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分析了北京市的空调能耗现状,以北京大兴区某星级酒店为例,提出了3种颇具代表性的冷热源方案,对各方案的全年能耗、初投资、年运行费用等技术经济指标进行了计算比较,并且进行了一次能源利用率分析、经济性评价。根据以上因素,进行综合对比分析,选取出最优方案。  相似文献   

空调冷热源的选型与节能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对目前常用的空调冷,热源设备特点的比较,以本公司裙楼四-五层的空调冷,热设备为例,进行选型,能耗经济性能分析和动态投资回收期计算,从而获得了较优的冷,热源设备方案,最后指出在空调冷,热源方案比较时,不仅要在技术上可行,而且应在能耗和一次性投资上进行经济分析。  相似文献   

通过对办公楼集中空调系统冷热源,就电、蒸气、燃煤、轻油中源,分别在初投资、运行费用以及维护管理和环境等方面进行详细的分析和比较,提出在热电厂供热范围内,采用溴化锂栅组+换热器作为建筑集中空调的冷热源,具有较大的优越性。  相似文献   

本文针对某住宅区设置集中式空调系统的要求,对风冷热泵冷热水机组、水冷螺杆式冷水机组+燃油锅炉、由热电厂余热蒸汽驱动的蒸汽双效溴化锂吸收式冷水机组+热交换器和燃气直燃型溴化锂吸收式冷温水机组等四种冷热源方案作了能耗和经济性比较,认为利用热电厂余热蒸汽为能耗的方案是最适合该住宅楼的空调方案。  相似文献   

本文研究了大型超市建筑夏季空调冷负荷的主要影响因素,并以上海市某一大型超市建筑为例,分析其夏季空调负荷的分布规律,并针对不同的冷热源选择方案,结合超市建筑的空调负荷特点,提出了多种空调冷热源方案的适用性,可为大型超市空调冷热源的设计提供参考.  相似文献   

杨雪梅  张亚君  刘宛萱 《节能》2012,31(8):56-58
结合当地能源情况,比较两种冷热源方案,根据制冷机热力循环过程与消耗能源不同,从工程总投资、运行管理、环境污染角度出发,提出在克拉玛依油田这类气源充足的寒冷地区公共建筑空调冷源应选择溴化锂直燃型冷热水机组。  相似文献   

郭志民 《节能》2014,(6):56-59
在某宾馆冷热源系统节能改造中,采用了热回收技术、蓄热技术。用空气源热泵及热回收机组取代了制取热水的燃油锅炉,空气源热泵热回收机组在夏季制取冷冻水时,可通过回收余能的方式免费获取洗浴热水;冬季利用夜间电网低谷电(价格低)制取洗浴热水并储存在蓄热保温水箱中,随时可供客人使用。该技术不但能进行用电调峰,而且可以有效降低能耗、减少能源费用。  相似文献   

对某商场的冰蓄冷空调系统的具体配置和运行情况进行分析,并和常规空调系统的初投资和运行费用进行比较;并用IPLV对这两种空调系统全年运行的能耗进行比较。  相似文献   

建筑采暖空调能耗与节能潜力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建筑能耗中,空调几乎占二分之一,分析空调系统的节能潜力对降本减排有重大现实意义。通过对上海市200余幢公共建筑的调研和国外的有关情况介绍,针对空调系统的能耗评价标准、空调冷热源实态、空调系统的组合方式的现状进行分析,提出可供选择的意见和建议,供决策部门、设计院、制造厂和有关人员参考。  相似文献   

DeST能耗模拟软件在某建筑冷热源方案分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用DeST软件建模分析了上海市某商业综合楼的负荷状况,并利用负荷分析结果进行了冷热源的装机容量分析降低了该项目设备的设计装机容量.同时,利用DeST软件计算所得的全年逐时负荷对建筑的蓄冷冷源的选型进行了分析,为蓄冷冷源的设计分析方法提供了新思路.  相似文献   

Energy storage systems are becoming more important for load leveling, especially for widespread use of intermittent renewable energy. Compressed air energy storage (CAES) is a promising method for energy storage, but large scale CAES is dependent on suitable underground geology. Micro-CAES with man-made air vessels is a more adaptable solution for distributed future power networks. In this paper, energy and exergy analyses of a micro-CAES system are performed, and, to improve the efficiency of the system, some innovative ideas are introduced. The results show that a micro-CAES system could be a very effective system for distributed power networks as a combination that provides energy storage, generation with various heat sources, and an air-cycle heating and cooling system, with a energy density feasible for distributed energy storage and a good efficiency due to the multipurpose system. Especially, quasi-isothermal compression and expansion concepts result in the best exergy efficiencies.  相似文献   

对济南某星级酒店空调系统改造项目进行节能分析,探讨了对使用年限较长、建筑能耗较大的既有建筑空调系统进行节能改造的必要性。对该酒店空调系统设计的特点、设备配置以及装修配合等方面进行了分析,并就新旧空调方案进行了经济性比较,结果表明改造后空调系统具有较好的经济性和节能性,为同类型酒店的节能改造提供参考。  相似文献   

The long-term system simulation and economic analysis of solar-assisted cooling/heating system (SACH-2) was carried out in order to find an economical design. The solar heat driven ejector cooling system (ECS) is used to provide part of the cooling load to reduce the energy consumption of the air conditioner installed as the base-load cooler. A standard SACH-2 system for cooling load 3.5 kW (1 RT) and daily cooling time 10 h is used for case study. The cooling performance is assumed only in summer seasons from May to October. In winter season from November to April, only heat is supplied. Two installation locations (Taipei and Tainan) were examined.It was found from the cooling performance simulation that in order to save 50% energy of the air conditioner, the required solar collector area is 40 m2 in Taipei and 31 m2 in Tainan, for COPj = 0.2. If the solar collector area is designed as 20 m2, the solar ejector cooling system will supply about 17–26% cooling load in Taipei in summer season and about 21–27% cooling load in Tainan. Simulation for long-term performance including cooling in summer (May–October) and hot water supply in winter (November–April) was carried out to determine the monthly-average energy savings. The corresponding daily hot water supply (with 40 °C temperature rise of water) for 20 m2 solar collector area is 616–858 L/day in Tainan and 304–533 L/day in Taipei.The economic analysis shows that the payback time of SACH-2 decreases with increasing cooling capacity. The payback time is 4.8 years in Tainan and 6.2 years in Taipei when the cooling capacity >10 RT. If the ECS is treated as an additional device used as a protective equipment to avoid overheating of solar collectors and to convert the excess solar heat in summer into cooling to reduce the energy consumption of air conditioner, the payback time is less than 3 years for cooling capacity larger than 3 RT.  相似文献   

The use of solar energy in buildings is an important contribution for the reduction of fossil fuel consumption and harmful emissions to the environment. Solar thermal cooling systems are still in their infancy regarding practical applications, although the technology is sufficiently developed for a number of years. In many cases, their application has been conditioned by the lack of integration between cooling and heating systems. This study aims to evaluate the potential of integrated solar absorption cooling and heating systems for building applications. The TRNSYS software tool was used as a basis for assessment. Different building types were considered: residential, office and hotel. The TRNSYS models are able to run for a whole year (365 days), according to control rules (self-deciding whether to operate in heating or cooling modes), and with the possibility of combining cooling, heating and DHW applications. Three different locations and climates were considered: Berlin (Germany), Lisbon (Portugal), and Rome (Italy). Both energy and economic results are presented for all cases. The different local costs for energy (gas, electricity and water) were taken into account. Savings in CO2 emissions were also assessed. An optimization of solar collector size and other system parameters was also analysed.  相似文献   

小型热电联产蒸汽供热系统的能耗分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目前,有些小型热电联产系统运行不合理、冷源损失大、节能效果不理想.通过对某小型热电联产系统全年运行状况的凋查,计算了热电机组的发电效率、热效率及汽机冷源能量损失,分析了小型热电联产系统能耗大的主要原因,提出了提高热电联产系统能源利用效率、改进热电联产集中供热形式等措施,为热电联产系统改造和扩建工作提供参考.  相似文献   

太阳能吸收式空调及供热综合系统   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
当前,世界各国都在加紧进行太阳能空调技术的研究。据调查,已经或正在建立太阳能空调系统的国家和地区有意大利、西班牙、德国、美国、日本、韩国、新加坡、香港等。这是由于发达国家的空调能耗在全年民用能耗中占有相当大的比重,利用太阳能驱动空调系统对节约常规能源、保护自然环境都具有十分重要的意义。为了进一步拓宽太阳能的应用范围,使其在节能和环保中发挥更大的作用,我国在“九五”期间开展了太阳能空调技术研究,旨在通过技术攻关和系统示范,解决太阳能空调中的技术难题,从而为尽早实现太阳能空调的商业化打下技术基础。一基本工作…  相似文献   

The possibility of providing cooling and air conditioning by means of energy from the sun has attracted Man's attention since the early development of solar technology. This article attempts to describe the present state of the art in solar cooling technology. A survey is given of the vast amount of research, development and engineering work done to date in this field. The various approaches to solar cooling and the different operating systems are considered, including heat engine driven vapor compression, absorption, ejector and desiccant cooling. A comparison between the different methods and processes is given and the appropriate applications are discussed.  相似文献   

冰蓄冷中央空调是将实际用电从电网高峰向低谷时段转移,从而提高电网效率和节约能源的有效方法之一。文中主要介绍了冰蓄冷空调负荷计算要点、蓄冰系统的组成及蓄冰系统选择设计计算、冰蓄冷空调系统全年能耗及运行费用;以冰蓄冷空调工程应用实例分析评估了该系统的经济性。  相似文献   

基于上海某医院能耗监管平台数据,利用EnergyPlus软件建立了该医院门诊楼建筑模型和空调系统模型,并验证了该模型的准确性。对该医院集中式空调系统运行策略进行优化分析,结果表明:当室内负荷低于冷水机组总额定制冷量80%时,负荷分配优化运行方案节能率最高,达到9.7%;当室内负荷高于冷水机组总额定制冷量80%时,机组联合运行并采用负荷平均分配时比一台机组满负荷运行另一台机组部分负荷运行时节能,节能率为1.5%~3.7%。分析了冷却水变流量对冷水机组和冷却水系统的影响及节能效果。结果表明,离心机组变流量运行时节能率达到17%,而螺杆机组在定流量45.13 kg·s−1运行时比较合理和节能。  相似文献   

A new type of residence with solar heating, earth cooling and air circulation(the SEA House) has been proposed by the authors. In winter, the house is heated by solar energy. Thermal insulation, heat storage and air circulation are used to maintain the room temperature at a comfortable level and to reduce the energy demands for air-conditioning. In summer, the cooling tubes are used for the purpose of cooling the proposed house. In this paper, the energy savings of the SEA House are analyzed quantitatively. Comparing to the energy used for the air-conditioning of the existing residential houses in Hokkaido, Sendai, Tokyo and Kagoshima, it is estimated that only 19%, 18%, 14% and 24% of energy are needed for the airconditioning of the SEA House respectively.  相似文献   

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