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张建国  谷立静 《中国能源》2012,34(12):19-24
我国"十二五"期间要大力发展绿色建筑,发展绿色建筑是转变城乡建设模式和建筑业发展方式的重要举措,我国目前尚处于自愿发展的起步阶段,绿色建筑相关的法规制度、标准、激励政策、技术支撑等还不健全,本文提出今后要明确绿色建筑发展的方向和目标,因地制宜,并从法规、标准、政策、监管等各方面,全面促进绿色建筑的发展。本文重点解读了绿色建筑的内涵,阐述了我国发展绿色建筑的重要意义,分析了我国绿色建筑发展的现状和面临的挑战,并提出政策建议。  相似文献   

正为进一步深入推进建筑节能,加快发展绿色建筑,打造以绿色、生态、低碳理念的城乡建设,近日,钦州市住建委下发通知要求加快推进建筑产业绿色化,将绿色节能的理念融入城市建设中,促进建筑产业优化转型升级,拉动节能环保建材、新能源应用等相关产业发展。根据《国家新型城镇化规划2014-2020》要求,在2016年,全国新建建筑中绿色建筑比例要到达  相似文献   

<正>当前我国正处于新型城镇化快速发展阶段。产业及人口的聚集,带来新的经济增长点,在改善人民生活的同时,也带来日益严重的生态环境问题。因此,以生态文明理念为指导,走绿色低碳发展的路径,将成为未来我国新型城镇化发展道路的重要标志及特征。党的十八大报告提出了要把生态文明建设放在突出的地位,提出绿色发展、循环发展和低碳发展的理念。将推进新型城镇化与生态文明建设结合起来,通过生态文明建设,优化空间格局、调整产业结构、转变消费方式,促进城镇化健康发展;通过推进城镇化  相似文献   

张智明 《节能》2009,28(10):5-7
绿色节能建筑对我国经济的发展意义重大,对我国房地产市场的发展也有重要的影响。我国房地产开发商绿色建筑理念缺失,应借鉴其他国家推广绿色建筑的经验,加强宣传,增强房地产开发商的社会责任感,加强示范项目的推广,不断完善法律法规,加强经济激励,以大力推广绿色节能建筑在我国的发展。  相似文献   

冯春辉 《节能》2019,(6):6-7
随着社会的发展,我国的建筑行业也在不断地发展中。与此同时,绿色建筑作为可持续发展的理念支撑。它不仅在生态、绿色、环保、健康、节约等方面有着非常重要的影响,还推动着建筑行业的发展,成为目前建筑行业的发展方向。但是,绿色建筑在一开始兴起的时候,它的成本就比较的高,因此,没有很好的经济效益,从而就对绿色建筑的发展造成了消极的影响。不利于绿色建筑的发展。针对绿色建筑的低碳经济效益展开了一系列的分析和探究,希望能够对绿色建筑发展起到推动作用。  相似文献   

绿色节能建筑是未来建筑发展的主要方向,文中以南通市中央创新区医学综合体项目为例,介绍该项目在绿色节能设计、施工管理、技术措施等方面进行的探索和应用,控制建筑能耗,达到节能减排的效果,从设计源头打造绿色建筑,最大限度实现项目的绿色环保理念,为我国绿色建筑事业发展贡献力量。  相似文献   

发展绿色节能建筑是社会经济可持续发展的核心命题之一,我国绿色建筑的发展受到盈利模式、印证体系、运行维护等因素的制约。针对目前我国建筑绿色建筑建设和改造过程中存在的问题,提出了相应的解决方案,探讨基于"互联网+"模式促进绿色建筑产业的发展。  相似文献   

2005年3月22日,我国首幢绿色超低能耗示范性建筑一清华大学超低能耗示范楼落成典礼仪式在清华大学举行。该建筑的节能幕墙、隔热窗均为深圳方大制造。专家认为,方大的节能建材作为建筑节能领域的优秀技术成果,对引导我国的节能与绿色建筑的发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

最近几年,我国绿色建筑几乎每年以翻番的速度向前发展,加之《绿色建筑行动方案》要求"十二五"期间,我国要发展超过10亿平方米的绿色建筑。届时我国的绿色建筑将占全球绿色建筑的一半以上,绿色建筑将承担起全国减少碳排放的主力军。据统计,如果维持每年新增绿色建筑项目300个(按已评出的绿色建筑评价标识的项目平均规模  相似文献   

我国目前急需改善人居环境,节约能源,减少污染排放,应对PM2.5因此发展绿色建筑和建筑节能是我国"最优内需"发展绿色建筑的推动力我国目前急需改善人居环境,节约能源,减少污染排放,应对PM2.5,因此发展绿色建筑和建筑节能是我国"最优内需"。我国绿色建筑、建筑节能工作的推进,要抓住机遇,迎难而上,应  相似文献   

The optical properties of metal coated glass substrates have been investigated. Thin films of various thicknessesof the noble metals: Cu, Ag, Au, the transition metals: Cr, Fe, Co, Ni and the free electron-like metal Al were thermally evaporated onto glass substrates. The front and backside reflectance and the transmittance between 0.35 and 15 μm were measured. The obtained data were used to calculate the integrated values of solar reflection and transmission as a function of metal film thickness. The application of metal films on domestic windows as sun-screens and heat-mirrors are discussed. It is concluded that Cu is the best coating in a window system if good heat insulating properties are desired. This is due to its ability to remain continuous at very thin film thicknesses. An infra-red reflectance of 86 per cent combined with a solar transmittance of 55 per cent was obtained for a 70film. For solar heat-protection Au-films are found to be superior owing to their transmittance peak in the middle of the visible wavelength region. The transition metals are less selective than the noble metals, but due to their flat response-curves in the visible range they cause a smaller change in colour of the transmitted and reflected light.  相似文献   

Development and application of comprehensive, multidimensional, computational combustion models are increasing at a significant pace across the world. While once confined to specialized research computer codes, these combustion models are becoming more readily accessible as features in commercially available computational fluid dynamics (CFD) computer codes. Simulations made with such computer codes offer great potential for use in analyzing, designing, retrofitting, and optimizing the performance of fossil-fuel combustion and conversion systems.The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of comprehensive combustion modeling technology as applied to fossil-fuel combustion processes. This overview is divided into three main parts. First, a brief review of the state-of-the-art of the various components or submodels that are required in a comprehensive combustion model is presented. These submodels embody mathematical and numerical representations of the fundamental principles that characterize the physico-chemical phenomena of interest. The submodel review is limited to those required for characterizing non-premixed, gaseous and pulverized coal gasification and combustion processes. A summary of the submodels that are available in representative computer codes is also presented.Second, the kinds of data required to evaluate and validate the predictions of comprehensive combustion codes are considered. To be viewed with confidence, code simulations must have been rigorously evaluated and validated by comparison with appropriate experimental data, preferably from a variety of combustor geometries at various geometric scales. Three sets of validation data are discussed in detail. Two sets are from the highly instrumented, pilot-scale combustor called the controlled profile reactor (CPR) (one natural gas-fired and one coal-fired), and the other set is for a full-scale, corner-fired 85 MWe utility boiler.Third, representative applications of comprehensive combustion models are summarized, and three sets of model simulations are compared with experimental data. The model simulations for the three test cases were made using two commonly used, CFD-based computer codes with comprehensive combustion model features, PCGC-3 and FLUENT 4.4. In addition to the standard version of FLUENT, predictions were also made with a version of FLUENT incorporating advanced submodels for coal reactions and NO pollutant formation.  相似文献   

刘耀东 《中国能源》2004,26(9):13-19
本文借助于大量企业数据信息的汇总结果,分析了我国电力工业的产品结构、地区分布、生产能力、平均规模、生产效率、生产集中度和用电集中度,提出了发展水电、优化火电、开发新兴能源产业、降低重点行业电力消耗、加快低效率企业向高效率企业的转变进程的政策建议。  相似文献   

李莹 《热力透平》2002,(3):48-51
研究了用火焰原子吸收光谱法连续测定锡基合金中的Cd、Ni、Cu、Pb、Fe五种元素含量的分析方法,确定了仪器的最佳工作条件:如波长、狭缝、灯电流,燃助比等,并探讨测试中适当的溶样方法及其他干扰因素。  相似文献   

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