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Humans were trained on 2 versions of a 2-alternative, forced-choice procedure. First, Ss judged which of 2 successive stimulus durations was longer. Second, Ss judged whether the ratio of the 2 durations was less or greater than a criterion ratio (e.g., 2:1). Accuracy was significantly lower for the task in which the judgment was made according to the ratio of the 2 durations. This result is different than that obtained by J. G. Fetterman et al (1989), who trained pigeons on a similar pair of tasks and found that pigeons' performance was comparable for the 2 discriminations. Comparisons of the pigeon and human data suggest that humans were more accurate than pigeons when the judgment involved which duration was longer, but that accuracy was comparable for the ratio-based task. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the role of contextual information during line orientation and line position discriminations by pigeons (Columba livia) and humans (Homo sapiens). Experiment 1 tested pigeons' performance with these stimuli in a target localization task using texture displays. Experiments 2 and 3 tested pigeons and humans, respectively, with small and large variations of these stimuli in a same-different task. Humans showed a configural superiority effect when tested with displays constructed from large elements but not when tested with the smaller, more densely packed texture displays. The pigeons, in contrast, exhibited a configural inferiority effect when required to discriminate line orientation, regardless of stimulus size. These contrasting results suggest a species difference in the perception and use of features and contextual information in the discrimination of line information. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The orientation invariance of visual pattern recognition in pigeons and humans was studied using a conditioned matching-to-sample procedure. A rotation effect, a lengthening of choice latencies with increasing angular disparities between sample and comparison stimuli, was replicated with humans. The choice speed and accuracy of pigeons was not affected by orientation disparities. Novel mirror-image stimuli, rotation of sample shapes, a delayed display of comparison shapes, and a mixed use of original and reflected sample shapes did not lead to a rotation effect in pigeons. With arbitrarily different odd comparison shapes, neither humans nor pigeons showed a rotation effect. Final experiments supported the possibility that the complete absence of a rotation effect in pigeons is because they are relatively better than humans at discriminating mirror-image shapes compared with arbitrary shapes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effects of picture manipulations on humans' and pigeons' performance were examined in a go/no-go discrimination of two perceptually similar categories, cat and dog faces. Four types of manipulation were used to modify the images. Mosaicization and scrambling were used to produce degraded versions of the training stimuli, while morphing and cell exchange were used to manipulate the relative contribution of positive and negative training stimuli to test stimuli. Mosaicization mainly removes information at high spatial frequencies, whereas scrambling removes information at low spatial frequencies to a greater degree. Morphing leads to complex transformations of the stimuli that are not concentrated at any particular spatial frequency band. Cell exchange preserves high spatial frequency details, but sometimes moves them into the “wrong” stimulus. The four manipulations also introduce high-frequency noise to differing degrees. Responses to test stimuli indicated that high and low spatial frequency information were both sufficient but not necessary to maintain discrimination performance in both species, but there were also species differences in relative sensitivity to higher and lower spatial frequency information. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors compared perception of the standard and reversed Müller-Lyer figures between pigeons (Columbia livia) and humans (Homo sapiens). In Experiment 1, pigeons learned to classify 6 lengths of target lines into "long" and "short" categories by pecking 2 keys on the monitor, ignoring the 2 brackets so placed that they would not induce an illusion. In the test that followed, all 3 birds chose the "long" key more frequently for the standard Müller-Lyer figures with inward-pointing brackets (>). The subjects' responses were accountable by neither overall lengths of the figures nor horizontal gaps between the 2 brackets. For the reversed figures, effects of the brackets were absent. These results suggested that the pigeons perceived the standard Müller-Lyer illusion but not the reversed one. Experiment 2 confirmed that humans perceived both types of the illusion. Pigeons and humans may perceive the same illusory figures in different ways. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Absolute pitch (AP) is the ability to classify individual pitches without an external referent. The authors compared results from pigeons (Columba livia, a nonsongbird species) with results (R. Weisman, M. Njegovan, C. Sturdy, L. Phillmore, J. Coyle, & D. Mewhort, 1998) from zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata, a songbird species) and humans (Homo sapiens) in AP tests that required classification of contiguous tones into 3 or 8 frequency ranges on the basis of correlations between the tones in each frequency range and reward. Pigeons' 3-range discriminations were similar in accuracy to those of zebra finches and humans. In the more challenging 8-range task, pigeons, like zebra finches, discriminated shifts from reward to nonreward from range to range across all 8 ranges, whereas humans discriminated only the 1st and last ranges. Taken together with previous research, the present experiments suggest that birds may have more accurate AP than mammals. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, 2 groups of pigeons were trained to respond to either a 4-item (A→B→C→D) or 5-item (A→B→C→D→E) list. After learning their respective list, half of the subjects were trained on a positive pair with reinforcement provided when pairs were responded to in the order true to that of the original sequence (4-item: B→C; 5-item: B→D). The remaining subjects were trained on a negative pair with reinforcement provided for responding to the pairs in the order opposite to that learned in the original sequence (4-item: C→B; 5-item: D→B). Subjects in the positive pair condition learned their respective pair faster than did subjects in the negative pair condition. In Experiment 2, after reaching criterion on a 4-item list, subjects received 16 BC probe trials spread across 4 sessions of training. Subjects performed significantly above chance on the probe trials. The performance of our subjects in Experiments 1 and 2 demonstrates that, similar to monkeys, pigeons form a representation of the lists that they learn. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Adult humans (Homo sapiens) and pigeons (Columba livia) were trained to discriminate artificial categories that the authors created by mimicking 2 properties of natural categories. One was a family resemblance relationship: The highly variable exemplars, including those that did not have features in common, were structured by a similarity network with the features correlating to one another in each category. The other was a polymorphous rule: No single feature was essential for distinguishing the categories, and all the features overlapped between the categories. Pigeons learned the categories with ease and then showed a prototype effect in accord with the degrees of family resemblance for novel stimuli. Some evidence was also observed for interactive effects of learning of individual exemplars and feature frequencies. Humans had difficulty in learning the categories. The participants who learned the categories generally responded to novel stimuli in an all-or-none fashion on the basis of their acquired classification decision rules. The processes that underlie the classification performances of the 2 species are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Pigeons and undergraduates learned conditional discriminations involving multiple spatially separated stimulus dimensions. Under some conditions, the dimensions were made available sequentially. In 3 experiments, the dimensions were all perfectly valid predictors of the response that would be reinforced and mutually redundant; in 2 others, they varied in validity. In tests with stimuli in which 1 of the 3 dimensions took an anomalous value, most but not all individuals of both species categorized them in terms of single dimensions. When information was delivered as a function of the passage of time, some students, but no pigeons, waited for the most useful information, especially when the cues differed in objective validity. When the subjects could control information delivery, both species obtained information selectively. When cue validities varied, almost all students tended to choose the most valid cues, and when all cues were valid, some chose the cues by which they classified test stimuli. Only a few pigeons chose the most useful information in either situation. Despite their tendency to unidimensional categorization, the pigeons showed no evidence of rule-governed behavior, but students followed a simple “take-the-best” rule. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Nakamura, Fujita, Ushitani, & Miyata (2006) have shown that pigeons perceive the standard Müller-Lyer illusion. In this report, the authors examined effects of bracket sizes on perception of this illusion in pigeons (Columba livia) and humans (Homo sapiens). In Experiment 1, three pigeons were retrained to classify six lengths of target lines into “long” and “short” by pecking two keys on the monitor, ignoring the two brackets oriented toward the same direction. In the tests that followed, the standard Müller-Lyer figures of different bracket sizes were presented. All birds chose “long” more frequently for the figures having inward-pointing brackets (>), regardless of bracket sizes. The overestimation of the target lines of inward-pointing figures continued to increase in pigeons, whereas it decreased as the bracket size became longer in humans (Experiment 2). The results suggest that these two species perceive the standard Müller-Lyer illusion with long brackets in different ways. Perhaps pigeons might not perceive illusions induced by contrast with the surrounding stimuli. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In an open-field search task, pigeons (Columba livia) were trained to search for a goal located at the midpoint of the hypothetical line connecting two discrete visual landmarks positioned 60 cm apart. In Experiment 1, global orienting cues were absent. After reaching training criteria, pigeons were tested with novel interlandmark distances. Search location and error on test trials suggested pigeons learned relative distance. In Experiment 2, a global orienting cue was present. After reaching training criteria, pigeons were again tested with novel interlandmark distances. Results suggested pigeons learned relative and absolute distances. In Experiment 3, pigeons searched at the midpoint of rotated arrays in both the presence and absence of an orienting cue indicating learning of relative direction. In Experiment 4, pigeons searched in the appropriate goal direction when presented with a single landmark in the presence of the orienting cue but not in its absence indicating learning of absolute direction. Results implicate a stable frame of reference as critical to spatial coding strategies and suggest pigeons are able to code location based on absolute and relative distance and direction from discrete visual landmarks. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three groups of pigeons were trained in a same/different task with 32, 64, or 1,024 color-picture stimuli. They were tested with novel transfer pictures. The training-testing cycle was repeated with training-set doublings. The 32-item group learned the same/different task as rapidly as a previous 8-item group and transferred better than the 8-item group at the 32-item training set. The 64- and 1,024-item groups learned the task only somewhat slower than other groups, but their transfer was better and equivalent to baseline performances. These results show that pigeons trained with small sets (e.g., 8 items) have carryover effects that hamper transfer when the training set is expanded. Without carryover effects (i.e., initial transfer from the 32- and 64-item groups), pigeons show the same degree of transfer as rhesus and capuchin monkeys at these same set sizes. This finding has implications for the general ability of abstract-concept learning across species with different neural architectures. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Smith and Minda (1998) and Blair and Homa (2001) studied the time course of category learning in humans. They distinguished an early, abstraction-based stage of category learning from a later stage that incorporated a capacity for categorizing exceptional category members. The present authors asked whether similar processing stages characterize the category learning of nonhuman primates. Humans (Homo sapiens) and monkeys (Macaca mulatta) participated in category-learning tasks that extended Blair and Homa’s paradigm comparatively. Early in learning, both species improved on typical items more than on exception items, indicating an initial mastery of the categories’ general structure. Later in learning, both species selectively improved their exception-item performance, indicating exception-item resolution or exemplar memorization. An initial stage of abstraction-based category learning may characterize categorization across a substantial range of the order Primates. This default strategy may have an adaptive resonance with the family resemblance organization of many natural-kind categories. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

An influential theoretical perspective differentiates in humans an explicit, rule-based system of category learning from an implicit system that slowly associates different regions of perceptual space with different response outputs. This perspective was extended for the 1st time to the category learning of nonhuman primates. Humans (Homo sapiens) and macaques (Macaca mulatta) learned categories composed of sine-wave gratings that varied across trials in bar width and bar orientation. The categories had either a single-dimensional, rule-based solution or a two-dimensional, information-integration solution. Humans strongly dimensionalized the stimuli and learned the rule-based task far more quickly. Six macaques showed the same performance advantage in the rule-based task. In humans, rule-based category learning is linked to explicit cognition, consciousness, and declarative reports about the contents of cognition. These results demonstrate an empirical continuity between human and nonhuman primate cognition, suggesting that nonhuman primates may have some structural components of humans’ capacity for explicit cognition. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In an early dissociation between intentional and incidental category learning, Kemler Nelson (1984) gave participants a categorization task that could be performed by responding either to a single-dimensional rule or to overall family resemblance. Humans learning intentionally deliberately adopted rule-based strategies; humans learning incidentally adopted family resemblance strategies. The present authors replicated Kemler Nelson’s human experiment and found a similar dissociation. They also extended her paradigm so as to evaluate the balance between rules and family resemblance in determining the category decisions of rhesus monkeys. Monkeys heavily favored the family resemblance strategy. Formal models showed that even after many sessions and thousands of trials, they spread attention across all stimulus dimensions rather than focus on a single, criterial dimension that could also produce perfect categorization. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the present experiments, the 2-action method was used to determine whether pigeons could learn to imitate a conditional discrimination. Demonstrator pigeons (Columba livia) stepped on a treadle in the presence of 1 light and pecked at the treadle in the presence of another light. Demonstration did not seem to affect acquisition of the conditional discrimination (Experiment 1) but did facilitate its reversal of the conditional discrimination (Experiments 2 and 3). The results suggest that pigeons are not only able to learn a specific behavior by observing another pigeon, but they can also learn under which circumstances to perform that behavior. The results have implications for proposed mechanisms of imitation in animals. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Humans (Homo sapiens) and squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) were tested for memory of upright and inverted primate faces. Working memory was tested in Exp 1 with a delayed matching-to-sample procedure, and reference memory was examined in Exp 2 by requiring Ss to learn to discriminate between successive pairs of upright or inverted pictures. Both human and monkey subjects showed better working memory for upright than for inverted human faces and better reference memory for upright than for inverted human and great ape faces. In Exp 3, reference memory tests with pigeons (Columba livia) showed no effects of inversion on rate of learning with face pictures. We argue that these findings cannot be explained easily by an individual primate's lifetime experiences with primate faces. We suggest that similar evolved mechanisms for primate face recognition in people and monkeys are responsible for the pattern of data reported. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A central question in categorization research concerns the categories that animals and humans learn naturally and well. Here, the authors examined monkeys' (Macaca mulatta) and humans' (Homo sapiens) learning of the important class of exclusive-or (XOR) categories. Both species exhibited—through a sustained level of ongoing errors—substantial difficulty learning XOR category tasks at 3 stimulus dimensionalities. Clearly, both species brought a linear-separability constraint to XOR category learning. This constraint illuminates the primate category-learning system from which that of humans arose, and it has theoretical implications concerning the evolution of cognitive systems for categorization. The present data also clarify the role of exemplar-specific processes in fully explaining XOR category learning, and suggest that humans sometimes overcome their linear-separability constraint through the use of language and verbalization. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Pigeons (Columba livia), gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis), and undergraduates (Homo sapiens) learned discrimination tasks involving multiple mutually redundant dimensions. First, pigeons and undergraduates learned conditional discriminations between stimuli composed of three spatially separated dimensions, after first learning to discriminate the individual elements of the stimuli. When subsequently tested with stimuli in which one of the dimensions took an anomalous value, the majority of both species categorized test stimuli by their overall similarity to training stimuli. However some individuals of both species categorized them according to a single dimension. In a second set of experiments, squirrels, pigeons, and undergraduates learned go/no-go discriminations using multiple simultaneous presentations of stimuli composed of three spatially integrated, highly salient dimensions. The tendency to categorize test stimuli including anomalous dimension values unidimensionally was higher than in the first set of experiments and did not differ significantly between species. The authors conclude that unidimensional categorization of multidimensional stimuli is not diagnostic for analytic cognitive processing, and that any differences between human’s and pigeons’ behavior in such tasks are not due to special features of avian visual cognition. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this article, the authors combine models of timing and Bayesian revision of information concerning patch quality to predict foraging behavior. Pigeons earned food by pecking on 2 keys (patches) in an experimental chamber. Food was primed for only 1 of the patches on each trial. There was a constant probability of finding food in a primed patch, but it accumulated only while the animals searched there. The optimal strategy was to choose the better patch first and remain for a fixed duration, thereafter alternating evenly between the patches. Pigeons were nonoptimal in 3 ways: (a) they departed too early, (b) their departure times were variable, and (c) they were biased in their choices after initial departure. The authors review various explanations of these data. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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