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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 15 毫秒
Book reviewed in this articles:
P ress P hotography . By Robert B. Rhode and Floyd H. McCall.
I ntroduction to P hotography . By Robert B. Rhode and Floyd H. McCall.
T he A ct of W riting and R eading : A C ombined T ext . By Alan Casty, of Santa Monica City College.
W riting by P atterns . By Helen E. Lefevre, of Chicago City Junior College, and Carl A. Lefevre, of Chicago Teachers College.
A natomy of W riting . By Peter Swiggart, of Brandeis University.
A n I ndex or I deas for W riters and S peakers . By Zebulon Vance Hooker II, of Roanoke College.
M r . J ustice M urphy and the B ill of R ights . By Harold Norris, of the Detroit College of Law.
M ental H ealth B ook R eview I ndex , Volume 10, 1965. Compiled by the Editorial Committee and Contributing Librarians.
L anguages of the M ass M edia : R eadings in A nalysis . Edited by Irving and Harriet Deer, Dickinson State College.
H ow to C ommunicate O rally . By Glenn R. Capp, of Baylor University.
D ocumentary in A merican T elevision . By A. William Bluem.
T he T echnique of the T elevision C ameraman . By Peter Jones.
W ho's W ho in the H istory of P hilosophy . By Thomas Kiernan.
E ssays for C ollege W riting . By A.J.M. Smith.
E ssentials of G rammar and S tyle . By John I. McCollum, Jr.
M ental H ealth B ook R eview , I ndex , Vol. 11, 1966.
D ynamics of R esponse . By Joseph M. Nottennan and Donald E. Mintz.
I mprovement of T eaching by T elevision . Edited by Barton L. Griffith and Donald W. MacLennan.
N eurolocical O rganization and R eading . By Carl H. Delacato.
A R eader for W riters . By Jerome W. Archer, of Arizona State University, and Joseph Schwartz, of Marquette University.
A G lossary for C ollege E nglish . By Martin Stevens, of Ohio State University, and Charles H. Kegel, of Idaho State University.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this articles: Principles of Rhetoric . By Richard E. Hughes and P. Albert Duhamel. The Complete Stylist . By Sheridan Baker. The Writer's Manual : The Grammar and Mechanics of the English Language . By Archibald Jordan. Language , Rhetoric, and Style . By Phillip Damon, John Espey, and Frederick Mulhauser. Writing By Patterns . By Helen E. Lefevre and Carl A. Lefevre. Public Speaking . By George W. Fluharty and Harold R. Ross. You Don't Say : Studies of Modern American Inhibitions . By Benjamin DeMott. The Ill -Spoken Word : The Decline of Speech in America . By Leonard A. Stevens with an introduction by Ralph G. Nichols. Public Speaking : A Rhetorical Perspective . By Jane Blankenship of Mount Holyoke College The Art of successful Communication : Business and Personal Achievement Through Written Communication . By Norman G. Shidle. This Is Reading . By Frank G. Jennings. Perspectives on persuasion . By Wallace C. Fotheringham. Perspectives on Argumentation . Edited by Gerald R. Miller The Mass Media and Modern Society . By Theodore Peterson and Jay W. Jensen, of the University of Illinois, and William L. Rivers, of Stanford University. Personal and Organizational Change Through Group Methods : The Laboratory Approach . By Edgar H. Schein and Warren G. Bennis. Group Problem -Solving Through Discussion . By William S. Smith Report Writing (fourth edition). By Harold F. Graves and Lyne S. S. Hoffman. Report Writing for Business (revised edition). By Raymond V. Lesikar. Communication in the Business Organization . By William Scholz The Penguin Dictionary of English . Compiled by G. N. Garmonsway with Jacqueline Simpson. Clinical Aspects of Remedial Reading . By Clifford J. Kolson, State University College in Potsdam, New York, and George Kaluger, Shippensburg State College in Pennsylvania. Culture in American Education . By Ruth Landes. Freedom and Communications . By Dan Lacy. Introduction to the Field of Speech . Ronald F. Reid Contemporary Controversy : Readings for Composition and Discussion . By Morris Freedman and Paul B. Davis Speech Preparation Sourcebook . By Robert T. Oliver, Carroll C. Arnold, and Eugene E. White, Pennsylvania State University. The Conduct of Inquiry . By Abraham Kaplan. Signal Detection and Recognition by Human Observers . Contemporary readings edited by John A. Swets. Character and Crisis : A Contemporary Reader . Edited by Philip Levine, of Fresno State College, and Henri Coulette, of California State College at Los Angeles. Written Communications for Business Administrators . By Robert D. Hay.  相似文献   

Book review in This Article:
D imensions in C ommunication Edited by James H. Campbell and Hal W. Hepler.
P sycholinguistics : a B ook of R eading . Edited by Sol Saporta.
P lanning and S cheduling with P ert and CPM: P rogrammed T ext .
I ntroductory R eading on L anguage . By Wallace L. Anderson and Norman C. Stageberg, editors.
T he I mportance of L anguage . By Max Black, editor.
T he F uture of the R esearch L ibrary . By Verner W. Clapp.
S peaking and L istening . By Thomas R.
P sychodrama E xplained . By Samuel Kahn.
A rgumentation and A dvocacy . By Russell R.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this articles:
B asic S peech I mprovement . By Horace G. Rahskopf
C ontemporary A merican S peeches : A S ourcebook of S peech F orms and P rinciples . By Wil A. Linkugel
F undamentals of S peech . By Elton Abernathy.
P ublic S peaking for C ollege S tudents , Third Edition. By Lionel Crocker
P ublic S peaking : T he E ssentials . By Waldo W. Braden
S peech C ommunication : F undamentals and P ractice . By Raymond S. Ross
S peeches for I llustration and E xample . By Goodwin F. Berquist, Jr.
S peech : I dea and D elivery , Second Edition. By Charles W. Lomas and Ralph Richardson
S peech in P ersonal and P ublic A ffairs . By Virgil L. Baker and Ralph T. Eubanks
D iscrimination and P opular C ulture . Edited by Denys Thompson.
T he C alculus of C onsent –L ogical F oundations of C onstitutional D emocracy . By James M. Buchanan and Gordon Tullock.
P rivacy –I ts L egal P rotection . By Hyman Gross. Dobbs Ferry
T he K ennedy A ssassination and the A merican P ublic . Edited by Bradley S. Greenberg and Edwin S. Parker.
L aw in the S oviet S ociety . Edited by Wayne R. LaFave.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this articles:
L anguage , T hought, and C ulture . Edited by Paul Henle.
E nter : the C omics . Translated and edited by E. Wiese.
I ntroductory L anguage E ssays . Edited by Dudley W. Bailey of the University of Nebraska.
C lassics in S emantics . By Donald E. Hayden and E. P. Alworth.
I ntroductory R eadings on L anguage (revised edition). Wallace L. Anderson and Norman C. Stageberg, of the State College of Iowa.
E conomic K knowledge and C omprehension in a N etherlands F arming C ommunity . By H. H. Felstehausen
T eaching E nglish as a S econd L anguage . By Harold B. Allen.
W orking W ith the L atin A merican P ress . By James W. Carty, Jr.
C ourse in G eneral L inguistics . By Ferdinand de Saussure
T he I nternational H andbook of G roup P sychotherapy . Edited by J. L. Moreno.
F ive I naugural L ectures . Edited by P. D. Strevens.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this articles:
S ocial T heory and S ocial S tructure . By Robert K. Merton.
H andling B arriers in C ommunication . By Irving J. Lee and Laura L. Lee.
M odern A dvertising . By Harry W. Hepner.
A H andbook for the A mateur T heatre . Edited by Peter Cotes.  相似文献   

Book review in this Article:
BUSINESS AND PROFFSSIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION. By Harold P. Zelko and Frenk E. X. Dance. and Frenk E. X. Dance.
PRACTICAL SPEECH FOR MODERN BUSINESS. Robert C. Martin. Karl F. Zelko Robinson, and Russell C. Tomlinson.
INTRODUCTION TO MASS COMMUNICATIONS RESEARC. Edited by Ralph O. Nafziger and David M. White.
CLASSIC SPEECHES: Word That Shook THE World. Edited by Richard Crosscup.
L anguage in T hought and A ction . By S. I. Hayakawa.
L istening B ibliography . By Sam Duker.
A C lassified B ibliography of AR gumentation and D eabate . By Authur N. Kruger.
T he G utenbfarg G alaxy . By Marshall McLuhan.
S mall G roups : S ome S ociological P erspective By Clovis R. Shepherd.
A G uidebook to P ublic S peaking : P hilosophy and P ractice By Gordon G. Zimmerman and Donald F. Duns
E xperiments on M ass C ommunication Bv Carl I. Hovland. Arthur A. Lumsdaine and Fred D. Sheffield.
T he G raphics of C ommunication . By Arthur T. Tumbull and Russell N. Baird.
H ow to D o things with words . By J. L. Austin. Edited by J. O. Urmson.  相似文献   

Book review in This Article:
I deas and I ssues : R eadings for A nalysis and E valuation . Edited by Marvin Laser, Robert S. Cathcart and Fred H. Marcus.
R eadings for C ollege W riters , Edited by H. J. Sachs, John Milstead and Harry M. Brown.
T wo G enerations of S oviet M an . By John Kosa.
I nternational S tratification and U nderdeveloped C ountries . By Gustavo Lagos.
I ssues of O ur T ime : A S ummons to S peak . By Herbert W. Hildebrandt.
C lassics in P olitical S cience . Edited by Joseph S . Roucek.
P rinciples of E ffective S peaking . By William Phillips Sandford and Willard Hayes Yeager.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this articles:
U nobtrusive M easures : N onreactive R esearch in the S ocial S ciences . By Eugene J. Webb, Donald T, Campbell, Richard D. Schwartz, and Lee Sechrest
M athematics and P sychology . By George A. Miller
I nterpersonal D ynamics : E ssays and R eadings on H uman I nteraction . By Warren G. Bennis, Edgar H. Schein, and David E. Berlew
R oles : A n I ntroduction to the S tudy of S ocial R elations . By Michael Banton.
T he C reative O rganization . Edited by Gary Sterner
A rgumentation and D ebate : R ational D ecision M aking . By Austin J. Freeley
A dvertising the L ocal C hurch . By James W. Carty, Jr.
P hilosophy , R hetoric, and argumentation . Edited by Maurice Natanson and Henry W. Johnstone, Jr.
R hetoric —A P hilosophical I nquiry . By A. Craig Baird.
B riefly N oted
T he T ruman P residency : T he H istory of a T riumphant S uccession . By Cabell Phillips.
L anguage and P olitics . Edited by Thomas O. Brockway
F reedom of the P ress in E ngland : 1476–1776. By Frederick Seaton Siebert
S peech P reparation S ourcebook . By Robert T. Oliver, Carroll C. Arnold, and Eugene E. White
B usiness C ommunications for B etter H uman R elations . By Charles Chandler Parkhurst
T he P ractice of C riticism . By Sheldon P. Zitner, James D. Kissane, and M. M. Liberman
T each W ith T elevision : A G uide to I nstructional TV. By Lawrence F. Costello and George N, Gordon.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
T he U ses of A rgument . By Stephen E. Toulmin.
P ositivism : A S tudy in H uman U nderstanding . By Richard von Mises.
H andbook on S peech for F uture F armers . By R. D. Purkey.
S peaking for R esults . By Ralph A. Micken.
O ral C ommunication of T echnical I nformation . By Robert S. Casey.
C ounterpoint : K enneth B urke and A ristotle's T heories of R hetoric . By L. Virginia Holland.
L anguage : A M odern S ynthesis . By Joshua Whatmough.
I ntroduction to M ass C ommunications R esearch . Edited by Ralph O. Nafziger and David M. White.
W orld C ommunications . (Third Edition.)
T he D ynamics of P lanned C hange . By Ronald Lippitt, Jeanne Watson, and Bruce Westley.
A merican E nglish . By Albert H. Marckwardt.
T he P erceptve W riter , R eader, and S peaker . By Ken Macrorie.  相似文献   

Book Review in This Article:
P ublic S peaking AS A L iberal A rt . By John F. Wilson and Carroll Arnold.
R eadings in R hetoric . Edited by Lionel Crocker and Paul A. Carmack. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas.
E ssays on R hetoric . Edited by Dudley Bailey.
T he P rovince of R hetoric . Edited by Joseph Schwartz and John A. Rycenga.
T he P hilosophy of R hetoric . By I. A. Richards.
G rammar , U sage , and S tyle . By Edgar H. Schuster.
C ontent A nalysis . By Robert C. North, Ole R. Holsti, M. George Zaninovich, and Dina A. Zinnes.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this articles:
T heory and R esearch in the C ommunicative A rts . By Ernest G. Bormann of the University of Minnesota.
M anagement C ommunication on C ontroversial I ssues . By C. J. Dover.
A ttitude and A ttitude C hange : T he S ocial J udgment -I nvolvement A pproach . By Carolyn W. Sherif, Muzafer Sherif, and Roger E. Nebergall.
T he O pinionmakers . By William L. Rivers.
C lassical R hetoric for the M odern S tudent . By Edward P. J. Corbett.
L inguistics and E nglish G rammar . By H. A. Gleason, Jr.
Books In Breif
A merican and R ussians : R eadings with E xercises in C omposition . By Doris R. Sharpe
T he T heory of M orals . By M. Timur
T he W riting R equirements for G raduate D egrees . By Paul E. Koefod of the University of Florida.
R hetroric : A T ext -R eader on L anguage and I ts U ses By Jim W. Corder of Texas Christian University.
H ow to I mprove Y our S peaking V oice . By Georgiana Peacher  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this articles:
C ausality . By Mario Bunge.
T he P rocess of C ommunication . By David K. Berlo.
I ntroduction to M ass C ommunication . By Edwin Emery, Phillip H. Ault, and Warren K. Agee.
T he O pen and C losed M ind . By Milton Rokeach.
A natomy and P hysiology of S peech . By Harold M. Kaplan.
M an and O rganization . By William Foote Whyte.
P ractical S peech F undamentals . By Eugene E. White.
I mproving Y our V oice . By John Grasham and Glenn Gooder.
S peech for E veryday U se . (Revised Edition.) By Elizabeth G. Andersch and Lorin C. Staats.
G uide to G ood S peech . (Second Edition.) By James H. McBurney and Ernest J. Wrage.
T he P sychological R eport . By Walter G. Klopfer.
A merican F orum : S peeches on H istoric I ssues , 1788–1900. By Ernest J. Wrage and Barnet Baskerville. (Editors.)
S mall -G roup D iscussion in O rientation and T eaching . By Randall W. Hoffmann and Robert Plutchik.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
P sychopathology of C ommunication . By Paul H. Hoch and Joseph Zubin. (Editors.)
T he S tudy of L eadership . By C. G. Browne and Thomas S. Cohn. (Editors.)
M echanics of E nglish . By R. G. Lowery, Charles Moorman, and Robert Barnes.
on A ssignment : R eading and W riting . By Herbert Hackett and William Baker.
C urrent T hinking and W riting . (Fourth Series.) By James M. Bachelor, Ralph L. Henry, and Rachel Salisbury. (Editors).
T echnical R eporting . (Revised Edition.) By Joseph N. Ulman, Jr., and Jay R. Gould.
B etter R eport W riting . By Willis H. Waldo.
T echnical E diting . By B. H. Weil. (Editor.)
L anguage : A n E nquiry into its M eaning and F unction . By Ruth Nanda Anshen (Editor).
T heart of L istening . By Dominick A. Barbara.
H uman R elations in B usiness . By Keith Davis.
E ssays on L anguage and U sage . By Leonard F. Dean and Kenneth G. Wilson. (Editors.)
T he W riter's R esource B ook . (Revised Edition.) By John Gerber. (Editor.)
T he F low of I nformation . By Melvin L. DeFleur and Otto N. Larsen.
T he M ass C ommunicators . By Charles S. Steinberg.
T he S tatus S eekers . By Vance Packard.  相似文献   

R obert H aakenson , Editor D ictionaries and T hat D ictionary . By James Sledd and Wilma R. Ebbitt.
T he L anguage of the L aw . By David Mellinkoff.
N ew D evelopments in P rograms and P rocedures for C ollege -A dult R eading . Edited by Ralph C. Staiger and Culbreth Y. Melton.
D ynamic S peaking . By Martin Bryan, Ph.D.
M ethods and M eans of P ublic S peaking . By William S. Smith and Donald J. Canty.
F our T heories of the P ress . By Fred S. Siebert, Theodore Peterson, and Wilbur Schramm.
U nderstanding M edia : T he E xtensions of M an . By Marshall McLuhan.
T he A rt of P ersuasion in G reece . By George Kennedy.
C ommunicative S peech . By Robert T. Oliver, Harold P. Zelko, and Paul D. Holtzman.
F our in D epth . By Ken Macrorie.
L anguage and L ogic . By Milos Prazak.
K ant 'S I ntroduction to L ogic . Translated by Thomas Kingsmill Abbott, B. D.
L anguage and P hilosophy . By Mikel Dufrenne. Translated by Henry B. Veatch.

Book reviewed in this article:
H istory in S ound . By Milo Ryan.
D esign in M otion . By John Halas and Roger Manvell.
A D ictionary of A merican S ocial R efrom . By Louis Filler.
P roceedings of the 1962 I nstitute in T echnical and I ndustrial C ommunications . Edited by Herman by Herman M. Weisman
T he A rt of G roup C onversation . By Rachel Davis DuBois and Mew-Soong Li.
S tep by S tep in B etter B oard and C ommittee W ork . By William C. T uck .
A L iberal A rts R eader . By Robert B. Partlow
T he M easurement of R eadability . By George R. Klare.
T he A dult E ducation M ovement in the U nited S tates . By Malcom S. Knowles.
F or the Y oung V iewer . Edited by Ralph Garry  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
T he P hilosophy of G abriel M arcel . By Kenneth T. Gallagher.
R oad of P ropaganda : T he S emantics of B iased C ommunication . By Karin Dovring.
P arliamentary P rocedure S implified . By Melanie F. Menderson.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
T he F ield T heory of M eaning . By Andrew Paul Ushenko.
E lements of S tyle . By William Strunk, Jr., and E. B. White.
W riter 'S G uide and I ndex to E nglish . (Third Edition, Revised.) By Porter G. Perrin.
E ffective W riting . (Second Edition.) By Robert Hamilton Moore.
G uide to A merican E nglish . (Second Edition.) By L. M. Myers.
R eporting . By Mitchell V. Charnley.
A utomatic T eaching : T he S tate of T he A rt . By Eugene Galanter. (Editor.)  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
T he G reat D ebates . Edited by Sidney Kraus.
M otivation and P roductivity . By Saul W. Gellerman.
T he P ropaganda G ap . By Walter Joyce.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this articles:
A C ourse in M odern L inguistics . By Charles F. Hockett.
R eadings in A pplied E nglish L inguistics . By Harold B. Allen. (Editor).
T he S tructure of A merican E nglish . By W. Nelson Francis.
M odern P ublic O pinion . By William Albig.
A pplied I magination . By Alex F. Osborn. (Revised edition).
T he R hetorical I diom , E ssays in R hetoric , O ratory , L anguage and D rama (H erbert A ugust W ichelns ). W ith a R eprinting of H is "L iterary C riticism of O ratory " (1925). Edited by Donald C. Bryant.
O n B eing the B oss : S ome P ractical C omments on S upervision . By Wilbur M. McFeeley.  相似文献   

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