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Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) has been proved to be a very efficient algorithm for the solution of the Traveling Salesman Problem. Also, it has been proved that expanding the local search with the use of two or more different local search strategies helps the algorithm to avoid trapping in a local optimum. In this paper, a new modified version of GRASP, called Multiple Phase Neighborhood Search-GRASP (MPNS-GRASP), for the solution of the Vehicle Routing Problem is proposed. In this method, a stopping criterion based on Lagrangean Relaxation and Subgradient Optimization is utilized. In addition, a different way for expanding the neighborhood search is used based on a new strategy, the Circle Restricted Local Search Moves strategy. The algorithm was tested on two sets of benchmark instances and gave very satisfactory results. In both sets of instances the results have solution qualities with average values near to the optimum values and in a number of them the algorithm finds the optimum. The computational time of the algorithm is decreased significantly compared to other heuristic and metaheuristic algorithms due to the fact that the new strategy, the Expanding Neighborhood Search Strategy, is used.  相似文献   

建立了两级定位-路径问题的数学模型,提出了一种求解该问题的人工蜂群算法。针对该算法容易出现早熟现象,将近年来国外出现的一种新颖的轨迹式启发式算法--变邻域搜索融入其中,由此提出三种变邻域搜索策略。基于不同变邻域搜索策略的人工蜂群算法和人工鱼群算法的求解效果进行对比仿真。实验结果表明,变邻域人工蜂群算法能有效求解两级定位-路径问题。  相似文献   

文中研究了具有NP难度的混合车辆路径问题(Mixed Capacitated General Routing Problem,MCGRP),其是在基本车辆路径问题(Vehicle Routing Problem,VRP)的基础上通过添加限载容量约束及弧上的用户需求而衍生的。给定一列车辆数不限的车队,使车辆从站点出发向用户提供服务,服务完用户需求后仍返回站点;规定每辆车的总载重不能超过其载重量,且每个需求只能被一辆车服务且仅服务一次。MCGRP旨在求解每辆车的服务路线,使得在满足以上约束条件的情况下所有车辆的旅行消耗之和最小。混合车辆路径问题具有较高的理论价值和实际应用价值,针对该问题提出了一种高效的混合进化算法。该算法采用基于5种邻域算符的变邻域禁忌搜索来提高解的质量,并通过一种基于路径的交叉算符来继承解的优异性,从而有效地加速算法的收敛。在一组共计23个经典算例上的实验结果表明,该混合进化算法在求解混合车辆路径问题时是非常高效的。  相似文献   

定位-运输路线安排问题的遗传算法研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
定位—运输路线安排问题(LRP)是分销网络设计和物流管理决策中的难题。由于LRP是NP-complete问题,对它的求解方法大多局限于将其分解为定位—分配问题和车辆运输路线安排问题,或者是基于这种分解思想。文章通过对遗传算法(GA)中树编码、免疫遗传算法以及GA阶段进化策略深入地分析和研究,构建了定位—运输路线安排问题的遗传算法,它与以往算法最大的不同点就是并没有基于两阶段求解的思路,而是将LRP的解看作一个整体,从而减小了在进化过程中停滞于局部最优解的概率,提高了GA的计算效率和计算速度。文中详细叙述了针对LRP问题的树编码、交叉、变异、爬山、免疫、合并小路线等各种算子设计过程,并利用一实例来验证算法的可行性。该算法为LRP问题以及相关大规模组合优化问题的求解开辟了一个新的思路,同时也为GA中树编码在实际中应用做了有益的尝试。  相似文献   

The two-echelon location-routing problem (LRP-2E) is raised by the design of transportation networks with two types of trips: first-level trips serving from one main depot a set of satellite depots, to be located, and second-level trips supplying customers from these satellites. In the proposed multi-start iterated local search (MS-ILS), three greedy randomized heuristics are used cyclically to get initial solutions. Each ILS run alternates between two search spaces: LRP-2E solutions, and travelling salesman (TSP) tours covering the main depot and the customers. The number of iterations allotted to a run is reduced whenever a known solution (stored in a tabu list) is revisited. MS-ILS can be reinforced by a path-relinking procedure (PR), used internally for intensification, as post-optimization, or both. On two sets with 24 and 30 LRP-2E instances, MS-ILS outperforms on average two GRASP algorithms and adding PR brings a further improvement. Our metaheuristic also surpasses a tabu search on 30 instances for a more general problem with several main depots. It is still effective on a particular case, the capacitated location-routing problem (CLRP): In a comparison with four published metaheuristics, only one (LRGTS, Prins et al., 2007) does better.  相似文献   

New lower bound for the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present a new lower bound, the Multiple Cuts Node Duplication Lower Bound, for the undirected Capacitated Arc Routing Problem. We prove that this new bound dominates the existing bounds for the problem. Computational results are also provided.  相似文献   

An Approximation Algorithm for a Large-Scale Facility Location Problem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We developed a new practical optimization method that gives approximate solutions for large-scale real instances of the Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem. The optimization consists of two steps: application of the Greedy—Interchange heuristic using a small subset of warehouse candidates, and application of the newly developed heuristic named Balloon Search that takes account of all warehouse candidates, and runs in ( O (3n + 2n log n ) ) expected time (n is the number of nodes of the underlying graph). Our experiments on the spare parts logistics of a Japanese manufacturing company with 6000 customers and 380,000 warehouse candidates led us to conclude that the Greedy heuristic improved the total cost by 9%-11%, that the Interchange heuristic improved the total cost by an additional 0.5%—1.5%, and that Balloon Search improved it by a further 0.5%—1.5%.  相似文献   


The aim of this study is to describe a new stochastic search meta-heuristic algorithm for solving the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP), termed as the List Based Threshold Accepting (LBTA) algorithm. The main advantage of this algorithm over the majority of other meta-heuristics is that it produces quite satisfactory solutions in reasonable amount of time by tuning only one parameter of the algorithm. This property makes this algorithm a reliable and a practical tool for every decision support system designed for solving real life vehicle routing problems.  相似文献   

This paper describes a constructive heuristic for the well-known Undirected Rural Postman Problem. At each iteration, the procedure inserts a connected component of the required edges and performs a local postoptimization. Computational results on a set of benchmark instances with up to 350 vertices show that the proposed procedure is competitive with the classical Frederickson procedure. Its use is recommended when a high-quality solution is needed in a short amount of time (e.g., in laser plotter applications).  相似文献   

This paper presents an extension of the capacitated facility location problem (CFLP), in which the general setup cost functions and multiple facilities in one site are considered. The setup costs consist of a fixed term (site setup cost) plus a second term (facility setup costs). The facility setup cost functions are generally non-linear functions of the size of the facility in the same site. Two equivalent mixed integer linear programming (MIP) models are formulated for the problem and solved by general MIP solver. A Lagrangian heuristic algorithm (LHA) is also developed to find approximate solutions for this NP-hard problem. Extensive computational experiments are taken on randomly generated data and also well-known existing data (with some necessary modifications). The detailed results are provided and the heuristic algorithm is shown to be efficient.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address a location-inventory-routing model for perishable products. The model determines the number and location of required warehouses, the inventory level at each retailer, and the routes traveled by each vehicle. The proposed model adds location decisions to a recently published inventory routing problem in order to make it more practical, thus supporting the prevalent claim that integration of strategic, tactical and operational level decisions produces better results for supply chains. Given that the model developed here is NP-hard, with no algorithm capable of finding its solution in polynomial time, we develop a Genetic Algorithm approach to solve the problem efficiently. This approach achieves high quality near-optimal solutions in reasonable time. Furthermore, the unique structure of the problem requires developing a new chromosome representation, as well as local search heuristics. Finally, an analysis is carried out to verify the effectiveness of the algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper presents a generic template-based solution framework and its application to the so-called Consistent Vehicle Routing Problem (ConVRP). The ConVRP is an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem and involves the design of a set of minimum cost vehicle routes to service a set of customers with known demands over multiple days. Customers may receive service either once or with a predefined frequency; however frequent customers must receive consistent service, i.e., must be visited by the same driver over approximately the same time throughout the planning period. The proposed solution framework adopts a two-level master-slave decomposition scheme. Initially, a master template route schedule is constructed in an effort to determine the service sequence and assignment of frequent customers to vehicles. On return, the master template is used as the basis to design the actual vehicle routes and service schedules for both frequent and non-frequent customers over multiple days. To this end, a Tabu Search improvement method is employed that operates on a dual mode basis and modifies both the template routes and the actual daily schedules in a sequential fashion. Computational experiments on benchmark data sets illustrate the competitiveness of the proposed approach compared to existing results.  相似文献   

Xujin Chen  Bo Chen 《Algorithmica》2009,53(3):263-297
Answering an open question published in Operations Research (54, 73–91, 2006) in the area of network design and logistic optimization, we present the first constant-factor approximation algorithms for the problem combining facility location and cable installation in which capacity constraints are imposed on both facilities and cables. We study the problem of designing a minimum cost network to serve client demands by opening facilities for service provision and installing cables for service shipment. Both facilities and cables have capacity constraints and incur buy-at-bulk costs. This Max SNP-hard problem arises in diverse applications and is shown in this paper to admit a combinatorial 19.84-approximation algorithm of cubic running time. This is achieved by an integration of primal-dual schema, Lagrangian relaxation, demand clustering and bi-factor approximation. Our techniques extend to several variants of this problem, which include those with unsplitable demands or requiring network connectivity, and provide constant-factor approximate algorithms in strongly polynomial time. X. Chen is Visiting Fellow, University of Warwick.  相似文献   

The Multi-objective Undirected Capacitated Arc Routing Problem (MUCARP) is the optimization problem aimed at finding the best strategy for servicing a subset of clients localized along the links of a logistic network, by using a fleet of vehicles and optimizing more than one objective. In general, the first goal consists in minimizing the total transportation cost, and in this case the problem brings back to the well-known Undirected Capacitated Arc Routing Problem (UCARP). The motivation behind the study of the MUCARP lies in the study of real situations where companies working in the logistic distribution field deal with complex operational strategies, in which different actors (trucks, drivers, customers) have to be allocated within an unified framework by taking into account opposite needs and different employment contracts. All the previous considerations lead to the MUCARP as a benchmark optimization problem for modeling practical situations. In this paper, the MUCARP is heuristically tackled. In particular, three competitive objectives are minimized at the same time: the total transportation cost, the longest route cost (makespan) and the number of vehicles (i.e., the total number of routes). An approximation of the optimal Pareto front is determined through an optimization-based heuristic procedure, whose performances are tested and analyzed on classical benchmark instances.  相似文献   

In this paper, a memetic algorithm with competition (MAC) is proposed to solve the capacitated green vehicle routing problem (CGVRP). Firstly, the permutation array called traveling salesman problem (TSP) route is used to encode the solution, and an effective decoding method to construct the CGVRP route is presented accordingly. Secondly, the k-nearest neighbor (kNN) based initialization is presented to take use of the location information of the customers. Thirdly, according to the characteristics of the CGVRP, the search operators in the variable neighborhood search (VNS) framework and the simulated annealing (SA) strategy are executed on the TSP route for all solutions. Moreover, the customer adjustment operator and the alternative fuel station (AFS) adjustment operator on the CGVRP route are executed for the elite solutions after competition. In addition, the crossover operator is employed to share information among different solutions. The effect of parameter setting is investigated using the Taguchi method of design-of-experiment to suggest suitable values. Via numerical tests, it demonstrates the effectiveness of both the competitive search and the decoding method. Moreover, extensive comparative results show that the proposed algorithm is more effective and efficient than the existing methods in solving the CGVRP.   相似文献   

This paper presents a novel bi-objective location-routing-inventory (LRI) model that considers a multi-period and multi-product system. The model considers the probabilistic travelling time among customers. This model also considers stochastic demands representing the customers’ requirement. Location and inventory-routing decisions are made in strategic and tactical levels, respectively. The customers’ uncertain demand follows a normal distribution. Each vehicle can carry all kind of products to meet the customer’s demand, and each distribution center holds a certain amount of safety stock. In addition, shortage is not allowed. The considered two objectives aim to minimize the total cost and the maximum mean time for delivering commodities to customers. Because of NP-hardness of the given problem, we apply four multi-objective meta-heuristic algorithms, namely multi-objective imperialist competitive algorithm (MOICA), multi-objective parallel simulated annealing (MOPSA), non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) and Pareto archived evolution strategy (PAES). A comparative study of the forgoing algorithms demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed MOICA with respect to four existing performance measures for numerous test problems.  相似文献   

In Routing Problems the aim is to determine a minimum cost traversal over a graph satisfying some specified constraints. Most of them are NP-hard problems and many different heuristic solution algorithms have been proposed. The name Monte Carlo, MC, applies to a set of heuristic procedures with the common feature of using random numbers to simulate a given process. MC approach has not been applied to the framework of Routing Problems in the literature. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that MC methods could be useful in implementing heuristic algorithms for Routing Problems. In particular, we design an efficient MC heuristic algorithm for the well known Rural Postman Problem (RPP), for which we have a set of instances with known optimal solution taken from the literature.The Rural Postman Problem (RPP) consists of finding a minimum cost traversal of a specified arc subset of a graph. Given that the RPP is a NP-hard problem, heuristic algorithms are interesting both to handle large size instances and to provide upper bounds that could be used in branch and cut procedures. In this paper we propose a heuristic algorithm for the RPP based on Monte Carlo methods. We simulate a vehicle travelling randomly over the graph, jumping from one node to another on the basis of certain probabilities. Monte Carlo methods provide a simple approach to many different Routing Problems and they are easily implemented in a computer code. The application of this algorithm to a set of RPP instances taken from the literature demonstrates that, using the appropriate probabilities, they are also efficient.  相似文献   

This paper presents and analyzes a Two-Phase Multi-Swarm Particle Swarm Optimizer (2MPSO) solving the Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem (DVRP). The research presented in this paper focuses on finding a configuration of several optimization improvement techniques, dedicated to solving dynamic optimization problems, within the 2MPSO framework. Techniques, whose impact on results achieved for DVRP is analyzed, include: solving the current state of a problem with a capacitated clustering and routing heuristic algorithms, solving requests-to-vehicles assignment by the PSO algorithm, route optimization by a separate instance of the PSO algorithm, and knowledge transfer between subsequent states of the problem. The results obtained by the best chosen configuration of the 2MPSO are compared with the state-of-the-art literature results on a popular set of benchmark instances.Our study shows that strong results achieved by 2MPSO should be attributed to three factors: generating initial solutions with a clustering heuristic, optimizing the requests-to-vehicle assignment with a metaheuristic approach, direct passing of solutions obtained in the previous stage (times step) of the problem solving procedure to the next stage. Additionally, 2MPSO outperforms the average results obtained by other algorithms presented in the literature, both in the time limited experiments, as well as those restricted by the number of fitness function evaluations.  相似文献   

The Node, Edge, and Arc Routing Problem (NEARP) was defined by Prins and Bouchenoua in 2004, although similar problems have been studied before. This problem, also called the Mixed Capacitated General Routing Problem (MCGRP), generalizes the classical Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP), the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem (CARP), and the General Routing Problem. It captures important aspects of real-life routing problems that were not adequately modeled in previous Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) variants. The authors also proposed a memetic algorithm procedure and defined a set of test instances called the CBMix benchmark. The NEARP definition and investigation contribute to the development of rich VRPs. In this paper we present the first lower bound procedure for the NEARP. It is a further development of lower bounds for the CARP. We also define two novel sets of test instances to complement the CBMix benchmark. The first is based on well-known CARP instances; the second consists of real life cases of newspaper delivery routing. We provide numerical results in the form of lower and best known upper bounds for all instances of all three benchmarks. For three of the instances, the gap between the upper and lower bound is closed. The average gap is 25.1%. As the lower bound procedure is based on a high quality lower bound procedure for the CARP, and there has been limited work on approximate solution methods for the NEARP, we suspect that a main reason for the rather large gaps is the quality of the upper bound. This fact, and the high industrial relevance of the NEARP, should motivate more research on approximate and exact methods for this important problem.  相似文献   

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