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Repeated, daily tetanization of the corpus callosum induces lasting changes in sensorimotor cortex field potential responses, but the synaptic populations that mediate these responses and support long-term potentiation (LTP) have not been characterized. Current source density analyses of field responses were compared between control animals and those in which LTP was induced by 10 daily series of tetanizations. Tetanization and paired-pulse stimulation (100 ms interval) enhanced the duration of initial (approximately 3 ms onset) deep-negative population spike activity generated by a current sink in layer V that peaked repeatedly at a frequency of approximately 400 Hz. The early (approximately 10 ms to peak) surface-negative component of field responses was generated by a current sink in upper layer V and a source in layer VI. This monosynaptic component followed high stimulation frequencies, recovered quickly from the effects of anaesthesia, and was enhanced by both tetanization and paired-pulse stimulation. The late (approximately 20 ms to peak) surface-negative component was generated by a sink in upper layer V and a source deep in layer V, and was greatly enhanced by tetanization and paired-pulse stimulation. The late component did not follow high-frequency stimulation and recovered slowly from anaesthesia, suggesting that it is driven polysynaptically. Potentiation of monosynaptic thalamic and cortico-cortical afferents probably mediates enhancements of the early component and population spikes, while potentiation of polysynaptic afferents to layer V may contribute to growth in the late component.  相似文献   

The authors investigated withdrawal in smokers with current threshold and subthreshold depressive disorders (N = 21) who were participating in a pilot study of intensive counseling interventions for smoking cessation. The majority of participants (67%) were taking antidepressants when they entered the trial. Withdrawal symptoms were compared in prolonged abstainers versus nonabstainers across a 12-week treatment period and at the 3-month follow-up assessment visit. Prolonged abstinence was associated with an increase in positive affect and a decrease in depressive symptoms and craving over time. Nonabstinence was associated with little overall change in these variables from treatment onset to the 3-month follow-up. At the 3-month follow-up, 44% of prolonged abstainers were in complete remission of their baseline depressive disorders, compared with 0% remission among nonabstainers. Findings suggest that within the context of an intensive smoking cessation intervention, some smokers with current depressive disorders may experience significant improvement in affective and craving symptoms. Findings also suggest that abstinence may be associated with improvement in affect. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Calmodulin is a ubiquitous transducer of calcium signals in eukaryotes. In diploid plant species, several isoforms of calmodulin have been described. Here, we report on the isolation and characterization of calmodulin cDNAs corresponding to 10 genes from hexaploid (bread) wheat (Triticum aestivum). These genes encode three distinct calmodulin isoforms; one isoform is novel in that it lacks a conserved calcium binding site. Based on their nucleotide sequences, the 10 cDNAs were classified into four subfamilies. Using subfamily-specific DNA probes, calmodulin genes were identified and the chromosomal location of each subfamily was determined by Southern analysis of selected aneuploid lines. The data suggest that hexaploid wheat possesses at least 13 calmodulin-related genes. Subfamilies 1 and 2 were both localized to the short arms of homoeologous-group 3 chromosomes; subfamily 2 is located on all three homoeologous short arms (3AS, 3BS and 3DS), whereas subfamily 1 is located only on 3AS and 3BS but not on 3DS. Further analysis revealed that Aegilops tauschii, the presumed diploid donor of the D-genome of hexaploid wheat, lacks a subfamily-1 calmodulin gene homologue, whereas diploid species related to the progenitors of the A and B genomes do contain such genes. Subfamily 3 was localized to the short arm of homoeologous chromosomes 2A, 2B and 2D, and subfamily 4 was mapped to the proximal regions of 4AS, 4BL and 4DL. These findings suggest that the calmodulin genes within each subfamily in hexaploid wheat represent homoeoallelic loci. Furthermore, they also suggest that calmodulin genes diversified into subfamilies before speciation of Triticum and Aegilops diploid species.  相似文献   

Exposure to high levels of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) in humans has been associated with a number of respiratory and neurological symptoms. Acute toxicity following exposure to high concentrations is well-documented, however, there is little scientific information concerning the effects of exposure to low concentrations. The effects of low levels of H2S on electroencephalographic (EEG) activity in the hippocampus and neocortex were investigated on the freely moving rat (Sprague-Dawley). Hippocampal electrodes were implanted in the dentate gyrus (DG) and CA1 region. Activity was recorded for 10 min just prior to H2S exposure in the presence of air (pre-exposure). Rats were exposed to H2S (25, 50, 75, or 100 ppm) for 3 h/day; data was collected during the final 10 min of each exposure. The total power of hippocampal theta activity increased in a concentration-dependent manner in both DG and CA1; repeated exposures for 5 consecutive days resulted in a cumulative effect that required 2 weeks for complete recovery. The effects were found to be highly significant at all concentrations within subjects. Neocortical EEG and LIA (Large Amplitude Irregular Activity) were unaffected. The results demonstrate that repeated exposure to low levels of H2S can produce cumulative changes in hippocampal function and suggest selectivity of action of this toxicant.  相似文献   

Digital imaging microfluorimetry was used to visualize changes in mitochondrial potential and intracellular Ca2+ concentration, [Ca2+]i, in thick slices of rat hippocampus. Electrical activity, especially stimulus train-induced bursting (STIB) activity, produced slow, prolonged changes in mitochondrial potential within hippocampal slices as revealed by fluorescence measurements with rhodamine dyes. Changes in mitochondrial potential showed both temporal and spatial correlations with the intensity of the electrical activity. Patterned changes in mitochondrial potential were observed to last from tens of seconds to minutes as the consequence of epileptiform discharges. STIB-associated elevations in [Ca2+]i were also prolonged and exhibited a spatial pattern similar to that of the mitochondrial depolarization. The mitochondrial depolarization was sensitive to TTX and glutamate receptor blockers ([Mg2+]o and CNQX or DNQX plus D-AP-5) and to the inhibition of glutamate release by activation of presynaptic NPY receptors. The monitoring of mitochondrial potential in slice preparations provides a new tool for mapping synaptic activity in the brain and for determining the roles of mitochondria in regulation of brain synaptic activity.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To correlate the perirolandic low signal intensity seen on T2-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) images in neonates and infants with the anatomically located sensorimotor cortex. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Axial T2-weighted MR images of 146 consecutive patients less than 6 months old were reviewed. The sensorimotor cortex was located by identifying the central sulcus. Two independent readers attempted to identify the central sulcus using two anatomic methods independently and in combination. The location of the central sulcus was compared with that of the perirolandic low signal intensity. RESULTS: Seventy-two normal hemispheres in 36 patients and 91 abnormal hemispheres in 47 patients showed clear perirolandic low signal intensity. The central sulcus was located anatomically in 70 and 72 normal hemispheres (97% and 100%, respectively) and 90 and 91 abnormal hemispheres (99% and 100%, respectively). In all normal hemispheres, the identified central sulcus correlated with the perirolandic low signal intensity. In contrast, an apparent mismatch was found in two hemispheres in a patient with Dandy-Walker syndrome. CONCLUSION: The perirolandic low signal intensity seen on T2-weighted MR images is located exactly in the anatomic sensorimotor cortex in normal brains, whereas a mismatch can occur in abnormal brains.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: At this time little information is available about the relationship between glaucomatous visual field defects and impaired blood flow in the optic nerve head. The purpose of this study was to examine blood flow of the juxtapapillary retina and the rim area of the optic nerve head in primary open-angle glaucoma with a borderline visual defect. METHODS: Juxtapapillary retinal and neuroretinal rim area blood flow was measured by scanning laser Doppler flowmetry (SLDF). The visual field was evaluated by static perimetry (Octopus-G1). The optic nerve head was assessed on 15 degrees color stereo photographs. We examined 116 eyes of 91 patients with POAG with controlled IOP and 66 eyes of 44 healthy individuals. The POAG group was divided into eyes with a mean defect lower than 2 dB (POAG group I) and in eyes with a mean defect equal to or greater than 2 dB (POAG group II). The mean age of POAG group I and POAG group II was 55 +/- 11 years and 57 +/- 10 years, respectively. The mean age of the control group was 45 +/- 15 years. The eyes of POAG group I had an average C/D ratio of 0.71 +/- 0.18 with an average mean defect of the visual field of 0.97 +/- 0.68 dB; the eyes of POAG group II had an average C/D ratio of 0.80 +/- 0.17 with an average mean defect of the visual field of 8.2 +/- 6.0 dB. The intraocular pressure on the day of measurement in POAG group I was 18.2 +/- 3.7 mmHg, in POAG group II 17.6 +/- 4.0 mmHg, and in the control group 15.1 +/- 2.5 mmHg. For statistical analysis, age-matched groups of 32 normal eyes of 32 subjects (mean age 52 +/- 10 years) were compared to 18 glaucomatous eyes of 18 patients (POAG group I, mean age 55 +/- 11 years) and 59 glaucomatous eyes of 59 patients (POAG group II, mean age 55 +/- 10 years). RESULTS: In the eyes of POAG group I and POAG group II, both juxtapapillary retinal blood flow and neuroretinal rim area blood flow were significantly decreased compared to an age-matched control group: neuroretinal rim area "flow" POAG group I -65%, POAG group II -66%; juxtapapillary retina "flow" POAG group I -52%, POAG group II -44%. All eyes of the POAG group I (MD < 2 dB) and 56 of 61 eyes of the POAG group II (MD > = 2 dB) showed a retinal perfusion lower than the 90% percentile of normal blood flow. We found no correlation between reduction of juxtapapillary or papillary blood flow and mean defect in POAG eyes. CONCLUSION: Glaucomatous eyes with no defects or borderline visual field defects as well as glaucomatous eyes in an advanced disease stage show significantly decreased optic nerve head and juxtapapillary retinal capillary blood flow.  相似文献   

The application of the concept of ray vector fields to optical systems is reexamined. Paraxial or linear optics defines a four-dimensional ray vector field for any optical system: the vector field maps the incident ray vector into the emergent ray vector. In the case of thin systems, including thin astigmatic lenses, one can define a vector field of reduced dimensionality: the vector field is two-dimensional and maps the ray's incident position into the change in reduced direction. When the index of refraction is the same before and after a thin system, the change in reduced direction is the reduced deflection through the system or the reduced prismatic effect. Contrary to what has recently been claimed, this type of two-dimensional vector field does not apply in general to thick systems. However, a number of different types of two-dimensional vector fields can be defined for various particular classes of optical systems. Thick systems differ qualitatively from thin systems. They do not have equivalent thin lenses and cannot generally be replaced by thin lenses. Equations are derived for the change in reduced direction and deflection for a ray through optical systems in general and through separated two- and three-lens systems in particular.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe a dynamic psychotherapeutic approach specifically developed for women with eating disorders. METHOD: The developmental origins and psychological disturbances associated with eating disorders are outlined based on a review of the literature and the authors' observations. Principles from contemporary psychodynamic theories that focus on subjectivity and intersubjectivity are applied to the treatment of women with eating disorders and are illustrated with clinical vignettes. Theoretical models employed include intersubjective and relational theory, self psychology, and feminist psychodynamic theory. RESULTS: Relative unresponsiveness to a child's subjective experience and to child-initiated cues are thought to contribute to psychological disturbances among women with eating disorders. These disturbances include impairment in the sense of effectiveness, in the capacity to appreciate and tolerate emotions, and in the continuity and cohesiveness of self-experience. Self-imposed starvation, binge-purge episodes, and excessive exercise may act as psychic organizers in women with these vulnerabilities. An active psychotherapeutic approach with sustained interest in the patient's authentic subjective experience promotes the identification, organization, and integration of emotional experience and the consolidation of a more differentiated sense of self. CONCLUSION: In the psychotherapeutic treatment of women with eating disorders, a therapeutic posture of sustained empathic enquiry contributes to the patient's curiosity about her own subjective world. Feeling understood in a therapeutic relationship and feeling assisted in organizing and understanding one's subjective experience contributes to the gradual unfolding of the psychological sense of self.  相似文献   

Investigated changes in smoking self-efficacy as a result of successful and unsuccessful quit attempts. The sample consisted of 182 smokers (aged 19–70 yrs) who planned to quit smoking without professional assistance. Prior to a self-selected quit date, smoking self-efficacy was assessed. Quit status was determined 1, 6, and 12 mo after the quit date. Self-efficacy was reassessed at the 12-mo follow-up. At 12 mo the sample consisted of 44 quitters, 24 continuous smokers, 102 relapsers, and 12 Ss whose smoking status was uncertain. Self-reports of cessation were corroborated by collateral report and confirmed by saliva cotinine analysis. As predicted, quitters increased their self-efficacy, and continuous smokers decreased their self-efficacy from the prequit baseline to the 12-mo follow-up. Relapsers' self-efficacy also dropped significantly. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A variety of initiation procedures have been used to develop oral ethanol consumption. Using the sucrose-substitution procedure, oral self-administration of ethanol-water solutions with ethanol concentrations as high as 40% can be initiated in food- and fluid-sated rats. An important question for these models is the relationship between ethanol concentration and self-administration patterns after initiation. This study examined the differential patterns of ethanol self-administration maintained by a range of ethanol solutions (10 to 30%) over a 5-week period, compared with rats maintained on 10% ethanol for 5 weeks. In 43 male Long Evans rats, the sucrose-substitution procedure was used to initiate responding maintained by 10% ethanol on a Fixed Ratio 4 schedule of reinforcement. The ethanol concentration presented was then increased to 30% in stepwise fashion and then returned to 10% [Ethanol Concentration Manipulation (ECM) group, n = 32], or 10% ethanol was maintained as the reinforcer for 5 weeks [Control (Con) group, n = 11]. Significant increases in ethanol intake and decreases in responding were associated with increased ethanol concentration. Although no overall differences in total session responding were observed in either group between week 1 and week 5 (10E vs. 10E), examination of changes in initial low responders of the ECM group revealed significant increases in responding that were not observed in the initial low responders of the Con group. Significant increases in momentary response rates were observed on both the ECM and Con groups, independent of the ethanol concentration presented. Increases in response rate in the ECM group were the result of increases in initial low rate and high rate responders; however, the increased response rates in the Con group were the result of increases only in the initial low rate responders. These data suggest that the ECM procedure can aid in the initiation of ethanol self-administration and may be particularly useful in rats of heterogeneous stock.  相似文献   

This study used the semantic differential to investigate the rating behavior on the Real and Ideal Self of 37 neurotic-depressive, 37 paranoid, and 67 other patients in hospital treatment, on admission and prior to discharge. Of 5 diagnostic groupings, only depressives moved from very low to relatively high Real Self rating and exhibited a positive correlation between Real Self and improvement. On the Ideal Self none of the groups showed any significant rating change during hospital stay. The results suggested that enhanced Real Self rating as a function of improved adjustment is not confined to client-centered therapy, since it also occurs with depressives in hospital treatment and without prolonged psychotherapy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Changes in impulse activity of sensorimotor cortex neurons associated with interaction of glutamate and dopamine during conditioned placing reaction were investigated in experiments on cats. Application of either glutamate or levodopa as a dopamine precursor increased background and evoked impulse activity in many of sensorimotor cortex neurons. It occurred occasionally that an increased impulse activity of cortical neurons produced by joint application of glutamate and levodopa could be much more intense than that produced by one of these substances. Amphetamine acted on cortical neurons in a similar way as levodopa. Haloperidol, a non-selective blocker of dopamine1 and dopamine2 receptors, increased or did not change background and evoked impulse activity in some cortical neurons. In contrast to application of glutamate alone, simultaneous application of glutamate and haloperidol to the neocortex depressed neuronal responses connected with conditioned movement. Thus, glutamate cannot exert its potentiating effect on evoked neuronal activity due to the depressing action of haloperidol. This means that glutamate potentiation is realized to a great extent through molecular mechanisms common for glutamate and dopamine, possibly through G-proteins which are common for glutamate metabotropic and dopamine receptors.  相似文献   

Surgery of lesions within the central region requires exact intraoperative anatomical orientation and knowledge of the position of functional cortical regions to minimize the surgical trauma and to avoid postoperative neurological deficits. We combined somatosensory evoked potential (SSEP) phase reversal and/or cortical electrical stimulation with neuronavigation in 26 patients for localization and visualization of functional cortical areas and their anatomical site in relation to the lesion. After location of the central sulcus by means of SSEP phase reversal, the precentral gyrus was electrically stimulated to detect functional motor regions. Electrode position was documented, and the functional regions were related to the site of the lesion using a specially developed neuronavigation system. In 11 of 15 patients the central fissure was located with SSEP phase reversal. Electrical stimulation yielded motor evoked potentials in 23 of the total 26 patients. The anatomical site of these functional regions and their relation to the lesion were evaluated with the neuronavigation system. The precentral gyrus, central sulcus, and postcentral gyrus could be identified in all 23 cases. The combination of intraoperative electrophysiological mapping and neuronavigation provides safe and reliable localization of the sensorimotor cortex. This technique is a promising tool to minimize the risk of surgically caused sensory and motor deficits.  相似文献   

Mutations comprising either deletion of 32 amino acids from the NH2 terminus (alpha1M32) or a Glu233 --> Lys substitution in the first M2-M3 cytoplasmic loop (E233K) of the alpha1-subunit of the Na, K-ATPase result in a shift in the steady-state E1 left arrow over right arrow E2 conformational equilibrium toward E1 form(s). In the present study, the functional consequences of both NH2-terminal deletion and Glu233 substitution provide evidence for mutual interactions of these cytoplasmic regions. Following transfection and selection of HeLa cells expressing the ouabain-resistant alpha1M32E233K double mutant, growth was markedly reduced unless the K+ concentration in the culture medium was increased to at least 10 mM. Marked changes effected by this double mutation included 1) a 15-fold reduction in catalytic turnover (Vmax/EPmax), 2) a 70-fold increase in apparent affinity for ATP, 3) a marked decrease in vanadate sensitivity, and 4) marked (approximately 10-fold) K+ activation of the Na-ATPase activity measured at micromolar ATP under which condition the E2(K) --> --> E1 pathway is normally (alpha1) rate-limiting and K+ is inhibitory. The decrease in catalytic turnover was associated with a 5-fold decrease in Vmax and a compensatory approximately 3-fold increase in expressed alpha1M32E233K protein. In contrast to the behavior of either alpha1M32 or E233K, alpha1M32E233K also showed alterations in apparent cation affinities. K'Na was decreased approximately 2-fold and K'K was increased approximately 2-fold. The importance of the charge at residue 233 is underscored by the consequences of single and double mutations comprising either a conservative change (E233D) or neutral substitution (E233Q). Thus, whereas mutation to a positively charged residue (E233K) causes a drastic change in enzymatic behavior, a conservative change causes only a minor change and the neutral substitution, an intermediate effect. Overall, the combined effects of the NH2-terminal deletion and the Glu233 substitutions are synergistic rather than additive, consistent with an interaction between the NH2-terminal region, the first cytoplasmic loop, and possibly the large M4-M5 cytoplasmic loop bearing the nucleotide binding and phosphorylation sites.  相似文献   

A study is presented of the structure and function of the heart in the diastole in 39 patients during corinfar treatment of essential hypertension. It was established that effective corinfar monotherapy of patients with moderate essential hypertension was associated with arteriolo- and venodilating effect of the drug with prevalence of the preloading effect. Changes of the intracardiac hemodynamics resulted in changes of the left ventricular systole phase structure, namely, its transformation in the direction of myocardial hypodynamia.  相似文献   

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