oxidants were tested in three different waters at pH 5, 7, and 9. In the absence of any oxidant or reductant, Cr(VI) was stable at all three pHs, while Cr(III) precipitated out of solution at pH 9 and greatly impacted the reduction reactions. Stannous chloride was more effective than sodium sulfite or sodium sulfide for reducing Cr(VI) to Cr(III). Sulfide is not likely to be used as a reductant due to the long reaction time (120?h) to achieve the same reduction as SnCl2, while sulfite may be effective at higher doses. The oxidation of Cr(III) by dissolved oxygen and chloramine was very slow, while Cl2 and KMnO4 were effective oxidants under many conditions. A Cl2 residual in a drinking water distribution system may oxidize any soluble Cr(III) to Cr(VI) because of the long contact time, so Cr treatment strategies will need to remove both Cr(III) and Cr(VI).  相似文献   

氯化铝改性复合生物絮凝剂去除饮用水中的氟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用实验室筛选出的耐铝无毒复合菌,以AlCl_3·6H_2O为改性剂,得到改性复合生物絮凝剂,用于去除饮用水中氟。研究了改性复合生物絮凝剂投加量、pH和反应时间对F~-去除效果的影响,使用扫描电镜(SEM)观察了复合生物絮凝剂和改性复合生物絮凝剂的表面形态,并分析了改性复合生物絮凝剂的除氟机理。结果表明:经过氯化铝改性后,复合生物絮凝剂表面的羟基和Al~(3+)得到了增加,且在絮凝剂表面可能形成羟基氧化铝,通过铝氟络合、氢键和静电吸附作用去除氟。  相似文献   

A biofilm based, annular reactor method was developed and used to measure the biological regrowth potential of effluent water from various pilot treatment processes at the New York City Croton Lake Pilot Plant. A series of studies were carried out over the year-long study to collect bacterial growth and organic carbon biodegradation data for waters from six treatment options, including the raw source water. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations were made to determine the effects of filter media type, direct filtration, preozonation, and primary chlorination on the relative biostability of the produced waters compared to that of the original source water and water currently being distributed to consumers. In addition, results were compared to those obtained using traditional biodegradable organic material measuring methods such as assimilable organic carbon and biodegradable organic carbon. Quantitative biostability factors were developed that take into account both biological growth potential and biodegradability of the tested waters. Results from these studies were used to compare various piloted treatment processes and to assess pilot plant operation, design parameters, and seasonal source water quality.  相似文献   

Using temperature as a conservative tracer, the initiation of stagnation by buoyant jets was investigated in two drinking water storage tanks operated in fill-and-draw mode. The problem concerns the risk of water quality degradation caused by excessive ageing in stagnant zones. By measuring flow rates into the tanks and temperatures at several points, the initiation of stagnation could be related to the source parameters: the momentum flux M0 and the buoyancy flux B0. In agreement with previous studies, the results indicated that the jet/plume transition length scale, Lm = M03/4/∣B0∣1/2, had to exceed a certain fraction of the depth in order to avoid stagnation resulting from stratification of the water mass. The study provides insights into the parameters governing initiation of stagnation and illustrates how stratifications generated by positive and negative inflow buoyancy can affect the water exchange.  相似文献   

饮用水管件用铜合金的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解决因铋的加入引起的铜合金脆化问题,研究结果表明,通过添加元素Sn、P完全解决了因铋引起的脆化问题,并提出了配方Cu-BilSn3Zn6P0.03。  相似文献   

顾琳  余健 《湿法冶金》2006,25(4):208-211
生物膜工艺是去除饮用水中痕量有机物的有效方法,共代谢是生物膜工艺中的重要方式。在微污染饮用水源中,自然有机物作为初级基质支持生物膜的生长,痕量有机物作为第二级基质被生物膜降解而被去除。  相似文献   

运用模糊评价对巢湖市饮用水水源地保护区水质进行综合评价,通过确定8个主要影响因子的权重和隶属度,结果表明,主要超标指标为TN、TP),水体富营养化严重;6、7、8月随入湖水量进入的污染物多,12月水体自净能力差,水质恶化严重.同时,将模糊综合评价结果与单因子评价结果进行对比分析,结果表明单因子评价突出影响水体的主要污染因子,具有从严性,而模糊综合评价充分考虑了多个因子对水体的影响其结果更加准确、客观,因此可为水源地保护区的水质规划与管理工作提供科学的参考依据.  相似文献   

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