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Jussi Ikäheimo Juha Kiviluoma Robert Weiss Hannele Holttinen 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2018,43(36):17295-17308
Power-to-gas and other chemicals-based storages are often suggested for energy systems with high shares of variable renewable energy. Here we study the North European power and district heat system with alternative long-term storage, the power-to-ammonia (P2A) technology. Assuming fully renewable power and heat sectors and large-scale electrification of road transport, we perform simultaneous optimization of capacity investments and dispatch scheduling of wind, solar, hydro and thermal power, energy storages as well as transmission, focusing on year 2050. We find that P2A has three major roles: it provides renewable feedstock to fertilizer industry and it contributes significantly to system balancing over both time (energy storage) and space (energy transfer). The marginal cost of power-based ammonia production in the studied scenarios varied between 431 and 528 €/t, which is in the range of recent ammonia prices. Costs of P2A plants were dominated by electrolysis. In the power and heat sector, with our cost assumptions, P2A becomes competitive compared to fossil natural gas only if gas price or CO2 emission price rises above 70 €/MWh or 200 €/tCO2. 相似文献
The potential for hydrogen production from three major renewable resources (wind energy, solar energy and biomass) in Argentina is analyzed. This potential for the annual production of wind, solar and biomass hydrogen is represented with maps showing it per unit area in each department. Thus, by using renewable resource databases available in the country, a new Geographic Information System (GIS) of renewable hydrogen is created. In this system, several geographic variables are displayed, in addition to other parameters such as the potential for renewable hydrogen production per department relative to transport fuel consumption of each province or the environmental savings that would imply the production of hydrogen required to add 20% V/V to CNG, with the aim of developing the cleaner alternative CNG + H2 fuel. In order to take into account areas where energy development would be restricted, land use and environmental exclusions were considered. 相似文献
《Energy Policy》2013
In this paper, issues of security of supply, energy spillage control, and peaking options, within a fully renewable electricity system, are addressed. We show that a generation mix comprising 49% hydro, 23% wind, 13% geothermal, 14% pumped hydro energy storage peaking plant, and 1% biomass-fuelled generation on an installed capacity basis, was capable of ensuring security of supply over an historic 6-year period, which included the driest hydrological year on record in New Zealand since 1931. Hydro spillage was minimised, or eliminated, by curtailing a proportion of geothermal generation. Wind spillage was substantially reduced by utilising surplus generation for peaking purposes, resulting in up to 99.8% utilisation of wind energy. Peaking requirements were satisfied using 1550 MW of pumped hydro energy storage generation, with a capacity factor of 0.76% and an upper reservoir storage equivalent to 8% of existing hydro storage capacity. It is proposed that alternative peaking options, including biomass-fuelled gas turbines and demand-side measures, should be considered. As a transitional policy, the use of fossil-gas–fuelled gas turbines for peaking would result in a 99.8% renewable system on an energy basis. Further research into whether a market-based system is capable of delivering such a renewable electricity system is suggested. 相似文献
Greenhouse gas mitigation strategies are generally considered costly with world leaders often engaging in debate concerning the costs of mitigation and the distribution of these costs between different countries. In this paper, the analyses and results of the design of a 100% renewable energy system by the year 2050 are presented for a complete energy system including transport. Two short-term transition target years in the process towards this goal are analysed for 2015 and 2030. The energy systems are analysed and designed with hour-by-hour energy system analyses. The analyses reveal that implementing energy savings, renewable energy and more efficient conversion technologies can have positive socio-economic effects, create employment and potentially lead to large earnings on exports. If externalities such as health effects are included, even more benefits can be expected. 100% Renewable energy systems will be technically possible in the future, and may even be economically beneficial compared to the business-as-usual energy system. Hence, the current debate between leaders should reflect a combination of these two main challenges. 相似文献
Meng Ni Michael K.H. LeungK. Sumathy Dennis Y.C. Leung 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2006
Hong Kong is highly vulnerable to energy and economic security due to the heavy dependence on imported fossil fuels. The combustion of fossil fuels also causes serious environmental pollution. Therefore, it is important to explore the opportunities for clean renewable energy for long-term energy supply. Hong Kong has the potential to develop clean renewable hydrogen energy to improve the environmental performance. This paper reviews the recent development of hydrogen production technologies, followed by an overview of the renewable energy sources and a discussion about potential applications for renewable hydrogen production in Hong Kong. The results show that although renewable energy resources cannot entirely satisfy the energy demand in Hong Kong, solar energy, wind power, and biomass are available renewable sources for significant hydrogen production. A system consisting of wind turbines and photovoltaic (PV) panels coupled with electrolyzers is a promising design to produce hydrogen. Biomass, especially organic waste, offers an economical, environmental-friendly way for renewable hydrogen production. The achievable hydrogen energy output would be as much as 40% of the total energy consumption in transportation. 相似文献
The New Zealand electricity generation system is dominated by hydro generation at approximately 60% of installed capacity between 2005 and 2007, augmented with approximately 32% fossil-fuelled generation, plus minor contributions from geothermal, wind and biomass resources. In order to explore the potential for a 100% renewable electricity generation system with substantially increased levels of wind penetration, fossil-fuelled electricity production was removed from an historic 3-year data set, and replaced by modelled electricity production from wind, geothermal and additional peaking options. Generation mixes comprising 53–60% hydro, 22–25% wind, 12–14% geothermal, 1% biomass and 0–12% additional peaking generation were found to be feasible on an energy and power basis, whilst maintaining net hydro storage. Wind capacity credits ranged from 47% to 105% depending upon the incorporation of demand management, and the manner of operation of the hydro system. Wind spillage was minimised, however, a degree of residual spillage was considered to be an inevitable part of incorporating non-dispatchable generation into a stand-alone grid system. Load shifting was shown to have considerable advantages over installation of new peaking plant. Application of the approach applied in this research to countries with different energy resource mixes is discussed, and options for further research are outlined. 相似文献
This paper presents the methodology and results of the overall energy system analysis of a 100% renewable energy system. The input for the systems is the result of a project of the Danish Association of Engineers, in which 1600 participants during more than 40 seminars discussed and designed a model for the future energy system of Denmark. The energy system analysis methodology includes hour by hour computer simulations leading to the design of flexible energy systems with the ability to balance the electricity supply and demand. The results are detailed system designs and energy balances for two energy target years: year 2050 with 100% renewable energy from biomass and combinations of wind, wave and solar power; and year 2030 with 50% renewable energy, emphasising the first important steps on the way. The conclusion is that a 100% renewable energy supply based on domestic resources is physically possible, and that the first step towards 2030 is feasible to Danish society. However, Denmark will have to consider to which degree the country shall rely mostly on biomass resources, which will involve the reorganisation of the present use of farming areas, or mostly on wind power, which will involve a large share of hydrogen or similar energy carriers leading to certain inefficiencies in the system design. 相似文献
PEM electrolysis is a viable alternative for generation of hydrogen from renewable energy sources. Several possible applications are discussed, including grid independent and grid assisted hydrogen generation, use of an electrolyzer for peak shaving, and integrated systems both grid connected and grid independent where electrolytically generated hydrogen is stored and then via fuel cell converted back to electricity when needed. Specific issues regarding the use of PEM electrolyzer in the renewable energy systems are addressed, such as sizing of electrolyzer, intermittent operation, output pressure, oxygen generation, water consumption and efficiency. 相似文献
Utilization of biodiesel waste as a renewable resource for activated carbon: Application to environmental problems 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Stepping into the new globalized and paradigm shifted era, a huge revolution has been undergone by the oil palm industry. From a humble source of the edible oil, today oil palm has demonstrated a wide variety of uses, almost by every part of its plant. With the price of the crude petroleum hitting record height every other day, the feasibility of palm oil and oil palm biomass as renewable substitutes for the production of biodiesel has been proposed. Lately, its development has received various criticisms, mainly hinges on the huge generation of solid residues which are currently no profitable use. In view of the aforementioned reason, this paper presents a state-of-the-art review of oil palm industry, its fundamental background studies, propagation and industrial applications. Moreover, the recent developments on the preparation of activated carbons from oil palm waste, its major challenges together with the future expectation are summarized and discussed. Conclusively, the expansion of oil palm waste in the field of adsorption science represents a potentially viable and powerful tool, leading to the superior improvement of pollution control and environmental conservation. 相似文献
Turkey, with its young population and growing energy demand per person, its fast growing urbanization, and its economic development, has been one of the fast growing power markets of the world for the last two decades. It is expected that the demand for electric energy in Turkey will be 300 billion kWh by the year 2010 and 580 billion kWh by the year 2020. Turkey is heavily dependent on expensive imported energy resources that place a big burden on the economy and air pollution is becoming a great environmental concern in the country. In this regard, renewable energy resources appear to be the one of the most efficient and effective solutions for clean and sustainable energy development in Turkey. Turkey's geographical location has several advantages for extensive use of most of these renewable energy sources. This article presents a review of the potential and utilization of the renewable energy sources in Turkey. 相似文献
A complete stand-alone electrolyser system has been constructed as a transportable unit for demonstration of a sustainable energy facility based on hydrogen and a renewable energy source. The stand-alone unit is designed to support a polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) stack operating at up to ∼4 kW input power with a stack efficiency of about 80% based on HHV of hydrogen. It is self-pressurizing and intended for operation initially at a differential pressure of less than 6 bar across the membrane electrode assembly with the hydrogen generation side being at a higher pressure. With a slightly smaller stack, the system has been operated at an off-site facility where it was directly coupled to a 2.4 kW photovoltaic (PV) solar array. Because of its potential use in remote areas, the balance-of-plant operates entirely on 12 V DC power for all monitoring, control and safety requirements. It utilises a separate high-current supply as the main electrolyser input, typically 30–40 V at 100 A from a renewable source such as solar PV or wind. The system has multiple levels of built-in operator and stack safety redundancy. Control and safety systems monitor all flows, levels and temperatures of significance. All fault conditions are failsafe and are duplicated, triggering latching relays which shut the system down. Process indicators monitor several key variables and allow operating limits to be easily adjusted in response to experience of system performance gained in the field. 相似文献
《Energy Policy》2014
Transition to a sustainable society requires large-scale conversion of the energy system to new, renewable, non-fossil sources of energy. This presupposes public support for new technologies, which means the public must deal with challenges in terms of placement, area requirements, ecological degradation and price developments. This paper discusses how citizens view renewable energy technologies. It analyses responses to representative surveys of the Norwegian population on the desirability of various energy technologies such as hydroelectric dams, onshore and offshore wind energy, bioenergy plants and, for contrast, gas plants with and without carbon capture and storage. Our main focus is on the influence of party political preference on views of renewable energy. We find that the sometimes lukewarm enthusiasm for renewable energy technologies cannot be fully explained by existing theories and that political party preference has a larger impact on energy technology attitudes than previously believed. 相似文献
Policy makers face difficult choices in planning to decarbonise their electricity industries in the face of significant technology and economic uncertainties. To this end we compare the projected costs in 2030 of one medium-carbon and two low-carbon fossil fuel scenarios for the Australian National Electricity Market (NEM) against the costs of a previously published scenario for 100% renewable electricity in 2030. The three new fossil fuel scenarios, based on the least cost mix of baseload and peak load power stations in 2010, are: (i) a medium-carbon scenario utilising only gas-fired combined cycle gas turbines (CCGTs) and open cycle gas turbines (OCGTs); (ii) coal with carbon capture and storage (CCS) plus peak load OCGT; and (iii) gas-fired CCGT with CCS plus peak load OCGT. We perform sensitivity analyses of the results to future carbon prices, gas prices, and CO2 transportation and storage costs which appear likely to be high in most of Australia. We find that only under a few, and seemingly unlikely, combinations of costs can any of the fossil fuel scenarios compete economically with 100% renewable electricity in a carbon constrained world. Our findings suggest that policies pursuing very high penetrations of renewable electricity based on commercially available technology offer a cost effective and low risk way to dramatically cut emissions in the electricity sector. 相似文献
Various catastrophes related to extreme weather events such as floods, hurricanes, droughts and heat waves occurring on the Earth in the recent times are definitely a clear warning sign from nature questioning our ability to protect the environment and ultimately the Earth itself. Progressive release of greenhouse gases (GHG) such as CO2 and CH4 from development of various energy-intensive industries has ultimately caused human civilization to pay its debt. Realizing the urgency of reducing emissions and yet simultaneously catering to needs of industries, researches and scientists conclude that renewable energy is the perfect candidate to fulfill both parties requirement. Renewable energy provides an effective option for the provision of energy services from the technical point of view. In this context, biomass appears as one important renewable source of energy. Biomass has been a major source of energy in the world until before industrialization when fossil fuels become dominant and researches have proven from time to time its viability for large-scale production. Although there has been some successful industrial-scale production of renewable energy from biomass, generally this industry still faces a lot of challenges including the availability of economically viable technology, sophisticated and sustainable natural resources management, and proper market strategies under competitive energy markets. Amidst these challenges, the development and implementation of suitable policies by the local policy-makers is still the single and most important factor that can determine a successful utilization of renewable energy in a particular country. Ultimately, the race to the end line must begin with the proof of biomass ability to sustain in a long run as a sustainable and reliable source of renewable energy. Thus, the aim of this paper is to present the potential availability of oil palm biomass that can be converted to hydrogen (leading candidate positioned as the energy of the millennium) through gasification reaction in supercritical water, as a source of renewable energy to policy-makers. Oil palm topped the ranking as number 1 fruit crops in terms of production for the year 2007 with 36.90 million tonnes produced or 35.90% of the total edible oil in the world. Its potentiality is further enhanced by the fact that oil constitutes only about 10% of the palm production, while the rest 90% is biomass. With a world oil palm biomass production annually of about 184.6 million tons, the maximum theoretical yield of hydrogen potentially produced by oil palm biomass via this method is 2.16×1010 kg H2 year−1 with an energy content of 2.59 EJ year−1, meeting almost 50% of the current worldwide hydrogen demand. 相似文献
Titiporn TantichanakulOrawon Chailapakul Nisit Tantavichet 《Journal of power sources》2011,196(20):8764-8772
Gelled electrolytes prepared from fumed silica for use in absorptive glass mat valve-regulated lead-acid (AGM VRLA) batteries and the effect of veratraldehyde addition on the electrochemical behavior and performance of AGM VRLA batteries are investigated. Cyclic voltammetry is used to investigate differences in the electrochemical behaviors of nongelled and gelled electrolytes and between gelled electrolytes with and without veratraldehyde. Battery performance is tested under 100% depth of discharge (100% DoD) conditions at both low- (0.1 C) and high- (1 C) rate discharges. The addition of silica or veratraldehyde does not affect the main reaction of the lead-acid batteries but tends to suppress the hydrogen evolution reaction. AGM VRLA batteries with gelled electrolytes have a higher discharge capacity and longer cycle life than the conventional nongel AGM VRLA batteries. The addition of 0.005% (w/v) veratraldehyde further improves battery performance, but higher (0.01%, w/v) veratraldehyde concentrations reduce it and correlate with the enhanced growth of lead sulfate crystals. The AGM VRLA battery prepared from a gelled electrolyte containing 0.005% (w/v) veratraldehyde provides the best battery performance in every operating temperature studied (0-60 °C). 相似文献
In this study, exergoeconomic and environmental impact analyses, through energy, exergy, and sustainability assessment methods, are performed to investigate a hybrid version renewable energy (including wind and solar) based hydrogen and electricity production system. The dead state temperatures considered here are 10 °C, 20 °C and 30 °C to undertake a parametric study. An electrolyzer and a metal hydride tank are used for hydrogen production and hydrogen storage, respectively. Also, the Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) and battery options are utilized for electricity generation and storage, respectively. As a result, the energy and exergy efficiencies and the sustainability index for the wind turbine are found to be higher than the ones for solar photovoltaic (PV) system. Also, the overall exergy efficiency of the system is found to be higher than the corresponding overall energy efficiency. Furthermore, for this system, it can be concluded that wind turbine with 60 gCO2/month is more environmentally-benign than the solar PV system with 75 gCO2/month. Finally, the total exergoeconomic parameter is found to be 0.26 W/$, when the energy loss is considered, while it is 0.41 W/$, when the total of exergy loss and destruction rates are taken into account. 相似文献
Nelson A. Kelly Thomas L. Gibson Mei Cai James A. Spearot David B. Ouwerkerk 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2010
There is an increasing need for new and greater sources of energy for future global transportation applications. One recognized possibility for a renewable, clean source of transportation fuels is solar radiation collected and converted into useable forms of electrical and/or chemical (hydrogen) energy. This paper describes methods for utilizing and combining existing technologies into systems that optimize solar energy collection and conversion into useful transportation fuels. Photovoltaic (PV)-electrolysis (solar hydrogen) and PV-battery charging systems described in this paper overcome inefficiencies inherent in past concepts, where DC power from the PV system was first converted to AC current and then used to power electrical devices at the point of generation, or fed back to the grid to reduce electricity costs. These past, non-optimized concepts included efficiency losses in power conversion and unnecessary costs. These drawbacks can be avoided by capitalizing on the unique feature of solar photovoltaic devices that match their maximum power point to the operating point of an electrolyzer or a battery charger without intervening power transformers. This concept is illustrated for two systems designed, built, and tested by General Motors for fueling a fuel cell electric vehicle and charging an automotive propulsion battery. Based on this research, we propose a scenario in which individual home-owners, businesses, or sites at remote locations with no grid electricity, can capture solar energy, store it as hydrogen generated via water electrolysis, or as electrical energy used to charge storage batteries. Such a decentralized energy system provides a home refueling option for drivers who only travel limited distances each day. 相似文献
Beatriz Escobar José Hernández Romeli Barbosa Ysmael Verde-Gómez 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2013
The main advantage of the hybrid system compared with separate array solar photovoltaic and stand-alone wind turbine is the possibility of the surplus energy storage by transforming it to hydrogen that can be use in fuel cells. However the design and sizing of this kind of technologies need to meet the local microclimate in order to reach higher efficacies. A tool based on an analytical model to sizing, analyze and assess the feasibility of the hybrid wind/photovoltaic/H2 energy conversion systems using real weather data is presented in this work. The model considers an energy balance analysis and electrical variables of the system components; the tool calculates the subsystems efficacy and proposes the improvements to increase the efficiency of the use in surplus energy produced by the hybrid system. To validate the analytical model, simulation based on wind speed and solar radiation measurements from meteorological monitoring station in a Mexican Caribbean City is discussed. 相似文献
In renewably powered remote hydrogen generation systems, on-site water production is essential so as to service electrolysis in hydrogen systems which may not have recourse to shipments of de-ionised water. Whilst the inclusion of small Reverse Osmosis (RO) units may function as a (useful) dump load, it also directly impacts the power management of remote hydrogen generation systems affecting operational characteristics. 相似文献