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目的:探讨中风患者便秘辩证施护经验.方法:对30例中风便秘患者从中药内服.饮食调理、针灸按摩等方面进行辩证施护.结果:本组30例患者经辩证施护后28例在3-7 d便秘消除,另外2例10d仍未缓解,经肥皂水灌肠后排便,30例均生命体征平稳,在住院期间未再次发生脑卒中或其它并发症.结论:对中风患者病人便秘进行辩证施护十分必要.  相似文献   

腰椎间盘突出症,国内外学者对该病的病理基础学及脊神经的结构等方面进行了卓有成效的研究.中医治疗目前仍是该病的最主要的疗法之一.重视其病理成因,辨证施治,辩证施护.同病异治,同病异护,才能迅速缓解症状,缩短疗程,促进康复.  相似文献   

目的:探讨对高龄卧床便秘老人施行辨证施护的疗效.方法:选择高龄卧床便秘老人25例,从整体观出发,施以辨证用药,理疗,饮食调护,生活护理等综合措施.结果:辨证施护的综合措施能有效治疗高龄卧床老人的便秘.结论:对高龄卧床这一老年特殊群体,施行辩证施护,方法简便,实用,有效,较好的维护了她们的生存质量.  相似文献   

总结了对36例呃逆患者进行辨证施护的过程.主要包括以虚实为纲,统括六种证型,针对不同的证型给予相应的饮食、起居、情志、用药护理及选择相应的穴位进行艾灸、药物穴位贴敷等外治疗法.36例呃逆患者经过1~4d治疗护理后,症状消失并无复发.认为辨证施护及中医外治疗法治疗呃逆效果显著,并且安全、可靠.  相似文献   

腰肌劳损是指腰部肌肉、筋膜或骨膜慢性损伤性炎症引起的疼痛,为腰腿痛中最常见的疾病之一,中医称本病为"腰痹".中医学认为,劳逸不当,造成气血、筋骨活动失调,腰背部经络筋膜劳损,脉络受阻,瘀血凝滞,不通则痛[1].本病多见于中老年人,近年来临床观察发现青壮年人发病也占相当比例,常与职业和工作环境有密切关系.我科近2年来对该病症采用中西医结合治疗并加强临床护理,取得了满意的疗效,现将护理体会报告如下.  相似文献   

对收治100例溃疡性结肠炎患者,根据中医辨证论治分型为湿热内蕴、气滞血瘀、脾气虚弱,并进行综合整体辨证施护,并观察其疗效.100例患者通过正确、及时、恰当的中西医结合治疗和整体辨证施护,有效率占70%以上.综合整体辨证施护是溃疡性结肠炎较好的护理方法,优于单纯的常规护理,值得临床推广.  相似文献   

我国城市化正以不可阻挡的趋势在发展,城市化正在改变着的经济和社会结构,城市化的热情空前高涨.但是在城市化高速发展的同时,各种问题逐渐突现出来,如片面追求城市化率,城市化建设中"只见物,不见人"的造城运动,城市化的体制机制不适应现实需要等等.如何使城市化既有激情,又不致偏离健康发展的轨道,我认为应对城市化进行辩证思考,只有找到各种对立方的平衡点,才能科学地发展城市化,当前亟需要解决的是如何坚持三个统一.  相似文献   

总结了60例骨科卧床病人的预防方法和辨证施护,主要通过情志护理、饮食护理、功能锻炼、中药热敷等预防便秘,辨析急证便秘、实证便秘、虚证便秘并采取相应护理措施.认为骨科卧床病人便秘的预防及辨证施护可促进病人舒适与康复.  相似文献   

总结了1010例腰腿痛患者的中医外治法及辨证护理,采取的中医传统外治方法有推拿、针灸、牵引、拔罐、中药热敷、药物离子导入等.辨证施护包括:生活起居的护理、情志调护、饮食指导、药膳治疗、康复指导等.认为中医治疗腰腿痛有很好的疗效,而辨证施护是中医护理的精髓,可有效地预防腰腿痛的发生、降低腰腿痛的发生率,减轻长期疾病给患者带来的痛苦,提高生活质量.  相似文献   

本文对目前关于干式储气柜的几种流行观点进行了分析和讨论,得出的意见可供有关方面参考。  相似文献   

The presentation of many renal diseases in older adults is remarkably similar to that in younger patients, although the symptoms and clinical findings are frequently attributed to diseases of aging. Since older patients often respond to treatment as well as younger patients do, they deserve a thorough investigation, including renal biopsy when indicated. It is important to base decisions regarding access to evaluation and treatment, quality of life, and initiation of termination of dialysis on strong moral and ethical grounds.  相似文献   

Psychological explanations of how behavior is acquired are compared between the US and pre- and post-Soviet. The comparison is drawn in terms of communist theories of 1-way and 2-way dialectical materialism. Evidence is brought to bear that physiological, necessary and sufficient interpretations (i.e., 1-way), not only still exist in the former Soviet, but--for reasons other than communist theory--are on the upswing in the US. An advantage of America's more open society is that investigators are encouraged to challenge existing theories. An experimental example is described in which conditioning influences underlying neurology, thereby demonstrating that the relation is not just unidirectional. While such findings are important, they do not diminish the need for psychology to maintain its own enterprise. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Not every patient with bronchitis needs to be treated with an antibiotic. When treatment is indicated, however, the regimen should be selected carefully. A simple four-part disease classification scheme serves as a practical aid for initial assessment of the patient and as a guideline for choosing therapy.  相似文献   

Therapy of hyperuricemia and gout has to depend on pathogenesis and stage of the disease. Dietary regimen are in the forefront in treatment of asymptomatic hyperuricemia. Uric acid lowering drugs can only be supported in repeated serum-measures from 9 mg/dl up. The therapy of an acute attack of gout primarily is done with non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs, in rare cases with colchicine or corticoids. Gouty arthritis in intermission, independent of the extent of hyperuricemia, as well as chronic gout are indications for an uric acid lowering pharmacotherapy, usually for life. A special therapeutic challenge arises out of renal complications and the frequent association with the metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

The data obtained of the acute and chronic toxicity of a number of staphylococcal immune preparations are presented. The paw edema test has been shown to yield more informative results for the evaluation of acute toxicity than the method of intraperitoneal injection and LD50 determination. The paw edema test has revealed that the toxicity of corpuscular vaccine is higher than that of the preparations of water-soluble antigenic staphylococcal complexes. The chronic toxicity test has demonstrated that corpuscular vaccine, antiphagin, adsorbed toxoid and the antigenic complex have low toxicity: their multiple administration in doses exceeding the equivalent doses 30-200 times have been found to exert no influence on the increase of the weight of the animals.  相似文献   

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