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提出了一种基于内容的视频索引方法。将视频内容分为人脸(face)、风景(landscape)和运动目标(object motion)三种模式,实现手机平台上的快速视频索引。 首先在不同模式下用滑动窗口的方法计算出每个时间片的感兴趣程度。在face模式下,利用水平投影直方图分析人脸所在的大致位置,综合统计人脸区域的变化;在Landscape模式下,进行HSV空间的直方图统计;在object motion模式下,用基于光流的跟踪算法得出目标的运动矢量。在用户选择对应的模式后,对每个时间片内的视频求得各前后帧的  相似文献   

Uncertainty coming from the noise in its neurons and the ill-posed nature of many tasks plagues neural computations. Maybe surprisingly, many studies show that the brain manipulates these forms of uncertainty in a probabilistically consistent and normative manner, and there is now a rich theoretical literature on the capabilities of populations of neurons to implement computations in the face of uncertainty. However, one major facet of uncertainty has received comparatively little attention: time. In a dynamic, rapidly changing world, data are only temporarily relevant. Here, we analyze the computational consequences of encoding stimulus trajectories in populations of neurons. For the most obvious, simple, instantaneous encoder, the correlations induced by natural, smooth stimuli engender a decoder that requires access to information that is nonlocal both in time and across neurons. This formally amounts to a ruinous representation. We show that there is an alternative encoder that is computationally and representationally powerful in which each spike contributes independent information; it is independently decodable, in other words. We suggest this as an appropriate foundation for understanding time-varying population codes. Furthermore, we show how adaptation to temporal stimulus statistics emerges directly from the demands of simple decoding.  相似文献   

Many recent database applications need to deal with similarity queries. For such applications, it is important to measure the similarity between two objects using the distance between them. Focusing on this problem, this paper proposes the slim-tree, a new dynamic tree for organizing metric data sets in pages of fixed size. The slim-tree uses the triangle inequality to prune the distance calculations that are needed to answer similarity queries over objects in metric spaces. The proposed insertion algorithm uses new policies to select the nodes where incoming objects are stored. When a node overflows, the slim-tree uses a minimal spanning tree to help with the splitting. The new insertion algorithm leads to a tree with high storage utilization and improved query performance. The slim-tree is a metric access method that tackles the problem of overlaps between nodes in metric spaces and that allows one to minimize the overlap. The proposed "fat-factor" is a way to quantify whether a given tree can be improved and also to compare two trees. We show how to use the fat-factor to achieve accurate estimates of the search performance and also how to improve the performance of a metric tree through the proposed "slim-down" algorithm. This paper also presents a new tool in the slim-tree's arsenal of resources, aimed at visualizing it. Visualization is a powerful tool for interactive data mining and for the visual tracking of the behavior of a tree under updates. Finally, we present a formula to estimate the number of disk accesses in range queries. Results from experiments with real and synthetic data sets show that the new slim-tree algorithms lead to performance improvements. These results show that the slim-tree outperforms the M-tree by up to 200% for range queries. For insertion and splitting, the minimal-spanning-tree-based algorithm achieves up to 40 times faster insertions. We observed improvements of up to 40% in range queries after applying the slim-down algorithm  相似文献   

Hierarchical semistructured data arise frequently in the Web, or in biological information processing applications. Semistructured objects describing the same type of information have similar but not identical structure. Usually they share some common ‘schema’. Finding the common schema of a collection of semistructured objects is a very important task and due to the huge amount of such data encountered, data mining techniques have been employed.In this paper, we study the problem of discovering frequently occurring structures in semistructured objects using the notion of association rules. We identify that discovering the frequent structures in the early phases of the mining procedure is the dominant cost and we provide a fast algorithm addressing this issue. We present experimental results, which demonstrate the superiority of the proposed algorithm and also its efficiency in reducing dramatically the processing cost.  相似文献   

针对熵编码的自适应可逆图像预处理方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
郑煜颖 《计算机应用》2011,31(4):1033-1036
大多数图像编码前所采用的预处理方法都会造成一定程度的信息损失。以提高图像的熵编码效率为目的,提出一种自适应可逆图像预处理方法——基于相邻像素相似性的可逆图像变换,它包括8像素和4像素处理下的多种模式。在对图像做位平面分解后进行基于相邻像素相似性的可逆图像变换,并选择多种变换方式下具有最小熵的变换图像作为预处理输出,其直方图呈现出U型分布。实验结果表明,该预处理方法改变了图像的统计特性,从而提高了图像的压缩比和熵编码效率。  相似文献   

Fast chain coding of region boundaries   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A fast single-pass algorithm to convert a multivalued image from a raster-based representation into chain codes is presented. All chain codes are obtained in linear time with respect to the number of chain segments that are generated at each raster according to a set of templates. A formal statement and the complexity and performance analysis of the algorithm are given  相似文献   

针对高效视频编码(HEVC)帧内预测复杂度高和耗时长的缺点,提出一种HEVC帧内编码的快速算法。首先根据相邻编码单元的时空域相关性,缩小编码单元深度遍历范围,提前中止或跳过不必要的深度,同时在选择当前编码单元的最佳模式时,根据Planar模式是否可为最佳模式,分别采取不同的方案减少预测模式数量。实验结果表明,与HM10.0相比,提出的算法能在保持编码性能的同时将编码时间减少约30%,加快了帧内编码的速度,具有很好的实用性。  相似文献   

针对DSP(digital signal processor,数字信号处理器)平台上的图像特征点匹配问题,提出了一种高效的基于自聚类二分查找树的快速索引结构,并设计了适合于DSP结构特点的索引存储布局。通过在离线情况下将特征点参考数据集逐级地二分聚类,生成多级索引结构。以顺序数组的方式将树状索引结构存储到连续的内存空间中,便于导出为数据文件存储及进一步加载到DSP内存中使用。实验表明,该索引结构能够快速有效地在DSP平台完成特征点匹配工作。  相似文献   

高效视频编码(High Efficiency Video Coding,HEVC)作为下一代新的视频编码标准,旨在有限网络带宽下传输高质量的网络视频。与现有的视频编码标准相比,高效视频编码具有更高的灵活性和压缩率。编码单元(Coding Unit,CU)是视频编码处理的基本单元,原有的算法通过四叉树递归获取最佳CU深度,在提高视频压缩性能的同时引入了较高的计算复杂度。针对该问题,提出了一种快速编码深度选择算法,该算法利用相邻CU的深度信息计算一个深度预测特征值,通过该特征值进行深度选择,以避免不必要的计算,降低计算复杂度。实验结果表明,该算法在保证视频压缩效果的同时有效降低了计算复杂度。  相似文献   

Multiview video involves a huge amount of data, and as such, efficiently encoding each view is a critical issue for its wider application. In this paper, a fast motion and disparity estimation algorithm is proposed, utilizing the close correlation between temporal and interview reference frames. First, a reliable predictor is found according to the correlation of motion and disparity vectors. Second, an iterative search process is carried out to find the optimal motion and disparity vectors. The proposed algorithm makes use of the prediction vector obtained in the previous motion estimation for the next disparity estimation and achieves both optimal motion and disparity vectors jointly. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can successfully save an average of 86% of computational time with a negligible quality drop when compared to the joint multiview video model (JMVM) full search algorithm. Furthermore, in comparison with the conventional simulcast coding, the proposed algorithm enhances the video quality and also greatly increases coding speed.  相似文献   

Multiview video involves a huge amount of data, and as such, efficiently encoding each view is a critical issue for its wider application. In this paper, a fast motion and disparity estimation algorithm is proposed, utilizing the close correlation between temporal and inter-view reference frames. First, a reliable predictor is found according to the correlation of motion and disparity vectors. Second, an iterative search process is carried out to find the optimal motion and disparity vectors. The proposed algorithm makes use of the prediction vector obtained in the previous motion estimation for the next disparity estimation and achieves both optimal motion and disparity vectors jointly. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can successfully save an average of 86% of computational time with a negligible quality drop when compared to the joint multiview video model (JMVM) full search algorithm. Furthermore, in comparison with the conventional simulcast coding, the proposed algorithm enhances the video quality and also greatly increases coding speed.  相似文献   

基于灰度差的快速分形图像编码   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分形图像编码根据图像自身的相似性,利用迭代函数系统理论,可以获得较高的压缩比,但是编码时间长却限制了分形图像编码方法的广泛应用.在迭代函数系统的理论理出上,介绍了一种基于灰度差排序的编码方法.该方法分别计算Range块和Domain块的灰度差,然后通过比较二者的灰度差,并且设定灰度差阈值,加速了Range块搜索最佳Domain块的过程,大大缩短了图像的编码时间.实验结果表明,在图像解码质量基本保持不变、压缩比得到提高的情况下,编码时间得到了明显的减少.  相似文献   

Convolutional sparse coding is an interesting alternative to standard sparse coding in modeling shift-invariant signals, giving impressive results for example in unsupervised learning of visual features. In state-of-the-art methods, the most time-consuming parts include inversion of a linear operator related to convolution. In this article we show how these inversions can be computed non-iteratively in the Fourier domain using the matrix inversion lemma. This greatly speeds up computation and makes convolutional sparse coding computationally feasible even for large problems. The algorithm is derived in three variants, one of them especially suitable for parallel implementation. We demonstrate algorithms on two-dimensional image data but all results hold for signals of arbitrary dimension.  相似文献   

为解决多视点视频编码(MVC)可变尺寸块的模式选择计算复杂度过大的问题,提出了基于模式复杂度的多视点视频编码快速模式选择算法。该算法首先分析了多视点视频编码参考模型(JMVC)中各尺寸块的分布特点。然后,提出模式复杂度的概念以确定当前宏块的模式特征。最后,将宏块分成3个不同的模式类型:如果当前宏块属于简单模式,那么仅16×16分块被检查,其他分块均跳过;若当前宏块属于中等模式,则8×8块被跳过;若当前宏块属于复杂模式,所有模式分块都要检查。这样算法对那些不必要的模式选择过程就可以提前终止,从而使得计算量大大减少。实验结果表明:所提算法能保持同JMVC中全搜索算法几乎相同的编码效率,同时使计算复杂度减少62.75%。  相似文献   

尽管分形图像压缩在高压缩比时具有高的重建图像质量,但由于它编码过程耗时而未能在图像压缩领域广泛应用。为了提高分形图像编码过程的速度,提出了基于2-范数匹配的快速分形图像编码算法,该算法先把码书里的码块按2-范数大小赋序,然后对每个输入Range块,在赋序码书中寻找与它的2-范数最接近的码块,进而在这个码块的领域内搜索Range块的最佳匹配块。计算机仿真结果显示,在不影响基本分形图像编码算法解码图像质量的情况下,该方案大大加快了它的编码速度。  相似文献   

码激励线性预测技术(简称CELP)能够在低比特率的情况下实现较高质量的语音,但其运算复杂度高。自适应码书搜索替代长时预测,是大多CELP编码方案的关键。介绍了CELP的基本原理并讨论了自适应码书搜索算法,提出将一种快速自适应码书搜索算法引入到传统4.8 kbp FS1016使其复杂度明显降低。仿真结果表明,该方法既保持了4.8 kbs FS1016传统算法复原语音的质量,又使自适应码书搜索运算量下降约40%以上。  相似文献   

郭磊  王晓东  徐博文  王健 《计算机应用》2018,38(4):1157-1163
针对高效视频编码(HEVC)帧内预测过程中的高计算复杂度问题,提出一种基于纹理特征的预测模式选择和编码单元划分的快速帧内预测算法。利用每一深度层纹理方向强度判断编码单元是否需要进行分割,并且减少候选模式数量。首先,在每一深度层编码单元上结合像素方差,以像素点为单位计算相应的纹理方向强度,确定其纹理复杂度并结合阈值策略预测最终划分深度;其次,比较垂直和水平方向强度关系及统计预测候选模式概率分布,以减少预测模式数量,确定最优候选模式子集,进一步降低编码复杂度。所提算法与平台HM15.0相比,编码时间平均节省51.997%,BDPSNR(Bjontegaard Delta Peak Signal-to-Noise Rate)仅降低0.059 dB,BDBR(Bjontegaard Delta Bit Rate)仅上升了1.018%。实验数据表明,在保证信噪比和比特率基本不变的同时,所提算法能有效降低编码复杂度,利于HEVC的实时视频应用。  相似文献   

目的 新一代3D视频采用了多视点加深度图像的格式,其编码测试模型3D-HEVC(3D高效视频编码)为深度图像引入了一些新的编码技术,包括深度模型模式、分段直流(DC)残差编码模式和帧内跳过模式等,但是同时也显著地增加了帧内编码器的复杂度,严重制约了3D视频的实时应用,因此本文提出了一种深度图像帧内模式选择方法。方法 首先,分析在分层编码结构中,父层帧内模式和子层帧内模式的关系,并依据父层的帧内模式对子层的候选模式进行修剪;其次,通过分析粗略候选帧内模式,把当前块分为平滑块、方向块和边界块,并根据不同块进行候选帧内模式的选择。结果 与高效3D视频编码标准的测试模型相比,本文的深度图像帧内模式选择方法可以节省约44%的编码时间。本文方法有效地减少了计算率失真代价的候选帧内模式数目,从而降低了帧内编码器的复杂度。结论 该方法能在保证虚拟视点质量的前提下,有效地降低深度图像帧内编码的复杂度。  相似文献   

田涛  彭宗举 《计算机应用》2013,33(6):1706-1710
多视点彩色视频与深度视频作为多媒体系统中主流3D场景表示方式,吸引了越来越多人的关注。深度视频反映场景的几何信息,如何对其进行快速编码尤为重要。提出了一种基于区域划分的深度视频快速编码算法。首先,根据深度视频的边缘和运动属性把深度视频分为四个区域;然后,深入分析不同区域内宏块模式分布比例以及参考帧选择特性,设计了不同的宏块模式选择和参考帧搜索策略来提高编码速度;最后,测试提出算法的编码时间、码率以及合成虚拟视点的质量。实验结果表明,提出算法在保证虚拟视点图像质量和编码码率基本不变的情况下,节约了85.73%~91.06%的编码时间。  相似文献   

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